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25757384? ago

Wiki says they are sick twisted fuckers? The Jewish Christ Killer Cult get gold stars for masturbation promotion. ADL National Director, Abraham H Foxman, agrees with the "liberal" idea that pornography is a good thing

25757517? ago

Porno filth is mobile, it is now blasted over cell phones. Some Jews are handing our nation's children graphic pornographic material over the internet for free 24/7 365. Porn should be banned for the same reason you don't allow companies to dump toxic filth into the water supply, they are linked to drug running and human trafficking. The driving force of moral decay is sexual immorality. Why does everything cost money, but porn is free like a drug dealer giving out samples to get people hooked? Seems like a LOT of women are exploited and die young...the red pill has forced anons to open their eyes, to see porn as another form of control; like hollyweird or drugs or fake news. Greco-Roman culture was one time filled with good elements, was pure and decent....minus the tyrannic brutality and grotesque perversions Nero, Caligula, Elagabalus, the repulsive sex rites and ritual blood sacrifices of the mystery cults that prospered throughout Rome, the cult of Bacchus so reviled even the Emperors outlawed it. Their mind controls and products of lusts and addictions and debt keeps you a slave, you're not making a new generation of patriots, and the list goes on. Every person has their kryptonite... porn, weed, booze, reality TV, Marvel movies, the mind control drug of video gamers. The level of degeneracy doesn't matter as much as the distraction and getting people into debts. Don't forget sportsball the mind control of a man following a ball like a dog getting distracted by a toy or a cat distracted by a ball of wool. Ask (((the Pornography Industry))) Why is there such a vested interest in keeping the public saturated in porn and masturbation?

Pornographic star Ron Jeremy?

most important word: KIKE

How do Q Anons feel about the porn industry?

Thanks to who? That's right...... the Jews.