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25757538? ago

death cults usually get their wish

25757886? ago

Some of these groups they also put a bunch of Christian, Masonic and Aztec symbols, the FBI and police of the world can find them by their symbols and tats. There is also a Mexico group called Order of Quetzalcoatl, colloquially known as the "Q". These weirdo groups are everywhere is now a growing cult in Venezula digging up the dead and doing shit to corpses for some voodoo bullshit magic tradition, its mixes group socialism, with robinhood belief and voodoo mystic traditions, most of them are basically criminals high on drugs who have become part of some new gang cult. There is something extra disturbing about the Mexican though, sometimes they are far more nasty and violent than other Latino cultures, possibly cancerous Aztec DNA that survived from the days of human sacrifice or an issue could be the SpookCIA-Faggots doing their gun running and drug running bullshit, seems CIAfag will get into bed with any jihad terrorist any gangster piece of shit.

25758101? ago

South Americans are violent through Darwinian evolution. I watched an interesting documentary about this anthropologist who studied the Amazonian tribes. If I remember correctly, before the Spanish arrived there were a number of tribes in the Amazon basin that existed in a constant state of war. None of them knew why or when it started but they considered it there natural state since time began. Periodically they would raid a neighbouring tribe, try and kill the men and kidnap the women for breeding in a constant tit for that. The anthropologist analyzed the structure of the tribe he lived with and determined that the more women a tribal male had kidnapped and raped (and presumably murdered more males of the opposing tribe) the more offspring he had produced in the tribe and therefore their civilization selected for violence. The Spanish incomers interbred more widely than the northern Americans and they have absorbed more of that tribal DNA, hence the brutal violence seen in that society.

In our societies violence is mostly commited by young males, hence prison where they don't have access to females to limit their reproductive opportunities. Among the Amazonian tribes that is reversed and males gain improved access to females the more violent they are.

Quite a controversial theory but I believe it has merit. Also he was a French guy and he married a 12 year old tribe girl and had kids with her as is there custom so there's that.

25769930? ago

The whole dimension conspiracy thing, religion pagan cult element?