25753175? ago

You would have an argument if you withdrew from using any of the services (in writing) provided by taxation. You don't and you won't and you probably couldn't if you wanted to.

25752851? ago

fuck the IRS. that entire scheme was illegal the day the cabal created it. and don't try and tell me, "but if we don't pay taxes, how will we repave the roads or fix the bridges,,,etc etc etc." it's all a big scam designed to enrich the cabal. and besides,, do you really think the cabal gives a shit about the roads or bridges WE have to drive on? THEY take planes and helicopters everywhere they go. it's all bullshit folks,,and it's bad for ya.

25752261? ago

Trump is giving billions to niggers. His "Platinum Plan for the Black Community". What an asshole.

25751251? ago

25750999? ago

They could print all the money they needed.

25750328? ago

Price gouging is. in fact MANY forms of ACCEPTABLE capitalism is nothing more than THEFT and FRAUD. INCLUDING "charity" which has evolved (feminists) to become COMPULSORY, WITH punishments for recalcitrance.

25750217? ago

When my money ends up in another person's pockets for a product or service that is not delivered, or I was grossly overcharged for, that is theft. Taxation is an all too common vehicle for this form of theft, carefully disguised as "government waste.

Wasted money is when it gets burned in a fire, or run through a paper shredder, or some other similar form of destruction. That is a waste. But what happens to our money after the government takes is theft. And the complicit media will never dare call it what it truly is theft.

25749373? ago

Poster must be some ignorant libertarian minarchist, who wants absolute freedom, yet does so, as long as you do no harm. The rub of course, is the expense of remedial actions, when people do harm, and people doing harm is constant and perpetual. Inherently failed and flawed ideology, PER SE.

25749097? ago

Yea! We don't need a military, or large scale projects like power plants, highways, dams, bridges etc! We don't need insurance on our bank accounts or guaranteed loans for education! I hate the environment so fuck the EPA and who needs a social welfare net to ensure seniors and the disabled have access to healthcare and a minimum standard of living in retirement. Fuck the enforcement of programs to help women, the disabled, the poor or the historically discriminated! Id rather let the elite and successful corporations rape the shit out me without any possibility for regulation and recourse. Fuck the gubbnament!

25749940? ago

You're so fucking stupid. No idea how you can read your post and think anything you said was logical. Your brain literally does not work.

25750185? ago

Take your leftist anfifa jew dick sucking thoughts elsewhere faggot. Your lack of education is showing, and I'm flat out embarrassed for you.

25755342? ago

Your entire post is communism. Shut the fuck up, read what you wrote, and then read it again.

25756685? ago

My post is sarcastic dipshit. We need taxes to pay for the services we rely on.

I'm guessing you didn't go to college did you?

25756703? ago

I believe in free market capitalism, unlike you, you communist kleptomaniac loser.

25760182? ago

hahahahaha, you literally are posting about not wanting to pay taxes. You realize thats the opposite of "free market capitalism right? Sayin you want to live in a society that has no taxes is advocating for no government at all.....thats all they do, collect taxes, spend them on services and write laws. Without agency to enforce the laws (paid for by taxes) you have an anarchy.

I feel like maybe you didn't pay attention in 10th grade civics.

25757808? ago

you believe in free market capitalism, but you are posting about abolishing the IRS? Jesus you really are stupid.

25763544? ago

Consider electroshock therapy. It might help.

25764109? ago

The problem with dumb people like you is that you are too dumb to realize you are dumb.

Google the Dunning Kruger effect. Then shut your retard mouth and sit in the corner while the adults talk.

25749608? ago

We had roads, bridges, schools, docks, won wars all without the IRS prior to 1913. I hope you are a troll and not just ignorant.

25750141? ago

Here this should help you. Its painful being the only educated person here.


25771955? ago

Nice straw man argument o retarded one. I said the IRS and income tax, I did not say anything about the constitutional right of the government to levy tariffs and such. Also, no we did not go to war with England over the stamp act, even Benjamin Franklin said it wasn't about the other small issues but about the King forcing us off of silver backed money and on to fiat non backed money from the Bank of England. Low info people like you are always quick to insult in order to bolster your false sense of intelligence.

