25572656? ago

No, they're starting fires because they were finally getting arrested by the feds.

25572512? ago

we dont need to no water let the mother fucker burn, burn mother fucker, burn

25572161? ago

soon ®

25571502? ago

Who gives a fuck, all the people you'd need to make arrests are blackmailed.

there is no law or anything you can say or do except the 2nd, while you still have it....

25571447? ago

No idiots. It’s not coming out before the election and when it does come out it will flop. You q fags have said this exact same thing countless times “x is happening because y is about to happen any second!” Will you just learn already?

25571289? ago

Makes me wonder if they are nervous about the left coast states voting republican and flipping those states. Burn them out, displace them and force them to vote by mail which can be manipulated.

25572369? ago

Supposedly Oregon already is vote by mail...like, they dont have in person voting...

So they apparently wont be able to get to their mailboxes now in these red districts

25571691? ago

Like burning down their own states, first the cities, then the woods, is going to rally the residents to them? No.

It's deranged Marxist-Socialist-Feminist-Sodomist zealots ejaculating a delusional temper trantrum with flamable liquids.

25570929? ago

God you're dumb. This is why your family doesn't call you.

25571127? ago


25571298? ago


25570855? ago

15 FBI agents accidently erase their phones. As Creepy old Joe would say "Come on, you know the thing..."

25571845? ago

I thought you were going to say- Fifteen FBI agents investigated Bubba Smollett’s noose in NASCAR garage. Oooops; meant “ Wallace.”

25570813? ago

If the fires had anything to do with Durham, they would start the fires the same day Durham "drops" (whatever that means). As it is now, the fires will long be extinguished the day Durham "drops".

Note: Durham will not "drop" anything. The Durham investigation is creating sealed indictments that will someday be unsealed. Since DOJ is rotten to the core, I think the military will prosecute all the sealed indictments.

25571674? ago

The advantage of 'drip, drip': get them to prematurely shoot their wad.

25570668? ago

Durham is just staying quiet until after the tech companies, that have profiles on every person on the internet, genocide anyone inconvenient to their pedophile empire.

25571247? ago

They know where I live. Come try it, assholes.

25570580? ago

I just want to be able to hunt this weekend so I hope that they keep that shit out west.

25571231? ago

Why don’t you just go hunting out west. See what I did there

25570461? ago

We will drop when the fires simmer down

25570483? ago

You mean drop a turd right?

25570400? ago

All the shill comments prove you’re right.

25570419? ago

That's some solid brainwashed christ cuck logic

25570387? ago

That’s got to be it.

25570437? ago

I lold

25570085? ago

On the higher level they are clearing out the west coast of patriots for invasion. Pearl Harbor X 100

25573483? ago

We aren't leaving...We're just more pissed off than we already were.

25571667? ago

China can't even invade Taiwan.

25575758? ago

Infiltration not invasion?

25571610? ago

China would suffer massive casualties if it tried that, more than the chinks could ship over. Imagine thousands of armed patriots who were frustrated for years suddenly having chink targets walking around their county.

25573680? ago

Look at what we already put up with this year. All those American guns will continue sit on the shelf with an occasional trip to the range (assuming our lords let us). If we won’t stand up to unarmed politicians when they take over we sure as hell won’t stand up to the red army.

25570108? ago

No they aren't.

You brainwashed christ cucks are too pussy to do anything irl.

25570513? ago

we'll get ya this time, not one left

25570179? ago

No they aren't

Yes they are

You brainwashed christ cucks are too pussy to do anything irl.

I thought you just said they weren't?

25570186? ago

You misspelled no they arent

25570193? ago

Dealing with a two-year-old chink here

25570236? ago

My American Bully needs more practice killing things.

25570304? ago

Lol what a fag. A dog gonna protect you?

I got a 160lb trained cane corso right next to me. 3x the bite power. Breaks rocks when he's bored.

I'll feed you and your little bitch nigger dog to him.

25571422? ago

Sounds like you spend a little too much time behind that dog.

25573542? ago

That came from your mind lol.

Hate to be stuck with that curse for life.

25570229? ago

A two year old chink still has more sense than a grown ass man who still believes in imaginary friends.

25570244? ago

The fuck you talking bout?

25570146? ago

I can crush your chink skull with my bare hands

25570218? ago

No you can't niglet.

You fags all talk tough on the internet but do fuck all irl.

You're more pathetic than bitches.

All talk, zero action.

25570233? ago

So you gonna come to America and try?

25570342? ago

Im in america.

Post your address if you're so tough.

25570421? ago

1427 29th ave Oakland, CA across from the goodwill three houses down on the left.

Faggot chinks don't do well walking around here so I probably won't see you.

25570433? ago

You should kill yourself immediately for willingly living and paying taxes in califailia

You're supporting a shit tier communist regime.

You are an enemy of america and will be dealt with as such.

25570451? ago

Nah I live in FL lol

25570478? ago

Ya got me.

Pretty good troll

25570074? ago

keep dreaming. I'll eat shit if the scum gets arrested. Its not happening.

25581368? ago

You’ll probably eat shit anyway.

25569948? ago

Durham wont do shit.

Raptor Jesus fuck, I think you qiggers cant get any dumber or more brainwashed and you prove me wrong.

25570080? ago

They can't, they are fooled by China. Q is China.

25569874? ago

Its federal dollars fundraising.....California style.

25572710? ago

Bypass the state governments. Give the federal $ to homeowners with verified losses.

25574352? ago

Exactly. Should always be that way. Remove the middle man. That's where the graft always occurs.

25570259? ago

All the Marxist governors are obviously involved in these crimes against humanity.

25574323? ago

Agreed. These are their pawns...and the pawns arent aware that the games already lost.

They keep trying to advance their gameplan as per normal operating procedure.

No winning moves left...just moves.

25570332? ago

All catholics in govt require gassing

25571603? ago

I think this is what the Lucifer worshipping kikes came up with because the Jews are too obviously highlighted.

It’s pretty weak. They aren’t sending their best...

25570968? ago

Yes the catholics, that's the real root of the problem. A shekel for a good goy.