25744124? ago

"sew hopelessness". What with a f..king sewing machine?

25743322? ago

Yeah cos all their other shill waves worked

25743299? ago

Also known as flak, mostly serving as a confirmation that you are over the target.

I don't know about you guys, but the more shilling the more energy I get in here. Winning!

25742361? ago

I go on Search and Destroy missions regularly.

My votes are well utilized in destroying paid adversaries, glow faggots in particular, chink 50 cent Army, and any other enemy human or bot.

My comments leave no prisoners, and I employ a scorched earth approach to my engagements with the enemy.

In other words, I cyber kill them on sight. I hope you have your Flak jackets on, and tricked out Digital AR-15s at the ready boys and girls.

25741765? ago

All shills are PEDOS

25741630? ago

Man, I got here like 20 months ago....the shills were top quality. They were witty, had bantz, and made you think. These shills here are on the clock and it shows. I bet they get $15/hr...media matters is fucking pathetic.

25741290? ago

Every shill post is sweet proof that we have all the momentum.

25741481? ago


There are some of these that may just be misguided with the old lies they still believe.

Or they are the nefarious time wasting shills. At least those can be exploited to use as a foil to teach lurkers.

25740685? ago



(Attacked everyday by the largest media corporations in the world)

25740191? ago

Also heads-up for new people:

We're not a bunch of anti-semitic Nazitards. The Nazifags hate Q and Trump and Qanons.

25740937? ago

George Soros is a jew

Jeffery Epstein is a jew

Jizzlane Maxwell is a jew

Schumer is a jew

Weiner is a jew, both the one who is legalizing gay pedophillia in cali, and the one with the HRC email laptop who mailed a dickpic to an underage girl.

These jewish supremacist shills call everyone who attacks them anti-semetic nazitards.

They always defend jewish supremacists and the jewish mafia.

They even go so far as to say it doesn't exist when Epstine was exposed and jizzlane Maxwell is in chains. Jizzlane Maxwell the jewish mafia pedopimp and mossad agent, is also the daughter of robert maxwell one of the most notorius israeli mossad spys and more than likely child trafickers who ever lived. It is much harder to research pre-internet pedophiles.

25741157? ago

George Soros is a jew

Jeffery Epstein is a jew

Jizzlane Maxwell is a jew

Schumer is a jew

To you, they only exist as a logical fallacy argument to implicate all Jews while systematically ignoring and excusing all non-Jews who also happen to be evil.

These jewish supremacist shills call everyone who attacks them anti-semetic nazitards.

They always defend jewish supremacists and the jewish mafia.

I would personally pull the lever to hang everyone you listed above, as well as the entire Rothschild, Vanderbilt and Maxwell families. Because they did evil shit, not because they're Jews.

However, in between I would also be hanging Obama, the Clintons, the Bushs, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Strozk and all the other non-Jews that you have absolutely zero interest in holding accountable.

25741271? ago

haha everyone in your list is a jew, mishiling, or married to one except maybe comey. i can't remember about him.

the jewish organized crime exists, they work based on the belief that they are the master race as it says in the talmud.

they are only 2% of the population and almost all of the top bad guys and pedos. you aren't noticing a pattern there.

Yes obviously there are good ones like bobby fischer, and seth rich, and vets who aren't like the traitor vindeman.

It's not all the jews is a distraction. eveyone knows there are some good ones. look at how much time we have wasted.

25741452? ago

Obama is a Jew eh? You're delusional.

You bent yourself into a pretzel to characterize the entire Jewish race by a few and then act like it was never your intention in the first place? You moved the goalpost because you find your previous statements indefensible.

25741537? ago

Okay rabbi

Look at obama's mom there are porn pics of her even. I'm not going to waste my time to trace her matrianial line when you probably know the truth, and probably have a new lie on deck.

I stand by my position that the Jewish mafia is evil and the cabal or whatever you want to call it is the enemy we are fighting. Not 100% of jews are in the mafia or are in favor of mass immigration into White countries. Those are okay the rest are the enemy.

25740181? ago

Don't ya miss the good ol days when it was just capslock kike?

25741054? ago

And Eddie

25742904? ago

You mean Edie? Haha I really liked Edie.

