25506435? ago

Must say all my stupid "progressive" friends have fallen for the dem lies

25506204? ago

The sick ones are the ones who DO notice it, but relish every unfair advantage they can get against Trump anyway. But lets be honest, only 5% of dems have this level of awareness, the media plays to the 95% of dems who live in a trance and only half pay attention. They didn't notice their party flipped upside down and became the most oppressive in the last 15 years.

25505713? ago

I know a few. They are all in on stupid.

25503200? ago

Dems are stupid - that is for sure.

25502262? ago

It's not stupidity really...a stupid person will change his mind when confronted with the truth and no longer be stupid on a particular subject. Liberals are brain damaged and suffer from Pathological Psychosis...look up the definition. Basically Liberalism is a severe mental disorder and the only cure is Deportation or Incarceration.

25501188? ago

The supposed Educated are the worst!

25500451? ago

they were mask and really think they work??!!!

so now you know they are absolutly fucking retarded! they literaly go crazy and call you a selfish asshole for not wearing a mask and accuse of risking or probably killing your older relatives! that is how insanly fucking stupid and dense and clueless the anti Trump. TDS symptom idiots are

25499962? ago

All my Liberal friends are either college educated or union drones. As a self employed free thinker they cant get out of their own way. I out think out work and make more money than they do. But because they are indoctrinated i am wrong... like i want someone making decisions for me that makes in a year what I can do in a month.

25499934? ago

How stupid must a voter be to think it all isn't staged?

25499243? ago

Yeah, I don't know what it takes to get thru to these dip shits. Verified facts, documents, substantiated opinions...the truth...doesn't matter.

25498915? ago

Dude, I think you answered your own question.

25498900? ago

Is that a rhetorical question? If not, then, pretty darn stupid.....

25498876? ago

Most of the commoners are bewitched and the leaders want chaos. They see things opposite of logic. They are filled with hate and that blinds them from the truth.

2 Timothy 3:1-4

But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant,

abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good,

treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,

Matthew 13:14-15

Indeed, in their case the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled that says: “‘You will indeed hear but never understand, and you will indeed see but

never perceive. For this people's heart has grown dull, and with their ears they can barely hear, and their eyes they have closed, lest they

should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and turn, and I would heal them.’

25498673? ago

install hope for the hopeless

I know how to work you

Install hope for the hopeless

I know how to confuse you

No hope I lose.

No hope I lose

No hope I lose

but to abuse those with hope is dope.

SO hope I install its a feature. to create the hopeless hope. THAT NEVER NOPES.

Hope? You say. Yes please install it into your being. Don't become hopeless.

I fear those that are hopeless. They've nothing left to lose

and I can neither control or abuse. Those with nothing left to lose

25498653? ago

I mean then you can surely see the opposite is true. If those in power really wanted to con both sides. they'd have the other side believing they too where on the right side.

Funny if you never consider yourself played. YOu will always be played.

25499095? ago

The answer of someone who can't admit he's been fooled. "yeah, well, so are you!"

The demonstrable difference between people like you on the Left and the VAST majority of people who have had it with the Left, is that the tools that allow me to doubt every unsourced media report and political commentary by the talking heads on CNN are similarly used when I watch Fox, or read Breitbart or watch Bongino. I can see BS for what it is. Trump often serves up BS too. But what he has DONE for America, and his focus on shaking up the political elite is the obvious standout in this election. Those fighting it are corrupt. It jumps off the page.

25499191? ago

oi. Alright then you be a man with sight. What you want me to retract words when I don't know who speaks. I say what I say not to your dismay.. I say I say. You ought to know I spoke to say. That maybe it be that way. Never did I accuse you were this way.

I mean then you can surely see the opposite is true. IF ,

Funny if,

You will always , dependant on if you could never see it.

Please read better and if it doesn't apply it to you. Don't apply it to you.

25498604? ago

That or they already know they're done for and are trying to burn the bridges as they run away.

25498522? ago

The left isn't that smart, they are FOLLOWERS. They following an evil master. WHO IS IT??

25498475? ago

What happened to Hillary Clinton’s “Fairness Doctrine” she wanted passed when she was toeing off with Obama for DNC candidate? She wanted equal time given to democrats on an radio because she felt there was too much conservative talk radio. If a republican suggested something for the digital age they would be mocked.

25498474? ago

Who ever said a dematard has the ability to think??

25498316? ago

The statistical bell curve distribution for intelligence quotient is heavily blue on the below average side. They simply lack the capacity to reason logically.