25788843? ago

does "taxation without representation" ring a bell?

Its painful dealing with you people.

25748860? ago

No retard. If it's the law it's not theft.

25749687? ago

Legal theft is grift and tyranny....but it's still theft.

25748698? ago

Without taxes, you'd be paying far more to the local mafia that would set up shop in absence of the state. Theft is inevitable. The goal is to minimize it.

25749719? ago

The government and the Jewish mob already merged in the 30's and 40's....so it is mafia.

25748702? ago


25748723? ago

You have to sleep sometime. If they don't attack you, they burn down your business. You think you're clever, but either you are the mafia or you pay the mafia. If you're lucky, the mafia is transparent and gives you some say in how it's run. E.g. government.

There's a reason there are no tax free utopias.

25748766? ago

The first part makes you sounds like a cuck and the answer to the second part is jews.

25748414? ago

Please check the census data: https://data.census.gov/cedsci/profile?g=0100000US

You would think, by watching TV, that blacks are a majority in this country. They are not.

25748381? ago

Others mentioned whites and Asians bear the bulk of the burden.. what if we work together to sidestep taxation? For example we could form a network of trade or barter only for whites.

25748331? ago

I’ve been working for myself for years and the line of work I’m in.. I don’t charge taxes or pay taxes (I’m essentially unemployed). I love it. I live better than EVER! I have everything I want, I’m able to pay bills ahead of time, months ahead if I wanted. I have way less stress, financial and otherwise, so I rarely if ever get sick. So it’s improved my health, mood, confidence, and financial standing. In other words, FUCK TAXES!!!!!!

25748747? ago

I was thinking something similar. There are plenty of ways to live, work and not pay income tax. “Under the table” is a great way to do it. (also, hooker, pimp, and drug dealer...though there is a high element of risk in that route)

25748284? ago

Holding someone against their will is kidnapping. It doesn't matter why. Prison is kidnapping.

25748788? ago

It is. Kick people out of the country that don't want to play by the rules.

Execute them if they sneak back in.

25748085? ago

Oh fuck off.

25747733? ago

Taxation is theft.

You're a fucking idiot... good god you people are stupid.

25752197? ago

found the jew

25747993? ago

fuck off retard

25747578? ago

Inflation is the greatest theft.

Charging interest on money that is created (fractional reserve banking) is theft.

Social Security Ponzi Scheme is theft.

Taxpayers fitting the bill to bail out banks whom fabricated and gambled with financial derivatives is theft.

"Stimulus Package" which exploits a fake pandemic to give trillions of dollars to all the criminal banks is theft.

"Welfare" for those who game the system and refuse to work is theft.

Forcing people to pay for services they never use is theft.

Creating wars with other nations and stealing from the taxpayers to pay for it is theft.

The corrupt subsidized industries are theft.

The hospitals charging outrageous fees and prices is theft.

Governrment subsidies taken from others and given to the corn industry to be inefficiently made into ethanol and added to all fuel is theft.

Obamacare individual mandate was theft.

Taxing income and taxing purchases is theft.

Property tax is theft.

The list could continue infinitely...

25747491? ago

Those who print the money makes the rules.

25747489? ago

But muh roads! Seriously, if a person can’t understand this concept, it’s best to stop associating with them because they’re hopeless.

25747460? ago

local hospital sent an already paid off bill to a local collections that was fully paid off 5 years ago. They do run you through court in my state so it's going to be fun.

Taking it the hospital can't pay their bills pushing covid fear porn so now they're going after past bills for funding. Wonder if i can counter sue over bullshit like this.

25747415? ago

Inflation is nothing more than "hidden taxation" (dilution of purchasing power), therefore also theft.

25747335? ago

Taxes are voluntary, it says it right on the form you are forced to sign every year or get taken off to jail.

25746664? ago

Hence the debt jubilee, bankrupting the Fed, and seizing/redistributing the assets of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Bushs, Clintons, Soros, etc.

25747637? ago

In a Biblical Jubilee, God made them forgive all loans and wipe away all debts periodically.

