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25739927? ago

got booted from for calling out the black pill brigade

it's rampant, right now.

Yeah, I'm a really big MAGA supporter but my entire inner circle think I'm crazy and have cut me off. My wife left me and my kids think I'm an asshole. If it was not for God and my belief in TRUMP, I would have killed myself. I'm trying to stay strong, but it's really hard right now. Pray for me...

25740013? ago

thedonald is run by ultra zionists

the enemy infiltrating the right wing doesn't want us to think that we can get more change and push jewish supremacists on both the left and right out of power.

25740252? ago

So you're crying about shills, yet you're a Nazifag.

I bet you hate Trump and hate Q and hate Qanons.

25740380? ago


go back to reddit or educate yourself

Who were the first Europeans to kick out the bankers and push them compleatly out of power?

Why did WW2 start?

Why did it really start?

Who benefited from it by gaining 3 new central banks where they didn't have one before?

If you don't agree with most of that you aren't being serious.

Obviously replace Germany, with whichever country your in. I'm guessing canada or france.

25740489? ago

You sit here, in QRV, pretending to represent Q ...

Yet you conveniently forget how you and your fellow Nazifaggots were BTFO'ed into oblivion by Q.

Q said ANTIFA is a continuation of Nazi Germany's SA.

Was the Nazi party ever truly destroyed (eradicated)?

Did the belief carry-on [re-deployed]?

There is your history for you, Nazifaggot.

You fucking Nazis are getting the rope too.

25740909? ago

You know nothing of the Bible.

All disciples were Jews. Everyone who wrote the new testament were Jews aside from Luke. Every speech Jesus ever gave was directly to Jews as an audience. Every saved individual in the Bible prior to Cornelius were Jews.

You're not a Trump supporter, you're not a Q supporter. You're a democrat spewing your bullshit vicariously among conservatives, trying to contaminate us by association with your own fucked up state of mind.

You represent no ideology that will ever take off the ground. I can't imagine how stupid someone has to be to think that, when the dust settles, that either Q or Trump will do a single thing you want regarding "muh Jews".

Its not hard to get you stupid Nazifucks to disavow Q and Trump anyway. Let's see how long it takes ...

Hey, Nazitard. Yeah, you. What do you think of Trump's Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner? Don't you love how he's been helping to achieve peace in the middle east with Trump's daughter Ivanka?

Hey, Nazitard. Yeah, you. What do you think of Jews chanting "4 more years" at a Whitehouse MAGA Jew meeting?

Hey, Nazifaggot. Yeah, you. What do you think of the 25% of Jews who voted for Trump in 2016? Aren't you glad it will be a larger percentage of Jewish Trump supporters this year?

You stupid Nazifaggots are as transparent as fuck. The only saving grace is you faggots represent a voting block that is so small, you couldn't win an election for local dog catcher.

25742401? ago
