25743568? ago

Well..we get their company in return.

25737622? ago

We owe them a civil war, where we make quick work of them.

25736987? ago

They aren't African, they're black Americans.

25736912? ago

I'm done with the guilt trips.

Shame on you for falling for it in the first place.

25736649? ago

A free one way ticket to the Motherland.

25735753? ago


25735586? ago

Howse about we demolish the NWO bankers, re-liquidate the world economy with their ill-gotten gains introduce the NEXT LEVEL technology and declare that Africa will be the target of most of the new development, invite the people of color to join in the glorious renewal of the entire black race,.

Two birds, one stone.

25734499? ago

a boat back to their motherland.

25734318? ago

a swift kick in the ass

25733872? ago

End ALL welfare.

25733845? ago

The big problem here is that the money was taken before it got to the African American Community.

Look at Baltimore $15.7B in federal assistance in 2018 nothing went to the community. Where was it spent?


25733611? ago

Put them on boats and ship them back to nigger continent.

25733435? ago

Not a fucking thing

25733424? ago

Nothing. And they owe us for the crass, vulgar, subhuman crap rap/hip hop “culture” they foisted on the world. ENOUGH!!

25733299? ago

A one way ticket to Liberia

25733294? ago

Where are MY reparations?

25732846? ago

As much as USA has spent on their Education and training they could go to Africa (Mean IQ 69) and be gods! Pack em up.

25732727? ago

Total Planetary Extinction

25732200? ago

a 2 week cruise back to fucking Africa.

25732016? ago


25731934? ago

A rope?

25731922? ago

"Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate (set off by boundary), saith the Lord". 2Corinthians 6:17a. The context is physical, not spiritual.

25731804? ago

Respect and LOVE as they deserve >>> as WE deserve As given by God.

25731659? ago

I'm done with the guilt trips.

I'm done being scapegoated for what jews have done and guilt tripped over false history. Whites have been enslaved in larger numbers per capita than any other group and were still enslaved in large numbers in Africa and the Middle East long after their cousins had ended slavery in the USA.

25731648? ago

The blm org has done nothing but make people more racist. We dont owe them shit. What i dont understand is they are allowed to continue and not one arrest of the orgs top funders or leaders. Stay armed at all times anons

25731456? ago

a one way ticket

25731415? ago

We need to give them nuclear technology

About 20, 10 MT mkV mirvs launched via polaris system

25731348? ago

Get then the fuck OUT. They are animals.

25730947? ago

A bullet to the head.

25730908? ago

We owe them absolutely nothing. Rather, they owe the American White community trillions in reparations. It is time for America's Blacks to be compassionately and non-violently deported to Africa.

26219723? ago

Dem niggaz got no history n Sheeeeeiiit, they think they might be Sub-Saharan Africa they could be Congo or Niger but they could also be East Africa or New Colony people like the Bahamas or they could be Pacfic islanders...nobody really knows what the negroid was, they probably mixed somewhat with Native Americans, Mullato Latinos, mixed and fucked their White Slave Owners... Did the Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid evolve and move the same way? There is the African Negro, the Bush Nigger, the True Negroid, the Cape colored or Capoid or Khoisan or Khoikhoi who may be a race older than the Negroe, the Melanesian, the Negrito, the Australoid Aboriginal of Australia while Negroid is even more far removed from the Negroid than Whites are removed from Negroids. These days racial science seems to be taboo almost banned, these original races were Capoid, Congoid (Negroe), Mongoloid, Australoid, and Caucasoid. https://voat.co/v/whatever/4095324/26217052

25730870? ago

They have one skill down really well. Just think,100,000,000 aborted babies; mostly black. Just think if they had been brought into a world where the people who did the job were incapable of taking care of them or unable to love them. I don't like gates or his demon ilk, but he may be on to something there. Sorry but sometimes reality just trumps what you think is right.

25731578? ago

I agree completely. I’m not saying abortion is morally right, it’s clearly not. But, the alternative.... society would have already collapsed.

25730850? ago

When will affirmative action end? I've been directly impacted by that law since HS.

25730653? ago

My faith is in GOD and Humanity. US is the greatest cultural experiment in world history.

25731588? ago

Diversity is our strength!!!


25730549? ago

First-class one way tickets to Africa

25730519? ago

"When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape."


25730364? ago

It’s called divide and conquer.

They want you mad at poor black people instead of the elites manipulating this entire dynamic.

Don’t be a sheep. Think for yourself and break free of their programming.

25735660? ago

WE Want the same thing THEY Want... The end to the (((Oligarchy))) which rules the world toward their ends and desires.

Get RID of (((them))) and we can all learn to get along.

25735907? ago

Yes. This 100%

25731701? ago

If the poor blacks have been turned into a weapon against wypipo, it's not unfair at all for wypipo to want them gone. We'll deal with their programmers too but first we have to get rid of the feral chimp army.

25733928? ago

Your LOW IQ is showing, useful idiot.

25734309? ago

Your hooknose is showing, demon

25735913? ago

Said the shill, to himself

25736695? ago

Need I remind you that you replied? Nah, leftists always project nonsense outward, exponentially more so with identity thieving mongrels.

