25760799? ago

For the past several years Walmart always pushes an occult symbol or even a symbol that i and of itself is fine but is USED by Satanists, like the rainbow. Everything from shirts to backpacks to keychains to dishes will have the symbol they are pushing that year. One year everything was OWLS. One year was the inverted cross with the arms broken - the "peace" sign. One year was unicorns (yes, that's used by occult), This year it's skulls and Santa Muerte. It's always something and it always carries a connection to the demonic.

25761789? ago

Dont forget Mtv Hollywood & endless ritual BS https://files.catbox.moe/2h3pfz.jpg

25760338? ago

Cultural appropriation, if there were any aztecs left iam sure they would be offended if their conquerors hijacked their gods, how would indians like it if white people started rain dancing and doing their rituals?

the aboriginals in Australia don't let anyone but aboriginals manufacture didgeridoos and their dot art.

25760009? ago

The Aztec worshipped death. They had immense mass sacrifices of children on their pyramids. The flesh of the dead was eaten by the tribes involved. When Cortés came to the New World, he was so revolted by what he saw that he slaughtered them. This is sometimes said in the history books to have been an evil action, but once you know what the Aztec were like when the Spanish arrived in the New World, you can only applaud Cortés for killing them all. They were evil fuckers who deserved to die.

25760716? ago

The weird thing though is the Spansih didnt kill them all the Spanish had a Sea Warrior called the Conquistador, they had medium armor, a light sword, a really old gun whihc was basically a musket. The Aztec were a horrible demonic culture but on the battlefield they were strong warriors, the Conquistadors vs Aztecs the Spanish simply did not have enough numbers to win. What really happened was other Native American tribes hated the Aztec I mean HATED like they knew they were killing and do rituals with other Native brothers and sisters so when the Spanish arrived with their ships the Native American tribes wanted to Genocide the Aztec with the Spanish. Reading the history I doubt all were killed some probably ran to hills, mountains, jungle and caves, there were probably some who escaped and later blended in become the ghostly DNA of a new Mexican Spanish Empire, here are two websites https://www.studymode.com/subjects/victors-and-vanquished-spanish-and-nahua-views-of-the-conquest-of-mexico-page3.html , https://www.history.com/news/aztec-human-sacrifice-religion and here is one book https://www.indiebound.org/book/9780271027586 but there are many many books on the wars. Of course there are many views but I dont think the Spanish would have defeated them without the help of other American Natives.

25759518? ago

It's been like this in FL, Texas, NM, Arizona, and Cali for decades.

You think Santa Muerte is bad? Try going up in Miami in the 70's and 80's under Voodod and Santaria. By '81, our mostly white, mostly Protestant neighborhood was inundated with Haitians, Dominicans, and Cubans who ALL practiced Voodoo or Santaria, while ALSO claiming to be Catholic.

Catholicism opens the door to the occult and to the various death cults we see today. Most Santa Muerte practicioners are also Catholics. Sacrifice a human to Papa Legba, Santa Muerte, etc on Saturday, go to mass to cleanse the soul on Sunday. Rinse & repeat.

And now it's "mainstream."

25759646? ago

The Catholic Church is utterly corrupted and should be destroyed but at one time it might have been kinda Christain, the worst thing the Catholic Church did was this 'forgiveness' and confession shit, it allowed corrupt Princes, Killers, Theif and Emperor and Priest to go about their usually crimes and sins and attacks. Then turn up to the Church Mass, meet the Pope or Priest some days later, pay some money, do some prayers and Hail Mary and get the 'Forgiveness' . Before that there was no forgiving of a mass murderer before this people had to live a good life. It also allowed the Church back in the day to become one of the biggest blackmail operations, it wasnt the Epstein island back then instead all the pagan satanic secrets of Kings, Queens and Presidents were stored inside the Vatican Archive.

25758813? ago


25758750? ago

You can thank mainstream media for popularizing this death cult in the US. I still remember when Breaking Bad glorified it, back when I watched tv. It was soon in all the major retailers.

