25626063? ago

OP what do you think about Trump's policy toward China and Iran ? Seems like a 180 degree turn from Obama & Hillary.

I do believe Trump is 100% jewish puppet but I don't quite understand the U turn on China relation. Could it be a faction of cabal disagreeing with the other ? Could it be all theater ?

Or maybe China & Clintons & Bushes betrayed the jews and then they were ditched ?

25626235? ago

that's how the theater of a 2 party system works. of course it's a 180 degree turn lol. all of the repub candidates had very similar thoughts towards those nations, has nothing to do with trump.

25626346? ago

tks for sharing your thoughts.

25626224? ago

I've talked about this irl with others. I don't believe Trump is a "puppet", but are we trading one cabal for another? And is a seemingly 'benevolent' cabal really a better alternative to no cabal? Not all jews are the satan worshipping ones that Revelation says will be destroyed. So which jews is Trump aligned with exactly? Appears it's not the Synagoge of Satan but you'd be a dismal learner at this point if you didn't question everything, like q suggests (questikn, use discernment, wake up, etc) , instead following blindly.

25626362? ago

if you don't have an idea you don't need to talk, ya know.

25626512? ago

Said the guy with zero ideas. You need to spend some more time under mommys apron, sugar tits. This is not place for toothless babies still needing to be suckled and have their nappies changed.

25626532? ago

Triggered ? so you really don't have an idea...imao

25626566? ago

Can't handle a discussion on a discussion board? Someone needs his binky!!

25626587? ago

heh heh i was asking OP and you who have absolutely no idea begs to bug in.

But it was fun messing with ya.

25626617? ago

Mommy!!! Somebodys talking to me!!!
I scared!!! WAAAAA!!!!

25625982? ago

Plus every single pro trump / pro Q communities are heavily censored by pro-israel pro jewish mods, gatekeeping and censoring anything negative, every single one of them. This whole thing is a mossad / CIA psyop

25626282? ago

Not true here but rabbis constantly lie to the contrary.

25626305? ago


You forgot this gem? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3994300

25626460? ago

Perhaps you don't understand censorship?

25626496? ago

nice to talk to you too rabbi

25628195? ago

Lol. Transparently projecting rabbi is transparent and protecting.

25625922? ago

All 10 of Trump's grandkids are jewish. His bloodline his legacy is 100% jewish 0% christian. And yes, he's TOTALLY OUR MAN IMAO

25626130? ago

Go vote Biden, who cares

25626169? ago

Ok rabbi. You guys have it all sorted out. It doesn't matter whom we vote but whom you chose.

25626271? ago

Who do you choose?

25626499? ago

So what's your solution rabbi? Your solution is white genocide, global war, total US destruction, and china as the single super power.

But ya, trump stuck his dick in a women.

You smell very jewish. If you're the least bit honest, you know this criticism of your "participation" is spot on accurate.

25626514? ago

You're insane.

25628203? ago

You didn't answer rabbi.

25628289? ago

Why you answered for me. You know everything right?

25626278? ago

Kyle Rittenhouse

25626313? ago

So you have no winning plan and are here just to disrupt. Who could have guessed that? You are about as worthless as a foreign bot.

25626331? ago

muh projection. Have a nice day rabbi

25626344? ago

Why does your script just go in circles?

25625686? ago

The whole thing is kiked. They were friends with Epstein and Maxwell. There's photos that prove it. The US gov is under occupation by commie jews. The Nazis tried to save us.

25625664? ago

Many good points. Either scenario is feasible when you evaluate on the surface. However, when you take a deeper look into everything done behind the scenes that we all follow, Q scenario is more believable.

25626135? ago

only a fucking retarded shabbos goy overdosing on hopium would still think trump is our guy.

25626272? ago

I am looking forward to witnessing the Russian Navy turn Israel into radioactive glass, they are between Cyprus and Lebanon armed to the teeth.

25625932? ago

I did what you say and got the 100% opposite conclusion lol

25625530? ago

You are so judgmental! Pray for Ivanka; she is uniquely placed like a Queen Esther. She will have access in places no one else will ever have. She needs to be supported so that she does not mess up.

25626122? ago

no one cares what that jewess and her khazar milkers are up too.

esther was a filthy jew whore.

25625695? ago

She's a NY liberal retard who shit out a bunch of creepy jew kids. Israeli spy.

25625553? ago

can't tell if trolling or not