25561210? ago

Cancel. That's the only way to communicate with them.

25558948? ago

Netflix is supported by the fed cabal... Where are the servers?

25558878? ago

I'll cancel after we're done with 'The Ranch'.

25558049? ago

I cant raise 3 kids without it, we screen what they watch but your screwed without TV locked in a house....

25560204? ago

My mother raised 5 kids without it. You have to find others things to do with your children. Games, books, art projects, backyard garden...

It is possible to live without television.

25558007? ago

I canceled my subscription. Couldn’t be happier

25557905? ago

We cancelled.

25557560? ago

I made an account, never used it forgot about it, called the bank that and told them someone used my card to purchase a netflix account, got refunded and cancelled that subscription lmao

25557499? ago

They lost me at association with the Obamas.

25556761? ago

Nice. Thanks.

25556501? ago

They are saying we have a problem with it because we are Qanon.

Well then fine, let that be the case.

Let it BE KNOWN that Qanon folk are ZERO TOLERANCE for chilld exploitation.

Like a big zero, the kind of zeros you find hanging from trees.

25556440? ago

Just the fact that the obummers and Susan rice are involved was enough for me. It's just a bunch of Satanic and gay shit anymore.

25556425? ago

I share my account with my 78 YO mother. I told her what I thought. She added they were desecrating the blessed mother and we should shut that shit down! Cancelled today!! Feels great.

25556198? ago

Which film?

25557287? ago

I have read that it's called "Cuties" and have zero interest in a single frame.

25556019? ago

Went to a social event tonight and the women were super pissed about netflix!!! its all they talked about for a half hour

25555766? ago

Have you watched the movie that you told her all about?

25555990? ago

Cue the faggot pedophile kike leftist arguing to allow the degeneracy because it "pushes the boundaries and makes a statement". We are about to make a statement with your skull on the concrete. Keep pushing, pedophile.

25555995? ago

I didn't say that. I asked if you've seen the thing you're criticizing.

25556028? ago

Im not the same guy but yes I downloaded the 1080p release and it is absolute jewish approved pedo filth. and I love porn. I get off to twerk videos on youtube even. but this shit is fucked the fuck up

25556100? ago

My hat off to you then

25556355? ago

watch it if you can., there is NOTHING fappable at all. its mostly gross nigger girls doing the deviant shit. the white girl gets no action

25556046? ago

the fucking gyro bouncing 11 year olds tits while her muslim family watches in awe was particularly fucked up. they would never let an adult actress do that on film because that would be sexualizing breasts.. but totally ok for children to do it. they have no shame. wouldnt be surprised if the production crew ended up in a gutter somewhere.

25555693? ago

Seriously this is what it took for my buddy to cancel his netflix. His wife didn't want to get rid of it and he didn't either bc he liked letting his kid watch it. I was so pissed because he was so weak. This FINALLY got his attention and he cancelled it.

Poor kids have no chance in this world with parents that are retards. He's actually intelligent but fucking retarded with awareness of the shit that is happening around him and his family.

25555303? ago

Vigilant Citizen - For exposing the Satanic Entertainment Industry

What - Is - Good - For the Revival of Morals in Mass Media

25555279? ago

Finally got husband to agree to cancel.

25554968? ago


25554792? ago

Firestick, android box, kodi a vpn and the right software and you dont need netflix ever again.

I'm more than willing to sacrifice some convenience than pay for their garbage propaganda.

25557283? ago

Just wait until watching TV is like taking a basic arithmetic course!

The stories are all archetypical -- mostly, "reruns" of some sort; and, boring. Also, there's more filth now than ever.

My sister told me yesterday about a show on Netflix that I might like, that "It has gore, but only a little gore."

Reminded me of the Monty Python skit about spam. "Do you got anything that doesn't have spam in it?" "Well we have eggs and spam, doesn't have much spam."

Or polonium sandwiches. Or the choice between a douche, and a turd sandwich. (Did the writers of South Park expect the douche to be eaten? And if so, why? I know, I know, they're also satanists, "as above so below"...)

I told her I basically don't watch TV at all any more. That my wife and I are watching Little House on the Prairie, but it's slow going, and we're about halfway through.

