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25655608? ago

Yes, we know that jews are degenerates.

25655654? ago

These are Masons, some Masons are so called Christian, they can be Moslim, Atheist or Jew. There are also lots of Faggot French, Pakis and Street Shitters in Masonry today. Some Masons today are low ranked and stupid, they never read up on the Msyery Babylon blackmail crap, they know little of this Demiurge or prays to Al Lah, many Freemasons don't even realize they're Luciferian Satanists.

26362220? ago

25655684? ago

Its all ran by the jews, you dipshit. all others are slaves to jews.

25655851? ago


25655928? ago


25655955? ago

I agree

It was merely a grammar flame

Should be “it is all run by Jews.” Though I’m not sure about that. Personally I suspect that people who are ethnically but not religiously Jewish may be over represented among the traitors to humanity, but I really doubt that they’re solely Jewish.

25656010? ago

Jews just launched an attack on Q