25710118? ago

A living, breathing cunt. Their support for abortion reaffirms their cuntish ways.

25708639? ago

What if they were raped? I'm just saying were do we draw the line? I know this is a touchy subject especially w Christians, like me.

25701031? ago

Here is Why NYC approved late term abortions, including AFTER birth -- Send this meme around folks. This is a redpill


25701008? ago

Here - y'all can use this.
"Why YES. I'm Pro Choice when it comes to babies.
I'm Pro the Choice to use or not use a condom.
I'm Pro the Choice to be on Birth Control
I'm Pro the Choice to have sex or to say NO
I'm Pro the Choice to use the Morning after Pill should I either have ill-advised sex or am raped
I'm Pro the Choice to terminate a pregnancy if the baby has become toxic in my body and threatens my life

I am NOT Pro the Choice to ignore all of the above and then decide 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 months into a pregnancy that I changed my mind and I get to kill a healthy, growing, living, breathing being with a soul.

25700732? ago

Voat is a strange place, anti abortion but pro telling people to kill themselves. Can't we just be completely pro life generally? Like pro life until natural death?

25703411? ago

you're talking about the gas-yourself shills that are jews larping as nazis

25700268? ago

no, you're a satanist

25699660? ago

Fetus is pronounced “Feed us”

No coincidence

25699624? ago

Evil Cunt....there fixed it

25698344? ago

anti-abortion = way more niggers

the christians are the biggest group of nigger lovers on the planet (there are thousands of white "missionaries" in Africa distributing hundreds of millions of white christian dollars, on top of the hundreds of millions that the US government (which is full of christians) spends there. They're supporting the niggers in Africa in order to flood them into Europe and the US when they turn 18yo. Of the top-10 largest pro-immigration NGOs, 7 of them are christian organizations.

The christian anti-abortion attitude is an integral part of the (((Kalergi plan))).

25697633? ago

I'm a woman that completely agrees!

25697522? ago

I think we should pound being responsible into children’s heads as part of sex education. Not how to give your self a blow job. All I remember in high school is that you have a right to have sex...and that influence caused me some severe misery. Women’s liberation movement of the 70’s has made my live miserable. I think sex is evil and over rated. Teach them to channel their sexual energy into creative energy.

25697469? ago

LOL i love freedom of expression.

25697458? ago

I agree, but let’s not forget it takes two to get pregnant, and responsibility to not get pregnant lies with both parties.

25697389? ago

Why don’t they just sterilize themselves? Why kill?

25695504? ago

I am pro life but this is a divisive post. Calling anyone a c*** is bad enough, but putting it in the title is purely meant to divide. Anons beware of this tac tic in many posts on QRV.

25695390? ago

It's murder. But murder is not always the wrong choice. This is a war where jews have convinced white women to "drown their own children in the bathtub". What if they started a war and only one side showed up? America. When the war becomes two-sided, who do we start with?

The purpose of a woman is motherhood. Everything else is a distraction or a destruction upon women.

25695143? ago

from: doglegwarrior

the crazy thing is these cunts have multiple ways to keep from getting pregnant!

25694953? ago

Boats and Hoes!

25694941? ago

Capital murder = pre-planned

25694895? ago

haha well said

25694889? ago

Absolutely agree. My wife right now wants to move out with her lesbian pal. We have 2 children around 10. WTF is wrong with these selfish bitches?

25696301? ago

Jewish programming, mostly.

Your mistake was ever letting her stop being pregnant. Women are half-niggers, if you give them time to be idle they will get into all sorts of trouble.

25695327? ago

Holy Shit! I'm sorry Anon that's terrible.

25698509? ago

Thanks, it means a lot that you responded. More so that you shared your experience. If my kids were 2, this would be easier. At the age they are now, they have eyes and ears and are very impressionable. God Bless you.

25694778? ago

And not only are you a cunt, but if the abortion is not a by-product of rape or incest, you should be medically sterilized and never allowed to bear children again.

Actions should have consequences.

Want to kill an unborn child because you're stupid and didn't protect yourself when in this day and age you have every access to birth control?


Never have children again.

25694639? ago

If you're a female and you base your vote on the ability to one day terminate a child's life based on your own irresponsibility by getting pregnant in the first place... well, you're a cunt

If you're a male and you let females vote... well, you're a pussy.

