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25476935? ago

This could be a big piece. Good research OP. We all know that Epstein has ties to 9/11 including paying for flight school for one of his handlers at the same time that the saudis were there.

Remember on 9/11 there was only one flight allowed to fly? It was carrying snake anti venom out of San Diego, I can’t find much more information on it but Nutra Pharma appears to be out of San Diego. Is it possible this Rik feller was on that plane?

25478210? ago

This article was also on the Business Insider website. I still think that the taipan snake venom was in whatever virus the people in Wuhan got and we were supposed to get but didn't (thank you Q team).

25502012? ago

The helicopter in downtown LA (?) seems related.

25557834? ago

25557846? ago

these fools linking to Pao and Huffman's reddit?

25563528? ago


was just thinking that about, well, everything; but specifically, the water supply.

"hey guys we're going to clean up the water for you!"

sounds great in theory, and at first.

then, like anything "collective", it gets weaponized.

then Hanx tells us the truth! "SOMEbody's poisoned, the WATER hole!"

love that the URL starts with "45" :)

yep, distilling my own water at my own expense. tell me again why i need a collective water supply?

a collective anything?

even a "collective soul" would be bad; we'd all be going to hell!