25526643? ago

Almost everyone in politics, Hollywood & the music industry are just trannies trying to keep up an illusion as the elmers glue peels off under the nervous sweat while they try to explain they in fact are NOT trannies.

25523289? ago

Keep your eyes on the prize, a constitutional republic. All the faggot bullshit is to distract you and destroy your society.

25521208? ago

Just give it time. The suicide rate among post operation trannies is very high. Staggeringly high.

25520733? ago

"Why drag is vital for kids"


(it makes them resilient later on in life)

šŸ’” have serial killers like Dahmer to read to kids - "serial killer story time". It will make kids grow up to be more resilient and empathic.

25520270? ago

I know someone who identifies as 'trans-nigger'. In his words: "I wasn't born the race that I is."

25520030? ago

The transgender bullshit is all manufactured, they are using less than 1.5% of the world population to just piss people off (majority of people don't give a fuck if you're tranny, why the fuck is this shit in our face every week?) ...psychological warfare, create unrest and division, confusion through illusion.

25519890? ago

Just don't "identify" as another race or there will be holy hell to pay... unless you are Karmela.

25519839? ago

Gender is NOT a feeling. Liberals don't get that facts DO NOT equal feelings.

25519426? ago

We need a group of us to show up wearing wigs and claim were women Lol

Then rub it in their face that the only requirement to be a female is to merely proclaim you are one

25519017? ago

There are two genders and when it fucks up you get a tranny with mental issues.

25519521? ago

Call it the Freak Show

25518916? ago

I identify as the entire internet, as such, I shall be voting for all of you.

Also, please send me cat pictures.

25519007? ago




šŸø... Oops sorry


25518844? ago

Butsex is a critical issue for the left. WE didnā€™t want it, we got it from ā€œJusticeā€ Roberts treason just like he gave us the Obamacare death plan.

Notice how fast the sheep accepted it. What does that tell you? It tells us that we can reverse that blasphemy in very short order together with other family And life undermining communism And end things like abortion.

25518808? ago

What if you born with both?

25518903? ago

Then you're a genetic mistake not worth discussing outside of a scientific context.

25529567? ago

So god makes mistakes? Interesting....

25518770? ago

Doods with out door plumbing cant compete with other Dudes then claim gender identity to compete with indoor plumbing athletes and destroy their records, get scholarships. What a shit show.

25518733? ago

Little do most normies also realize are that many of the A list ā€œactressesā€ are dudes. Check out on YouTube, ā€œThe Trans Filesā€. Any doubters out there just look at Hillary swank and if you need more proof check out Jenna Talackova who is an open transgender model.

25519023? ago

Almost ALL Holywood "women" are trannies.

25518687? ago

Ne na ne na ne na na

25518660? ago

May the Frog be with You... Always...

25518635? ago

Fuck you, ima frog an there aint nothin you can do about it.

Ribbett... šŸø

25518422? ago

The officials allowing it are the real problem.

25518367? ago

Jews identify as Fellow WhitesTM All the time. Does that make them white?

25518246? ago

Women "sports" good one!

25518199? ago

Wanna end this tranny bullshit? Stock the WNBA with men LARPings as women, and watch the dikes lose their minds. The only thing keeping the WNBA afloat, besides kike money, is lesbians. Turn their league into a tranny freak show, and it'll crumble overnight.

25522512? ago

I think I'd rather watch that over Lebron...

25522543? ago

It'd be some shit straight out of Idiocracy, but so much of our reality is now anyway, so I'm not sure most normie dipshits would notice.

25519483? ago

Lol...fuck yeah, rub it in their faces that all you have to do is simply proclaim your a women to be one

Iā€™d go out there prancing around in a wig to make a point Lol

25518730? ago

What does that win for anyone? Do you really not want women playing basketball? We already voted with our eyeballs and dollars to say that the WNBA is a waste of effort; does it need to be destroyed by our enemies in order for you to be satisfied? Canā€™t we stand up for our women and try to help them keep dudes out of their sport?

Wouldnā€™t you rather they have to play on the guys team, where they have no hope of keeping up and might get bodychecked from time to time?

25519397? ago

Do you really not want women playing basketball?

No. The WNBA is boring to watch and obnoxious when off the court.

25519090? ago

You've entirely missed the point. Entirely. And then pecked out a long meandering screed, having missed the entire point. Go back, take a deep breath and read what I wrote. Don't rage skim it, read it, then think abut why I said we should let a bunch of trannies take over the WNBA. You have a very feminine quality to the way you interpret information. Also, I don't give a fuck about men's or women's pro sports, but that's a completely different topic. We don't need professional kike nigger circuses.

25518123? ago

Nice. Next comes racial reality if you havent already figured that batch of lies out.

25518058? ago

Women are the ones that should be complaining. Gender sports become meaningless when you mix genders. Women's sports and their records have no meaning now.

25518037? ago

Hermes....as in


Three (species human) in this world?


In polar magic to be in the middle is easy.....adoptions for free....


25517940? ago

Crazy people with a delusion, demanding society pretend their delusions are real under threat of imprisonment and/or fines.

25517930? ago

I am waiting for a 25 year old tennis player to try for the senior league saying he identifies as an elderly man.

25518708? ago

Why pay big money to attend expensive universities, when you can simply "identify" as a student, and then attend any class you wish, particularly as an "undocumented student" since you don't have any troublesome paperwork.

25517884? ago

It's just another way to help jealous butthurt losers win at something.

25517878? ago

Some MMA fighter already broke a woman's skull in a match. When you see pictures of trannies competing against real women it makes the whole "muh human rights" argument absurd. See football/soccer, cycling and power lifting

25519497? ago

Need to identify as a female for one fight to get some revenge on a bitch

25518237? ago

Fallon Fox. An actual chick beat up Fallon tho it was glorious.

25519503? ago

Lol..who Chris Cyborg?

25523057? ago

Leslie Smith

25517715? ago

Was just now trying to put a GIF "welcome to the party" in a discord group chat I'm in (to welcome a new member) and it came up all he/him she/her bullshit. Tons of it. Scrolled and scrolled through all these trolls' faces trying to find my go-to and it was just gone. But Bruce Willis was still there. For now.

But seriously, I agree. I get really angry when I see how some guy identifying as a transgender wins a women's wrestling match, or track & field, or cycling, etc. These girls/women that train their entire lives for a shot at the Olympics, only to get that lovely slap in the face. I'm so glad "back in my day" I only had to race against other females and had a shot of actually winning. If trans want to race, they need their own race so they can race each other on a level playing field. The whole thing is bullshit.

25527811? ago

The dems love this shit. They only want boys , so they stack the girls with boys pretending, and they win.

25517635? ago

Thereā€™s no chicks with dicks, thereā€™s just dudes with tits!

25519909? ago

DWT NOT CWD. Say it with me. DWT NOT CWD

25519440? ago

Lol..duded with freshly inverted ex-cock man-ginas

25518050? ago

"At some point THEY will not be able to walk down the streets."

These people are sick


25517846? ago

You are right there........OP

25517541? ago

When a man pretends to be a woman, he commits fraud, sex-fraud.

Hmm, there's a man in Holland who wants to change his age, he says, because he is tired of being mached with all the old ladies on dating sites.

25527397? ago

Counterfeit goods