WIldly, she said -- twice! -- that "TV is good; TV is good!" Almost like a mantra. TV is bad, m'kay? I'm happier without it.

Of course I'm also significantly happier watching President Trump speak every day and looking Gematria results up of repeated phrases (or capitals in tweets) and I'm CERTAIN that's something she will not want to do, at least not now. Hope for the future, lots of eyes are gaining the ability to see, and ears to hear.

God bless.

25556000? ago

Yep download what u want and stream from your own file server

25554731? ago

I love how liberals ethical compass malfunction if you embed any of their favorite causes into the same event.

They can't do the mental calculation to make rational ethical decisions because they are so caught up in the hierarchy or political correctness.

Being racist is bad. Being diverse is good.

Being exclusive is bad. Being inclusive is good.

Being judgemental is bad. Being permissive is good.

If the child molester is a minority and he makes a point of including all races as victims of his molestation --liberals chalk this up as a good thing.

25557251? ago

Or, "he's jus being inclusive, physically loving EVERYONE" puke, sorry can't continue

25554373? ago

The FBI should raid the Netflix corporate offices and arrest them all.

See if they can survive in prison long enough to reach the trial.

25554241? ago

Netflix has Lucifer season 5B coming soon.

I'll tolerate them. Kek.

25557137? ago

So faggots say kek. Interesting.

25557242? ago

"even the devil quotes scripture" -- then loses his limp

25556003? ago


25554217? ago

Tucker put it out there tonight on his show!

25553940? ago


25553829? ago

You want real fun, call that number up and LARP like you're a pedo, thanking them for releasing it and for normalizing adult-child relations.

That's what's going to send their workers home at night, dead inside, wanting to quit, wanting to speak out against their employer. Make the villain someone who loves them and sees them as someone on "their side", not that they're "defenders of free speech".

I know because the same thing happened to my girlfriend and she noped the fuck out of everything over it.

As once said:

"That is a trap.

I offer money, you'll play the man of honor and take umbrage;

I ask you to do what is right and you'll play the brigand.

I have no stomach for games."

Play with them. They're playing with you.

25557239? ago

No. This sounds like judgement and is not a good idea. Especially the role-playing aspect. Actors lie. I choose not to.

25554079? ago

It's not a good idea to get on a recorded line pretending to be a pedophile.

25556011? ago

Just say non offending MAP

25554159? ago

You could pretend to want to be a paedophile and now that it’s OK with everyone you’re glad that you can start

25553972? ago

That's a great idea

25553758? ago

It is so infuriating trying to talk to people about this! I'm telling them about all the trash on there and asking them if they are going to cancel and all I get is, "well, we don't watch anything like that so we will just keep it".

You don't have to watch it! You've already supported it! You paid for it with your monthly payment! You paid for the sexual exploitation of minors!

25557835? ago

People need to be shamed and shunned.

25555276? ago

EXACTLY!!! Americans are so dead inside. Give them their amusements and food and they'll watch our nation burn to the ground while giggling about the latest episode of Rick and Morty.

25553725? ago

I dumped it the same month the Obama boys got involved, don't miss a thing.

25558662? ago

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25555184? ago

Same. So glad I did.

25553682? ago

Ordo ab chao

25553348? ago

Good on ya

25553283? ago

I would cancel my subscription, but I already did that when they opened their special BLM subdivision.

25553407? ago

I wish I had a subscription to cancel. Never opened one. Suggested it to my cousins and girlfriend's family and canceling netflix just doesn't compute for them. They don't do anything else.

25557222? ago

If they have a free offer? You know what to do. :)

25553119? ago

Those are low level workers reading scripts. Just try and convince them to find a new job.

25553440? ago

This bitch actually sounded invested and like she believed what she was saying. I was stunned.

25557828? ago

The mind control is strong in them, don't assume you can wake them up - much more likely you'll say their trigger word and tomorrow's headline will be about them killing their entire office.

On second thought . . .

25553833? ago

The need for money and your call being recorded will do that.

25553525? ago

she makes $30,000-$50,000 to do that. Not a lot of money but enough to eat, sleep, drive.

25554764? ago

$50,000? I have worked for the government for 10 years and I''m making $39,000 a year. Are people really making $50,000 a year in the private sector?

