25576033? ago

Nah, just arrest all the talking heads, and replace them with Wounded Warriors. Those guys need a good job., and they love this country.

25571017? ago

Mass media is not natural and is a disease on society.

I say kill the internet and all mass media completely.

People will start being normal again.

25570598? ago

The media is outright abusive. Someone should sue them for psychological damages. Maybe we can do a class action lawsuit?

25568070? ago

I’ll see your 30 and raise you 60.

25566602? ago

And when it reopens all of the Deep Staters are mysteriously gone! They can blame the RONA

25566186? ago

Close it down forever and execute the owners and directors for treason and being hostile enemy combatants.

25566682? ago

Well.... They ARE traitors and enemy combatants, so that's justice. So are many of the most famous anchors.

25565656? ago

Fuck you fascist Trump dick lickers and your dreams of Dictaor Trump and a Police State. Yeah. just what the Constitution says right?

Move to Russia assholes and fuck off.

you can't THINK your way out of a wet paper bag, youy are so totally propagandized and brainwashed the actually believe you aren't a stupid uneducated failure sitting in a rural trailer parks, you are HEROES! MEDAL OF HONOR WINNING PATRIOTS!! DIGITAL WARRIORS!! ( one of the most hilarious propaganda techniques ever! LOL)You have nothing to live for without the fake comic book world of Trump and Q! Reality is too depressing, YOU FAILED in life, have nothing, are old, fat and stink. you are in debt, have shitty jobs, know nothing outside of Hicksville USA and are AFRAID of everyone! You NEED the illusion this obviously fake Q delusion Q gives the, Otherwise they's blow their "brains" out.

25566891? ago


25566796? ago


Cuz you seem kinda.... mad

25566832? ago

LOL Can't you idiots EVER think of something new? LOL

Next? where's the beef? LOL

You imbeciles can't even tell the diffrence between laughing at your childish gullible stupidity and anger! JESUS! It never ends! LOL

25582769? ago

U still mad? U sound like U still mad!

Perhaps you should take a break?

Don't want you having an aneurysm or anything! :D

Come back later and report so I know U not ded

25589757? ago

I'm absolutly fine.

I see you are still stupid. LOL

Poor dumb fuck ignorant hicks.

what losers.

25596198? ago

Nah, pretty sure you're really old.

Is constipation is a problem for you?

25565298? ago

Shut it down permanently and make new rules for broadcasting news.

25566711? ago

Why ARE we allowing foreign entities to deluge Americans with their propaganda?

The Satanist Cabal IS a foreign entity, and is headquartered on foreign soil.

25564834? ago

CNN, MSNBC, and all of the other media outlets that have been screaming Orange Man Bad for the last four years should do the right thing and go on STRIKE until he steps down or leaves office.

25564051? ago

10 days should do it

25566873? ago


25567305? ago

KEK ...

25563825? ago

Works for me.

25563589? ago

Ignorance is bliss.

25563194? ago

I closed them down myself. For myself, at least.

25566665? ago

When we cut the cable/switched off satellite a decade ago our phone started ringing off the hook with cable companies and direct TV begging us to resubscribe to SOME kind of service. Then they started showing up on the doorstep asking us to resub. It was CREEPY

25562511? ago

Please, we could use some peace in our nation.

25562381? ago

seriously considering making every tv in my family temporarily disabled for 60 days. any ideas?

25564846? ago

Yeah. Throw them away and commit to longer than 60 days. I did this several months ago and have not missed it for a second.

25563737? ago

any ideas?

defenestrate them

25565392? ago

Great idea. I have not owned a tv for last 15 years ...it is frustrating to see people you love totally asleep watching cnnfor hours. Mkultra is real imho. Kids to. Jim mo called this in 72

25565422? ago

When I ask people if they believe we would have a different society att hey immediate respond yes. There is a replacement coming imo

25563216? ago

But a little padlock lock at the dollar store. One of the prongs on every electrical plug-in has a small hole on it. Insert the tiny lock through the hole.

25566478? ago

You are a genius.

25566622? ago


25561861? ago




25562117? ago

That is part of the problem to begin with. SES "employee" wet dream.

25561841? ago

what they're doing is Election Interference. Campaigns don't need them to "report" - they can speak directly to voters.

25561727? ago

Oyy vey!

25561710? ago


25561315? ago

I approve this message.

25566708? ago

jews aren't human. so they don't get human rights.

25561236? ago

... and then keep them closed down.

You know, like "15 days to slow the spread".

25566610? ago

"Oh, did we say days? We meant decades."

25562507? ago

"I enjoy censorship."

Kill yourself, faggot.

25562555? ago

lol, this fucking shill.

What's wrong with censoring already-censored propaganda for a little bit? Might be a breath of fresh air.

I bet you work for NBC. Why don't you "save the taxpayers some money"

25564793? ago

"Fight censorship with more censorship."

It's official, you truly are braindead. It's funny how the right loves to censor everything they don't like.

25561729? ago