25739397? ago

Said the shill

25745379? ago

^^ No way this projector isn't paid by the post.

25749705? ago

You’re the only one projecting shill

25730528? ago

The poor blacks needs to be mad at the elites. That ain't ah happenin right now...

25731531? ago

Yeah I would totally agree with that one guy except the orc horde is bangin at the gates and they don’t give a fuck about your theories. Dey aint axe’n you sheiit when yo heads on a pike cracka.

25730410? ago

25730344? ago

What do they owe us for all the destruction they have caused? Reparations anyone?

25731600? ago

Wtf has a lifetime of social welfare programs been?

25730341? ago

Discipline. Time to remove every race benefit program. Empower the American people to defend themselves.

We must let them grow up. Options: work or starve.

25731495? ago

You mean work or become street gangs that rape and murder Wipipo. Nah we’ve tried that. Build the wall and toss them over. It’s about time Mexico gets a little karma.

25730307? ago

Sweet cream of nothing

25730211? ago

Hmmmm oh ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, sing the song what is the war on poverty good for, oh yes ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, kill the babies sell the parts, not even good for the undertaker, Say it again.

25730208? ago

We owe them a black President? Oh, wait, never mind...

25730185? ago

We owe them a lifetime vacation in wakanda, free flight.

25730336? ago

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25730180? ago

Why does a race even have their own community?

25731545? ago

Because blacks create a societal desert wherever they go.

25730539? ago

If you use the word race in a sentence; it is racist, regardless of the context.

25730193? ago

Yes, no one ever stops to ask that.

Why we have "black communities" and how they came to be "black".

A lot of "black communities" used to be "white communities" until they ran all the whites out.

25730159? ago

You and me both brother

25730110? ago

A lead sandwich

25730059? ago

In Louisville last night they chanted " we all want Cadillacs"

25730386? ago

Not a pick-up they could use to earn money. Not a fuel efficient vehicle that could get them to work. What a ridiculous request.

25730186? ago

Fine, run them all over with Cadillacs.

Shove it up their nigger asses.

25729933? ago

Every other group who comes to America mostly struggles and sacrifices for a couple of generations until their descendants are able to lift themselves to some level of prosperity - Not African Americans. They don not seem not want to do what it takes - they can't see their futures, only the present as Gibs are dangled in front of them by Democrats who know they make a nice little violent army.

25732796? ago

The Siberian Americans haven't amounted to much, either.

25730746? ago

Elon Musk is African American and he's doing just fine.

25730774? ago

So is Charlize Theron

25730991? ago

She's good at laying down. Not lucky with whom.

25730321? ago

Some groups pushing the Gibs agenda? https://voat.co/v/QRV/4032911

25729892? ago

A one-way ticket to Liberia.

25731463? ago

Give them a ‘reparations cruise’. Fill up all the cruise liners and drop them off where ever they still practice cannibalism so that way we can feed Africa at the same time. Two birds one stone.

25732825? ago

I specifically mentioned Liberia since that country was precisely set up for freed negro slaves to return to Africa.

Therefore it truly smacks of hypocrisy and utter laziness hearing current day descendents of freed slaves yap about 'reparations'. You got your reparations, bitches, you got a whole fuckin' country all to yourself and you're STILL parking your fat assets and big mouths in the US because there's no welfare checks or taxfunded baby murder there.

On top of this the returned negro slaves managed to descend into complete barbarism and literal cannibalism within a few decades of no white people holding their hand.

Complete travesty. Get rid of your dead weight, America. You have about 30 years before Black Lives Matter start eating the people in sidewalk restaurants, in stead of just assault ung them lije now...

25731015? ago

23 trillion spent on the war on poverty. The total black cost to America is one trillion every three years.

No group has received more than American blacks.

25731685? ago

No group has received more than American blacks.

And they're still not satisfied, chimping out all day every day over envy and jealousy because they'll never measure up and therefore have to reduce everyone else to their level.

25729921? ago

Agreed: Negotiate a Law-of-Return with Liberia to make every African-American a dual citizen... and then deport them all.

25731673? ago

The deal must be to NEVER return. Ever.

25731209? ago

Dual citizen? Fuck them! Expatriate themselves for that ticket before you board the plane. No coming back.

25731286? ago

Dump 'em in the ocean. No coming back.

25730552? ago

Dual citizenship would allow them to return.

You need a Protest Cruise where they get a whole 3 months of benny checks in advance, party the whole trip, a denouncement of citizenship ceremony while off-shore, then disembark to the motherland where their cousins will be there to gleefully welcome them with open arms and provide shelter... until the money runs out.

25732773? ago


25730596? ago

Dual citizenship would allow them to return.

Dual citizenship can be revoked.

25730366? ago

divide and conquer accomplished!

25730489? ago

It's a win-win!

We rid ourselves of our Congoid biological weapon and the Liberians get the tasty, fatty, juicy African-American meat to eat. Our corn-fed niggers spent their lives enjoying stress-free welfare and eating fried chicken and Doritos: like corn-fed venison.