25498289? ago

Remember, half the population have IQs UNDER 100, and I would bet good money that more dem voters fall in this demographic than Republican voters.

25498224? ago

It’s not hard. “Who wants a free Obama Phone?” Okay sign here on this voting ballot.

25498165? ago

They’re pretty stupid… I still have people in my immediate and extended family who will be voting for Biden. It’s incomprehensible to me, their level of willing brainwashing....

25498030? ago

closed minded people can't learn anything new. They know it all already.

25497956? ago

The 'economic chaos' isn't just an American thing, this is happening all over and is the bubbling of societal change being forced upon us all. They can't just randomly say they want to change things, they must first create the conditions for us (or NPC's anyway) to not only accept it, but welcome it. The world is being destabilized on purpose. If they keep going, eventually things will break, but of course, they've already got the remedies all lined up and ready to go. The world as we know it is nothing but a show.

25497695? ago

It's a sign of our age, The Bible says that they will believe THE LIe, and will be willfully ignorant!

I have always seek the truth willing to tell anybody about it and provide reference material to backup what I have discovered, unfortunately they don't care they won't listen what you have to say or look at any evidences.

25497671? ago

Stupid is the wrong word, in fact you need an IQ around average in order to subscribe to this twisted illusory version of the world.

Like the illusion that masks stop viruses. Blacks are too dumb, so they take off the mask or pull their nose out because breathing doesn't feel right. It takes someone smarter than that in order to suppress their instincts for some bullshit story about protecting others.

And even literal geniuses can fall for this shit, hook line & sinker. Intelligence matters a lot less than your willingness to confront ideas opposed to your own. They don't have a short word for that. Zealotry is the closest, and it engages the same irrationality that religions are known for.

25497551? ago

At this point they have chosen evil.

25497468? ago

EXACTLY the same tactics in Germany pre ww2.

25497380? ago

I’ve concluded that they must all be pedofiles because there is no other reason I can think of ..

25497339? ago

Just wait. The Fed will stop feeding cash into the economy in October, and inflation and prices are going to skyrocket. Trump will be blamed for it.

25497142? ago

I think most of the dem voters (at least the White ones) understand what the dem establishment is all about and what its doing. And they're still on board. Somehow they really seem to think destroying this country and genociding the White People will somehow lead to a Star Trek style communist utopian Wakandan paradise or something. These people are fucking delusional.

25497107? ago

Not very stupid, TBH. Just misguided and unable to think critically - or at least acknowledge and thus overcome their own cognitive dissonance.

I have a sister married to former military who somehow spouts all this socialist, antiTrump, literal "you support racist/xenophobe/bigot/anti-LBTQPXYZ" and I have no clue as to when she fell out. They were all about self sufficiency and prep/guns, etc..

25496860? ago

and all roads lead to China. WHO released the virus? Who are the biggest advertisers in the mainstream media? Who wants Trump out of office because he's re-negotiating trade with them?

25496874? ago

Who sent the fentanyl to America that George Floyd swallowed when he died?

25497742? ago

Who sent the precursors of meth to Mexico that George Floyd was also high on?

25496771? ago

Oh they’re so stupid! It’s like they’re missing something in their DNA.

25497751? ago

Like missing the second chromosome. Rather than XY or XX, these faggots are just simply X

25500090? ago

Whatever it is they can’t see the truth that’s right in front of them and they definitely don’t know the law or what’s in the US Constitution

25496686? ago

Those on the left that still support this have made this their belief system much like many have done with Q and Trump. While I very much support and trust Q, I also realize how dangerous it is to allow a belief in politics to take up root. Any person with a pebble of information about socialism will tell you that a belief is the hardest thought process to change. It becomes a religion almost.

To make it simple think of this. The left has been told that we are evil and that we are lying and cheating. Any kind of information we bring them is hit with skepticism immediately. To be honest we do the same thing with them. Think of the last time some shill has sent you and ABC article or WAPO article? We immediately call it fake news.

My worry is that we might be close to falling into a trap. What if Dan bonginos theory regarding Democrats trying to subvert the election in 2020 is just a ploy to get the left and right into full on battle so either China or Russia can invade us? Or even worse the left calls in NATO as predicted brother prominent democrats? Who was it that said that Americans would persist if NATO came in at first then would accept it? I forsee some conflicts ahead and they are not naturally occurring, we are being led to our own destruction. I hope I'm wrong.

