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25655863? ago

Shriners often a feature of the pizzagate forums ... maybe satanic not sure... btw Ask why so many feature around Hollyweird and other places like politics

25655906? ago

Truman Nuked Kids, not a military target? and Christian Children btw @ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS @gamepwn ? @Sir_Ebral ? @darkknight111 @Nosferatjew

25656983? ago

"I am become death destroyer of worlds" Jack Parsons (Originally from the Bav. Gita) after the bombs were dropped. Jack was a friend of Alester Crowley a well known satanist who took part in the Babylon Working at Devils Gate in Pasadena CA.

Stories tell of Jack receiving the nuclear technology and know how- from a ritual in which he spoke to a demonic realm.