25759758? ago

The cult seems to use a lot of Haiti, if you read into the belief its real retarded shit and they use parts of a primitive Low IQ Yoruba Negroe religion in African. To cover themselves, they just mixed a bunch of retarded Masonic shit and Christian crap in to pretend they are normies when in fact its another jihadi death cult, Brazil gang niggers tried to copy the demonic shit with Umbanda, the same old religions are happening now in Benin, Togolese Republic whihc was once part of some French Frogistan Empire, the old colony of Trinidad and Tobago is full of this Luciferian shit and its full of Low IQ gangs islamists and pajeet Hindu street shitters, there is also a Trinidad Kabbalah in South America that tries to mix a bunch of fake Christian stuff into its Voodoo beliefs.

25758481? ago

And you Christians and catholics wonder why us Atheists have disdain for religions. As crazy as you view this cult, is as crazy as I view catholic mass. I'm all for Q bringing truth to light, but no creator of the universe is assisting this. This is all man, and that makes it scarier, because we humans cannot fail in toppling the cabal.

No one is going to save us but ourselves

25759018? ago


25758360? ago

This looks to be a facet of Santeria as much as anything. The saints of the Catholic church were coopted into Santeria, using their names while masking the former practices. The Catholic church is it's own interesting critter-but that's another story....

25757851? ago

It's probably just a fad, like afros were in the '70s.

25759557? ago

The Virgin of Guadalupe is a Christian person who smashes the serpent, Lady of Guadalupe holds a special place in the religious life of Mexico and is one of the most popular religious devotions, this event goes back to 1500s or the 16th century. Death gang drug cult, youre talking about Cult going back to the 1960s maybe late 1950s. The weird Babylon, Pagan, Masonic and Christain symbols they use are almost as old as maybe 1000 yrs or more or time itself, maybe they just use this Luciferian Satanic symbols because they are edgy scary or maybe its something else, some weird demon shit they pray to. The demonic Aztec Mesoamerican culture maybe 1300 or 16th centuries, all that Africa Voodoo shit is probably hundreds of years old but the drug gangs are probably a few decades old. CIA and KGB type fags got involved with Drugs in Latin America during the Coldwar and instead of defeating the drug gangs they got into bed with them and gave them more power, look into Iran-Contra. Mexican Witchcraft is like The Satanic Santa Muerte Death Cult, Aztec (or Mexica) religion have identified no fewer than 200 gods and goddesses, divided into different groups. https://www.mexicolore.co.uk/aztecs/home/witchcraft-and-sorcery-in-ancient-mexico , https://www.news.com.au/news/world/the-battle-for-a-nations-soul-how-the-cult-of-santa-muerte-has-infested-mexicos-drug-cartels-with-gruesome-consequences/news-story/95c7329521c1a3ff0da71973de1f4b75 ,

25760047? ago

Right, exactly, a fad.

25757789? ago

christianity is a death cult, life doesn't matter, only the afterlife, aka death.

25757769? ago

I knew Mark Kilroys mother.

25759394? ago

This was that dude tortured and sodomized in Mexico? in some weird Epstein ritual? Why the fuck do people, especially Western First world people travel to shit hole countries and give their cash to criminals, terrorists and thieves?

25759472? ago

Yeah, he graduated at same school as me, but he was younger. His parents are Roman Catholics and they drink. Last I saw her she was buying beer at the local grocer.

He was on Spring Break. Supposedly they snatched him off the street, People are stupid, they put themselves in danger. Who knows what the full story is, I don't trust anybody or anything, since figuring out Manson was probably some kind of psyop.

25757733? ago

That's kind of obvious. It's literally "Holy Death".

25761860? ago

and Texas?


Also the Mormon killing thing? Human Smuggling, Drug Running? The caravans at Mexico border show child trafficking in action? Son of Mexico's President Emilio Salinas is the director of InLakEch, another Keith Rainere nonprofit front

" Emiliano is General Director of the INLAK’ECH peace movement, a citizen’s initiative to create a violence-free Mexico, founding member of the Ethical Foundation for Science and Vice President of CREUM, a training center for human development in Mexico City. He is also regional coordinator for Mexico for Executive Success Programs, Inc., out of Albany, NY, and serves on their board of directors. InLAKECH: run by NXIVM's Emiliano Salinas, son of Mexico's President uses FBI Pedo symbols on their Montessori school websites!? According to a hard hitting story in the Albany Times Union ...

