25522538? ago

"kiks from reddit"

He says, outing himself as a "jew hater", so you know he's too bright.

25507316? ago

No they didn't support communists. Geeze. While the replacement of a post that was never to be replaced, rude in the heat of the moment, reading it again today, it looks much different. The plain facts of the matter are the Kyle posts went on for days and it wasn't just one post a day the board was covered in Kyle. For Days! Covered!! When I had time to look at the comments they were pretty disturbing for those of us that aren't as conditioned to violence. There have been murder/slaughter videos, fake but still fucking disgusting. And more... So some truth here, we do not agree with violence. The Q movement does not agree with violence.

You will scream self defense at me. Yes I am aware. I hope that sticks for him and he gets his life back. It doesn't change the fact that it was senseless violence that could have been avoided. Typical for his age, I don't blame him. But I sure as hell don't need to have a bit of my heart torn out daily over this bullshit. Violence should hurt your heart because that's part of being human. I am aware that the amount of violence most have seen these days has taken that bit of humanity and stuffed it way down, twisted it to make it a good thing instead of the horror we naturally feel. So...

Did a mod overreact? Maybe, or maybe he/she couldn't take having to read the shit for days on end. These mods are not comped. I don't know them well and I don't know that Voat would be where they'd normally hang a hat but they have made it home anyway. What they do is run the Q board and they do it very well. They don't remove posts, they don't censor your comments. They are kind and honest, well mannered (everyone gets a freakout, don't tell me they don't) and educated in the material that's covered. If you have never run a Q board/sub you have no idea the amount of work involved. The work is tireless in it's abundance. It never stops. Just the material is two full time jobs +. The Try in these people is astounding. Their work has been astounding. So...

This is Voat. You wanna get your panties in an uproar over someone giving you the finger? ::crosses her eyes:: Yea, okay, sure. You like reading the content they provide or you wouldn't be here. Now, can we go back to being friends, family and warriors with a plan to take back our country for the sake of the world? I guess I could go back to posting the new age crap. I know you guys just love when I do that.

25507005? ago

If you use the word "kike" you are clearly the shill. Q represents the opposite of your racist derailment bullshit. I dont know how you managed to get so many upvotes on this but Q DOES NOT SINGLE OUT ANY RACE AND SPEAKS OUT AGAINST DOING SO, SO THIS POST IS OBVIOUSLY ANTI-Q. THE Q MOVEMENT DOES NOT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THESE NAZI PRICKS. and there is nothing you little fucks can say to deny that, or to stop what is coming. Now lets see your salt.

25521813? ago

^^^ THIS is the exact TRUTH!

25506573? ago

Fuckin retards show your hand.

Chaos mongering fuck tards

Pepe knows, and Kharma fellows...

25506362? ago

Whiney ass bitch-fag,

Boo hooo hooo waa waa waa

Heres a buck for some airtime.

1-800-Waa-waaa, 1-800-KIS-SASS and if those arent working 1-800-FUC-KOFF

25506684? ago

Weak attempt at trolling. You need to up your game- this is middle school level.

25507378? ago

Fuck off.

I wanted it to be childish dickbat, as childish as the soy-soaked retards pushing this regurgitated dribble.

Come unto God as a Child. Theres a part of my soul that embraces that teaching.

Ne na ne na boo boo stick yer head in do do.

25505593? ago

  1. Kyle shoots three criminals in self-defense, corrupted mods immediately start spinning the narrative (and FAIL at it);
  2. Mods try to make it seem like Kyle crossed state lines with a 'right wing militia' group, to go to the riot; which then went horribly wrong. They FAIL at this disinfo tactic because overwhelming evidence shows that Kyle is in fact a HERO who saved the day;
  3. The mods decide to 'not talk' about it anymore. But they FAIL at this too, because the community wants answers and refuses to shut up about it.

25508263? ago

Ok Lin.

25504771? ago

Q is anti-violence

Media wants violence from Q followers

Kid drops three people in self-defense

Q followers cheer, want more violence

"oh shit this is getting bad, better do something"

Mods overreact



You faggots overreact to fucking everything

25504884? ago

fuck off. That sticky was the most obvious confession to being kike trash that ive ever seen. Mods are kiked.

25522223? ago

Oh my God, sounds like you DID stub your toe.

"The kikes did it, the kikes did it, run away, run away, waaaaaaaah."

25522908? ago

Rofl run away? No not at all. But viciously ridicule kiked mods? All day.

25504566? ago

Never stop reminding us.

Did McCarthy do something wrong? You're damn right he did: He stopped.

25506772? ago

Should have shot all of them. Communist Party should not be allowed to exist.