In the Satanic Zionist Rulers Jubilee, they bail themselves out by robbing us.

25747451? ago

Bullshit. The total number of times the rich have shared their money with everyone else? ZERO.

In the history of the entire planet the number of times is ZERO.

It won't happen now either.

25749586? ago

Who said share? They stole it, we take it back.

25749670? ago

Hmmmm.... I doubt it. Americans are more like an elephant chained to a tiny stake with a tiny nylon rope. We'd ask the government for permission to try to overthrow it.

25747288? ago

I hope to fuck this actually happens and is not just a pipe dream rumor.

25746640? ago

Whites and east asians pay more taxes than they get back.

Every other race is parasitic.

Fuck this system we get no benefit from it. In fact the vermin who commit the most murders and burn down our cities benefit the most.

It is time to evict our deadbeat tenants.

25755252? ago

Whites and east asians pay more taxes than they get back.

This statistic only works if you count Jews as white.

Do you? I don't.

25755306? ago

jews aren't White

What you said is false.

25755402? ago

Of course Jews aren't white! But in the US, they are counted as white for statistics.

The statistic you posted about whites paying more taxes than they get back? That statistic counts Jews as white.

I don't consider that to be true, so that statistic is bullshit.

25758433? ago

Whites excluding jews still pay more tax than they get back.

25758592? ago

Source on that, please.

25758659? ago

I don't do research for judaophiles

Fucking lazy nigger

25772133? ago

I do do research. And white people are net tax positive only if you count Jews as white.

Non Jew whites are a net drain on the taxes.

Not as bad as blacks, but still negative

25772607? ago

Fuck off kike

25783682? ago

Amazon is a company, not a person.

It pays a lot of wages, and hence the taxes on these wages.

Trump paid 0 taxes. A person. A rich white non-jew pays less taxes than a waitress.

Jews, as a group, pay more taxes than anyone else.

Non Jewish whites are tax negative (if you include the women). So are blacks. The only other group that is tax positive is Asians.

Why do you think we import so many Asians? With H1Bs?

Because we need the taxes.

I'm sorry reality offends you. I'm sorry you hate being wrong.

But you are wrong.

25748317? ago

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25747468? ago

White people need to form their own networks and EXCLUDE non-whites. Quit your job. Stop paying taxes.

Let the system collapse under its own weight.

25747529? ago

Is happening more and more.

Everyone can think of at least one small thing they can do to cut the enemy out.

Pay cash for services.

Go to the local store even when you feel lazy and would have ordered Amazon.

Go to whatever companies page you would have bought from Amazon and order direct from them cutting the enemy out.

Then when that's a habit pick another small thing.

Total boycott of all enemies of the White race.

25747586? ago

Agreed. We have to figure out a way to structure our lives and businesses so that we pay NOTHING in taxes.

The Jews use our own money to fund our destruction. We need to give them nothing. Not one penny.

25747714? ago

The trick to get to 0 tax is use the loopholes they made for themselves.

Make a llc in a 0 tax state and never make any profit on paper. Depending how much that is you might need a tax lawyer to set it up and advise you. Tbh you should get one for initial set up in any case. There are White lawyers pick one of them. Be careful though the enemy switches names often so you can't just go with MacCoulagh and expect it to really be a Scott sight unseen

25747734? ago

Yeah, we should do DNA testing... just like Israel. To weed out "God's Chosen" people.

25748661? ago

Not being able to use the enemies sound tactics right back on them is a silly ploy by the enemy.

Don't fall for it.

They are arrogant and disgusting but they aren't completely retarded, and they work together with the same strategies and rhetoric even when they have been beaten. They will come back the next day with the same exact lie. Negotiation is a no win scenario for us. They think we are animals born for their use and will not negotiate in good faith.

25746552? ago

you have to have taxes for society to function and not descend into chaos. The problem is that we no longer have any representation, since our representatives are bought and paid for either by corporations or libtards like soros. Then you tack on things like our representation being diluted by illegals or california getting extra representation while we get less because they include illegals in the distribution of seats and it is very obvious we basically have no representation. Taxation without representation is absolutely theft, and generations of us going back to the dark ages have killed our elites over this very issue.