25740034? ago

DOWNVOAT THEM---DO NOT REPLY to their comments. They get .30 sheckels for every reply. That is why you just downvoat them, and move on to the next comment

25739927? ago

got booted from thedonald.win for calling out the black pill brigade

it's rampant, right now.

Yeah, I'm a really big MAGA supporter but my entire inner circle think I'm crazy and have cut me off. My wife left me and my kids think I'm an asshole. If it was not for God and my belief in TRUMP, I would have killed myself. I'm trying to stay strong, but it's really hard right now. Pray for me...

25740013? ago

thedonald is run by ultra zionists

the enemy infiltrating the right wing doesn't want us to think that we can get more change and push jewish supremacists on both the left and right out of power.

25743349? ago

Yup look at all the shills and concern trolls in these threads.



They're all over thedonald and mods don't do anything to stop them or ban them.

Instead, they delete and censor all pro-Q posts or posts calling out Jews.

25740252? ago

So you're crying about shills, yet you're a Nazifag.

I bet you hate Trump and hate Q and hate Qanons.

25740380? ago


go back to reddit or educate yourself

Who were the first Europeans to kick out the bankers and push them compleatly out of power?

Why did WW2 start?

Why did it really start?

Who benefited from it by gaining 3 new central banks where they didn't have one before?


If you don't agree with most of that you aren't being serious.

Obviously replace Germany, with whichever country your in. I'm guessing canada or france.

25740489? ago

You sit here, in QRV, pretending to represent Q ...

Yet you conveniently forget how you and your fellow Nazifaggots were BTFO'ed into oblivion by Q.

Q said ANTIFA is a continuation of Nazi Germany's SA.

Was the Nazi party ever truly destroyed (eradicated)?

Did the belief carry-on [re-deployed]?



There is your history for you, Nazifaggot.

You fucking Nazis are getting the rope too.

25742071? ago


25740909? ago

You know nothing of the Bible.

All disciples were Jews. Everyone who wrote the new testament were Jews aside from Luke. Every speech Jesus ever gave was directly to Jews as an audience. Every saved individual in the Bible prior to Cornelius were Jews.

You're not a Trump supporter, you're not a Q supporter. You're a democrat spewing your bullshit vicariously among conservatives, trying to contaminate us by association with your own fucked up state of mind.

You represent no ideology that will ever take off the ground. I can't imagine how stupid someone has to be to think that, when the dust settles, that either Q or Trump will do a single thing you want regarding "muh Jews".

Its not hard to get you stupid Nazifucks to disavow Q and Trump anyway. Let's see how long it takes ...

Hey, Nazitard. Yeah, you. What do you think of Trump's Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner? Don't you love how he's been helping to achieve peace in the middle east with Trump's daughter Ivanka?

Hey, Nazitard. Yeah, you. What do you think of Jews chanting "4 more years" at a Whitehouse MAGA Jew meeting? https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/.premium-jewish-trump-supporters-chant-four-more-years-at-white-house-hanukkah-party-1.6723997

Hey, Nazifaggot. Yeah, you. What do you think of the 25% of Jews who voted for Trump in 2016? Aren't you glad it will be a larger percentage of Jewish Trump supporters this year?

You stupid Nazifaggots are as transparent as fuck. The only saving grace is you faggots represent a voting block that is so small, you couldn't win an election for local dog catcher.

25742401? ago


25740529? ago

"Disinformation is necessary." - Q

and besides liar and or idiot, Q just pointed out this week that antifa now are the same antifa from weimar germany that the SA beat the fuck out of.

there is no way you read that short doc in the time it took you to reply.

25740610? ago

Listen up, Nazifaggot.

This isn't your party. You're not part of Q. There's no place in this movement for faggots who hate entire groups of people based on their genetics.

That makes you a fucking democrat. A 60s era democrat. Think 1964, Robert Byrd filibustering the equal rights amendment for 14 hours nonstop. Your goals are democrat goals. Your tactics are democrat tactics.

and besides liar and or idiot, Q just pointed out this week that antifa now are the same antifa from weimar germany that the SA beat the fuck out of.

It's called "no one fucking cares what stupidass ideology drives your destruction". You Nazifaggots are indistinguishable from ANTIFA. Your end-goal is moot because it will never happen, all that remains is the violence and destruction necessary to obtain your goals.

You're a fucking nobody in a nobody movement. You have no candidate that represents your hatred. Trump and Q disavow you.