25695590? ago

And how are we supposed to end it? Put it to a vote??

It won't be reset until Weimar America has its "Nazis" seize power, ruthlessly.

25694460? ago

If you are a man be responsible and use a condom. if you can't keep the zipper zipped. How difficult is it?

That way YOU are making a choice to not impregnate a single woman, who may well kill your child.

25695550? ago

How difficult is it?

Depends. What's the size of your prefrontal cortex? The larger it is, the easier it is.

25694074? ago

reminder ladies: even when things are "illegal," you can still do them. So really, vote based on something else.

25693861? ago

Girls are truly brainwashed from very early age. You won’t find any awake who still find abortion acceptable.

25693850? ago

And a murderer.

And a traitor.

And should be chained to a rape rack to breed with the best soldiers to create an army of janissaries.

25693773? ago

Fuck you, (((QRV)))...you're nothing but a bunch of nigger lovin' christians.

25693673? ago

Many women have been duped into thinking about the issue as "respect for women's rights" rather than ending the life of an unborn baby. "Women have the right to choose on issues that affect their bodies," and "men should not tell women how to manage their reproductive lives." It's all an evasion from the truth at the center of the matter.

And that truth would require women to see that they are killing other WOMEN who never get a chance to manage their own reproductive lives.

This is not a women's issue. It is a humanity issue.

25700707? ago

They say my body my choice. Well if indeed it was her body in question there would be nothing to kill. They always use terminology to cover for the reality. Such as pro choice. If it was told as it is such as pro murder the reality would be harder to close your eyes to.

25695615? ago

It's an issue of genocide, like keeping women in school until 22 (or longer). Women should be birthing their first child by 22... assuming you want the white race to survive.

25693612? ago

This is pretty succinct. KEK!

25693577? ago

but they don't know how to make people like them any other way. it's sad.

25693536? ago

and if you are male and base your vote on the ability to one day terminate your childs life in your girlfriends womb based on your own irresponsibility...etc.. you are an asshole.

25693306? ago

It's mostly blacks that have abortions. Do you really want more of them?

It's a means to an end. And I'm perfectly fine with it.

25693272? ago

I designed a bumper sticker about 20 years ago that said, "Pro-choice before conception. Pro-life thereafter." It was fascinating driving around Portland, OR and watching the obviously liberal person behind me come to a realization that I was NOT a kindred spirit and seethe with rage at what my sticker was actually saying.

25700803? ago

Great sticker. They say my body my choice all the while running around letting men impregnate them. The choice began when she let that happen. Once she becomes pregnant she is the incubator for the unique individual growing inside of her that contains the DNA of two individuals that have now combined to form a completely different person.

25697662? ago

Nice....Here is a fun thought. Since you are in the Portland area. Make your stickers and go down were the maggots are breaking stuff. ID their cars and place the stickers on them. Then watch their own friends/comrades destroy their cars.


25698132? ago

I saw the writing on the wall and got out before 2010. I'm now in a small town in the Rockies as socially distanced as I could afford.

25694543? ago

I have to admit that bumper sticker is intelligent. Hat tip.

25693140? ago

I am not in favor of most types and times of abortion, but there is an important question to ask: When does the soul enter the human fetus? I think it is no later than 2 weeks after fertilization, but maybe not much earlier? Considering that, I think it is ok to take measures to prevent the fertilized egg from implanting onto the uterine wall. The seeds of Queen Anne's lace taken by mouth do this effectively and for almost no money. Why do I think the soul soes not enter the fertilized egg upon conception? Consider the belief almost all share. God gives a soul the every human. One soul. Indivisible. Under God. But what about twins and triplets? Does God give one, two, or three souls to one fertilized egg? I think that after the fertilized egg has implanted on the uterus, by which time it has either stayed as one or split, I think that is when the soul enters. Theologians and scientists, please give me your opinions.

25696478? ago

When you can measure a soul, we can return to material policy. We are talking about organisms, flesh. Regardless of soul circumstances, for our race to survive we must stop this barbarism within the white population.

In many traditions, the soul is conceptually bound to the breath, which would put soul sync in the middle of pregnancy (month 5 or 6, the baby can breathe for itself).