25746686? ago

you have to have taxes for society to function and not descend into chaos

a lie told to you. the government used to be funded by tarrifs.

Taxation without representation is absolutely theft

I didn't vote for any of the systems put into place.

Say one candidate is for taxes and one is against. I voted for the candidate against taxes, but the candidate for taxes won and now I have to pay taxes. I, who do not wish to be stolen from and disagree with the idea of taxes, am not represented. They are going to force me to pay them, at gunpoint. I cannot refuse.

Taxation is theft.

25746934? ago

Tarrifs are taxes. They are just imposed on imports rather than on income.

Well then in general we basically agree then, since for different reasons, we are both mad about taxation without representation.

25747031? ago

Eh, I guess you're right. I'm mostly pissed about income tax right now. With taxes on certain products you have a choice to not buy or buy somewhere else.... But with the cabal and their monopolies... I think you can see where I'm going with this. They can corner the market, just put sales tax on everything, or remove the choice in a dozen different ways.

I'm not sure of what the best system would be, but the old system of just tariffs was certainly better. I guess this leads into the "do we even need a government" and proper roles for government discussion.

25747215? ago

I agree man, America was built on tarrifs. It would be awesome to not pay income tax and have a much stronger manufacturing base in case we ever need it for a big war again. They need to repeal income tax which effectively makes it hard to get rich while protecting the super rich who pay at capital gains rates. If politicians really wanted to tax the rich we'd install a wealth tax, not an income tax.

I'd say yeah we do need a govt, since the other option is having our homes burned down by BLM.

25747496? ago

in case we ever need it for a big war again.

Wars are events 100% manufactured by the cabal. If the government actually wanted the country to be 100% safe from foreign invasion, they'd eliminate the military besides whats needed to maintain the borders and then use the rest of the funding to arm and train literally everyone in fire arm use.

I'd say yeah we do need a govt, since the other option is having our homes burned down by BLM.

In reality, police don't protect you from criminals. They protect criminals from you. The other option is *shooting them all as it is written in the constitution.

25747614? ago

if true about the cabal, then if we are ever free of it, they'll engineer one against us and having a manufacturing base would be key.

thats fine too. I'd prefer not to have to kill them myself, although i will if need be.

25747729? ago

I think we are at a tipping point in society. They way it looks, the cabal is set up to finish off fully enslaving everyone via chipping and all that. Either good wins or evil wins, thats basically it right now.

25748332? ago

I'd say its more along the lines of either we 1) wake up and free our selves or b) bondage gets much worse, but there i go arguing minutia with a guy that agrees with me.

Agree that something is certainly afoot.

25746539? ago

Forced redistribution of wealth is dysgenics.

25746345? ago

Actually it's extortion.

25746434? ago

extortion is theft with extra steps

25746199? ago


Without taxes there would be no welfare. No bloated government agencies. No "dem programs" for niggers. Nothing.

25753200? ago

No roads, nigger

25753370? ago

Bullshit. If it were important (e.g. roads, police, fire, hospital, etc.) people would gladly pay for it.

It will be a hell of a lot cheaper once we remove the Government from the equation.

25753483? ago

Nonsense...there will always be fags that don't want to pay their share and then you will make them or exclude them at the barrel of a gun....which is government.

25746598? ago

"But I won't be able to afford X, Y, Z."

I think people would be amazed at what they could afford if they didn't have ~42% of their money stolen in taxes, not including the depreciating value of money considering it's lost 99% of its value since the end of the Gold Standard.

42% of your income will pay for your wife to stay home and raise the kids.

42% of yours and your wife's income - if you're both average income that's 84% of an average income... fairly sure you can pay someone to raise or educate your kid how you want for that... I'm fairly sure there used to be a profession called a Tutor. Imagine if you found someone who would teach four kids for an average wage, so you'd be up 59%. If you want your kid to have an understanding of the world - you could show them it!

I've been to a dozen countries. Still don't understand how the American Nigger became like they did. In their home countries those types are a minority of the population not the majority.