25742074? ago

Funny shit ha

25740854? ago

hahaha you poor brainwashed boomer.

our endgoal is for Whites to not be oppressed by laws like affirmative action.

and for the internationally organized attempt at ethnically cleansing the White race from every White country to be stopped.

Genocide and hatred were never a part of any natsoc platform. We hope the mexicans do well for themselves in mexico. same for every race and their homeland. It would be the same for jews in their homeland israel too if they were not actively at war with the White race.

It's called "no one fucking cares what stupidass ideology drives your destruction"

nice cope old man, you were proven wrong, antifa isn't natsoc they are two seperate groups with completely opposite views. Even in your links Q didn't say what you said. The german communist party isn't the natsoc party. the SA beat on antifa. The second link is fake news and doesn't even try to name a source for the fake quote, "disinformation is necessary" same thing as we will never go over 40k feet again to avoid the conspiracy label.

Your generation was subjected to psychological warfare for your whole life and you didn't have the internet to counterbalance the lies until now. The enemy who programmed you successfully. They got you to have an emotional visceral reaction to the only force that has actually ever brought the enemy down for a time.

We, not even hitler, hate any race that isn't attacking us. That is an old jewish lie.


You have no candidate that represents your hatred.

another jewish lie. we are quite free of hatred, we are all about love of family and your extended family your race. and there is a party started this year.


you have been lied to your entire life. the only reason natsoc is so demonized is we refuse to be ruled over by jews or let their central bank parasite off of us. The FED is the american central bank Q wants to get rid of, just like Hitler did with the central bank in Germany.

Old people like WW2 documentries, here is pretty much the only one not made by zionists. you seem to have a closed mind, and have blind faith in your jewish masters though so this may just be wasted effort.


25741074? ago

hahaha you poor brainwashed boomer

A phrase dumbfuck Millenials think is an insult. BTW, Gen Z is going to kick your ass relentlessly.

Genocide and hatred were never a part of any natsoc platform.

Please bitch. Had plenty of conversations with your ilk. 90% have no plan they can state out loud, the other 10% whine about "muh white nation" as if they can force fellow Americans who are Jews to leave without getting a bullet between their eyes.

antifa isn't natsoc they are two seperate groups

Nobody will ever see ANTIFA's or Nutsac goals implemented, so their beliefs are moot. All that matters is what kind of death and destruction they intend to push their goals forward with Soros funding.

Your generation was subjected to psychological warfare for your whole life

You don't know what my generation is dumbfuck. Your guess thus far has been wrong.

We, not even hitler, hate any race that isn't attacking us

The irony is that you dumbfuck Nutsacs will never accomplish anything, while Trump and Qanons stop the Kalgeri plan in spite of your best efforts to shrink Trump's voter base by tainting us all as inbred Nazitards.

You have no candidate that represents your hatred.

another jewish lie

How deluded are you to think you would ever have a candidate who would win political office by pushing your hate rhetoric?

Name ONE. SINGLE. CANDIDATE. who represents your views who ever achieved any political office in the last 20 years. Hell, make it 50 years.

To not even have the mental capacity to recognize how vile your ideology appears to the American public is mind-bogglingly stunning.

25742087? ago


25741139? ago

George Lincoln Rockwell

David Duke of human rights radio was in office for some years.

From how resilient you are to facts that you didn't learn from the lying press, i suppose you think David Duke is an evil monster even though he quit the kkk over 50 years ago because he opposes violence. Dr. David Duke strongly endorses Trump.


but now, i suspect you are lying or are one of the ones (5% i think) Q was talking about who can never accept the truth.

25741399? ago

I asked you to identify your ideology by candidate, and you can't even name someone in the last 30 years. The one you do name is KKK (David Duke). KKK are democrats.

There are dozens of Qanons running for senate and house and not a single one of them are espousing your Nutsac bullshit. The closest you've named someone who represents you ran over 30 years ago, the KKK (David Duke).

Q slammed the democrats for opposing the 1964 civil rights act, but you suppose that's "disinformation", don't you?

Q slammed the democrats with "dems haven't been this angry since we freed their slaves" meme, but that's "disinformation" too?

Q pushed the walkway movement started by a gay man, and many instances of pandering to the black community, that's all "disinformation" too you guess?

