25632724? ago

Arrests or GTFO

25632423? ago

bit o wild theory.. but DEWS created the sahara desert back in the day.

seems a giant patch of south america was hit with one too.

this shit has been going on a looooooooooooooooooooooooong time.

25631111? ago

Q's 3 years of constipation has me forgetting what I was even waiting for.

25630944? ago



25630687? ago

I will be the calm to those around me. I think that is going to be important

25630545? ago

The truth belongs to all of us. Not just some select elite that gets to know. I could not disagree more with Q and Trump on this.

25635638? ago

Especially since we pay for all of it!

I’m willing to be patient, since I don’t have a choice, and see what happens. Corruption over a century plus weaves a web not able to untangle quickly.

That said I’ll believe it when I see it. Trump is the only way for 2020 but hopefully paves the way for a cultural renaissance.

25630347? ago

I created this analogy several years ago. The awakening is like microwave popcorn. At first, nothing happens. Then a singular POP, then POP, wait, POP...POP......POP..POP..POP, POP POP POP, brrrrrrrr POPS everywhere. Before you know it the bag is being filled as it enters a curve similar to the Rodgers Innovation Adoption Curve. Then 5% burn in the bag and never make the journey. When Q came out with 4-6% some time later, I knew I was on to something. We are just the kernels that already popped and looking at our neighbor saying "Let's go already!" It just needs to get a little bit hotter and POP, we will enter that curve. It's unavoidable at this point. Hang on and be grateful you popped when you did.

25632025? ago


25631633? ago

Popcorn? You made a popcorn analogy. No coincidences. We see you Q!

25639282? ago

hahah I made that analogy long before Q, but i never tied those two together until you just did. Thank you anon! Have a beautiful day!

25632006? ago


25631497? ago

Your bag contains all-white corn you need to also wait for the other bags to pop too.


25639289? ago

I only pop the multi-colored, organic, popcorn :)

25630467? ago

“The future is here it’s just not evenly distributed”

Great analogy.

25630442? ago

Oh shit then I'm a burnt popcorn kernel?

25630511? ago

I think not if you are on these boards.

25630066? ago

Did anyone notice the frame-skip right before the DoD says "into" ??? Or, as he is saying "into"

Re-watch, something was changed on that video..

In the meantime, here is a company that assisted in the development of DEWs. General Atomics

25629962? ago

Love the post, but why "the last election"?

25629752? ago

What comes after no more elections?

25632294? ago


25629716? ago

Q knows all this...because Q has the plan...the whole plan. Illuminated.

25629708? ago

No "magick".

No Ouranos.

No "this lifetime".

Fuck off, Lucifer.

25629465? ago

((face palm)) Q-birds fall for it again.

25629357? ago

It's just occurred to me, if the world now knows about Chinese and Russian DEWs, what are the odds that [they] will use them in a more purposeful way.? Could that lead to the US revealing their space program to destroy them?

25629695? ago

Haha. Chinese and Russian dews!

Lol. They are all c_a dews! Well, not exactly. Here in the U.S. it is the c_a, it is their counterparts in the other countries, but they all work together.

The counterparts in the other countries work to keep their citizens down just like our c_a works against us. All the different orgs from the different countries work together, under the direction of their masters, to keep their citizens in slavery.

25631266? ago

So was the release of Covid-19 (IMO). I love the way Trump highlights shitty behavior by blaming someone else. Remember during the R primary in 2016? He told everyone that Cruz's dad shot JFK? I bet he did that just so he could watch JEB!'s face when he said it. God, I love Trump!

25631515? ago

Haha! So right! I love that about Trump!

You Know, and so does he, that they want to correct him so bad. They want to use those statements to claim he's dumb! BUT THEY CAN'T!!! If they did it would incriminate them! LLLOOOLLL!

25629691? ago

Space Force FTW!

25629216? ago

Thought something along the same way, hope we are right, the stage has certainly been set this year and people are paying attention! Let the BOOMS roll !

25628967? ago

"The Truth would put the 99% in the hospital."

"Sometimes you can't tell people The Truth, sometimes you have to show them."