25497140? ago

Shut your faggot concern troll face and get the fuck out of here. Kill yourself you dumb fuck. You can't blend in here.

"Hurr durr guise we might be wrong hurr durr. What should we do?"

25497788? ago

Exactly THIS!^

25496648? ago

All out of hate the media spews and because I just do like Trump. Makes little common sense, but that is what the D party counts on.

25496616? ago

So having been a moderate for many years (the left has moved soooooooooooooooo far away from what they were) this is accurate.
I call it "credentialism".

They put more weight and faith based on what occupation or degrees a person has even when they are doing stupid things.
They look down upon the working class despite many occupations paying multiples of what their PHD brings in. Intellectual class warfare.

You all see it play out with Covid-1984. It does not matter what evidence you present, even if it is their own research they will not listen.

So in effect, you become a non-person that they can ignore because you are not "educated" like them. Well, we all see how the stock market turned out with Harvard, Yale and Princeton running it into the ground in 2008.

And then they blame the victim! "You should have worked harder" - yet they bribe schools to get their spawn into the "best" schools. These dummies come out and have learned nothing but how to navigate the system as yes men. No backbone. And here we are.

25498032? ago

They look down upon the working class despite

This is spillover from Jewish culture that treats laborers as lesser men. They don't really know where it's coming from, but everyone whose opinion they care about has the same attitude. It's pure elitism, and not the deserved kind. It's also woven throughout media culture. The jewish presence there looks down on farmers and loggers as stupid and inferior, despite the low IQ patterns of the South mirroring black population density exactly.

25496556? ago

Hating Trump and America is the in thing in their psychotic circles.

25496473? ago

The people I know are still brainwashed. Can't conceive of anything different than what is on MSM

25496450? ago

The left are no more stupid to not recognize this as are those on the right who think anything is ever going to come from the coup attempt on the US Presidency.

25497156? ago

Found the fucktard.

25496386? ago

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

25496355? ago

Oh never underestimate the stupidity of a Dem voter. My brother lives in Florida and watches MSNBC, ESPN, sports, and more sports. I send him redpill's and he says I'm really not interested in that, or that isn't what they're saying on... Love him but he's blissfully ignorant and programmed and the worst part he votes.

25496252? ago

I monitor my liberal family and co-workers social media accounts to gage leftist response. A few are so far gone they believe any shit narrative the Dims and media push if it's anti-Trump. That said, I've noticed in the past 6 weeks many of these persons are being red-pilled by the rioting, hypocrisy (yeah, Pelosi's salon visit and her stupid response really pissed a lot of liberals off) and the obvious lies without sourcing the left is pushing. No condemnation of BLM or Antifa, but QAnon is the greatest danger to our country?!

From what I see, the jig is up for lying leftist narratives. Too little, too late for the Left to blame Bad Man Orange for their fuck-ups and gain the upper ground. So the DS stooges continue to push more unsourced, outrageous lies, chaos and destruction. Yeah, that'll win over voters. /s

The Left's only option is for a bloody revolution to regain their tax-skimming, human and drug trafficking schemes by overthrowing their greatest enemy: President Trump. I don't think Trup will allow this hence their "We gotta force him out of the White House once he loses" bull shit. They are violent and dangerous. But really stupid if they believe the majority of Americans want them in charge.

25496324? ago

What is that old Blackmail club? What the Freemasonic Shriners really believe...something old and wicked from babylon times... One heathen sect fighting another... Three families combined form the NWO (House of Saud, Rothschild and Soros) https://www.bitchute.com/video/riBiNP5fR2Ko/

25496221? ago

Pretty damn, amazingly stupid. I know a couple and the lengths they go to twist and ignore reality is truly incredible. Get anywhere near forcing truth on them and they completely break down. Weird to see.

25496286? ago

That Jim Will Fix It guy connected to a Royal Prince? Was he a Jester, KnightsMalta? did he pray with Shriners to Lucifer? They have a Funeral Mass seems normal, 'Satan' they believe a fallen Angel....Broadmoor Ripper Who is the guy Mike Tyson boxed? Order commander of the British Empire title, Jimmy Savile or James Wilson Vincent Savile OBE KCSG was an English DJ, television and radio personality who hosted BBC shows Died‎: ‎29 October 2011 ... Murders of Whitechapel and the surrounding areas? Surgeon to Queen Victoria and serial killer "Jack the Ripper," encounters his Masonic god Jahbulon in Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell's From Hell, http://archive.fo/ZZ4oR

25496186? ago

How stupid must a Dem voter be to not notice this?