BTW the "5% won't accept" has nothing to do with Jews. You need to get recent with your trolling, you Nutsacs used to push "Q sent you to Voat to learn our copypasta" bullshit up until he BTFOed you into oblivion with previously linked Q drops. This is not your party. Q and Trump disavow you.

So what does a Nutsac get out of being a gatekeeper for the Q community? You're here warning everyone of trolls when you are the troll. Take a look at the right column, "WE STAND FOR EQUALITY". That's not you.

25742091? ago

Oh boy

25741608? ago

Your first two sentences contradict each other moron.

I'm skipping all of your stupid lies.

Q only stands for equality under the law.

People who believe in genetic equality are either dumb as fuck or are following the protocols of the elders of Zion. Which are you I wonder.

25742036? ago

Q only stands for

Wrong maggot. Q stands against you.

You're moot. None of your opinions matters politically because you haven't a candidate to vote for who represents your opinions.

You haven't had a candidate in 30 years and you're too stupid to realize why that is.

When the dust settles after Q and Trump have put elites in jail, you're still going to have Jewish and minority neighbors who are American citizens.

Again, ironically, Qanons, Q and Trump are the ones fixing your perceived woes by limiting immigration, while you do your damndest to get Biden elected.

Trump only won by a margin of victory delivered by minority voters. Without those minorities, you'd have POTUS Hillary right now. You hang out on a conservative forum trying to shock all MAGA minorities back to the democrat plantation, making them all believe we're just as fucked in the head as you are.

I don't need you advocating on behalf of my ethnicity, loser.

25742640? ago

delusional faggot.

25742099? ago

Hehe wow

25740698? ago

Thank you.

Anons can be either "goats" (satanic symbolism) or Q followers. Everybody must choose to follow either the path of the goat or the path to christ.

25740119? ago

thedonald is run by ultra zionists

Conquer and Divide shill, huh?

Very smart of you to blend in by calling out some other shills.

25740308? ago

ultra zionists are the enemy dipshit.

epstine the jewish pedophile was an ultrazionist running a pedophile honeypot with the mossad bitch maxwell, daughter of the dead maxwell that was one of the most famous mossad spies. they are hostile enemy combatants.

USS liberty

lavon affair

we have never been on the same side.

25740249? ago

fuck off, kike.

25740324? ago

Have you read the sidebar? Or the stickies? Q is clearly calling for unity and against racism.

Do you actually read Q posts or do you only take it as a vague promise to save us and then just go blindly along with voat's culture?

If you had to decide between voat and QAnon, whom would you rather listen to?

25740340? ago

(((They))) want you divided.

25740411? ago

According to Q, or according to Voat?

25740437? ago

Either you are too blind to see who the enemy is, or you are the enemy, not sure which, don't really care.

25740505? ago

How much time do you spend reading voat content and comments, and how much time do you spend reading Q?

Are you a Q follower, or a (satanic symbolism) goat?

25740556? ago

Who the fuck are you to concern yourself with how I spend my time? Or what kind of "follower" I am. Very jewy behavior.

Funny that you never bothered responding to op's reply.

25740611? ago

I see, you are ashamed to admit that you follow the path of the goat.

Q is the path of christ. There is no place for your hatred. Please leave the christian Q researchers alone. And pray to god.

25742382? ago




Don't say it was an accident either.

25742629? ago

Y’all need to be less sensitive.

25742679? ago

I am not the previous Anon. I am someone completely different up voting your comments until I saw your lack of grammatical correctness where it matters most. Please don't disrespect our Lord Jesus Christ and God by sleeping their names in lower case letters. It's not acceptable. Thank you.

25742845? ago

I am not the anon that was not capitalizing Jesus Christ and God. Please do not assume you are talking to the same person. Lol.

25743015? ago

Relax Princess.

25759676? ago

Be less sensitive


relax princess

Nigga what? You make no sense. Lol

25762919? ago

Two different Anons comments, not the same person FYI.

25742851? ago

That's fine. My comments stand. Thanks.

25742855? ago

Ok but you were talking to a completely different person. At least have the sense to apologize.

25742897? ago

How was I supposed to know that. No. No apology.

25759662? ago

Just don’t assume without thinking in the future.

This was a learning experience.

25762946? ago

Thank you. Duly noted.