25753191? ago

Imagine letting your wife be abused in the workplace in order to pay for a "tutor". You're a fucking faggot

25754340? ago

Some of our wives aren't mentally retarded.

25754838? ago

But their husbands are

25755943? ago

Cool story.

25761077? ago

Ask your wife's boyfriend to show you some masculinity

25763044? ago

Ask your boyfriend to show you some masculinity faggot

25764739? ago

Are you sad?

25765687? ago

Are you projecting?

25747143? ago

Government employees, what exactly do they provide that's worth all that money?


One example...US student compared to foreign students.


The most recent PISA results, from 2015, placed the U.S. an unimpressive 38th out of 71 countries in math and 24th in science. Among the 35 members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which sponsors the PISA initiative, the U.S. ranked 30th in math and 19th in science.


The problem is government entropic tendency is towards gradual deterioration, inefficiency, and underperformance while at the same time the costs go up.

25758288? ago

Education quality went down because jews started leading the public education system. Now it's more important for your kids to learn about the hall of cost and the poor oppressed faggots than it is to learn that 1+1=2. The sexual indoctrination of kindergarteners and elementary school children is just the jewish cherry on top.

25751863? ago

Teachers unions are the biggest scam. Canada isn't faring much better on performance, and Ontario's Teachers Union is the biggest tax payer funded scam on the planet. They own a wind farm in the UK, shares in a solar farm in Spain or w/e, whilst pushing climate change green energy bullshit.

Before Covid our teachers were on strike refusing to implement any online learning, running their usual bullshit that our Premier (governor) doesn't care about kids because he won't cap classroom sizes. Meanwhile the only reason we've got crowded classrooms is because of all the middle easterners Trudeau, a teacher, let in.

After Covid our teachers are saying our Premier doesn't care about the kids because he's trying to send kids back to schools with the capped class room sizes they wanted prior, and that we should be doing more online.

They did a literal 180° within 3 months... and the fucking plebs here don't notice.

25746744? ago

Still don't understand how the American Nigger became like they did. In their home countries those types are a minority of the population not the majority.

In their home countries killing is a lot more prevalent and gibs are a lot less prevalent. From what I know, they still ask for gibs whenever they can.

Some stories are relevant, especially the peace corps one.

Taken from here


Stories and Rants

Morality and Abstract Thinking - https://i.imgur.com/50qRdXc.png - https://files.catbox.moe/3pfee0.png

Confessions of a public defender - https://i.imgur.com/TY2BMhd.jpg - https://files.catbox.moe/9n3rcr.jpg

Cannibalism in the African Congo - https://i.imgur.com/6aoq8P6.png - https://files.catbox.moe/x0m7jx.png

Peace Corps - https://i.imgur.com/JyvS0Ln.png - https://files.catbox.moe/nxv652.png

Russian Businessmen in South Africa - https://i.imgur.com/T07XB9w.png - https://files.catbox.moe/bxokc8.png

Anon was a Missionary - https://i.imgur.com/DTcRnTb.png - https://files.catbox.moe/huswpq.png

What I learned in Kindergarten - https://i.imgur.com/UdehleR.png - https://files.catbox.moe/67y68v.png

What it's like to teach at black schools - https://i.imgur.com/OVLw8NN.jpg - https://files.catbox.moe/j3nxhb.jpg

Detroit - https://i.imgur.com/GCBfeGf.png - https://files.catbox.moe/i5w8q1.png

Anon on Freeing the Slaves - https://i.imgur.com/eBvYacj.png - https://files.catbox.moe/rrk42t.png

Anon on Why Racism is Increasing - https://i.imgur.com/2yhRJsG.png - https://files.catbox.moe/r00svc.png

Responses to Common Arguments Against Race Realism - https://pastebin.com/a0nzrQTf

25746569? ago

And there would actually be jobs!

25746119? ago

Esp. when it's used to fund your own oppression.

25752214? ago

from: doglegwarrior


25748298? ago

25748519? ago

Try this: there will be NO taxes, and there will be MORE money for the people FROM government.

This is the power God gave Trump.