Hey OP, I'll take a run at this one.

Stupid enough to be a Democrat voter?

How'd I do?

25499072? ago

A recent study confirms that two out of three Democrats are just as stupid as the other one.

25497720? ago

I'll give you 4 points.

25496082? ago

Because it's everywhere. All the media. Tv, radio, internet. They are work together to create a false reality. Through peer pressure they get the gullible to turn themselves into sheep. It's pretty sad how basic it is. It's not powerful magic. Not even complicated manipulation.

25496248? ago

the Art movements, part of the same club? https://archive.fo/CybFC

25498103? ago

Of course. Art is one of the best ways to do high-value money laundering. The pieces have no inherent value (except masterworks from history) so they can be traded like playing cards amongst the rich.

Postmodernism is jewish subversion of mathematical beauty. Beauty is 80% objective, 20% subjective. Beauty loves math.

They also use social justice art to fund subversive elements in society. It could be a literal heap of garbage, but if the tiny card says some crap about blacks being unfairly oppressed, they can make a year's worth of income in one sale.

Koons is visibly jewish, and Mnuchin is dirty, apparently. I've done no research into this treasury secretary, but it's not the kind of job you can get considered for unless you've sold your soul.

25496081? ago

Its the Jews playbook

25496047? ago

so true. I just thought about that yesterday - how obvious and artificial it al is and yet so many morons buy it hook, lie, sinker

25496264? ago

NXIVM Whistleblower https://bigleaguepolitics.com/bombshell-interview-nxivm-whistleblower-reveals-human-trafficking-from-mexico-satanism-democrat-involvement/ - Human and another Crazydays story about Seacrest? Easter, Famed music festival, 2 separate compounds. Expensive to rent off season, nerve center of Bohemian Grove. There is a tunnel...a good half mile apart, fully lit, runs between locations

25496004? ago

What’s getting them is Nancy’s hair. That’s how they know they are not the good guys.

25497730? ago

Nancy's a good guy, she just needs to have good hair so she can fool the bad guys, amirite?

25499007? ago

Does anyone make ambrosia salad anymore?

25495994? ago

How stupid must a Dem voter be to not notice this?

Anyone still voting Dem belongs in a mental institution.

25499343? ago

That's correct. They should be strapped to a chair, eyelids propped open, and should be forced to watch truth videos for hours upon hours, whilst being sleep deprived.

25497694? ago

or prison

25497188? ago

They should not be allowed to vote or walk freely.

25496620? ago

They notice it, they agree with it, and they support it.

25495851? ago

Just ask my liberal sister. I've sent her facts, documents, news the MSM misses.

She still thinks "Democrats are for the little guy" and is voting Biden in Nov.

She's smart, a nurse practitioner, but clearly brainwashed. I wouldn't want her treating any medical ailments for me - she so buys into whatever the medical establishment states. My husband & I fought her bitterly over putting our ailing father on HGH (Human Growth Hormone). She thought it was experimental & shouldn't be used but Dad sided with us. It extended not only his life, but the quality of it, for years. After he died, we found he had quit taking it, which explains his sudden downslide. We would have lost him much sooner if we had listened to the medical person in our family - instead of 2 business majors with a keyboard to do research & some common sense.

25499326? ago

She's smart, a nurse practitioner

I no longer think someone is smart because of a degree. Memorizing answers for a test in school means you have a good memory, not necessarily smart. Also, transferring someone's words in a textbook to another piece of paper using your own words also does not make you smart.

Most people cannot even bypass the first layer of intelligence, which is simply to override their emotions and use logic to make decisions.

The second layer of intelligence would be having the ability to entertain 2 opposing ideas at once without accepting any of them. Again, most people accept the first idea they here and that's it.

I also think if someone is brainwashed, that means they're dumb too, especially for this long. I would've given people a pass until about 2018, anyone still brainwashed post 2018 is a lost cause and should probably be put in a psychiatric ward.

25501279? ago

By age 6 a childs mind starts its long road of group think and crushing Independent thought.

25501173? ago

i have learned much dealing with various doctors, thanks to my nwo health problems

is memorization of medical information a sigh of actual intelligence and aptitude? or... have our doctors been pushed through a cookie cutter and into control of our bodies?

25497774? ago

She may be a nurse practitioner but she's still a dumbass

25498953? ago

My older sister is a retired psych nurse. I think she used up her mind during her working years. Incapable of independent critical thinking now.