Personally I believe the soul sync happens at the moment of uteran implantation, at the first bond to your ancestors. As for twins and triplets, all genetically distinct humans get their own complete soul. Identical twins have a Venn diagram of two souls. Overlap varies, and theoretically a two-bodied soul should be possible, though practically impossible.

I've had some interesting talks about the role family plays in soul selection, if there is a flesh component to spirit, or if families have a supersoul that persists through progeny. But in my defense, I was stoned out of my gourd at the time.

25698580? ago

You have a good mind, and I agree that soul sync may happen at the moment of uterine implantation, which usually takes from a few days up to 14 days max. Here's what the University of Michigan says about pregnancy - it starts when the fertilizerd egg is implanted. Before then, pegnancy tests are negative. "When a fertilized egg does implant, a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) begins to be produced in the uterus. This is the hormone that a pregnancy test measures. It prevents the uterine lining from being shed, so the woman does not have a period. Other signs such as breast changes and nausea occur in a woman's body, also meaning that pregnancy has begun." So how about this compromise? No messing with the fetus upon implantation. Before then, the pregnancy has not actually been achieved.

25693356? ago

You are still terminating a living process. You would be terminating the life of a unique individual.

25695373? ago

Within the 1st 14 days one is not sure if the pregnancy would actually take hold in th e uterus. Please convince me that there is a soul in that less than 14 day old cluster of cells. I am not arguing the point. I would sincerely like to here various religious and scientific viewpoints on the subject. Win me over. BTW, I am not terminating anything. Nor would an abortionist be involved. This is a nutritional step a wioman could take if raped or otherwise.

25699503? ago

If there is no life then there is nothing to terminate. Termination is proof there is a living soul there. Otherwise there would be no need for an intervention. It is not just a clump of cells. The blueprint is there with all of the components necessary to form a new person. This new person is placed deep inside the woman to remain safe and protected until it is mature enough for the outside world.

25700273? ago

Life is there. Do paramecium have souls? Do human sperm all have souls? Do all human eggs have souls? I doubt it. At what moment do the connected sperm and egg assume a soul? God knows the answer to this question. Can someone point me to a biblical reference that answers this question.

25700581? ago

Paramecium are not human. Once the egg is fertilized it comes alive to form a human. It is no longer just an egg or just a sperm. A process happened during this combining that has given them life. They combine to form a unique life. Biblically speaking there is no place in this process for a termination. There is no need to wrestle over this question of a soul. Everything is there in the fertilized egg. The process begins at conception. This must be how a living soul begins. To abort a pregnancy by any means is to terminate a life.

25701280? ago

Ok. I can accept that. But please explain how twins and triplets get their souls.

25693031? ago

Here are other ways to handle the process of sex


Birth control pill, patch, etc

Morning after pill




Pull out

And so many more.

Abortion is about two bodies and two lives and two rights. Not just the selfish mother.

Babies Lives Matter

25693013? ago

I have titties. I deserve everything and if you don't give it to me, you're sexist, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, transphobic, etc...

25693023? ago

damn.. forgot about titties...

I retract everything in the OP

25692998? ago


25692906? ago


25694556? ago

Incest and rape are the oldest form of Slavery.

25692853? ago

Crudely put, but oh so true.

25692754? ago

Also a child murderer and the enemy of your race.

25692748? ago

A cunt that will burn in hell.

25692731? ago

A lot of women have been indoctrinated on abortion since they were young. Especially women that aren’t religious and don’t got to church. Society has made women think it’s ok.

25692672? ago

I know multiple post menopausal women with children who advocate for abortion. Which is to say not every woman who advocates for abortion does so as a contingency for their own behavior.

25692562? ago

I would change “a child to “your child”

25692544? ago

It is a perfect description and I don’t think that word is used enough to describe these people.

25692504? ago

Most of the women I've ever seen talk about how important abortion is to them also say they're unwilling to ever do it themselves, but the TV says they need to protect access so that poor women can prioritize their careers.

25692411? ago

Most of the infanticide voters are sperm donors. Just saying, faggot.

25692426? ago

you're not saying anything, you fucking retard.

25693057? ago

Your blame game has glaring hole, ya bloody poofer. Homo's are a hell of a lot more than 2% now, thanks to subliminal messaging from digital enslavement. Cock suckers are so narrow minded that without the blame game suicide would be the only option. Just kill yourself and gain some wisdom the old fashioned way.