"Bigger than anyone can imagine."

It had to habben this way to avoid a mass panic that would've ended us by design. (Timeline2)

However, [they] never thought she'd lose...

Now, the best is yet to come. (Timeline1) The Golden Age. God Wins. Plans to prosper us.

No fear Frens, buckle up buttercups, wild ride ahead! [DECLAS]

Good Luck. Good Hunting. Godspeed. WWG1WGA.

25631656? ago

I hope it's because we tar and feather the public abusers and then chase them to the hospital to harass them to death.

Can we start with the toll operators? Shut down for covid, but still sending tickets if you don't pay...which you can't.

25630401? ago


25628928? ago

So tired of all this shit, the sleeping public is lost at this point.

25629768? ago


25630408? ago

It has to be more than that or...I live around a bulk of the 4-6%.

25630854? ago

It's more like 30%

25629993? ago

Unfortunately, they may be the loudest 4-6%. Ugh

25628795? ago

Oh really, there are going to be habbenings right around the corner? How thrilling.

I really don't want to hear it at this point.

We have to get through this election. It is going to be a slog, thick with lawyers and endless whining about 'how every vote counts'.

If Patriots are in control, we are going to win, right?

Let's make it happen. Trump in the White House, Re-take the House and keep the Senate.

That's the test. If we don't have this on Jan 21, 2021, then we are all out of here, and this has been a colossal waste of our time.

If we do achieve that, I will be a very happy man.

25631678? ago

I'm starting to agree with posts like yours. Fuck some shit up, or shut the fuck up. Sick of datefagging, sick of waiting. It's pitchforks and torches time, let's light up the vampires.

25632758? ago

Welcome to the "Arrests or GTFO" army.

Go spread the word!

25632050? ago

Yes. Note that I'm not saying Arrests or GTFO. What I'm saying is, the election is everything. I don't care about habbenings when losing the election means most of us will be dead within a few years.

Kick the tires and light the fires. Damn the torpedos. Let's win this thing.

25629558? ago

Bro, how do you explain all the lies? No wall, no arrests, no declass, no "over target" no "MOAB" no "Red October" no "March Madness" nothing for his birthday, or Easter, or the quarantine takeover literally none of the promises made have been kept. I don't need to stick around for the election to be over it. Its all BS and this entire thing was a scam...on us.

25629737? ago

I don't need to stick around for the election to be over it.

And yet,

here you are.

Get lost, shill.

25631192? ago

Again, you guys can never come up with a rebuttal based on facts just name-calling. I know corona and everything broke loose in March, but that’s not what March madness meant, that’s not how you people sold it. It was supposed to be positive stuff. He made a lot of good points that you just can’t rebut, can you? A couple of his examples were kind of crappy, but the rest of them should be answered if you guys have something to show. But you don’t. Nothing to show. At all. OK, correction: very little.

25633915? ago

Again, you guys can never come up with a rebutta

Our freedom doesn't hinge on convincing you of your insanity. Your bullshit blackpills don't need to be sampled in order to determine what flavor of shit they taste like.

25629754? ago

Eat 1000 dicks jewtard

25629611? ago

No March Madness? You know March is when all of the Covid shutdowns and madness started right?

25629671? ago

March madness prediction was from 2019 dipshit

25631204? ago

Even more to the point! Ha ha! That’s even worse, stupid.

25629706? ago

Find a drop that says March Madness happens in 2019. I'll wait.

25629726? ago

Mar 15 2018 18:46:36 (EST)

March madness.

Public will know soon.


Sorry, 2018....even better.

25629739? ago

Not good at reading the Q clock, huh? I'm sure it's just a coincidence that mass madness in our country started in March.

25629777? ago

If you think that magical q knew in 2018 that there would be a state level quarantine in march of 2020 which BTW TRUMP OPPOSED until late April (check his tweets) then you are a special kind of stupid.

SInce when is 2 years later "soon". That is the definition of coincidence.

25629794? ago

If you could just keep your mouth closed and humble yourself before a group of people that are trying to help you. Just read it all.

