25575880? ago

They are private citizens, they dont have bodyguards.

You are a private citizen and you know where they live.

Math is fun.

25571952? ago

CNN - Cancel Network News

25568565? ago

Let the sponsors know that you're not going to buy their shit if they continue to support the lies. Follow through on the threat!

25567966? ago

I think it's a problem of taking back institutions.


25567948? ago

I think going to every MSM and individual reporter’s timelines on Social Media with memes and other truth bombs could help a little.

The only real solution though is to totally remove them because they are a constant threat to the peace and safety of all Americans.

25562385? ago

We could always pose as disappointed/disillusioned Q supporters, and send them a multi-page manifesto with infectious spyware embedded. They'd want to see our confessions so badly they'd ignore any possible warnings. Anyone with the NSA tools want to try?

25561929? ago

it would be a shame if peaceful protesters surrounded the buildings and burnt them to the ground with all the fuckers inside. Just sayin, not suggesting it, kek. That's what Antifafags did to the cops in Portland, cemented the doors shut and tried to set fire with the cops inside...

25561814? ago

I think the Covington kid was on to the actual way we can cripple them.

Lawsuits ... and a lot of them.
Any lawyer fags out there?

Could a class action suit be filed and funded by a gofundme? or crowdfunding?

If Every time they printed fake news we could hit them with a lawsuit to make them retract and reprint the truth besides paying anons every time they slander?


25567745? ago

Don’t forget that Obama made it legal to use propaganda.

25560848? ago

Class Action Suits. Sandman showed us the way to get them...

25559945? ago

The president can legally take control of the media. President Kennedy did this through Executive Order 10995 in 1962.

Theory: never interrupt your enemy while they're making a mistake.

The US media has been purchased. Jews control the media and Shlomo responds to sheckels.

I don't believe they will survive the election intact. Trump is most likely waiting until after the election to take control of them. October at the earliest. Why invest all that money in Guantanamo Bay and not put it to use?

25561912? ago

agreed, "When do you play the Trump card?"

25559530? ago

and Caligula attacked Poseidon by throwing spears into the sea.

MSM is a product for mass entertainment.

The MSM has already been mortally wounded. No?

Teacher and government unions now in focus?

Educations via school choice.

Controlling borders.

Reinstituting tariffs, Woodrow Wilson POTUS 28 founder of the league of nations and Federal Reserve eliminated tariffs.

Community sports and recreation.

Rebalancing capital takes time, especially considering the wage of cashier v. wage of senior government administration official that spikes their pension at retirement getting 90% of a 6 figure income.

BIG TECH & FCC review of section 230.

Flynn v. Sullivan

FISA works both ways, how do you introduce evidence into a court of law?

Do we want a public trial or military trial for the leaders?

What has POTUS 45 been vocal about who the enemy is?

Do you waste your ammunition on feeding the MSM propaganda entertainment industry?

25559472? ago

Take out the transmitters/satellite up-link,

The repeaters & relays.

Find the reporters & executives homes send clear messages.

Remove & replace with friendlies

25559325? ago

Just an aside, "freedom of the press" refers to the printing press, aka the freedom to publish. It has nothing to do with journalistic organizations, except that they rely on that freedom.

The Founders would have guaranteed cross-platform publishing rights, including legal "pirate" tv stations. The FCC is unconstitutional.

25559262? ago

We need Max Headroom.

25559194? ago

It is the way

25559099? ago

If you haven't listened to Bards of War, I recommend it. I suggest all his episodes of County by County, but episode #5 explains how WE can help change the narrative. Great ideas/examples. Give it a listen if you are interested in making an impact! Because I don't have 5 CCPs, whatever that is, I can't share the link. But here it is without the slashes in so it's not a link. youtu.be KCZ5UlI7u78

25562488? ago

Comment Contribution Points (CCP). This is an Anon sub and there are no points awarded for comments. Go to a non-Anon sub on VOAT and get some points up there. Then come back here with a greater ability to post.

25559088? ago

Just give me a solar flare or some kind of huge emp. Knock out everything. Patriots in the heartland thrive, shitskins and low quality people in the cities eat each other.

25558723? ago

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.

25558590? ago

really smart people on this board.

25558539? ago

(((Mainstream Media)))

25558462? ago

Citizens arrests... the only way.. we have more than we know? More what? AUTHORITY.

25558660? ago

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25558424? ago

My first act as president would have been to call for immediate air support.

Whatever they wanted to complain about, they wouldn't have the ability to do it.

25558370? ago

Only this. Nothing else matters if the MsM is constantly holding our loved ones hostage. We need;

Montages of media flip-flopping and lying

Mosaic images of their quiet sneaky retractions

Class action lawsuits

Montages taking down famous anchors

Charts showing media monopolies (minus the Stars of David, normies not ready)

Is this meme ammo centralized anywhere for us to share?