25692351? ago

and not a bright cunt on top of that. Condoms are easy to use, and so is birth control.

25692311? ago

Agreed. Abortion should not be seen as an acceptable form of birth control. Last resort against rape, incest, or a threat to the mother's life. This is the most reasonable, sane, and obvious stance on the issue. If it has to be done for other reasons than those listed, it should be done as early as possible. None of this late term, third trimester abortion crap. That's straight up evil.

25698366? ago

It’s not, and over 65% of the country disagrees with you.

25694863? ago

Look at what passes for rape nowadays. Drunken slut with morning after regret. Forget it. Women will lie to get an abortion: lie about rape, lie about incest, lie about their health. Any jewish therapist can argue that the pregnancy is causing psychological harm. Fuck that. It is barbaric. If blacks, hispanics, muslims, or jews want to preserve the right to murder their babies, that’s on them. But it is absolutely murder. Im perfectly fine handing out depoprovera free to them, money well spent.

25698446? ago

Maybe if women weren't so fucked in the head these days, they'd have more solid men around them to protect them from rape. MGTOW is a growing community. Dudes are redpilling very quickly. It's crazy some have had their awakening through MGTOW. All the corruption and cabal bullshit exposed to them because bitches be crazy.

25699449? ago

The mgtow path leads to extinction. A lot of women do not all buy into all this shit, especially as they get older. 22 year old women are stupid, because 22 year olds are stupid.

25700475? ago

There's the odd Christian redpilled girl, and more and more are waking up, but there so much truth to be had there.

25694978? ago

Funny how Chuck Schumer supports abortions in America but not in Israel:


25695906? ago

Yeah I was aware. Their religion is racist.

25693844? ago

The only argument i have against it other than blacks do it so its ok is that the adoption system is owned and operated by pedos who will steal their lives in the most brutal and degenerate way possible. Once that's fixed ill be fully against it. Other than the blacks of course.

25693713? ago

The cabal has done a good job at making the world a shitty enough place, where many people feel having a child will be too much of a struggle. They've made us slave away to survive, killed off the family dynamic of the man working and the woman tending to the household duties. Now both parents have to slave away to make ends meat. Having a kid and then a few months later having to go to work and send the kid to daycare, that's a shitty and scare situation for many people.

Then factor in that there are no societal repercussions (atm) for having an abortion and you have a recipe for disaster. They've made it too easy to have an abortion.

My hope is that this is all fixed and that white people will want to have kids again. We're going to have another baby boomer generation of 4 and 5 caucasian child families will be the norm.

25693047? ago


When does life end? Heart beat stops

When does it inarguably begin? Heart beat starts

25694882? ago

An embryo at any stage is fodder for gouls with PhDs. They will be carrying out their frankenstein experiments on early stage abortions.

25693064? ago

Exactly. The question is when is a person a person? Why is it murder at 1 day old but not murder if it's 0 days old? Same human being.

25692942? ago

My cousin is a obgyn doctor of fetal medicine.

There is nothing more riskier to a pregnant womans health than an abortion.. no illness. no accident. Those are liberals excuse. Only one time...when you have hormone rates dropping and the baby isnt developing. As a measure of help to not have a bad miscarriage someplace alone. D and C then is the only time.

This happens within the first 2 months . You get your levels tested. If they're low retested and tested again. Dropping levels mean it's a dud.

That's the only time it's acceptable.

25704452? ago

A dud? To a wanting mother, it's still a baby. How about "not viable"?

25735541? ago

If the hormone levels dont increase that means its ceased replicating cells. They give a d &c to remove the lifeless remains so you dont bleed out someplace unaided. My first pregnancy was such. It broke my heart. It was a wanted pregnancy. I find many women who stopped birth control have that first one not take.

I just thank God I never had to endure what my friend has. Etopic pregnancy rupture. Then years later 2 weeks from delivery the baby died. No external cause. Had to carry it 2 weeks and deliver her deceased son. And shes never been the same. Shes strong...but theres a hole. ..missed opportunity......as a pregnant woman..there really is a bond that develops with that precious little body inside your body.

I cant imagine not fighting to the death for it. I remember vividly the first time I felt my son move. Watching wild ducklings and momma on a pond with beautiful autumn leaves on the trees reflecting off the water. Bluest blue sky.