25554996? ago

I know that I make about that much at my job doing coding for an ERP system for a huge corporation putting out fires and getting treated like a bitch and I can make the same selling phones for Verizon.

25557220? ago

Neat. I never did that type of comparison in my career. I only followed what interested me. I really find it interesting how others prioritize.

(And, I'm not mocking; I'm on the autistic spectrum, so don't interact great with others, socially.)

25560064? ago

don't interact great with others, socially

You sound fine to me. Perhaps you just surrounded by oversensitive whiny babies?

25563547? ago

Thank you.

I spend a lot of time editing before I post. Can't do that while speaking. So it's probably a little of both. :)

25552974? ago

Finally got my wife to cancel her subscription.

25558011? ago

You’re a shell of a man. Pathetic

25554209? ago

I'm hoping I got a couple of friends to cancel theirs as well. If that doesn't work, I don't trust my friends.

25553789? ago

I started working on mine again today.

25553738? ago

I got my girl to cancel Disney plus and even convince her little sister to do the same. She's firm on keeping netflix at the moment but I'm trying!!

25558830? ago

It makes me SMH to see men who would place more value on available pussy than righteous morals.

25557811? ago

Leave her man, if she can't give up Netflix over this you don't want her raising your children.

25553320? ago

I wish everyone could see what is going on here, the play that is being made and accelerated right now. This is all intentional. Netflix streaming this film, I mean.

They start you out on a religious framework and take a few years to let it become concrete: God versus the Devil. Both sides think they are on the right side, and the representatives of the other are the devil. It's the new secular religion. It's particularly powerful on the liberal side because they've managed to make the devil into one man, literally causing human beings to treat a buffoon as if he were the devil himself. TDS syndrome.

Now, in the span of a year you start to ramp things up. The problem is, everyone has already drawn sides. Good versus evil.

So by the time we get to a film like this, the political right sees it as a sign of the evil on the left. The Left will find themselves, just because they predict the reactionary right's response, trying to find ways to defend something they otherwise might not, just because they're being pushed to. As soon as you start to claim sides like this, they just start to fish out more and more controversial things, and it polarizes the spectrum. The right reacts, and since the right is the devil, the left is compelled to defend.

We're fighting over shit that most people on both sides would never disagree over at this point, just because they've polarized the whole population around the man Trump. It's insane. 99% of liberals will find this movie disgusting. It's the 1% of city dwellers that they have brainwashed through homosexuality and trauma that push this envelope, get the right's reaction, and since the more sane left is still polarized on Trump, they find themselves pushed into territory they never would have gone before. Anywhere but near the devil.

Jews are using our own morals against us.

25557212? ago

We're fighting over shit that most people on both sides would never disagree over at this point

No. We're fighting over whether it's appropriate to torture and murder children.

That's not something I will ever agree with, and I'm pretty sure most of the people contributing here would not want to see done to their children, or those of other loved ones.

25556363? ago

You have made the Jewish people your devil.

Seek God, you will find Him.

25555031? ago

Thank you. Good analysis. It's the classic Alinsky move they have all been taught. The same with the BLM and Antifa bullshit. If you took a liberal back in the 80's and told them the platforms of both of these groups they would have rejected it outright. But it's been a slow drip drip drip process and here we are.

25553812? ago

Pedo apologist

25555465? ago

Psychological projection

25554388? ago

I was as angry about it as anyone.

25553804? ago

Or we've been separated between pedo supporters and the rest and its time to thin the herd.

You seem like you are on the pedo side pretending to sound objective.

25554399? ago

Not in the slightest.

25553672? ago

True. You can now accurately predict what a liberal will start supporting pretty much 100% of the time.

They back every single Cabal narrative. And gradually they look crazier and more detached from reality.

25553668? ago

This post is retarded! This degenerate filth has been going on a lot longer than Trump has even been in the public eye! This has nothing to do with one person!

Don't try to make this one movie a single, stand alone subject. This disgusting film is only one small part of a much bigger issue that has been ripping the world apart for a long time!

25559650? ago

You're right to a point, but the point being made was that they have ACCELERATED their push-to-degeneracy big time because they are suddenly being challenged and thrust into the spotlight for all (with a brain and ounce of reason) to see for who they are and what they're trying to do to us all...