25739816? ago

Speak of the devil. All those shills turned up on this thread. They have failed up to now and so it continues. The storm is happening and nothing will stop it. If you can't see that by now, VOAT is not the place for you.

25739799? ago

Paid shill? LOL

This Bs has been swallowed whole by Republicans since 9/11, Obviously EVERYONE who doesn't toe the line is some paid shill.

It's utterly ridiculous. People accuse me of that, it's laughable. firstly, I have a shitload of money, don't need a job and wouldn't work as a "paid poster" if I did? who would pay anybody to post on VOAT? LOL REALLY, why?

Voat ranks the 18,000 th something in web hits.LOL Yeah, really influencial huh?

That just shoes how fucking dumb Qberts are.

I picked the name "sorosminnion" to trigger right wing assholes, it never fails. For the millionth time, I only come here to laugh at how stupid you are. Not debate, change minds, argue or vent, JUST TO LAUGH AT YOU.


25740023? ago

LOL over target!

25739975? ago

All assets deployed. My Twitter account is as significant as a flea on the elephant's ass but paid shills still attack. And here you are. On VOAT! BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

25740110? ago


25739991? ago

Another moron who doesn't get it. Jesus. What idiots!

It's the best comedy I know!! LOL REALLY, LOL!!!

25739843? ago

triggered the kike

25739966? ago

LOL Jesus you are stupid. what can i say, your response is stupid, just unbelievably stupid.

Once again, I LAUGH AT YOUR STUPIDITY and the fact that you are too stupid to understand that simple concept...is yet further proof of how astoundingly dumb you are!

LOL You morons NEVER fail to make yourselves look ignorant, irrational, uneducated and childishly dumb. NEVER fail!\

But hey Jethro, I came for laughs that YOU voluntarily provided! LOL You are a BHILARIOUS IMBECILE!

25740239? ago

Something tells me you laugh uncontrollably at random times without stimulus

25740019? ago

blol bnigger

25740093? ago

Good one.

25739711? ago

Stay strong, Patriots. Justice is coming

25739399? ago

Someone doesn't completely agree with me. So they are a shill. They are worthless and should be bullied because I don't know how to handle myself, and instead of understanding their plight I will call them names and discount their own perspective. They are my enemy because I don't understand them and I believe that they are trying to put me in a bad mood. I don't know how to encourage them so I rather just put them down. Wow. You are genius. Geez that is the best way to handle this situation. I mean ostracize someone further because they are expressing their discontentment. Instead of helping them see the light. Let us stamp out the last flames left in their stupid hearts.

Victory to you good Sir. You are what this board needs. You are a pillar of strength and command great respect.

25740035? ago

Patriots dont need to waste that many letters, over target!!!!

25740077? ago

What? What is that even suppose to mean. I don't care if you don't think i'm in your club or not. You rhetoric is that isn't even a patriot, but a sower of division. Where we go one we go all. Why do you cast dividing lines? when I raise valid concerns you can't even counter them.

25740096? ago

Fast response, and noted, much less words.

25740169? ago

Cool. I didn't have as much to say to your childish retort. What does fast response have to do with anything? Wow this is what reality is now. Everyone not even trying to get along or understand one another. Calling people enemies. You don't really have a Patriotic vibe. Like Antifa claiming to be anti fascist are more fascist then not. You anti shill guys use the same tactics of shills. Sowing seeds of division.

25740330? ago

LOL "cool" and then the opposite, is a trollish response. Your long winded bullshit is suspect at the very least.

You could very well be an "anti". Addressing the "weird response" is not in any way non Patriotic.

Shill or low information, either way, you don't progress the argument in a meaningful positive way.

25740360? ago

Because I can use words and form sentences I am suspect? You don't even know how to form an argument it is why you are reduced to character assassination rather then any attempt to rebut said concerns.

25740376? ago

Fuck off I did not do any character "assassinations", methinks the lady doth protest too much.

Call me non-patriotic to my face?? Name time and place.

25740435? ago

So you don't believe in free speech? You think free speech should be met with violence? You seem pretty not patriotic.

25740544? ago

fuck off, stupid speech is not free speech. Paid propaganda speech is not free speech. Speech that is inherently treasonous is not free speech. Lots of speech is not free speech, including those including wikipedia as an "respected source" when anyone paying attention knows that they are total propaganda.

