25767908? ago


Are you going to try to divide people by their skin color? I disagree with Evil behaviors. Such as dividing people by their skin color, or faith, or orientation, or gender. I agree with Good behaviors though.

One Of Many Black Patriots Is BCP :)

• Black Conservative Patriot (BCP)'s channel with 428,000+ subscribers at https://www.youtube.com/user/semajthethird/videos

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"BLEXIT is the black exit from permanent victimhood, the black exit from the false idea that we are somehow separate from the rest of America. BLEXIT is an ongoing widespread black Americans exit from the Democratic Party's plantation." Video

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They want you DIVIDED.





United or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Atheists, Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love ♥


25766234? ago

Free drug treatment for all the negroes that want welfare!

25763133? ago

But negroes don't vote for ethical morality - They vote for free stuff - And then they become violently angry when they hear someone declare the absolutely obvious truth that they vote for free stuff - White people vote for jobs and national security and lower taxes so we won't be forced to have our tax money stolen from us in order to pay for their free stuff

25762865? ago

The proper term is nigger. And they cannot and will not discipline their mammal like nature, we have thousands of years of text and symbols portraying this. You boomers i swear, the state fucked you guys up.

25762325? ago

Dear NSFW crybaby, whities don't need cash. They need to act right. Get married. Not commit crimes(theft of money from taxpayers). GO FUCK YOURSELF divisive ASSHOLE. NSFW crybaby divide and destroy agenda, shown often. So many good people need a level playing field; , in progress. . Trump knows what he is doing. White Hats know what they are doing. Divisive ASSHOLES need to be called out.

25763369? ago

sound like a disgruntled triggered nigger. pray you never have to face white people joined as an army.

25762246? ago

If you don't know the history of how the black community has been decimated watch this video. And if you're not paying attention .. white folks are next on the list. Muslims are taking over the world because they are mass producing at a very high rate, while whites & African Americans subscribe heavily to birth control & abortion.

I've recently started attending a black church in Houston because I want to get involved. This weekend was an event that focuses on girls and young women and they're having one for the young men coming up. In the brainstorming session, GED training was suggested .. get that piece of paper and out of school as fast as you can. Then pursue additional education, certification, trade school ...

My recommendation would be for everyone to get involved and Walk the Walk .. talk is cheap and meaningless.


25762038? ago

Have you ever looked up white trash and their rap sheets? It's the same as these negros you speak of.

25762109? ago

Well white trash aren't getting the $500,000,000,000 gibs fuck face.

25761904? ago


25761875? ago

Need petition. Free gibs but must be sterilized.

25761984? ago


25761804? ago

If you want to change africians you need genetic enginnering, not free gibs.

Sad but true.

25761633? ago

time to Appalachia to redneck out! demand their gib-me-dats!
some areas still don't have indoor plumbing.

25761361? ago

You're not wrong, but baby steps.

Poor white trash haven't been a coveted political pawn for several generations now, and haven't been the target of an intense, directed psyop to wreck them, their families, and their communities.

Let The Donald take that pawn off the chessboard and leave all our enemies that much weaker.

25760715? ago

You’ve never had $500B in your life OP...how’s it being taken from you? Ya Useful idiot..

25760666? ago

Cash payout for every nigger or is this bound to creating jobs for nigs? Any info on that?

25762077? ago

Not a cash payment. Govt grants and loans for business start-ups with an eye towards government contracts. Full and sustainable business plans are required. This is prep for his massive infrastructure projects.

25762399? ago

Now Niggs can finally build the railroads they are bragging about, or pick some cotton again... but this time under a black owner. Nice! masking infrastructure plans as Gibbs.

25760652? ago

They need to vote Trump in order to have the opportunity to do all that. Sorry, there it is.

25760360? ago

..And not be anywhere near white people.

25760205? ago

You think trump kike cares?? This is proof what he thinks of white folks. fuck him. fuck the jews. walk away.

25760168? ago

They need to raise their kids...

25808095? ago

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25759949? ago

Niggers need to get their minds right. I recommend ten years on a chain gang in Georgia.

