Kubrick's character - Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper, "Dr. Strangelove" In black comedy Dr. Strangelove? (magicalquote.com)
submitted 4.5 years ago by 4016842?
25559523? 4.5 years ago
[Strange Love]
Beginning the renegade attack
25558716? 4.5 years ago
25558722? 4.5 years ago
an obsession with flouride in the water supply and human bodily fluids ....strange name, who else used the name? https://voat.co/v/QRV/4010729/25504910
25559523? ago
[Strange Love]
Beginning the renegade attack
25558716? ago
25558722? ago
an obsession with flouride in the water supply and human bodily fluids ....strange name, who else used the name? https://voat.co/v/QRV/4010729/25504910