25740553? ago

Free speech. Me calling you non-patriotic is free speech. You assaulting me over it would not be a protected action. You understand the difference?

25740609? ago

You citing bullshit cabal controlled wikipedia is not free speech, it is bullshit speech.

Fucking troll with "assault" fuck you, I know what assault is, as well as battery. Most states are pretty consistent on those.

25740662? ago

Well what were you trying to imply if I said it to your face? that you lack the tolerance to hold your emotions and maintain composure? That little ole words hurt your fee fee?

25740842? ago

That people have lost the idea that there are consequences to their actions and statements. It wouldn't be about emotion. Capite?

25740919? ago

Sure it wouldn't. You would be trying to fight someone for some false sense of honor without actually being Honorable. Proclaiming to be a Patriot, but using violence for words spoken. While actions do have consequences. Your actions in response to words too have consequences. If Someone shouts their mouth off making them look retarded with words and trying to belittle someone whether they are attacking their character or calling them vulgar names that is consequence enough. Because they show they aren't able to conduct themselves very civilized. If you reduce yourself lower then that of a animal and lash out at someone for the words they elect to use it won't make you a big boy. You would just be doing it for your Ego. Call a nigger a nigger watch them lash out. Calling you non-patriot gets the same response. Wow you are such a refined individual.

25745482? ago

When the fight is brought to your door, and you have the ability to put the asshole in their place, you are shirking your responsibility if you do not.

So many of us are trained to "act civilized" while allowing great atrocities to occur on our watch. Fuck off troll.

25746008? ago

So someone calling you a non-patriot is a great atrocity?

25746395? ago

Would not someone calling you a traitor be a problem, maybe you are.

25746510? ago

Don't you know who you are? If so. then how could someone calling you a name other then who you are be a threat to you? Do you believe people can speak their mind? That is free speech. Now someone calling you names is an excercise of free speech. People can call you whatever they want. You taking heed to what they call you and getting offended means you believe there was some sort of truth to it. The ego goes on to defend the perceived offense. It feels attacked and wants to rectify this problem.

A patriotic individual will respect the first Amendment. Not because they respect the person in front of them, but because they respect the ideals this country is founded on.

You aren't government so you are free to act and behave how ever you want towards some one using their first amendment rights. But you have to be willing to face the consequences.

25747774? ago

because assholes like you have become accustomed to saying whatever they want online. Try that to someones face and you might then understand what consequences are. Defamation is not "free speech", and will have consequences.

25747838? ago

Bull shit. No one is defaming you. You exhibit traits an unpatriotic person would in my OPINION.

25748503? ago

troll alert!

Disengage disengage.

Troll says that by being offended at being called unpatriotic, proves that you are unpatriotic.

Reduction to the reality of the argument, not the absurdum

25748566? ago

No your reaction to it would make you unpatriotic if you use violence You can take offense all you want. Though I think if you take offense in my opinion you find some sort of truth in it. Don't put words in my mouth and it is clear in my responses what I alluding do.

You are wrong and misrepresent what I say because you don't know how to argue against it.

25749170? ago

People need to realize there are consequences to their lies, not just a dirty look. You exemplify exactly what the left is, living for decades without consequences. A strong argument will not change the actions of an asshole.

25749232? ago

You are wrong. You know nothing about me. You take offense and want to leap just like the black people. You are on their level.

25749603? ago

Hilarious, my statement above says nothing about you, and you pretend it does.

My statement, is, a statement.

25749626? ago

You exemplify exactly what the left is, living for decades without consequences.

Are you sure?

25749631? ago

Well I screwed up the quoting lol.

25746432? ago

I didn't call you a traitor I called you non-patriotic, and no someone calling me a name wouldn't be a problem because I wouldn't even consider they knew what they were talking about. I wouldn't relate to the words they used as being anything I could be.

25739671? ago

no one is reading all that faggotry. kys

25739630? ago

Walloftext nigger who can't tell the difference between a reasoned argument and a paid shill who adds nothing.

Go back to reddit you stupid faggot.

25739680? ago

If you consider a paragraph a wall of text, I'm not sure how you could actually dissect anything for yourself in this movement. Since it means you'd actually have to read, follow along and use your own attention span.

You believing everyone that leaves a Negative Nancy reply or retort to be a paid shill is ludicrous.