25504430? ago

Reminder: No normal person would moderate a discussion forum for free. Having an agenda to push is the only reason to volunteer for such a role. Of course the mods are paid by their sponsors, it's their job to play an influential role in the slow motion genocide.

I know you are reading this mods. You are in the same group as politicians and journos. Don't expect any mercy.

25504015? ago

We Will Not Be Divided.

25506806? ago

Segregation had a reason. Black people don't want to live around us unless it's just to destroy. They are low IQ creatures no reason no logic their entire beings are fueled by emotion aggression

25506652? ago

You already are faggot. Wake up

25503996? ago

Downvote the fuck outta this oppurtunistic disruptive repetitive bullshit.

I like Kyle.

I dont like shit pot stirring low-life fouling the air.

25504898? ago

fuck that. Never forget who your enemies are. The mods exposed themselves as enemies.

25508047? ago

No the mod spoke their mind.

O wait free speech and freedom to have an opinion only applies to you, the jew-war pawn... K...

25522452? ago

^^^^ HERE is the insertion of "blaming the Jew", into an already ongoing conversation that had nothing to do with Jews..

And, of course, it's grabbed onto immediately.. Oh yeah, that's right, "the Jews did it!"

25508078? ago

No their pinned their kikery for all to see despite the community rejecting their nonsense. They didnt just use free speech. They tried to FORCE their kikery onto the community.

25508264? ago

Jew-war pawn faggot.

25508350? ago

Lol. The jews want the war. I just wont be a cuck and pretend otherwise.

25508520? ago

Nor is anyone else.

You seem to want to help bring it to fruition.

Jew-war pawn.

25508818? ago

lol. They are bringing it to fruition. Im simply not willing to sit back and pretend that one can sleep next to a rabid dog.

25508242? ago

You never read it.

The entire point of the article was that Kyle, a child of 17 years old should not have been participating in the capacity that he did.

They stupididly walked into a tactical disadvantaged situation and it went sideways on them risking the lives of not only Kyle, but of their entire group.

You are a retarded fucking moron

25508366? ago

at what age does our nation define someone as a militia member? I believe its 17.

25508577? ago

If that is somehow OK with you...

Heres your yamaka.

25508784? ago

It is ok with me. Whats not ok is the jewish led infantilization of our society making us all children into our late 20s.

25508866? ago

Gonna spout somemore jewdom and say our young woman should marry at 12.

25508954? ago

No but im not gonna pretend a 17 year old cant defend his society for terrorists like some cuckold.

25508553? ago

Uhh the point is,

We dont want our children to have to.

But retards want to throw our children to the dogs of war. Therefore, you and your ilk are reserving a special place in hell for being so stupid as to allow yourself to get caught in the cross currents of chaos and dragging other dim souls to their spiritual ruin.

25508797? ago

You fucking moron. Im not THROWING him anywhere. He makes his own choices. Im simply pointing out that he is and should be allowed to make the choices he made. But keep playing into the infantilization of western society where everyone is a child until the age of 30.

25503980? ago

Kyle larping sociopaths

25503730? ago

Been here long enough, mods were never a problem

25503692? ago

Where's the proof?

25503482? ago

Have you ever seen such a downvoted thread, ever?

25503338? ago

Voat is a relatively free speech zone offered by commies to allow them to create their boogieman, and mischaracterize Americans/anti-communists.

25503075? ago

So who are the faggots hiring these faggots?

25502974? ago

I'm so confused.

Is Kike funny or not?

I'm here for First Adm.

Oh yeah,Kyle.

So only some are Innocent untill proven different.


25503038? ago

He was a god boy, a gentile Giant who was going back to complete his high school diploma... Family says he was a peaceful soul

25502805? ago

Q is a kike operation, nobody in gov will help us, its up to US.

25510834? ago

The rabbi is projecting. Classic rabbi.

Just another day for you rabbi.

25514128? ago

Lolwut. Dont you have some nukes to deny ? Faggot

25504282? ago

And with 'us' you mean everyone but you.

25504269? ago

Good thing we keep pathetic lifeless people like you entertained and busy.

25503012? ago



I will shoot, but didn't want to.

25502787? ago

Ha ha ha. This entire post looks like one shill agreeing with himself in every comment.

25502747? ago

Shills are still crying about this.


25502438? ago

Yes agreed kikes

25502361? ago

Never forget. It's absolutely true. Fucking kike faggot mods.

25503837? ago

And (((WWG1WGA))) becomes obvious.