Even now....even though he out guns me now, still at 25 , I would still fight to the death for him.

25694486? ago

Incest and rape are also acceptable. But only to use the the fetus as DNA evidence for the minatory castration conviction.

25695297? ago

Am I crazy for thinking incest should result in death for every member of the family?

25695455? ago

Including the innocent? Homicidal maniacs are considered criminally insane, so you are half right.

25694965? ago

I like how you think. Why not just make 'em eunichs?

25695046? ago

Castration on a farm includes the balls. So I assumed for humans it will also include both the root and stem.

Always though eunuchs only lost the stem while keeping the balls. Am I wrong?

Yeap, Just looked it up. Encuchs are root and stem. My bad!

25694429? ago

I hope she encourages her desperate single Mothers to place the child for adoption.

25696977? ago

He. And he did. When obama admin made it so they were having to he retired.

But being a single mother can happen after birth so it's not really an excuse either. I've been divorced since 2000. I raised my son alone. It's not the dank alley people like to paint it as.

And when you see how they correct major birth defects that heal w little to know scaring from healing in womb you would be amazed. Rape and incest are not valid excuses either...since the dawn of time that's happened.

You deal with it. As gram used to say if your meant to have a child you'll have a child even if someone drags you into a dark alley. Deal.

The child shouldn't pay the ultimate price incurred by someone else.

Life is life no matter how it began...it still matters.

25693049? ago

Anacephaly, no I cannot spell it. That needs to be aborted.

25696907? ago

Blow yourself typo jockey

25692409? ago

rape is not a good enough reason imo.

25692549? ago

I disagree. If a woman is raped, which is a crime of violence, and is impregnated by someone without her consent, abortion should be an option. Both sex and pregnancy requires consent. However, this "rape" needs to be proven to be rape and not a tactic used by the woman against a man. This gets into some legal issues. If it's proven that it's being used as a weapon, it should be treated as the crime that it is. If a woman is actually attacked and raped by a stranger, aborting the pregnancy as soon as possible is the right thing to do. In all cases though, the woman has the right to decide to keep the baby if she is of legal age at the time of the pregnancy.

My .02 cents.

25695483? ago

It's called plan B (morning-after pills).

Half of the objections to "life begins at conception" would vanish if we change it to "life begins when the egg implants itself." That is the moment it connects to the endless string of ancestors, that is the moment it is on its path to adulthood, that is the difference between fertilized and pregnant.

The only just murder is reciprocal: killing that which would kill you. Only danger to the life of the mother justifies ending a pregnancy. Nothing else. No exceptions, or everyone who wants an abortion will claim to be an exception.

And prosecute aborting mothers as accessories to murder.

25693567? ago

The chances of becoming pregnant due to a one time rape by a stranger are extremely slim. The woman’s body has an immune response to a stranger’s semen that would prevent fertilization in most cases. This would be the only time a morning after insurance policy would be appropriate.

25696731? ago

What? "An immune response to a stranger's semen that would prevent fertilization in most cases." You're joking, right?

25699340? ago

Actually this is no joke. One of those little facts that Planned Parenthood doesn’t want anyone to know. Sorry I don’t have any sources to share. I learned this years ago.

25692943? ago

If you’re raped you can take the morning after pill.

25692999? ago

Same thing.

Many women have children if rape. And keep them or adopt out. Best way.

That body inside of a womans body is NOT HER BODY!

She's the protector of that body.

And can give it to be adopted.

Imagine allowing for a mans hate to be more of a contribution to that child than hers?

Half hers...shouldn't that contribution mean as much to her?

If its growing and developing..then no exceptions.

25692578? ago

You can disagree, but the ultimate victim is the unborn baby... not the woman.

25692823? ago

What if it's a white woman raped by a nigger?

25695570? ago

Dont walk around the black side of town by yourself after dark. Don’t party with blacks. Observe these rules and you wont find yourself in that position. We will have to ask women to change their behavior. Duh.

No more of this “I can dress like a prostitute and get drunk and high at the nightclub and get in the car with whomever and if I get raped its because of the rape culture, I bear no responsibility.” Almost all rape can be avoided in a white christian majority country.

25695329? ago

All nigger males should be aborted, period.

25692841? ago

When is it not?