[Kristin] Keeffe, who for many years did paralegal work on behalf of NXIVM, … alleged that Raniere and Emiliano Salinas, a high-ranking NXIVM official and son of a former Mexican president, had unsuccessfully plotted to lure Bouchey, Foley, Dones and another NXIVM defector to Mexico.

[Keeffe said] “Emiliano set up the scheme to get [Barbara Bouchey] and Toni [Natalie] thrown in a Mexican prison.”

25757538? ago

death cults usually get their wish

25757886? ago

Some of these groups they also put a bunch of Christian, Masonic and Aztec symbols, the FBI and police of the world can find them by their symbols and tats. There is also a Mexico group called Order of Quetzalcoatl, colloquially known as the "Q". These weirdo groups are everywhere is now a growing cult in Venezula digging up the dead and doing shit to corpses for some voodoo bullshit magic tradition, its mixes group socialism, with robinhood belief and voodoo mystic traditions, most of them are basically criminals high on drugs who have become part of some new gang cult. There is something extra disturbing about the Mexican though, sometimes they are far more nasty and violent than other Latino cultures, possibly cancerous Aztec DNA that survived from the days of human sacrifice or an issue could be the SpookCIA-Faggots doing their gun running and drug running bullshit, seems CIAfag will get into bed with any jihad terrorist any gangster piece of shit.

25758101? ago

South Americans are violent through Darwinian evolution. I watched an interesting documentary about this anthropologist https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napoleon_Chagnon who studied the Amazonian tribes. If I remember correctly, before the Spanish arrived there were a number of tribes in the Amazon basin that existed in a constant state of war. None of them knew why or when it started but they considered it there natural state since time began. Periodically they would raid a neighbouring tribe, try and kill the men and kidnap the women for breeding in a constant tit for that. The anthropologist analyzed the structure of the tribe he lived with and determined that the more women a tribal male had kidnapped and raped (and presumably murdered more males of the opposing tribe) the more offspring he had produced in the tribe and therefore their civilization selected for violence. The Spanish incomers interbred more widely than the northern Americans and they have absorbed more of that tribal DNA, hence the brutal violence seen in that society.

In our societies violence is mostly commited by young males, hence prison where they don't have access to females to limit their reproductive opportunities. Among the Amazonian tribes that is reversed and males gain improved access to females the more violent they are.

Quite a controversial theory but I believe it has merit. Also he was a French guy and he married a 12 year old tribe girl and had kids with her as is there custom so there's that.

25769930? ago

The whole dimension conspiracy thing, religion pagan cult element? https://voat.co/v/QRV/4040526

25757565? ago

Unfortunately, this cult does most of the killing.

The death mask has become ubiquitous, though. I see children wearing this shit and I wonder if their white parents even know what the fuck is going on.

25757899? ago

I trust President Trump will end all death cults. This is just another form of satanic worship that glorifies the spilling of innocent blood, the kind of group Trump likes to crush.

25757399? ago

Shitskins love their voodoo bullshit.

25758131? ago

It's not bullshit.

There's a reason that Podesta emails talk about sacrificing to Moloch. Human sacrifice is real. Death cults are real. Demons are real. Ignore this at your peril.

25759336? ago

renegade attack, who was the Ripper? https://voat.co/v/QRV/4010729/25510605

25760251? ago

Orthodox Catholic theology states that in every "god" you find among the pagans, you're looking at a demon. Demons are real, and they have the ability to give occult (in the Catholic definition, i.e., "hidden") knowledge (note: Adam and Eve's sin wasn't eating from the Tree of Good and Evil, it was eating from the Tree of Good and Evil without permission. Gaining knowledge that one is not ready for is dangerous: think giving a child a knife or a gun).

So they're summoning demonic spirits, and performing divination, and reaping the rewards of that. The Catholic Church is reaping the rewards of countless centuries of cursing the Pope and wishing damnation upon the Church by seeing it falter from within and without. God told us that satan will never prevail against His Church, however, so there's nothing to fear, as hope and faith in God's Perfect Word is enough to ensure one that everything will be alright. So when you do fear, and when you are scared, retreat into God's embrace, as you've strayed too far. He will come in righteousness and protect His children, but understand that any hardship you're going through is God trying to purify you. So take it as a blessing, and not a curse, as Job did.