25559103? ago

Class action lawsuits ... I said this to the wife just two days ago. If we inundated those bastards with lawsuits for any and all manner of usurpations and abuses we might could break them. Here is the problem ... and I have some credibility on this statement (Come from a family of lawyers though I am not) ... I am told probably 80-85% of lawyers are liberal democrats. Of the 20% estimate that are not, 95-99% of them wouldn't be willing to take this on. No way in hell. It would be a HUGE risk for them financially and professionally. If Biden wins, and they keep the house, if you are a lawyer, and you attacked their number one asset, you are completely fucked. Not my words either. I've heard SEVERAL legal eagles say as much in the last 2 months.

25561717? ago

you are correct anon. it's the only viable avenue we have to break them. a thousand "Sandmans" - there's ample grounds beyond personal defamation.

what lawyers have the stones to wage war like this besides Lin Wood? there's a group offering to represent conservative free speech from big tech censorship (name escapes me), they put out a call on twatter a few weeks ago. but it's the bigger propaganda machine that I believe we should go after. at best, they are the equivalent of yelling "fire!" in a crowded theatre; the trampling they ignite and oxygenate is doing tangible damage.

I'm calling for a Sandbag strategy. we sue as individuals (sandbagging). much of what lawyers used to do has been replaced by templates and self-service systems. with some sound legal direction we can outline a plan for how patriots everywhere can file suit.

25576154? ago

100% on point. The only problem with individual pro se (on your own) filings like this would be is the cost. Its roughly $450 to file a civil suit in most jurisdictions (district court for sure). U are right though, it is not hard. We would just need the first complaint done up by super smart legal rock stars and the rest could just use it as a template. Too easy. Just change the names, dates, and addresses. Done. For the "faint of heart" I would do a 'paint by numbers' how-to guide and utube video. Most People would be shocked if they knew how easy it is to sue a company on your own.

25576625? ago

precisely. $450 is steep but not if 5-10 patriots chip in per suit. (skip the crowd-funding - it feeds the beast another 4% and is too conspicuous). if anyone could get the attention of Lin Wood I bet he could would know just the "rock star" we seek.

25558645? ago

The movies, the paper magazines and tv shows, not a goy but a (((guy))) called J J https://voat.co/v/QRV/4014973/25544036

25558487? ago

We need to exercise the power we hold as the citizens of the USA and arrest them. We are self deputized naturally as an inalienable right.

25558632? ago

Once they are arrested, where do you keep them?

25561685? ago

Plenty of room at the bottom of my swimming pool.

25559013? ago

Dangling from the branches of tall trees until they are needed for further questioning.

25559437? ago

While many should be executed for treason, they are entitled to be tried and sentenced legitimately. Until, that can be done, no one is going to move against them—including potus.

25559492? ago

We can hold court in the street. We will even let one of their corporate lawyers represent them if one is handy

25558233? ago

The MSM are the enemies of truth, justice, and the American People.

25571215? ago

? Cleaners

Fnncl$ Peadon


25558443? ago

Not only the American People. You think the media tells the truth in other parts of the world? It's a war between good and evil.

25558114? ago

"Enemy of the Poeple"

25557945? ago

Shame the MSM provocateurs. Let them know you know. Send mail, find out where they live. DOXX THEM.

25558471? ago

This could prove to be dangerous and misconstrued. Doxxing leads to innocent families getting caught up in drama. ARREST THEM AS COTIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES. WE HAVE MORE POWER AND AUTHORITY THAN WE KNOW.

25559503? ago

Arrest them... and then what? Appoint yourself judge, jury, and executioner? Good luck with that. Take them to the county jail? Good luck with that.

25560230? ago

Yep. Take them to the magistrate, start there. Get the buzz rolling. If no one prosecutes, arreat THEM. Keep it rolling. Its the o lnly way.

If a bunch of pansy ass ninnies xan effectively strip statues and cause havoc, a bunch of MEN can exercise their inherent inalienable rights to uphold the law.

25619737? ago

This is silly. Post COVID you won't get in the court house--much near a magistrate. And even pre-COVID you would like be arrested by legit cops for false imprisonment.

25558377? ago

I think dropping truth bombs below their stories on twitter will be helpful too. Why do you think that about 9 months ago they organized a coordinated effort to stop allowing comments beneath their stories on their websites?

25567866? ago


25562087? ago

Meme of all the stories that they were wrong about vs Truth.

25558477? ago

Excellent, crime identified. Time for citizens arrest.

25557918? ago

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25557716? ago

the Storm is right upon us,

LOLOLOLOLOL u guillitard

25558166? ago

wow your gayness shows through in the smallest of comments.