25692615? ago

That I agree with. You are correct. But I do not think abortion should be illegal for a young girl impregnated by her own father, for instance. That needs to be ended.

25692668? ago

Yes, there are some extreme cases where its hard to determine what would be the right thing to do. Giving pedos the death sentence would be a start.

25692762? ago

I don't think anybody would disagree with that. I'd like to hear from female goats about the issue as well.

25692367? ago

Cuomo made up to birth abortion LEGAL in the State of New York

this was an attempt to cover up the widespread baby farming/harvesting Planned Parenthood has engaged in

this whole thing is so EVIL, I don't think people can comprehend the magnitude of it all

25692337? ago

The satanic propaganda tells us that those exceptions are a significant portion of abortions. But fact is, they make up much less than 1% of abortions.

25696104? ago

abortion is a satanic sacrifice.

This guy says it all. Former satanist turned Christian



25695719? ago

Yep, this is where an exception could be included in a law prohibiting abortion. Rape, incest, and mothers-life are all self-defense exceptions against abortion being murder.

Even if that's abused we're talking <10% of that 1%.

25696072? ago

Jane Roe claimed rape, and confessed in her book the rape was a lie.

25696821? ago

Get the prosecutor to file it.

25695218? ago

In the case of threat to a mother's life, it doesn't have to be done at an "abortion clinic" and may not even register as an abortion. Most OBGYNs don't do elective abortion, but they do procedures that result in a loss of a pregnancy when medically necessary -- usually in a situation where, with no intervention, the baby would not have survived and quite likely not the mother either. It's worth remembering that in a state of nature, there is an absurd maternal mortality rate. I've heard it put that: Untreated 1/3 of women will die in childbirth. That's not per child; that's overall so presumably having like 10 kids if you live. The rate of death for children either during birth or shortly thereafter is even higher in nature.

25699487? ago

No baby ever needs to be terminated to save a mother's life. I've talked to several OB/GYNs and it's completely unnecessary according to every single one of them. When that situation arises, a woman's doctor will elect to induce or perform a c-section. A few have even gone further to mention that an abortion would take significantly longer than an emergency c-section. The baby still has a shot to survive in the majority of those cases and it never is injected with poison, ripped apart, or has it's skull crushed. "To save a mother's life" is just an excuse used by the left to cloud the issue. Most rape victims also do not need abortions because they know they've been raped and have the opportunity to buy plan B/seek immediate medical intervention. If we're honest with ourselves, women would just lie about being raped for abortion access if heavy restrictions were in place. The only case where abortion becomes murky for me is little girls who aren't even old enough to understand what's happened. 8, 9,10-year-olds raped by grandpa/dad/teacher/cousin and aren't physically or emotionally able to carry a child to term. This is probably the only time where I would step out and say the parents and doctors have to decide what to do in that case. That probably makes up less than .01% of abortions. It's also 100% clear rape has occurred.

25693259? ago

they make up much less than 1%

Probably a little higher since if you dont have say you were raped or are a victim of incest, you wont.

25692430? ago

I agree, there is a satanic component to the issue. More people need to see what an abortion actually consists of. I think an HONEST documentary showing the beginning to end effects of an abortion may change some minds on the whole procedure. When does a person become a person? That's the issue. If a mother decides she no longer wants her 2 yr old son, should she be allowed to kill him? No? Why? It's murder. Why does this same protection not extend to the unborn who have body and mind and heartbeat?

25695170? ago

from: doglegwarrior

so with all the calls blaiming satan should jesus and the kike yahew sandnigger god all you white cucks to jews worship have made it really clear? killing a baby in the womb type commandment saying it is instant hell fornthe baby and especially the mom! at the same time men who allow this should have the highest punishment because that would lead to men stopping this shit

never mind jews own all you judeo christian cucks and you will keep sucking that jew sandnigger dick

25698473? ago

from: doglegwarrior

Disregard my comment guys. I’m a faggot jew with a tiny dick who dreams about being gang raped by black men with huge cocks. My asshole is dripping just thinking about being filled with all that cum.