25502273? ago

they are paid infiltrator kike mods

25502256? ago

Q sent people here because the mods are part of Q. Voat has always been a honeypot (logo = goat, up/down triangles together = star of david). Q is a jew psyop, has never called out the jews, and there will NEVER be arrests of high profile pedos. Kyle will likely end up in jail for life, for defending himself. And you fat retards addicted to Boomer crack (Qposts) are the reason. Keep "Trusting the Plan", the only thing the jew does not fear - I wonder why???

25502492? ago

Unfortunately, this^ is probably the truth

25521754? ago

Are you pretending you actually heard something sensible, out of all that nonsense?

25529110? ago

It was in reference to a self-appointed philosopher. Not to the comment itself.

25502373? ago

^^ Self-anointed philosopher of very little brain.

25502116? ago

dont engage in division, what happens with KR happens DJT as always holds the last word.

don't let any provocative or perpetually controversial attitudes sway you,

trust the plan and we will make it through this

25504893? ago

i trust results

25503965? ago

dont engage in division

Let's push for unity with pedophiles, thiefs and arsonists. Because we'd never want to be divided from them or anyone else!

25503044? ago

Yeah, it sure would be a shame if people became aware of the race war being wages against Whites, huh

25502074? ago

Fuck you piece of shit mods. Fuck you

25501863? ago

The moderators here will get whats coming to them soon enough. Rest assured. You saw their fear the moment the Rittenhouse story spread across the net like wildfire. How quickly they recoiled and broke their silence.

Soon motherfuckers.

25517267? ago

I’ve ran out of upvoats for 24 hours but have a 👌

Btw I knew about the link referenced where a cuck mod possibly Mossad in origin tried to shit on Kyle Rittenhouse and now that post has 700 some odd downvoats and I think that’s the net figure so it’s negative 700+ now. How did they infiltrate the moderator positions and how can we eject them out? Can we do it programmatically, algorithmically, or do we need the human who runs Voat to manually delete those users and reinstate actual Q followers to mod?

25504596? ago

I was going to upvoat you buy you were already on 17.

Who am I to fuck with that

25503871? ago

You do realize that the mods here represent Q. This should reveal what Q really is. Q’s followers have been played. It was masterful, really.

25505573? ago

Mods here werent even mods until 8bit left and denounced them almost immediately. They are not Q lol anyone who knows the history of our boards knows that

25504852? ago

No one represents Q but Q. Hes made that pretty clear.

25504265? ago

Mods here don’t represent Q. Other people acting like idiots do not reveal what Q really is. What about Q made the mods go against Kyle? It’s amazing how completely idiotic your argument is, and it’s way too apparent you’re a shill who thinks they found an opportunity to strike.

25504419? ago

Kikes are not as smart as they claim.

25503937? ago

Very jewy of you there rabbi.

25502157? ago

the mods here ARE PART OF Q, the shills are against the people WHO ACTUALLY CRITICIZE Q, wake the fuck up retard.

25503827? ago

(((Q))) is fake, foo. The (((mods))) prop up the fakery of Q. The purpose, of course, is to infest human civilization with niggers so everyone can live together in an “everyone is the same” utopia under strict global (((rule.)))

25502898? ago

The fact that you cant criticize Q around here without being demonized is strangely similar to another tribe of people. Anyone who questions the narrative is an enemy.



25502581? ago

if that's the case than Q is definitely the bad kind of psy op

25502267? ago

lmao kike

25502302? ago


25502493? ago

yeah both parties are controlled by kikes but the dems moreso.

the dems are the ones keeping the whole country shut for down for their kike pandemic...

25505271? ago

they are both entirely controlled by kikes. GOP just has a different role. Leftists are to push the Overton window to the left. GOP is to resist the most extreme leftist shit, but disavow anything that just went out to the right of the 'acceptable' window. So you will see GOP say "MEN PLAYING IN WOMENS SPORTS? THIS NEEDS TO STOP!" - but you will not see them "GAY MARRIAGE STILL NEEDS TO END". Republicans are conservatives who fail to conserve anything, that is their purpose. The last time you saw a leader say "Nope, fuck these kikes, we are undoing all the faggotry of the last 20 years" was Hitler.

25505288? ago

nope trump is doing it too by closing the borders, getting us out of afghanistan, ending us subservience to china etc.

nice try though kike

25502914? ago

If the country is shut down, they are all keeping the country shut down. Two sides of the same shekel.

25502945? ago

nope, it's the dem kike mayors. not trump

25503795? ago

Then why isn't it open?

25504717? ago

because dems refuse to open because they are kikes

25504628? ago

Because Trump isnt a dictator and Dem Governors and Mayors refuse to open.