25497708? ago

It can't exceed its programming. You might as well ask a hand calculator to divide by zero.

25498969? ago

Shit, where's my calculator?

25497664? ago

She's smart,

Ummm, NO

25496911? ago

I understabd..my brother still believes the Russian story and believes is true because of how little

evidence there is...

25499358? ago

Just today I saw a plane flying a banner that said "Trump Putin 2020" over a beach in Long Island.

Also saw one that said "The Gov Killed Nana", which was nice.

25498935? ago


25498256? ago

Lol retards on reddit still push this daily. When asked for a reference I got a 3 day ban from the mod. The mod’s alt was the one I replied to. That’s the way Cuck Spez rolls.

25496677? ago

what an evil selfish cunt she is, you should honor kill her for the sake of your family. Why are you letting a dumb bitch run rough shot over your family?

25498982? ago

rough shod

25499297? ago

you can eat my rough dick bitch

25499408? ago

Why do you shills insist on outing yourselves? Review your Shills101 Cliffnotes.

25510150? ago


25499454? ago


25499710? ago

Dude, Pro Tip: all caps = shill. You're welcome.

25500374? ago

lmao did you think of that all by yourself big guy?

25497852? ago

Nobody said that shit. Chill the fuck out.

25498994? ago

Friend, you are being trolled. Cultivate discernment.

25499316? ago

wow way to ruin all the fun

25498331? ago


25497404? ago

In what way are they letting her run roughshod over their family? They stood up to her wrong opinion and won.

25510238? ago

Exactly. The commentor was trying to spin just like the media does. Those who can read can clearly see he was making crap up.

25496171? ago

Extremist cults.... banned from how many nations, kingdoms and countries?


25495778? ago

I think many Dems are certainly figuring this out.

Look at the DNC candidate for president. Biden, really? Everyone knows he is a withering dolt.

25495576? ago

Never underestimate the stupidity of the Demwit Party.

25496481? ago


25496178? ago

Regressive Left at one time the Democrats were closer to Libertarian, how all that has changed.

25496056? ago

The Leftists' actions and rioting right now are very animated and full of action,

just like Picket's Charge marching toward double-cannister shot at Gettysburg.

25497678? ago

the left is rioting, dip shit

25497738? ago

That's my point: the rioting, like Picket's Charge, looks glorious to them. Then they get double-canister shot in the face from the Re-Election of President Donald Trump.

This is the Left's High Water Mark. Their war has failed. They've shot their load.

25495562? ago

Only the CIA and the Occult have the knowledge on brainwashing.

25496232? ago

Lots of rituals in Hollywood and broadcast Live on MTV https://files.catbox.moe/2h3pfz.jpg Occult is now mainstream!?

25496259? ago

First you discredit the bible with evolution. Then you bring in New Age Theosophy. Then you peddle it to the people and get them hooked on drugs. First you take God out of schools then you convince He doesn't exist. Then the doors are wide open for the Devil to do his thing. We are getting near the end as prophesied in the book of Revelation and Daniel.

25495400? ago

They have admitted to it.

25495387? ago

It's truly astonishing that anyone would even begin to blame Trump for (1) the pandemic, (2) the Dem Governors' reactions to the pandemic which resulting in shutting down the economy, and (3) the Far Left's violence nationwide. It's an incredibly impossible argument to make, yet nothing stops the Left from making it because they could literally say Trump killed Lincoln and their base would believe it and riot about it.

25499020? ago

Stop giving them ideas.

25519629? ago

LOL, good one.

25496192? ago

Dont forget the Mason fags, the Pedos in the Roman Catholic church, the elite Royal type that allowed in Kike and Kebab? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3956360

25495323? ago

Brainwashed. And if one of them does start to think for himself, the rest attack him.

25497699? ago

Yeah that's our best recruitment tool. Attack from the left, push them right.

25496642? ago

Why is it that the rich elite are the leftists? It's because they want to make sure they keep all the control and the taxes are on the middle class and not them. The leftist elites want to make money off of people and keep them down and out of their rich class.

25499035? ago

Yes, that's why "communism" is a fraud. Any true believer in "communism" is just a useful idiot for the Cabal.

25496576? ago

Some are brainwashed, others understand whats going on but only care about winning

25499044? ago

and whining.

25496214? ago

Britbongistan was also the plan? https://voat.co/v/QRV/4004601/25450840