25699230? ago

from: doglegwarrior

you guys know thats not me? right? why is it not me? ohh ya that is a jew faggot... the real.dlw when verifying the truth always lets you know the real problem. jews.

circumcision is an evil jewish religious ceremony with absolutely zero medical benefits

25700297? ago

from: doglegwarrior

Just kidding guys it totally me. Sometime after I’ve spent the day licking Jewish men’s assholes at the YMCA I get confused. Truthfully I like to have a yamaka shoved into my asshole while I get on my knees and take all their loads down my throat. They are gods chosen people and deserve to be serviced by my subservient mouth. Biden 2020!!!

25702195? ago

from: doglegwarrior

did the faggot say???

circumcision is an evil jewish religious ceremony with absolutely zero medical benefits

nope.. fake and gay

25703529? ago

from: doglegwarrior

Hey y’all its ya boy with the tiny baby dick, DLW. Don’t listen to ^ this jackhole, you all know my gay husband is a rabbi and as it says in the Torah “circumcision is awesome”.

I’ve read that it cures cancer and leads to a longer fuller life. Wow!

25705543? ago

from: doglegwarrior

circumcision is an evil jewish religious ceremony with absolutely zero medical benefits

the faker above me thinks it is ok to mutilate defensless babies he probably likes abortions as well..

it is a jew for sure

25695308? ago


25697186? ago

you christians are cucks to a sandnigger god. judeo christianity? the first half of your book is the jew book the talmud. you chriatians are cucked by sand niggers end of story

25700035? ago

I'm not a Christian. I don't identify with any organized religion. I just go by what makes sense to me as being the right thing to do.

25692293? ago

A murdering whore cunt to be exact

25692225? ago

Repeal the 19th.

25692245? ago

repeal the 22nd, first.

25692188? ago

It takes two to fuck. Don't forget all the irresponsible men who don't want to be on the hook raising a kid

25695496? ago

Which is why black babies are half of abortions.

25694982? ago

Mostly niggers and spics.

25693229? ago

and if not by Direction Invasions and War what of the Attacks by Brood Parasites? https://files.catbox.moe/cpurw7.jpg ? @Helena73 Why did they kill user A . I . - Amsam, Zo (bot) and Tay?

25692283? ago


she is the gatekeeper and many women (way more than you think) will lie to a man and use a pregnancy as emotional leverage and a source of income

Yeah.. no guy should trust a woman he does not know, nor should he have sex without adequate protection.

25694523? ago

Rape and incest is a gate keeper to victimhood? Really?

25692239? ago

true, but the decision is solely the woman's a man cannot contest it.

25692166? ago

Perfect! First you are a slut and then become a full fledged CUNT.

25694992? ago

Women could always learn to suck more dick and enjoy anal.

25696863? ago

^Something only a faggot would say.

25696874? ago

You've never poked your wife or girlfriend in the butt? Puhleese.

25696481? ago

Anal is against God's rules but the sucking part is always good.

25696500? ago

Hey, it's dark... there were 2 holes..... accidents happen.

25696584? ago

great reply!

25693175? ago

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25692129? ago

Their vote cancels out your vote.

25695002? ago

That's why giving women the right to vote was a very stupid idea.

25692445? ago

More mothers are against abortion than Soyboy's and neutered men.

25692115? ago

A cunt that should be unable to bear children.

25692132? ago


25692060? ago

You're giving them too much credit if you think their justifications are that specific.

It's more of a nebulous "sense" of direction. Their vote for a leftist is based on a vague notion of maternal morality, fairness, and misguided feminist values which equate happiness to liberation from all cultural inheritance.

It's not nearly meeting the threshold of reasoning so much as it is a feeling, floating like a slimey film on the ocean of poor impressions below.

95% of women are detrimental in terms of their voting behavior/reasoning to a representative republic.

25692055? ago

Do the responsible thing and have the baby adopted by a good intact family.

25692571? ago

The responsible thing to do is make abortion require castration of the sperm donor.

Same goes if the child is brought up on welfare. If one or both can afford the option to pay for permanent sterilization (if both parties are consensual) then some fags can keep their dicks.

To qualify for an abortion the females are to have their uterus scrapped and branded as whores.

If studs are too stupid to wrap it then they do not need the bloody baby maker.

25695518? ago

This only works if the father shares the final decision on abortion.