25739785? ago

negative nancy

Fuck off faggot

25739342? ago

They aren't your fucking enemy. People can actually feel like this and have these kinds of thoughts. maybe there is paid shills but to discard some of these thoughts as not being rational to have by some people who don't follow so closely or dealing with other issues is bullshit.

Calling peoples shills who aren't 100 percent on the same page as you or express any form of doubt is the same as Jew calling you antisemitic for bring up any thing Jewish.

25739757? ago

Their playbook has been leaked some years ago.

Demoralization is one of their tactics. Just being depressing and defeatist with no point to it. They target effort posts and the like to make new posters not want to contribute any more. They are cancer.

25740048? ago

Yep, it is the old

"what can we do about it, BS"

25740002? ago

If there goal is demoralization. You may unwittingly be playing into their hand by shunning people that have valid concerns, or expressing themselves as best they know how and treating them with animosity and calling them a shill. That is why they don't necessarily need to police these boards that often because when legitimate people come with their head hanging low. The community here helps make sure it hangs lower.

25740086? ago

negative, i didn't say people with valid concerns. Things happen that make it seem like patriots are not in control, but then we help the confused ones who have rational concerns.

shills are more like, we will never do x. x is hopeless. x will never happen. now that your aware you should be able to spot the difference. very often they will say something that outs themselves like far left rhetoric, or paying any attention at all to being politically correct.

25740103? ago

have you ever considered new people coming to these boards? That are demoralized and looking to have that turned around or are you so consumed by your own bubble of reality you forget there are millions of people everyday still deep in the shit of it?

25739920? ago

While this may be true claiming all post are as such is not correct. Even if those post are there. You can contribute positively towards those post. not in a negative manner. You can counter those post with positive expression and showing the reasons as to why you are hopeful. Then if it does so happens to be a normal person expressing their disdain instead of getting a pity party, they may get a party that helps bring them out of the gutters.

Would it be better to put good will out there, since the "enemy" thrives off negativity. It would likely recoil to positive reinforcements.

25740216? ago

the enemy are satanic rats and so also incredibly vain. you can leverage that to get under their skin.

while you are correct that 1/100 of people who post useless negativity are not just hostile invading cancer, that is the kind of thinking that got us into this mess and allowed so much corruption.

because there is one good guy in a group of terrorists we can't stop them from moving to your neighborhood.

and things like freedom of speech also applies to subversive nation wrecking bolsheviks who are using psychological warfare and mass media to destroy us.

25740314? ago

What does it do to a shill that is trying to preach doom and gloom when you counter it with positivity for the Movement instead of negativity towards the individual? Wouldn't this be a more effective move at countering shill tactics? If not why?

You don't have anything positive to counter something negative. Instead you respond in kind thus completing the tactics of the shill. Doing exactly what they want you to do. Conditioned to respond. Then becoming a Pavlovian response. You automatic think the majority are shills when it was likely this may have been the case at the start because energy was high.

Now that energy is lower for some and new people are being exposed to Q you greeting them with this hostile force reinforces the narrative of the News outlets. SO yeah you are playing into the shills hands perfectly with the attitude you present. They don't even have to do anything because they already created the response they want you to have at this time.

25740404? ago

go with your strengths man

i can spot shills and the enemy larping as good people, and i am really good at identifying psyche weaknesses and exploiting them.

25740423? ago

Cool then which am I? Am I shill? am I a Larper? am I wary? am I a follower? am I just raising my concern? Do I hold doubt?

25740495? ago

you are making genuine points. i believe you believe what you are saying. Maybe you have been around anon forums for a few years, but not any that are more wild than this one. And apparently not much experience with shills.

Do you remember shareblue? or were you not around that long ago?

25740639? ago

So if you suspect a shill, meet them in dialogue. Out express them. If they were genuinely a shill they will either leave it be, or make more and more mistakes trying to hold up an argument that doesn't make sense.

If they are actually a person that is demoralized you might install in them some hope once again, even if it doesn't happen in that exchange. You will be planting positive seeds to reap later. We are what we sow. Do you want to plant seeds that bare good fruits? Then why not plant positive seeds for all that may come and view this forum. Instead of fostering an atmosphere that is akin to any leftist form. Intolerant of any disagreement in opinion. Or isn't exactly in line with what is appearing as Group think.

