You mean those Germans that tried to stop the jew from doing to Germany what they have been doing to every country they infest? The same thing they had just done to Russia. The same exact thing we see them doing to America today. Those jews down through history don't represent who they are as a people? Those bad old Nazis were just trying to save a nation that was being wrecked. That bad old Hitler prophesied the down fall of the US from exactly the same disease. And here we are today exactly as he foretold because of the fucking jews.
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25686565? ago
Reminder: Nazi fag losers and people pretending to be nazi fag losers do not represent the Q movement.
25691663? ago
You mean those Germans that tried to stop the jew from doing to Germany what they have been doing to every country they infest? The same thing they had just done to Russia. The same exact thing we see them doing to America today. Those jews down through history don't represent who they are as a people? Those bad old Nazis were just trying to save a nation that was being wrecked. That bad old Hitler prophesied the down fall of the US from exactly the same disease. And here we are today exactly as he foretold because of the fucking jews.
25691796? ago
You’re a mouth breathing loser.
You do not represent the Q movement.
You’re just butt hurt because Q took over VOAT. Get over it, faggot.
25691827? ago
I came to voat with Q you dumb ass jew.
I was awake to the fucking jew long before Q was ever a strategy.
Q brought the useful idiot sheeple to Voat to wake them up.
Q+ and Q cannot touch the third rail that the jew created with its control of media and religion,
but they can make sure their followers see the issue of jew corruption clearly.
Now go suck some more baby dick.
25691861? ago
Your jew obsession allows you to avoid accepting responsibility for your shitty life choices.
You’re a loser and it’s your fault.
Your weak minded bigotry does not represent the Q movement.
Move along, loser.
25691941? ago
BTW: I don't have an obsession with them. I just call it like I see it, and least I can see it. You on the other hand are willfully blind as a bat.
You should pull your head off the jew's crotch and look around with an open mind to what is going on.
25692015? ago
Ok, groomer.