25773769? ago

The Jews finance and organize BLM and Antifa. They are being coddled, treated with kid gloves and not being investigated because you will bust a bunch of rich Jews such as Soros, etc. That's why. If it was White nationalists rioting, organizing and doing half the stuff these folks have done the Jewish system would have spared no amount of manpower, resources, etc to take care of their issue. Trust me on that.

25772057? ago

All of them, apparently.

25768723? ago

Until enough faggot retards finally get it.

25768182? ago

Who cares? The cities they are destroying are all shit holes already anyway.

25768017? ago

Sometimes its better to burn the plantations and then rebuild. Hopefully, it will consume all the Bolsheviks.

25767102? ago

Apparently all of them. No one seems willing to stop them.

Cops got cuked real fast. Tough guys when they can get away with it but they cower at BLM.

Gun owners defending themselves/family/home get locked up if they defend themselves. It doesn't appear anyone is on the side of the American taxpayer. Just more hands in the pocket, accept it or get beat or sent to a "re-education" camp.

25768028? ago

Cops were always cucked. It was delusional magatards who bought into Trump's pandering to police unions that made them ever think otherwise.

25767006? ago

Moar. Enough are not awake yet.

25766737? ago

Are you not paying attention, OP? The feds have been arresting for months and months and months.

Got a mobile phone? They know who and where you are at all times. Done and done

25768034? ago

And then the DA let's them off and the prisons are emptied because of COVID. So no actual results, but at least you can say they were arrested...

25766462? ago

All the shitty liberal cities for sure. Then mass arrests of all rioters because we know exactly who they are.

That was my wet dream anyway.

25766453? ago

Just Libtard shitholes that needed to be rebuilt anyways.

25766315? ago

Let the cities burn - who cares about jewy concrete jungles full of degenerates?

25766024? ago

They are dem ciities, who gives a shit.

25767112? ago

They could be our cities.

25768294? ago

Yes, they could but the stalemate needs to be broken to the extreme so that idiots that keep voting in dems pay for their mistake.

As long as they are not openly shooting themselvea in the streets then let it burn for a while.

25768039? ago

They could be, but it will be a lot easier to realize that reality if we burn the cities down first.

25765853? ago

They're just cities. We haven't lost anything of value yet.

25765733? ago

Trump will do what needs to be done, which as much as we want it to be going in and arresting everyone isn’t it, he’s going to get blue states to vote red to remove these garbage politicians from office showing the people to stop waiting on the government and realize their own power, the power to vote

I could be way off but that’s what he’s been doing I don’t see a change in that direct but that’s just imho

25765475? ago

How many more negros are they going to import into my once all white town as well. And pass more steal white tax to gibs niggers? We are being taken over.

Gov programs to relocate niggers into mostly white towns. Niggers seen everywhere in this town that used to have none. Wtf. NWO. One breed. One religion.

25765362? ago

Whose cities are being destroyed....and by who? People have to see for themselves before they wake up...

25764947? ago

All of them. They're too white and Trump agrees.

25764620? ago

Didn't somebody just give niggers $500 BILLION for being black?

What happened to equal? Seems like maybe they're getting special treatment.

I have to be AT LEAST 3 times more qualified for a job than black coworkers to get promoted, and even then that still isn't enough on more than one occasion.

They can fucking shoot cops and not be charged with attempted murder.

When is enough enough?

Why is POTUS pandering to them and emboldening them, not BASED ON MERIT, but based SOLELY on their skin color?

25767774? ago

So whats the solution? We are stuck with a huge criminal underclass of 13% black people. Its a huge drag on the economy and a huge security problem. We can't go on like this year after year. Eventually when the boomers are gone the other races who have been victimized are likely to go into full genocidal revenge mode for the years of abuse. Maybe its not fair, but if $500 billion can fix the problem is it worth it? I don't think blacks realize how close they are to forced deportation and ethnic cleansing. Very little sympathy left for their 'plight'. Even ethiopean and kenyan immigrants despise them.

25767035? ago

Trump will probably set up 'enterprise' zones in run-down urban areas, which will benefit Blacks, but will also be an oppotunity to others here (like me) who live in or nearby.

25767067? ago

Yeah, I'm not blackpilled, and have seen enough so far to know there's more than meets the eye and that good will probably come behind it. Just damned frustrating, the message being sent is all.

25767119? ago

The elections is in 40 days. Trump can be political enough right now to really swing the Black vote away from the Dems, crush them in the election, and have the Dem party broken up by this time next year . . . break a few eggs, make a good victory omlet.

25764749? ago

Trust the plan, fuckface! LoL. ThE fUckINg MuH plAn! Lolol

25764298? ago

BLM's fonder was arrested just a few hours ago.

25767052? ago

Might just be the Atlanta area leader?

25765348? ago

Who would downvote this?

25763876? ago


25763733? ago

Not long now. Any day now.

25764453? ago

I'd be happy if every City over 50,000 people burned down and we went back to living in unincorporated areas within large Counties.

25767064? ago

We could return to a literal interpretation of the original constitution... Then we have Allodial Title land outside of the cities.

25767083? ago

That won't happen without a revolution.

25767846? ago

allodial title is realt you file with the beaureau of land management, you need to own the property (no bank loans against the title) and you need to secure 100 percent if the mining rights, as well have the land professionally surveyed (longitude/lattidue/slopes/heights/land marks etc).

25768013? ago

Lies. It doesn't matter what the US constitution says, or what your state constitution says. What matters is that a jewish judge is going to demand that you pay your rent, and bluecoated soldiers will come kill if you don't.

25767883? ago

Takes more effort than that.

25767095? ago

... Yes

25763809? ago

Soros types, the jihadi apologists, human traffickers and other perverts? https://voat.co/v/Hiddenlol/4039475

25763644? ago

Funny you should ask.

Trump has from now until election to perp walk the highest ranks in chains.

The mid ranks should be done singing by now.

25763617? ago

Whole cities have been destroyed?

Wow, what channel are you watching? I wanna check that out!

25764064? ago

$500,000,000 Minneapolis alone. That is the work of the lifetimes of 250 families. Just impoverished 625 people. All for a hooping with a counterfeit $20.

25763743? ago

Portland and Seattle, local news. Kenosha.

St. Louis is next.

25763772? ago

The entire city of Portland and Seattle have been destroyed?

I'm checking all news channels, not seeing anything on this. What channel are you watching again?

25763784? ago

Local news by real journalists. What channel are YOU watching.

No wait, lemme guess: NPR

25763790? ago

Whose local news? My local news is talking about the weather right now.

Nothing about whole cities being destroyed.

25763811? ago

To be fair, it's only the downtown and areas housing the feral chimps.

I hear Minneapolis is nice this time of year.

25763616? ago

Arrests or GTFO!

Nothing else matters.

25763722? ago

Do you have brain damage or are you a bot? You post this same message, many times a day, every day for months. The only one blind to what's happening is you.

25763898? ago

You have options:

<button dilemma.jpg>

  1. Arrests
  2. GTFO

25767045? ago


25764004? ago

Domo arigato, Mr Roboto!

25764691? ago

those were the days!

sure hope styx isn't compromised too, but with a name like that...

25763628? ago

1. Kevin Clinesmith


Nothing else matters, Hillary.

25768022? ago

  1. The local crackhead nigger living under the bridge was arrested for jaywalking

  2. GTFO

25763651? ago

"Nothing else matters, but Hillary".

I agree.

25763686? ago

^^ Typical lying piece of shit libtard edits other people's posts because she is too stupid to make her own argument.

25767054? ago

Did you just assume xer's gender?

25767315? ago

It's Hillary. She's been busted.