25759527? ago

Santa Muerte does. The rest of the death cults pray to some other demon or Fallen Angel.

25759077? ago

I believe it was a Honduran diplomat who sends that email to Hillary. The Hillary emails were released by the FBI and are hosted on Wikileaks. The Podesta emails and Hillary emails both prove pay to play on a number of levels and tie them both to human trafficking through mining companies.

The Santa Muerta cult was mostly unknown until the Process Church of the Final Judgment took it over on behalf of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. Mexico, on it's flag, is a metaphor for Ereshkigal, the Queen of the Night. They show Ereshkigal in a variety of different forms (tattoo on what's his face in that show 24). The Process had just finished infiltrating Scientology, at the time, and co-opted Charles Manson's cult when it was clear he would not be coming back from prison. The Process Church, after infiltrating Santa Muerta cults in Mexico, then moved onto the Carribean to start archiving voodoo knowledge. This is literally where zombies come from. Tavistock is trying to make zombies of everyone.

"The Process" includes doing different rituals to access different god forms/angels/demons/clockwork elves/aliens/interdimensional beings... whatever you want to call it or which flavor you want to believe in. There is a cult for everyone, by now. The goal is to access your god form and become your best self. This is what these cultists believe. Whether you believe in it, or not, there are other people who believe, as part of their esoteric religion, that stealing your freedom adds to their own agency and power. They believe in poisoning, parlor tricks and preying upon the unsuspecting.

From a psychological stand point, they are looking to create multiple personality disorder within themselves, where some personalities are good and some are bad. It is now officially called "Dissociative Identity Disorder." The scary part is that you can force DID upon children with severe and systematic abuse. While occultism and ritual abuse clearly exist and there are many known cases of evil people trading in children; (Marc Dutroux, The Finders, NXIVM, Epstein, Chicago Ripper Gang, etc.) this type of multiple personality programming can be done in a very modern, scientific way, using modern pharmaceuticals and modern understanding.

Like black magic potions, the abuse takes place in a mental cloud for the victims. From NyQuil to Valium to Scopolamine, there are many cheap ways to abuse children without them knowing and having only very fragmented memories.

A well respected FBI employee who made a detailed report on "multi-dimensional child abuse" explains a lot of what is going on in detail, but concludes that "Satanic Ritual Abuse" isn't really substantiated because there are no examples and no cannibalism verified. No bodies. She proposes a "clever offender" theory that she discounts and admits no ability to explain the similarity of the stories of children who claim satanic ritual abuse. I don't know if she was wrong or just dishonest, but the examples I mention include both "clever offenders" like Dutroux and Epstein, who just kept getting away with it [they had help, of course]. The Chicago Ripper Gang and the recent ritual abuse by Catholic priests in Pennsylvania both prove there are Satanic Ritual elements of the abuse. The Finders case, with photographs of nude children sacrificing goats also seemed unknown to her, but is absolute proof these cults exist.

The scary part is that this function of humanity exists. Dissociation is a defense mechanism and ritual abuse designed to access other personalities is merely a manipulation of that defense mechanism. But, on the other hand, you can use it for good. You don't have to experience torture and brainwashing to use the multiple personality technique to improve who you are as a person. What if one of your personalities was you trying to be Jesus? This is really the heart of the art and the real magic of art. "Experience Taking". The reason you read books, listen to music, look at paintings, etc, is to take on the experience of the artist who is projecting their own mind onto you. When done well, you, as the viewer of art, are able to take on experiences that otherwise would have been impossible in your lifetime. A great artist, given that you have enough exposure, can imprint their personalities onto you.

For whatever reason, either by design or by some deep seated psychological archetype within our souls... or, as some believe other entities being channeled, there are consistent "demon like" characters that multiple people can access. Ereshkigal, the goddess of a death cult, essentially, is one that many strive to resurrect within themselves, like Jack Parson's wife, who ran off with L Ron Hubbard.