25631467? ago

Im right and you know it.

25629767? ago

If you think that magical q knew in 2018 that there would be a state level quarantine in march of 2020 which BTW TRUMP OPPOSED until late April (check his tweets) then you are a special kind of stupid.

25629607? ago

Go Biden then for you?

25629684? ago

no arrest, no vote for me.

25629802? ago

You're a beta male and 100% no one is interested in your opinion anyway.

25631213? ago

You’re the one rolling over and taking it. You’re the beta. Actually, you’re not even beta. You’re worse than that. You’re a gullible little girl.

25631475? ago

Principles over party. That used to mean something. I stand by my values, Trump shits on them.

25629896? ago

betcha they are interested in my vote though! Promise you I'm not the only life long conservative where I live sitting this one out.

25631449? ago

Boomer conservative here. 5/5 not voting this year.

25631226? ago

You’re right, I’m voting for Trump, but a lot of my friends who voted for him in 2016 won’t be repeating that process this year. They are very frustrated with the lack of arrests. Most of them are Q people, or they were anyway. They snapped out of it earlier this year. I find old and fascinating and hope it’s real. It would be great. But yeah, the track record is pretty dismal.

25632266? ago

This story could not be more fake than if CNN cast it.

That you Lemonhead?

25630233? ago

lol k thx have a nice time not voting in this election (if you even live in the US). New person chiming in here because I saw how much of a cuckold you’re being - myself and many others are voting for trump again this election and your pessimistic comments do nothing but reinforce my resolve to support the much needed change in ‘politics as usual’

25630280? ago

And many of us who did in 2016 won't be making that mistake again.

  • Johnstown PA, BPOE, Heritage Foundation since 1975

25628857? ago

Q4722. Then watch the embedded clip from Tucker's program. Be prepared it's going to be a fight.

25629785? ago

Yeah, it is going to be very unpleasant, I think. Not glorious like we were told, but this is no time to be whiny.

WWG1WGA, fren.

25628762? ago

When nothing happens (again) will you finally admit that Q is lying to you? Not if the last 100 times "BOOMS" were predicted.

25631278? ago

Oh don’t worry, they’ll make the Hugh just reaches and stretches to pretend like something actually is happening. Now, none of the things actually said would happen, but if a bird far to the forest that’s a “BOOM.” It’s hilarious to go back and look at their posts from one year ago, two years ago, three years ago, four years ago. It’s embarrassing.

And nowadays they always say things like “oh something is happening, you just don’t see it.” OK, then what? What is it? They never actually say what’s happening. They never can give you any tangible examples that have any meaning or impact whatsoever. Wow, a midline lawyer got arrested. Awesome. Because that’s what you’ve been selling for four years you liar.

25629864? ago

You are four years behind. Recheck your calendar.

25631324? ago

Haven’t you figured out yet? They make big promises without ever promising anything specific. That way, no matter what happens, they can say they never promised it. They can say they never said it. I am absolutely 100% certain that the huge pole-shifting events that we’re supposed to have happen, the deep state draining, the draining of the swamp, I’m sure all of that big production they made out of all of this stuff was supposed to be… Watt? An accountant and lawyer. That’s who goes down. They’re going to try and convince you that that’s all they really meant all along? They’re just liars. They have trouble with the truth. They always do.

25629882? ago

I'm four years behind? When did Q say Clinton was going to be arrested, again?

25631308? ago

So the big fireworks we promised were… What exactly? Maybe not Clinton, but anything important? Anyone? Any big arrest? Not one? You can’t sit there and tell us that nothing important was promised. So then what are all the histrionics about? What is the boom boom boom? What is that? Certainly not some mid-level lawyer. You’re being intellectually dishonest.

25631409? ago

Oh no, the world changing events are happening all around us you just can’t tell. Yeah. Buy that one.

Yeah they need a giant conspiracy and all kinds of cryptic messages and huge build up but absolutely nothing was promised. Until something does happen, then that was promised. It’s a hit if it actually happens. But the thousands and thousands of misses., we don’t hear about those. I mean these people can’t even keep their story straight. I can’t get more than one or two of them to agree on anything because their story has become so convoluted at this point they don’t even know what the official line is.