25759893? ago

Chill. Trump plans on large infrastructure projects. There will be enough to go around for everyone. Right now, he wants to prepare black Americans to start businesses so they can be a part of the rebuilding of America. This is not about "giving cash" to individuals.

25760124? ago

We should be working on deportation to their home nation, not giving them money to waste.

25761940? ago

There are whispers such plans are in place for those who simply can not thrive in the USA -- the supremacists and malcontents.

25762174? ago

Let it be so.

25759950? ago

Infranigger projects.

25762014? ago

No, not at all. Trump is placing the responsibility for improving living conditions where it belongs. No more excuses.

25759849? ago

I beg to differ they should get that money in return please get neutered.

25759648? ago

Be fathers to their children - all of them.

25761831? ago

I dont really care if they get their act right. The negro gene you cannot breed out. Genetic white you can. Niggers outbreeding is due to stealing from whites to gibs to the niggers. Always has. Africa is massive population of negros that keep breeding because white countries give them gibs. Gibs = more blacks. You are funding your own demise

25762507? ago

That is absolutely not true. You sound like a black supremacist.

25761962? ago

Love when it is Racist Shill Day on QRV. You racists are the funniest fuckers going!!! Thanks for sharing!

25759554? ago

This is a glowing shill post but the reality is that when people have fallen into poverty at the hands of the Demoncrats, they need a rope to get out of that deep well of mire. I applaud the move is as the best thing any President ever did for the Black population. There is a reason why Trump put Ben Carson in charge of HUD. It was to pave the way for this decision. Ben has 4 years and knows what the needs are. I am sure he had a lot to do with this decision and what a way to get the Black population to vote for you.

Remember when, after Heissein won the election in 2008, the Black woman that was on a video proclaiming "He got the stash and he gonna pay our bills"? Hussein did nothing but starve these people out of their homes with unemployment and hand outs to keep them barely alive. This is a HUGE opportunity for Blacks to get an education, start businesses and get to a point of self sustainability, eliminating much of the need for welfare systems/programs. Brilliant move.

25762146? ago

Have you any sympathy for the white people who are victims of the democrats? We have been bled dry for years while they steal the money and redistribute the crumbs they don't consume themselves. Dividing up the spoils by skin color is not going to win friends or influence people.

25761800? ago

This is a HUGE opportunity for Blacks to get an education

They already have this, even college is paid in full for them.

start businesses and get to a point of self sustainability

The only business they want is drugs and prostitution.

eliminating much of the need for welfare systems/programs.

They will never give this up, they want this and only this.

25760418? ago

Faggots make excuses. Blacks have been given many handouts and ALWAYS squander it. Its easy to get out of poverty, have a good work ethic, accept any job offered in area, and saving your money. Dont make excuses for laziness and giving them free stuff wont make them less lazy.

25759536? ago

What they need is self respect. A solid family structure would go far in producing this. Also shut down this MSM effort to glorify ghetto/crime/prison culture. Pull your pants up. Gtfo of the streets. Get a job and stop loitering everywhere and stop getting into everybody else's business pestering people for money. Know the difference between at home and in public. Don't go to the store in your fucking pajamas. Don't just piss anywhere you are. Stop littering everywhere. Take care of your kids. Don't allow a 3 yr old to wander around the hood by himself all day. Better yet fuck it, Just go back to Africa and continue what you're doing.

25759484? ago


25759482? ago

He could shoot people on 5th Avenue and not lose any voters, but giving $500 billion to niggers will definitely do it.

25759209? ago

The only way this is acceptable is if ALL welfare is ended for single mothers and multi-generational freeloaders. I the employment is high for blacks then they they get off their asses and find a job....like everyone else does.

25759181? ago

Every individual needs their inalienable individual rights respected, which means equality in face of the actual Law.

Any claim that a certain group needs something else is a misunderstanding at best, cultivated by our enemies.

Individual rights and individual merit.

Also, forced redistribution of wealth is dysgenics.

25767917? ago


Are you going to try to divide people by their skin color?

I disagree with Evil behaviors. Such as dividing people by their skin color, or faith, or orientation, or gender. I agree with Good behaviors though.

