25562025? ago

CIA dominated by Vatican. Vatican dominated by Rothschilds. Rothschilds through Soros controlled Obama and still control the Democrat politicians

25561897? ago

Lol sure its the vatican and not homo mossad

25561363? ago

More disinfo.

25560865? ago

Everyone knows who controls the (((CIA)))

25560552? ago

All roads lead to Rome.

25561081? ago

25560424? ago

We all know how reliable those leftist professors are these days. Uh huh, sure, yep.

25560180? ago

I thought the CIA was created by the Vatican.

25560001? ago

So an Irish Catholic CIA was at odds with an Irish Catholic president?

The professor misspelled "by Israel"

25560076? ago

Jesuits are kings of deceit. Check out their oath and extreme oath. It will blow your mind.

25560704? ago

The Jesuit oath was concocted to fight against the rule of Henry XIII Elizabeth I

25560559? ago

I think it's the jesuits, which are dominated by crypto jew frankists and they control Freemasonry. That is the only explanation.

25561621? ago


25560952? ago

Not sure about the frankist part because idk much of them agree with everything else though and you may be totally right about the frankists. I think its important to realize satan works through many different avenues

25561168? ago

thats right it's really just satan

25560714? ago

Frankist meaning the Frankfurt School?

25560774? ago

Sabatean Frankist. Followers of the false Messiah Jacob Frank.


25559952? ago


Kansas has already cleaned out most of the C_A.

Catch up.

25560780? ago

you don't know that.

25559936? ago

Dominated? @AnotherGrayman is into that stuff.