It's not complicated guy. States have rights and Dem states are using those rights to stay shut down.

25502166? ago

gas yourself kike.

25502454? ago

No allow me. Into the oven Hebrews!

25502322? ago

^^^ Nazi sympathizer.

25502503? ago

Acts 7 The jews are the Synagogue of Satan. Wake up. Jews failed God.. They crucified our Lord. Book of Revelatin. You think this to be a joke?? Your very soul is in peril.

25503544? ago

Dude what drugs are you on. You need Jesus.

25506720? ago

Read the Bible and pray while you do for discernment

25515929? ago

Yes everyone needs to read the bible.

25502174? ago

Gaslighting, glownigger faggot.

25501820? ago

Faggots posting beastiality like it's cool.

25503847? ago

Q folk prefer chilluns to diddle.

25502375? ago

Not defending them cuz I know how they are elsewhere, but I haven't been banned for drunken antisemitic tirades no matter how incoherent they became. What happened

25503293? ago

Voats immune system went into overdrive when QRV was made and they immediately started banning people and deleting threads.

The redditfags were shown what free speech looks like, and it turns out some of them liked it and stayed.

You can check moderation logs in the sidebar.

25501608? ago

Shill tactic: "mods are compromised". There are other subverses and websites. Just go away. We support Kyle, but we can also spot a shill.

25504907? ago

The fact that you have no idea what the mods did with that sticky is exactly why this post exists.

25505017? ago

The fact that you keep complaining about the mods instead of moving on to more pressing issues tell us you are a shill. We are not her for the mods, we are here for the Q research. Ignore the mods. If Q wanted us to move, he would tell us. He has not issue telling us when someone is compromised.

25505121? ago

Think for your fucking self holy hell. How are you any different than a lefty waiting for oprah to tell them what to read next? Or waiting for CNN to tell them what to care about next. Q is not God. Q is an anon who tells you to think for yourself. But you seem to be a poor listener.

25502148? ago

I guess you missed it.......

25501645? ago

Either you're the shill, or you obviously missed the stickied thread the mods put up denouncing Kyle defending himself.

25502401? ago

That wasn't a troll? My bad. I like this sub cuz it's like boomer optimism which balances my never having grown up in the world they once walked. Kinda reminds me of how it could be, enrages me, which is why balance is good

25501490? ago

REMINDER: low-IQ shills abound

25503973? ago

"people who support self-defense are shills"


25502422? ago

Low IQs abound period, not limited to shills.

25502572? ago

95% of you fall between 70-130. More bad news: 14% of you are objectively above average . If you are familiar with quantum physics, you have a chance with objective reality, so rejoice!

25502622? ago

Atheism is a jew cult.

25509817? ago


25501469? ago

Upvoated so more people know the truth.

25502691? ago

And the downvotes are the count of accounts they have here.
I'm seeing 8, right now.
So, they gained one more account in the last week.

25505368? ago

Lol, you guys have nothing better to talk about? The Q show has been pretty boring lately I'll admit

25502026? ago

And they threaten that they have your ip and real address and will harass you with lawfare.

If you do get served, you may as well just execute the opposing attorney before the case gets started because that's the best chance you have of being left alone.

25503035? ago

The mods NEVER leave comments in posts and RARELY post anything other than dated Q discussions.

So, dear shill faggot, please link to the post where the mods threatened us all? It should be super-easy to find.

I look forward to hearing you change the subject or refuse because of hurt feelings.

25504571? ago

You're a fucking faggot.

25504078? ago

...dear shill faggot...

...hurt feelings.

Classic shill response.

25503123? ago

But you are a mod posting right now seeking information on when a mod posted two weeks ago.

I have it and you want it pretty bad it seems. What do I get?

25503138? ago

I look forward to hearing you change the subject or refuse because of hurt feelings.

You just attempted to change the subject.

I win.

25503143? ago

Wouldn't you like to know?

25502757? ago

Source or didn't happen.

25503211? ago

Can't substantiate your claim: confirmed.

Shill faggot gets a down-vote.

25503007? ago

Not falling for it.

25502349? ago

Do they though

25502056? ago

When did this happen

25502227? ago

Saw it happen to someone two weeks ago

25502767? ago

I've NEVER seen the mods comment in any post, EVER.

Source or didn't happen.

25506689? ago

This is an anonymous board so why would you know if they commented??

25501443? ago

chinks and kike mods*

25502348? ago

^^ Exceptionally ignorant, anti-kike poster.

25504864? ago

fuck off kike

25504523? ago

And that's a problem why? Kikes are the scum of the earth.

25501307? ago

The kike mods have their own hell to pay. Enjoy the show!