One Of Many Black Patriots Is BCP :)

• Black Conservative Patriot (BCP)'s channel with 428,000+ subscribers at https://www.youtube.com/user/semajthethird/videos

• Minds at https://www.minds.com/BlackConservativePatriot/

• Twitter at https://twitter.com/Black_C_Patriot

• Website at http://www.BlackConservativePatriot.net

• Support BCP at http://bcpextras.com

• Shop at https:// teespring.com/stores/bcp-merch


"BLEXIT is the black exit from permanent victimhood, the black exit from the false idea that we are somehow separate from the rest of America. BLEXIT is an ongoing widespread black Americans exit from the Democratic Party's plantation." Video

WebsiteTwitterFacebookInstagramAll Videos


They want you DIVIDED.





United or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Atheists, Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love ♥


25779436? ago

You can see lying communists by their use of logical fallacies, their statements being the opposite of the truth, and their appeals to weakness.

One of the most obvious signs is the fabrication of quotes.

Why would anyone interested in truth/communication ever mischaracterize another?

They would never.

25762880? ago

Stop your faggot ass spacing

25763185? ago

Start focusing on using punctuation marks, and focusing on your own inadequacies. I'm not interested in your suggestion.

25763417? ago

That's racist bro. You can't expect the low IQ shills to be able to use the English language.

25761702? ago

I'm literally waiting for a letter from the canadian government telling me my rights dont exist if people get angry enough

25763405? ago

Lol buddy I moved here from the UK. There ain't no rights here in the colony, and the people are so thoroughly brainwashed they don't even factor the Royals in.

Gotta bring down the Monarchy first.

25759232? ago

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25759162? ago

No they need to be aborted before they grow up to be criminals or useless citizens

This is where Christ cucks fail

25759685? ago

You're going to not be happy when you meet Jesus.

25759489? ago

Niggers are why I am pro choice.

25759153? ago

Its genetic. You can't solve the problem diplomatically. They were injected into White nations knowing they would be a poison to kill us from within. You can't solve genetics. There is only one solution.

25759437? ago

The nation does not need a made-up holiday, either (Kwanzaa ?sp).

Also, this:


25759006? ago

Dear Trump, negroes don't need cash.

Negroes do not need cas, but Trump needs:

  1. Negroes to vote for him
  2. Negroes to not vote for Biden

Also what about all the poor whites in rural areas like southwest Virginia?

Theyre voting for him already

because they don't chimp out like niggers

Because the outcome of their vote is certain

25758952? ago

Has nothing to do with Trump. Congress has the power of the purse.

Have you ever confronted your senator or house rep?

25758918? ago

Which part of “the plan” is this?

25767292? ago

The part where we make good by pickin our brother up off the battlefield and remind them what the battle is and whose side they’re on vs leave them to be completely assimilated by the enemy.

25763724? ago

"Thrust the gland."

25761803? ago

Yes goy. Keep en eye on our deepstate plan and psyop q make it better while ((we)) switcharoo like a Jew and worship the nigger. Put ads with black men on white girls, tv shows with gays everywhere. And pass new laws taking. Ore from the white middle class to give to blacks. Be a good goy and stick with (((our))) plan.

25760218? ago

oy vey its the jewish Kalergi Plan, goy. Love the nigger, and when you dont, get the nigger shoved in your face even harder hahaha praise israel and the jews.

25759233? ago

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25758817? ago

It is already done. He is helping the black nightmarish communities with $500B after the [D]party damaged and hurt them over decades.

Lets hope they flourish.

25760107? ago

Lol like Wakanda is just shoot up out of memphis and Atlanta. Niggers are just goona blow the whole wad on cars rims and shoes and dope of course.

25758931? ago

How many trillions have we already dumped into these inner cities and black communities? This isn't new, it's attempting to buy their votes. I know nothing positive will come of it. He knows it. They know it. Its fucking political pandering using OUR tax money. Its bullshit.

Cash will not fix IQ.

25760847? ago

Better teachers. Learning actual useful stuff.

25760867? ago

You can not teach IQ. What the fuck are you going on about?

25760902? ago

You don't need high IQ to be a functional citizen.

25761856? ago

In general mob of people. Yes it’s better to have higher iq. Generally work together instead of tribal dominat violence leading the Tribe.

