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25495851? ago

Just ask my liberal sister. I've sent her facts, documents, news the MSM misses.

She still thinks "Democrats are for the little guy" and is voting Biden in Nov.

She's smart, a nurse practitioner, but clearly brainwashed. I wouldn't want her treating any medical ailments for me - she so buys into whatever the medical establishment states. My husband & I fought her bitterly over putting our ailing father on HGH (Human Growth Hormone). She thought it was experimental & shouldn't be used but Dad sided with us. It extended not only his life, but the quality of it, for years. After he died, we found he had quit taking it, which explains his sudden downslide. We would have lost him much sooner if we had listened to the medical person in our family - instead of 2 business majors with a keyboard to do research & some common sense.

25496171? ago

Extremist cults.... banned from how many nations, kingdoms and countries?