25691609? ago


poppitypopopop !!!!!!!

25691316? ago

I don't honestly care about the "release of names" because in the end it's like watching the credits of a bad movie, all bad actors all bad scenes and they will go on to make another bad movie. What all of us here want is not who but when. When will the freaks walk the plank? When will they go to jail? When will they be destroyed? Can we watch the finality? A line of swaying dead bodies in the gentle breezes of the Caribbean? The gut wrenching bullshit these rich and famous monsters did and how they did it makes my skin crawl.

We don't want to see panic. We want to see stark TERROR largely written.

25690080? ago

1000s of names will be uncovered.

25686624? ago

I hope those that are looking check out Water Island, 9 miles from Pedo Island, Joe Biden's brother James is one of the primary owners of the island property. A mere coincidence? Inmho there are no coincidences

25686178? ago

Its coming next week, goys!! hahahaha

25685825? ago

Been hearing this for a year or more💤💤💤💤

25687615? ago

Shh, you're supposed to forget that FISA was supposed to be this huge bombshell mainstream scandal...

25685708? ago

Think Mirror

25685707? ago

Specifically the ones that went to Pedo Island.

25685605? ago

Those names have been public for a while now, haven't they?

25685497? ago

So RBG dies to tie up the news cycle so no one will see it. What a surprise

25685279? ago

Archive version for those not wanting to be forced into accepting cookies:


25685005? ago

Does this mean POTUS will get yet another SCOTUS pick this year? Roberts named along with some damning footage??

25690495? ago

Pizzgate sub has some info? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/4008901/25499283

25684976? ago

Just so you know, I UP VOTE every comment you kikes down vote.

25685729? ago

How do you know which ones are downvoted, and which ones are downvoted by, say Swedish or Japanese vs kikes?

25684948? ago

Lolita Express isn't the only plane that flew to the island

25685615? ago

From the article:

has demanded logs for his four helicopters and three planes, from 1998 to his suicide last year

25684667? ago

We need to see flight logs to surrounding Isles from different planes. I'm sure some where smart enough to obfuscate the data by not showing up on Epsteins little honey pot radar jet.

25684578? ago

citing the Mirror


25684571? ago

BREAKING NEWS!!!: ...another nothing burger.

WIENER LAPTOP EXPOSED!!! ...nevermind.


PRESIDENT JFK KILLED BY JEW MOSSAD!!! ...that's behind us.


25684549? ago

I heard that @Tallest_Skil went there, but only as a bottom for obomma and big mike.

25687207? ago

spot on tallest skil is a fag and pedo for sure.

25706030? ago

no argument

no evidence

no refutation

nothing on topic anywhere

just ad homs and queer worship

Hi, coward. Thanks for admitting that everything I’ve said is objectively true.

25706049? ago

argument about what, that you are a bottom for obomma and big mike as another anon stated above?

25708321? ago

no argument

no evidence

no refutation

nothing on topic anywhere

just ad homs and queer worship

Hi, coward. Thanks for admitting that everything I’ve said is objectively true.

25684581? ago

found the jew

25684589? ago

Where is he? get the rope lol.

25684545? ago

(1) Once Trump's name shows up (even though it was a Miami-to-NYC flight - not to Epstein's Island), it will be 24x7 wall-to-wall MSM coverage of how Trump flew on Epstein's plane.

(2) They forgot to subpeona the SUBMARINE logs

25685713? ago

I dunno, this has been known for a long time. I think it is more likely that the media will want all mention of Pedo Island and the Lolita Express to go away.

25689251? ago

Good point.

25684414? ago

This sonds like there are more flight logs that we haven't seen yet.
And that the full identity of all them will be revealed. There are a lot of abbreviations in the flight logs and some names are not unique enough, like "John Roberts".

25684324? ago

We've already seen the Address Book and Flight Logs. Do you mean it's going mainstream?

25687572? ago

LOLGOING MAINSTREAM that's a good one! On what platform? The ones the Chinese Communists and Zionist Jews completely control???

25684386? ago

I think these are from other planes + helis

25687390? ago

Possible and plausible. You cannot fly a plane to Epstein's island. It does not have an airstrip. You fly to an airstrip on the US Virgin Islands (probably Cyril King Airport in Saint Thomas). From there, you get a helicopter ride to the island, or you ride in a boat / ferry / submarine / etc.

25684818? ago

Lawyers for the victims say the 2009 logs did not include flights made by chief pilot Larry Visoski, who flew for Epstein for more than 25 years. This is where trump shows up.

25689361? ago

Say what you will about Visoki, but I will tell you this: the son of a bitch knows his way around a plane.

25687168? ago

Of Trump was proven a pedo we want him to hang too. But you and I both know he is not a pedo, he is a pedo killer.

25687433? ago

We don’t know if he is on the additional flight logs. We do know he’s a minor attracted person based on his comments about his teen daughter.

25687468? ago

got you are that guy. horrible thing to complement your daughter. This line of attack is way past retarded, didnt work 4 years ago wont work today.

Tell your boss to come up with something else.

25687691? ago

I hope you don’t have a daughter. I would worry you would rape her given you think his comments are “compliments”

25687843? ago


25685600? ago

I suppose we shalt soon find out. All things are to be revealed,

25684900? ago

Thanks glow nigger 👍🏿

25684316? ago

Good, finally. Drop the truth and let the chips fall where they may.

25684300? ago

Did Mossad deliver?

25684283? ago

Fuck the popcorn.

The popcorn was apparently a lie. None of this shit is glorious. I am embracing the suck of 2020.

We have an election to win. That is the goal. Shut the fuck up about all this crap that is not going to happen. I'm sick of it. STFU.

On Nov 3, the battle begins. The commies are going to try and steel it. We need to be focused on not letting that happen, and not sitting at home with popcorn with fantasies about our enemies being frog marched into Gitmo.

25684409? ago

Found the sleeper ^^

25685802? ago

What do you think I'm trying to accomplish with my comment?

Why do think I read QRV and make comments?

25684251? ago

In other news, Jim Carrey has officially changed his name to Christos Stefanopoulos and has obtained Greek citizenship.

25686204? ago

It was either that or be repatriated to Canada?

25685042? ago

Tom Hanks literally did exactly this.

25684996? ago

Never thought about it but now that I have there is no where Carrey hasn't raped kids. The guy is fucking off.

25684820? ago

Greek citizenship come with free child restraint and gags

25684065? ago

I won't believe it will happen until it actually does. This is all more hopium.

25683937? ago

$10 says Jim Carrey and Chrissy Teigen(sp?) aren't there.