25696681? ago

Shares? If he is financially competent then he gets to keep the child or goes into financial servitude for 18 years, or 26 if we can raise the age of lawful adults to that age. Highly recommend raising the age of consent to over 25 to ensnare pedophiles for execution. Only then does castration remove him from the gene pool and humanity wins. Under 21 (or 26 if a dependent) is instant serialization beneficial so the untrained child can be made an example of for public mockery.

After all, if the sperm donor is too stupid to use a condom them his dick retards the human gene pool.

25692155? ago

The responsible thing is to keep the child and raise it.

If you can't do that, you're not human and should never even consider risking pregnancy.

This is how far from MORALITY this country has been unmoored.

A system has been set up to capture foster children and enslave them in the sex trade, by our OWN GOVERNMENT

25694358? ago

So you would rather a child be raised with no father in the home? Why make a 2nd mistake? Christian couples have to wait a long time to adopt a healthy child. I would encourage every single Mother to do the right thing by your child and chose a Christian pair of parents to raise the child. That's called love by the way. Abortion is murder.

25692221? ago


25692002? ago

Their vote cancels out your vote.

25692023? ago

their vote cancels the God given lives of the children they carry

25691978? ago

Rancid Cunt.

25691860? ago

I'm not even pro-choice or pro-life and I think this is stated very well.

25695784? ago

For me, there is a practical solution to this. The things society wants to discourage must cause the actor to incur tradeoffs.

The premise of many liberal pro-abortion arguments had to do with an inability or irresponsibility to provide a good life for the child, hence the termination spares the child from suffering.

Okay. If you want an abortion, then you make the claim you are unfit for motherhood in terms of regular biological channels. So at the time of abortion you will also receive tubal ligation.

You may or may not have eggs saved and frozen, with the ability to inseminate them with donor semen at a point where your expressed desire is coupled with proof of financial and mental competency to raise the child.

Short of that, you will not be able to become pregnant again.

25692280? ago

There's more to life than abortion.

25692715? ago

Agree, so odd that selfish cunts focus so much energy on it.

25692755? ago

It's politically popular, or so they think. That's it.

Trump will give the people new Internet Points to strive for.

25694905? ago

i wonder why abortion is so important for the democrats, aside from selling the baby parts of course.

25695058? ago

Democracy makes all think they are tyrants and false gods.

Athens, Florence, and now us have open pedophilia, just like Weimar Germany.

25696096? ago

As the OP said, if they vote simply because they want no consequences for whorishness, and to mirder babies, then fuvk them. We owe them nothing.

25696134? ago

Men vote for vice as well.

Trump will only allow virtue.

25696161? ago

nobody said men were perfect.

again, fuck the whores, they are owed nothing

25696321? ago

Let he without sin cast the first stone.

All will be healed or gently held until they are not destructive.

A very new way is coming.

25696412? ago

Yes, let the cucks be cucks.

We also owe nothing to them. May the whores and cucks have eachother.

25696438? ago

Poor creature, why do you limit our virtue?

ALL rise under Trump's command under God.

25696707? ago

I am not respobsible for the actions of others, therefore I do not limit their virtue.

Whores are whores and are finally being held accountable.

25696798? ago

The 10th Amendment will given to the Citizen and taken from the State.

Who exactly will be held accountable for what exactly?

25697272? ago

People are waking up to the whores as the OP noted.

I have seen a huge increase in bitter whores unable to find decent men to tolerate their shit and marry them.

God was right, their own wickness will correct thee.

25697314? ago

We will all heal together, or we will most assuredly hang separately.

25697746? ago

Great, the whores and cucks can heal together.

25697762? ago

You will be free to keep them ALL away from you!


25697856? ago

Of course I will.

idk what youre talking about

25697942? ago

Your mortal salvation.

Trump just did the direct meritocrafy trick again.

Poor souls feel cheated because it was the same as the last and not new.

They missed him naming the military-industrial complex.

Are you paying attention?

Countercultural revolution in progress.

25697972? ago

The key to Trump is paying closer attention to his actions than to his words.

25698045? ago

No sir.

The true story will be told to our descendants.

His oratory is greater than Mozart's music.

We'll all know. He's instituting direct Aristotelian meritocracy, too.

You will see how Trump gives power, as he disarms himself.

This is a religious experience for me. I entered ecstacy last night.

25698208? ago

Ok wackadoodle

25692422? ago

Said a self centered homosexual.

25691854? ago

Perfect post.