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25586366? ago

We are fucked in Canada. Some of us out here are more American than half of the population in the US. Obviously not in the literal sense. I had to flee from Toronto in the last 2 years. I lived in a beautiful area that I worked my fucking TAIL off to get to where I was. I'm turning 35 this year and I put my entire life into getting myself ahead so I could live in a nice part of the city in a gorgeous home, close to the sports teams I have supported my whole life. I could literally walk to see the Jays, Leafs, Raptors, TFC, concerts... you name it. I was ahead of everyone my age, I have zero debt and have been a model citizen. No criminal record.

I'm not trying to brag guys really. I'm a humble person, but I'm just letting you know that I'm the type of person who they drove out of Toronto. A model citizen who was giving and kind to all of those around him. It's really, really, really sad. I had to sell and move to the outskirts, where admittedly, life is MUCH better now because I escaped what was essentially becoming a giant homeless, immigrant, refugee wasteland where the only white people are left wing Karen's or ignorant fools.

The funny thing is, I'm half white and half native. I look like my father who is white however. It's just interesting though because I am always lumped into the white privileged, racist, bigoted category if I dare to share an opinion about the reality I live in. All of this while I literally hold a native status card in Canada. It's absurd.

With all those said, the only thing my wife and I wish we could have in life is to move to the United States and be happy again. Unfortunately, there is some god forsaken treaty between Canada and the US that prohibits people like us from moving there unless we meet some criterias which are unrealistic for us. Depending on how badly Canada gets out of hand, I really hope that the US offers an olive branch to those of us who love and respect your country as the greatest in the world.

25588498? ago

What a disaster, Canada has lost its mind