25519321? ago

NBA looks pretty fucking stupid when that Floyed news came out, how he OD'd on fentanyl.

25518661? ago

Wouldn't this be considered "aiding or abetting" insurrection? If so, that means that the government does not have to provide "bailout" money as per the Constitution.

25516781? ago

The fucking starbucks wear shirts too

25515935? ago

Then MAGA pins are allowed too.

25513895? ago

Boycott Wells Fargo and Bank of America too.

25513356? ago

AND think about this,,,,the 4 planes that were supposedly "hi-jacked" on 911 were ALL American Airlines planes. Hmmmmmm.

25515313? ago

False. Two were, and 2 were United (175 - WTC2, 93 - Shanksville).

25557626? ago

true. correction made. i forgot about that. but united sucks too. so fuck em both.

25512215? ago

I flew American Airlines and almost made complaint on one of the flight attendant giving her fucking political stance to everyone on board. I just though how fucking un-fucking professional. If you’re fucking working, keep that shit to yourself.

25512202? ago

The airline's senior vice president for flight services, Jill Surdek, defended the decision, saying she had been "taken aback" by "widespread" complaints from black employees about "implicit bias and direct racism from customers and other team members."

A woman made the decision about this...... shocking

25512187? ago

They aren't dumb. You are coming to the conclusion based on a premise that the people that control these companies care more about profit than other things. Many of these people put defeating populists much higher in priority than making money.

25511641? ago

They are dumb. Apparently get woke go broke is the new black.

25511528? ago

The company I work for has pretty bright leaders, but they just can't resist virtue signaling. They give to BLM and require us deplorables to take "unconscious bias" courses. Fucking insane.

25511452? ago

The cabal puppet masters want you to feel fear and jump into action based on their narratives and their manufactured solutions. Time, facts and logic are what they want to bypass to force you to go down the path they prepared

25511401? ago

Not only are they ignorant, most big corporations are totally pro-marxist and extremely anti-POTUS Trump. This is telling all of us that these big corporations are mostly corrupt, engage in pedophilia with their elite leaders, and all engage in decimating the middle class mom and pop stores - ridding of the middle class competition.

25512459? ago

Something that people need to realize is that these large corporations are not run by entrepreneurs. They are not run by free market advocates. They are not run by capitalists.

They are run by people who are graduates of business schools, got an MBA, and were indoctrinated in those schools during the undergraduate and graduate work. They believe in government welfare for large corporations, and enjoy the fact that they get massive bonuses to enrich themselves when times are good, and taxpayer bailouts to keep them going when they screw things up and times are bad.

During good times, these companies should be saving for a rainy day -- which is certain to come, sooner or later -- and then, during bad times, they should weather the storm on their own, or go bankrupt. They are just like the politicians who do not suffer any personal consequences for their actions.

That part of the system needs to change.

25512876? ago

At least this is starting to reveal the Crony Capitalism system we already have, which is hooked into the deep state and globalism. But the left attack our current system as capitalism, when it’s a perverted version that results in state sponsored socialism for the rich and politically connected.

25511198? ago

The founders of BLM are tricking people into a religion called Ifa.

Watch The BLM Connection to Witchcraft for an overview by The Hamilton Corner youtube channel.

If you want to dig a little more, look up Prayer to the Iyami by Patrisse Cullors. Iyami is an Ifa term for witch. Also look up the conversation between Patrisse Cullors and Melina Abdullah in a video called A Prayer for the Runner by Patrisse Cullors. They offer libation to the dead (pouring out of a liquid offering as a religious ritual) and chant their names ("say his name!" over and over). They openly admit it's a spiritual movement; they conjure the dead and work with spirits. BLM is lead by witches, folks - it's a literal cult.

25512817? ago

I think this deserves a post of it's own, so it doesn't detract or slide current thread, get list in this thread, and can get discussed further on it's own.

25512745? ago

Interesting video on the co-founder of BLM and making it about spirituality. It noted how Karl Marx himself was a pagan and that the BLM movement is a Marxist organization.

I wanted to add that Obama described himself as a Marxist in his college days. Anyone here have the story of the young Asian(?) intern/reporter (not sure exactly, don't remember all the details, lost most of my reference material on old notebook), who witnessed weird chanting through a cracked open door prior to an Obama campaign/public speech/event(?), (took place somewhere on the west coast, I believe) and shortly after speaking out about it, he died under mysterious circumstances? The Abraham Hamilton, III video above reminded me of the Obama incident. If anyone has a link to what I described, please post.

25511056? ago

Q: What do you do with companies who have had unfair domination due to being propped up with mockingbird funds, with boards of directors hijacked by the CIA and given bailouts from the American taxpayer?

A: Let them fall on the sword of supporting BLM.

It's a movie.

25511050? ago

Wear a Q pin.... when ya board the plane...

25510622? ago

I wonder if you can wear "The South Will Rise Again" Pins?

25510616? ago

It wasn't too many years ago that their employees were not allowed to wear crosses because might offend muslims.

25510446? ago

Boycott & do not allow for a bailout

25510005? ago

AA has always been one of the worst airlines.

I've avoided using them for some time.

25515353? ago

I'm Executive Platinum on AA from last year - flew on 164 segments. I have flown (over the years) ~1.5 million miles on AA, and also forked out the bucks for the AAdmiral's Club, so I was quite invested. This year I flew one round trip (4 segments) in January and that was it. I was contracting until I decided I was done with all the travel and the TSA so I looked for a permanent job and my biggest "want" was to get back to Texas and out of Florida. Number 2 was to only have to travel to places I can reach by car. Done. Life is much better now.

25509819? ago

These companies are kike.

25509763? ago

Boycott American Airlines and any other company that supports BLM.

25515700? ago

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25509648? ago

Did no one in the company's HR diversity group research BLM? No one likes them, except for a small group of people.

25512470? ago

More to the point -- executives of American Airlines are supporting a terrorist organization.

Looks like possible prison time.

25511551? ago

BLM is the new mob. You pay protection money. Guess who the mob is? That's rhetorical, we all know.

25509829? ago

Kikes rule by blackmail. nobody is researching shit, anywhere.