25608391? ago

Art is also a great way to launder money and ship things

25616320? ago

Also look at jewelry fronts
EX: Epstien & Finders : Jewelry Wholesale

25617791? ago

Epstein was involved in jewelry wholesale?

25618804? ago

Yes I remember some of his ( and Wexners ) NYC real estate holdings including a Jewelry Biz and Location. It would be difficult to trace, prove transactions or trades, and wouldn't flag anyone for a high price transaction.

25608672? ago


Also a legal grey area. Innocuous word. Less checked in shipping. and can be worth virtually any amount.

25607780? ago

This is the first time I’ve ever heard of the name Parentela.

Is it a pseudonym?

Is it a play on words, like Parent + Tell??

25619026? ago

I've thought the same thing. Find anything out?

Can I put you in charge of checking out to see if we can garner more? :

''The eXTra finGer'' (http://theextrafinger.blogspot.com)

25607714? ago

Wow. Thanks for your work, OP.

25619006? ago

Thank you for your eyes. Can I get them to focus on this blog? Im delegating if you have time...

''foggy GRIZZLY''(http://foggygrizzly.blogspot.com)...!!!...New&always new interviews every week with the best underground artists... !!!

25607515? ago

Another Abramovic wannabe: Marie Julia Bollansee

25607299? ago

Nothing has been done about and nothing ever will be.

25606368? ago

Good digging anon thank you.

25606560? ago

Here's a shovel ! :)

25606136? ago

Man this is disturbing holy sheeeeeeet

25605809? ago

good work anon!

25618988? ago

Thank you!

Can I get your help digging this blog?

...& again& again& yes!!!....I'm starting&running 7 new art blogs:''LADy LaMb&Popsy'' ( http://ladylambandpopsy.blogsome.com/ )

25605646? ago

I remember someone really attacking me while I was speaking with others against this "artwork". It was about three years ago on one of the Q subreddits.

I began to suspect it was the artist. When I said "if the artist worked from photographs to create these images, she is a criminal", the arguer vanished.

25619057? ago

You were right. Can you help me find any proof digging here? :

''VARIAtioNS in NORThern DEGradATIons ''


Spreading out the workload so I dont miss anything...

25608810? ago

Ha! I believe it.

25605524? ago

So she admits her art is based on real life victims of pedophilia. That makes it even more sick. Nice friend of Pedostas circle. No wonder why she's friend of them.

25608371? ago

I'm not sure she's actually a friend of the Podestas? All we know is John had some of her paintings in his house. IIRC.

25617698? ago

All we know is John had some of her paintings in his house.

No, it is Tony Podesta who collects her art.

25611244? ago

Yes she is, also friend of James Alefantis. Have you looked up first topic posted by the OP? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/4019762

25614575? ago

Oh, oops. I guess I didn't know how bad things really are.

25614725? ago

Yep, very bad. At this point there's no denying there's something seriously wrong and rotten with these people.

25605455? ago

Why is so much vileness being passed off as “art”? So much mental & spiritual depravity on display these days.

25611288? ago

Because we keep letting it happen

25607521? ago

I think talent and inspiration are gifts from God. These sickos are clearly godless, hence making trash. There's also the inversion factor that they love so much and tricking the masses into agreeing with their lies. Art is supposed to be beautiful, so instead they make something ugly and get the sheep to agree that it's art. "You're just too uncultured to understand". Modern art should have been ridiculed into oblivion from the start.

25607704? ago

Those are excellent points you make. It’s been said that satan cannot create: only corrupt, pervert, destroy. I can only imagine this trickery of passing it off as “art” is their way of telling us and thus deceiving us into consent. It’s truly sick.

25608164? ago

My MIL says the same! Satan can only steal, kill and destroy. God is our Creator and His creativity and expression is limitless. He is the master artist, and we are his tools. The world is his canvass. If we reject Him, it's no surprise that our creations are dull and lifeless, without depth. May the peace of our Lord be with you, anon.

25608200? ago

Thank you, anon. God is indeed, good!

God bless you and yours.

25605436? ago

Nicely done. Thanks, OP.

25618968? ago

Thank you for yout eyes! Can I put you in charge of digging? :

'' ENVY&LUst ''(http://cparentela.livejournal.com/)

25606097? ago


Dig any of the blogs and you can find their fingerprints everywhere....