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25730908? ago

We owe them absolutely nothing. Rather, they owe the American White community trillions in reparations. It is time for America's Blacks to be compassionately and non-violently deported to Africa.

26219723? ago

Dem niggaz got no history n Sheeeeeiiit, they think they might be Sub-Saharan Africa they could be Congo or Niger but they could also be East Africa or New Colony people like the Bahamas or they could be Pacfic islanders...nobody really knows what the negroid was, they probably mixed somewhat with Native Americans, Mullato Latinos, mixed and fucked their White Slave Owners... Did the Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid evolve and move the same way? There is the African Negro, the Bush Nigger, the True Negroid, the Cape colored or Capoid or Khoisan or Khoikhoi who may be a race older than the Negroe, the Melanesian, the Negrito, the Australoid Aboriginal of Australia while Negroid is even more far removed from the Negroid than Whites are removed from Negroids. These days racial science seems to be taboo almost banned, these original races were Capoid, Congoid (Negroe), Mongoloid, Australoid, and Caucasoid.