25740952? ago

you do that tactic.

i will humiliate and ridicule the ones i believe are shills.

all bases will be covered.

25740977? ago

You do you. I don't think bases are covered at that point. More like hitting foul balls. but it doesn't matter, so long as the end results are the same I don't care what you do. As long as this movement isn't the ultimate fuck you trap. I will be happy.

25741041? ago

we are of the same mind there.

it can still go either way.

i will believe this movement was anything when there isn't a hostile ethnic monopoly on all media.

if anything else this was a controlled revolution, and the enemy is still in control, and trying to manipulate us into letting our guard down again.

25740572? ago

I just didn't care about them because they can't really do harm unless I play by their rules. They want to be attacked in a negative manner. but if you come at them in a positive tone, they don't know what to do. It eliminates their ability to sow discord. Which is the main goal anyways. they want division. haven't you notice America.

25740233? ago

No it isn't You can't beat Satan using Satan tactics.

You aren't stopping anyone. You are turning away people with their heads down. Devolving into what the Left does. eating their own.

Have fun being played.

25740334? ago

the enemy's playbook was leaked anyone who studies them can recognize them immediately.

are you one of those "if you kill your enemies, they win" types?

25740398? ago

Not what I'm saying at all. WHy not tout the strength of the movement rather then attack someone that may or may not be your enemy. Is your movement that weak? Or do you believe in the strength of the movement. Should the weight of the movement be able to speak through some one who understands what is going on. If so why don't you articulate it instead of attack.

Your reasoning just seem to negate what you claim to be about. If you actually follow Q movement and believe in it. Why not give the reasons as to why, if you believe it is good. things are hopeful why not explain why.

I think the tactics you use are more shill like. then anything. because you don't even have conversations. YOu shut it down. Something a Jew would do. OVEY THEY KNOW. SHUT IT DOWN. Seems to be the response to any kind of doubt people raise.

25740161? ago

Anyone that doesn't agree with us isn't thinking for themselves, and we must fight them. The warface on Q2195 says so. Everyone here is a joo/chink/shill in the digital war.

1488 o7

25740217? ago


25739299? ago

No one is paid to post on Voat because Voat is too obscure to matter. There's just a bunch of misfits on here.

Q researchers like to say we should think for ourselves, but only a very narrow viewpoint is accepted.

Voat members don't get to decide who is executed. That's up to the courts, and posting on Voat isn't a capital offense.

OP is a potato.

25740137? ago

you just proved OPS point by calling us 'misfits'

sure JIDF has a whole chapter in demoralization,

might need to reread some of your handbooks...

25740304? ago

If calling people names makes someone a shill, Voat is nothing but shills, dumbass faggot.

25739771? ago

You are the cuck who sees a dead brown baby and lets in a million refugees.

25740057? ago

a million rapeugees , chimping out too

25739944? ago

You have nothing of substance to say.

25740094? ago


25739417? ago

Don't insult potatoes, they have uses. I don't think Op does.

25739170? ago

I wish I got paid to shit on you faggots.

25739956? ago

Ok Nadler

25739701? ago

jfc there are full time crews doing this getting paid. how fucking retarded do you feel knowing you are paying your life hours here to shill against Q?

25739207? ago

If you do it for free, then you are more of a loser than the ones who get paid.

25739661? ago


25739226? ago

At least i make fun of the bullshit. You believe in it.

25739756? ago

What a sad life

25739154? ago


25739233? ago

Shills for the international hook nosed baby raping clique aren't people.

25739215? ago

^ shill not responding to the topic.

25739161? ago

That's not what the post said, but (((you))) already know that.

25739067? ago

Isn’t it so obvious? I mean it’s like there’s a 4 AM drop and suddenly it’s all one kind of shilling, one topic.

25741320? ago

Their latest shill op is to hate Mike Pence.

25739023? ago

Yawn. More Qtards.

25739185? ago

^ Perfect example. You see boys and girls, shills have no ability to discuss anything of substance.

25739167? ago

More low wage Sorostards

25739672? ago

The IQs are obviously even lower than the wages!

25739010? ago

Those are usually kikes, they prepare by looking in the mirror.

25739651? ago

Nah they are usually low-IQ cabal employees

25739223? ago

And shabbos goys.

Those mother fuckers will get it the worst.