25762345? ago

The world leaders have high IQ and they destroy the world.

Dogs have low IQ and they are nicer than most people.

25761113? ago

Yeah, I highly disagree.

See: Entire continent of Africa.

See: every majority black inner city

See: 13% of the population committing well over 50% of the crime

Wake up from your liberal created fantasy world.

25761249? ago

Get rid of poverty. Get real schooling. Bring back family with mother and father. Lets see what the future brings. It can only be better than what it is today.

25761269? ago

And we pretend any of that would solve the IQ issue why?

Nature is at play here. Im sorry that makes you uncomfortable.

25761372? ago


25759500? ago

Instead of pulling hot sauce out of his pocket, he pulled $500 billion.

25759216? ago

"Cash will not fix IQ"

So, you're stuck with yours, I guess. Okay, well just do the best you can.

25759985? ago

LMAO, you are a cuck. 13% of the population, blacks, commit over 50% of the violent crime, their families are in shambles, drug abuse awful, education outcomes pathetic, etc etc.

It's time to stop coddling blacks, and to tell them to get their act together. Blacks that have made it are treated like garbage by "their people," and would agree with me.

25759574? ago

Yes, high enough to realize what a net drain in society is and to understand no amount of cash will magically increase the average IQ of blacks.

Keep living in your fantasy world that commies invented for you where everyone is equal though. Its cute.

25759601? ago

What IS the average IQ of blacks, whites too.

Can you post it for us please, and include your source, since you obviously know both.

25759636? ago

At the end of a question, you typically put a ?.

Its not my job to educate you retard faggot. Go to fucking Google or boomer cuckcuckgo and read for yourself and stop being a drooling fucking retard. Come back and tell me what you find. Cant wait to see what retard shit you come back with.

Can always tell someone's age by their inability to use their God damn fucking brain at all. Patheitc.

25759816? ago

It's obvious that you've been through school. You made it all the way to ninth or tenth grade, didn't you.

25759883? ago

its obvious you did not make it far in school, you have no fucking clue how to use a question mark. Fucking embarassing, you should be ashamed of that as an adult.

25758613? ago

stop doing anything for niggers, they can survive just like the rest of us, or not

25759269? ago

What about "white trash", and other minorities? Same thing for them?

25761862? ago


25758589? ago

Niggers need to be removed from America.

25759256? ago

Sorry you're having a hard time competing, but cheer up, things are sure to get better for you.

25763758? ago

I have no issue playing chess with an opponent.

I take issue to playing against a pidgin, who will just knock over all the pieces and shit all over the board.

25760174? ago

Sorry, they need to be removed.

25760050? ago

LMAO, if it wasn't for whites, you'd still be scratching your ass like a babboon in your shithole country of origin. You'd be doing this in a dung hut with no running water or electricity, swatting away flies from your face (bigger than your body), and worrying whether or not you and yours are good with the local warlord.

You've been given preference in everything from college admissions to scholarships to jobs to loans.....and your people STILL RIOT AND RAMPAGE. You are a bunch of ingrates, you tear down your best people like crabs in a bucket. Pathetic, and if not for we white people you'd starve.

BTW, not the person you are responding, but I never received a handout from the government, worked my ass off, and made something of myself. Can you say the same, or do you depend upon more gibs (welfare, preferences) from whitey?

25758451? ago

The church-going urban Blacks have better family morals than the woke faggoty Whites.

25759253? ago

It's maybe a mindset proven when White Wiggers also produce Niggerism. But why does the Black Negroid community link to so high rates of crime?

25758922? ago

back to the donald with this cucked ass jew propeganda bullshit.

25758597? ago

You hate whitey too, huh?

25758690? ago

The woke, self-important, Leftist, faggoty Whites? More and more.

Who here wants Smellen Degenerate back on TV?

25758831? ago

jews aren't white

25758709? ago

^^^ This is why non-whites need to be eliminated.

25759365? ago

Can you site where you found that in the Constitution? I guess a better question is, "Have you ever heard of the American Constitution?"

25758723? ago

The Democrat urban vote cultivation model. Eliminate the Dems first. This time next year, the Dem party will be fractured.