25629928? ago

Then you have successfully wasted 4 years of your time. Please leave the board and let us delusionals in our echo chamber to ramble about a LARP. You know, don't make the same mistake as the rest of us.

25632211? ago

^^ OMG....found some honesty

25628866? ago

We will be here to comfort you when you begin shaking in your boots. You clearly don't understand the depth and breadth of the war we are in.

25631300? ago

Still more vague responses with nothing concrete or specific. Proving my point. Just keep doing it.

25629583? ago

We understand you are making shit up in a stupid LARP and we and the world are laughing at you.

25628778? ago

^^ Thinks nothing is happening


25631283? ago

Nothing is happening. That’s like promising me platinum for four years and then when you find a tin nickel you claim it’s a “something” that is happening.

25629573? ago

The fuck are you talking about? Nothing is happening. Dont be just a fucking jewtard.

25629589? ago

^^ Another drone thinks nothing is happening


25629599? ago

Congrats on being a member of the dumbest 1% in the country. Its an astounding accomplishment.

25628842? ago

Deep state hierarchy walks free and continues to make millions walking on our backs

(This is when you tell me about some bumfuck small town mayor arrest or completely unrelated arrests of johns getting prostitutes)

25628951? ago

Deep state hierarchy walks free and continues to make millions walking on our backs


25631294? ago

Seriously. Give us concrete examples. Look at you people, this is all you do: vague nonsense and never any concrete, real, meaningful, impactful examples. This is like the fifth reply like this in this thread, “oh, believe us, something is happening!” Without even one mention of anything specific.

25628612? ago

I was hanging on your every word until you said, "your god."

Who the fuck are you talking to? There is only one God.

I highly suggest you edit your post to say, "... keep faith in God and in yourself."

25629058? ago

Fuck your God, YHVH

25628803? ago

Way over-react much?

25628886? ago

When we have satanists and atheists in power positions while people are running around in masks looking like they're bending over for Sharia law, no. I'm not over-reacting.

25629064? ago

They are called Jews

25628658? ago

I highly suggest you shut the fuck up you whiny bitch.

25628656? ago

You’re correct there is one god, many different cultures express that concept differently.

25628674? ago

Oh, you're speaking to a diversified crowd. Sorry, I thought you were speaking to Americans. My bad. Carry on.

25628685? ago

What do you think America is?

25628692? ago

One nation under God.

25628711? ago

Well said

25628723? ago

Thank you.

25628521? ago

I must have missed something. I caught the whistleblower on Tucker but I haven't heard anything on weaponized satellites from the MSM. What's the word there?

25628514? ago

lol nope, you'll be saying this in a few months

25628500? ago

I'm excited for the accelerating disclosure.

I'm most excited to learn about the USSS Hillenkoetter and USSS Lemay, if real.

25628545? ago

If Hitler's in space he better come pick me up!

25628660? ago

Some believe this is him https://hooktube.com/watch?v=BD7Y-fT5rWI&feature=youtu.be.


In 1993, Father Krespi died, reportedly at the age of 90. More than 2000 people attended his funeral, which was marked with ceremony rivaling that of a King. He was laid to rest in a white marble sepulcher, which is still reported to be cleaned weekly, and adorned with flowers constantly, all paid for by anonymous admirers.

After his passing, some interesting things were discovered about him. He left behind millions of dollars worth of artwork. Local Germans and others later identified much of this artwork as belonging to the private collection of Adolph Hitler. Hitler was a known collector of art, and most of his private collection was never found after the war. Witnesses say that soon after the funeral on May 16 1993, two cargo jets were loaded with Father Krespi’s art collection and departed. It has never been seen again.

The Chief of Police for the town of Cuence reported that what he termed as “teams of European men” invaded the small town the day prior to the funeral. Several attendees of the funeral were German, and had armed escorts.

25630054? ago

Crespi is a fascinating and enigmatic character, no doubt. He looks nothing like Hitler though.

25634046? ago

That's where the plastic surgery comes in.