Different archetypes may have different names to different people, but within each occultist, there is a hope to access a pantheon within themselves. This is the complete "process." Whether you believe it is just psychology, the function of electrochemistry and the emergent properties of all the pieces of our brain or you believe in actual demons, the result is the same. There are demonic people out there who have been programmed to be that way. When "flipped" to their normal or good personality, they may not even be aware that there is another personality that does things when they think they are asleep. The perfect spies. Throw in a "Venus" god form/ Beta Sex Kitten form and you can send out your demonic honeypots to anywhere to seduce and extort.

tl;dr The demons are functionally real, but not in the way most people think.

25760918? ago

Demons are the souls of the dead hybrid creations of the Nephilim (the fallen angels), according to the Book of Enoch. Demons are not fallen angels, nor are they spirits of humans.

Those hybrid life forms were and are earthbound - and their souls are as well upon death.

The Rephaim.

Some are powerful - (human/Nephilim hybrid demons), and some are insignificant (bug/lesser animal hybrid). This is why the Satanist Cabal is so interested in chimera. Once dead they have another demon fighting on their side. This is how Satan and the fallen angels leveled the playing field, so to speak. Only a third of the angels fell with Satan. So they created an army - demons.

When, at the end of the Millenial Kingdom during the time of the final judgement, the earth is finally dissolved by God in fire - this is likely how the permanently earthbound demons will wind up in a Hell created for them.

25760298? ago

Demons are very, very real. And while they're not real in the way most people think, the Catholic Church has a strong history of understanding and fighting demons, and has a very good grasp on demonic possession, and oppression. They're also able to help people out of it.

If you want to know more, you should look up Father Ripperger. He is an exorcist who has given numerous lectures on the demonic and spiritual warfare. I highly recommend EVERYONE watch these lectures, and understand that he's speaking not in theory, but from first hand experience. I then HIGHLY RECOMMEND EVERYONE look into becoming Catholic. Failing at that, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND people take his advice to heart, and treat it as the serious issue it is.

As he says, there's not a demon under every stone, but they might be under every other, as a tongue in cheek way of saying "this is real and you should take it seriously".

Good luck.

25760941? ago

I've dealt with demons. I've cast them out. Many times.

It's not as complicated as Catholics make it out to be. You cast them out in the name of Jesus. No holy water, no incense, no chanting, no special tools.

What IS necessary? The name of Jesus and AUTHORITY.

25760969? ago

Yes. Authority is key. Is it possible to cast out demons without being a priest with authority? Yes. It's in the Bible.

Is it possible to overstep your authority and get destroyed by demons who you try to cast out? Yes. It's in the Bible.

Be very careful. You're not playing a game.

25759303? ago

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25757451? ago


25761951? ago

Haha yeah not on QRV. Their way or they highway. God forbid you aren't a blind male christian. :)

25759566? ago

islam is a religion funded by a pedophile terrorist, do you stand for jihadi abusers?

25757479? ago

ahem... 'we will exterminate our enemies who hide behind religion, while they work to kill us'

25757524? ago

Stop being such a bigot.

25757604? ago

How about no

25757622? ago

Turning you in to the ADL.

25758992? ago

Snitches get stitches.

25757476? ago

What's this we shit?

25757652? ago

Patriots. I copied this from our sidebar.

25757491? ago

He's referring to his (((tribe))).

25757531? ago

We are the master race. We are untouchable, not even the blacks are above us.

25759007? ago

No one is bulletproof.

25757389? ago

So, they are just people like us.

25757397? ago

so... you're a fucking jew shill that is jumping on every comment

lol this is all you jews have left

25757407? ago

Muh joos.

Nothing wrong with immigrants. The wall is a sign of racism.

25757468? ago

You will be the first to get the rope.

25757511? ago

Learn to read idiot.

25757430? ago

LMFAO ! kikes aren't even trying to hide here, anymore.

The wall is a sign of Sovereignty, you commie piece of shit.

Funny how you kikes love walls in Israel and refuse to take in 'refugees'.

25757447? ago

If we didn't have our wall, and let in refugees it would end up wiping us out.

25757465? ago

I'm upvoating you, kike.

( or you are a clever Patriot ;)

25758119? ago

Next time don't say this

( or you are a clever Patriot

Just keep playing it off.

25757612? ago

I'm downvoting you for tinfoil buttpluggery

25757633? ago


Anal fixation. Kike detected.

25757493? ago