25555296? ago

Drag trash at the library.

25554435? ago

This degenerate filth has been going on a lot longer than Trump has even been in the public eye!


This has nothing to do with one person!

At this particular time in culture, it very much does, on the liberal account. I've witnessed sane people dragged into insanity because they've been caused to attach all of their moral dilemmas to a single personality who is becomes their source due to a harangued religious psychology.

This disgusting film is only one small part of a much bigger issue that has been ripping the world apart for a long time!

I agree. It's just a pressure point.

25553937? ago

Usually, long ass post reply are the one who is the target.

25553434? ago

This deserves its own post

25553118? ago

Women just love their Netflix, good for you.

25560093? ago

So, true; I've seen it my whole life. Rare is the woman that is able to see the trash and willfully turn it off. I've only witnessed it in the much older generation (70s+); but not even all of them by any stretch.

25555457? ago

Not me. Screw that shit.

25558138? ago

My girl loves netflix, or at least she used to, but now considering all the BS that's emerging from it I bet she will at least give it a thought (not that they weren't producing evil stuff already)

25556706? ago

Don't take it so personally Karen, because in general women love to follow fads (with little regard to how stupid or degenerate).

25567593? ago

Well...Dick....I'm not taking it personal. Just noting they, Netflix, can go fuck themselves.

25555139? ago

I'm a woman and I don't watch netflix or any tv for that matter. Trash.

25559608? ago

Will you marry me? I'll have to take it over with my wife, but I think we can make this work...

26006499? ago

25558121? ago

well done!

25557585? ago

"I'm not like the other women" - every woman.

25559996? ago

Typical man! /s

25558790? ago

Fuck off divide shill.

25559473? ago

Make me

25560008? ago

How about we just call you out, then ignore you?

25562567? ago

I don't know, how about it?

25557794? ago

With some of them you can just tell they're not the Mystery Babylon whore - the moment you cross paths with a good one is when you need to man up and start making babies with her.

25555620? ago

good for you.. not everything is about you karen

25556896? ago

Only kikes and their minions use subversive anti white woman derogatory names. Gfys

25567448? ago

so being white and a women makes you privledged?

25568685? ago

show me a news article calling black women sheboons, niggresses and chimps and I'll eat my hat.

25579433? ago

you like a typical liberal make zero sense. and zero cents

25580024? ago

Show me, you cant do it

25602092? ago

show you what?? a job application?. bet you never seen one before.... or show you what? work boots? a paycheck? expendable income??.. hahhahah liberals are trash

25602156? ago

nice deflecting kike

25605725? ago

cant be, im not a liberal although i do agree when they say all muslims deserve death..

25555648? ago

only a jew pedo uses the karen meme.

25555672? ago

no.. only an insane cunt trys to defend all (insert your pronoun).. by stating im a ... and dont ....

in the pretext that not all ..... are the same... .. just shut it karen, you're out matched here...

25556296? ago

you are clearly too fucking stupid to see she was responding to the poster who indicated women love netflix therefore to respond as a woman she doesnt like netflix is appropriate and not her attempting to make it about her you fucking low IQ buffoon. clearly woman hate you thats why you so obviously hate woman. it drips from your attack on her. you obviously have a small dick or come after three strokes or dont know how to please a woman. you must be a chink in another words.

25567438? ago

no it was not and it doesnt matter netflix is trash and liberals are trash

25555284? ago


25553060? ago

Fantastic! Anyone who knows about this and decides to keep their subscription has some serious issues.

25556309? ago

Awwww there goes the guilt trip

25557800? ago

Great example of Guilt applied appropriately rather than weaponized by kikes.

25552788? ago

Mention being a F.A.N.G. company

25554007? ago

What is this?

25554142? ago

Usually it’s FAANG. Facebook, alphabet, Apple, Netflix and Google

25557200? ago

Reminds me of that meeting room in the Vatican!

25554190? ago

Ahhh, okay, gotcha.

25554230? ago

ANFAG was taken. I have no idea what the other commenters talking about. But I wanted to answer that question

25554271? ago

Haha... this makes more sense. Thanks for the follow up!

25552760? ago

Well done.

25552730? ago

Just jews, jewing...