25455710? ago

Anons.......This is GARBAGE!!!! Did any of you ACTUALLY follow the link to read the bill??? Because that bill is the "Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act" that was authored Sen. Sasse [R-NE].

Don't make us look like IDIOTS by sharing random memes you found on your aunt's facebook page!!!!


The linked bill (S.311) says:

To amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit a health care practitioner from failing to exercise the proper degree of care in the case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion.

Congress finds the following:

(1) If an abortion results in the live birth of an infant, the infant is a legal person for all purposes under the laws of the United States, and entitled to all the protections of such laws.

(2) Any infant born alive after an abortion or within a hospital, clinic, or other facility has the same claim to the protection of the law that would arise for any newborn, or for any person who comes to a hospital, clinic, or other facility for screening and treatment or otherwise becomes a patient within its care.


Kamala is a Grade A BITCH, but she is NOT listed on THIS bill!!!

25453676? ago

Well if screaming till death is good for babies, it sure wont hurt some old degenerate whore.

25453293? ago

So many Jews in that list.

It's as if hurting children is their religion.

25452986? ago

That is very inflammatory. Show me some proof please.

25451699? ago

Fuckbook fact-checked and fucked me

25451613? ago

Where? Could you perhaps circle the name and point some arrows at it?

25452269? ago

Yeah I really don't know what I'm supposed to be seeing here

25451415? ago


Requires doctor to admit child born alive to be admitted to hospital for care

25451207? ago

Cantwell and Murray - WA-D’s, So disappointed, but not surprised.

25451040? ago

It proves, what sort of evil beasts, those that approve of said ideas are. They are evil to the core, they can never be cured of their evil intent.

25450823? ago

I don't see get this. Senate bill 311 is the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act


the link at the top has this bill noted. So.... what bill is this actually talking about?

25450512? ago

I counted 44 on that list.

25450200? ago

All of them D's and one I. Evil to the fucking core.

25449525? ago

How absolutely sickening. And to think that one of them is that Virginia Governor who is an actual physician, a Pediatric Neurologist.
There are several videos of this where the poor little defenseless person is ripped out alive. The creatures that approve of this are disgusting.

25457826? ago

Did you even read this bill? It's the “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act”.


Congress finds the following:

(1) If an abortion results in the live birth of an infant, the infant is a legal person for all purposes under the laws of the United States, and entitled to all the protections of such laws.

(2) Any infant born alive after an abortion or within a hospital, clinic, or other facility has the same claim to the protection of the law that would arise for any newborn, or for any person who comes to a hospital, clinic, or other facility for screening and treatment or otherwise becomes a patient within its care.

25458502? ago

The post is confusing and seen primarily for those dems who are for late term abortion as the post is titled. There is a link on the picture, but you cannot copy/paste it nor is it identified within the link what it's about. This is makes the ultimate message of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act become lost in translation.

Would be better to put the list and then place a direct link to the bill separately so people can click to see it.

25450836? ago

Warner and Kaine are our Senators (not by my choice believe me) they don't like me. Those guys as well as the governor don't respond to any of my e-mails anymore LOL... Governor's aren't in the house or senate so Northam isn't on this list. But he is still a piece of total shit

25448675? ago

Every single one of them are adrenochrome junkies.

25469227? ago

You’re a fucking moron, just like the idiots who didn’t read the bill.

Adrenochrome isn’t a

25470107? ago

Ok Groomer. Young Blood is a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy over a bimbo eruption. Hillary told me, so you know it must be true. Derp.

Are you implying that Hillary is a lizard? I don't believe you.

25475020? ago

The fuck are you talking about?

Sorry didn’t realize you were actually for real mentally retarded. Go back to eating paint.

25477197? ago

Triggered like a bitch. Sucks to be you.

25478134? ago

Says the barely literate dipshit. By all means, share a single scientific article about the efficacy of adrenacrome.... I’ll save you the trouble it doesn’t exist. Keep LARPing though fuck face! You guys are doing great lol!

25482671? ago

How does one share censored data? Does the greatest secret known to man not explain why humans are cattle?

Is this the reason science has been compromised with blackmail, extortion and murder?

The control of data is the reason slavery is possible?

Young Blood is the open secret, Adrenochrome is the reason Shadow Government(s) can keep the secret with National Security assets.

25482909? ago

Jesus fucking Christ bro. Literally nothing dripping out of your brain is correct. Do you not know a single scientist, researcher or doctor in your personal life? You seem to have no earthly clue how things work. The true sadness of stupid people is they are too stupid to realize it. Google the Dunning Kruger effect. Then go to https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ and read some real actual research by actual scientists.

Adrenocrome and it’s properties have been fully understood since the 1940s. You are talking out of your ass about shit you completely don’t understand.

I’m embarrassed for you.

25482999? ago

Make is personal. Attack the messenger to deflect the message. Now where have we seen this before?

25484085? ago

Informing the stupid and uneducated who are convinced by cognitive bias alone that they are informed is one of the privileges of those like me.

You should take it personally. That’s the point.

25484139? ago

Interactive Internet Activities is strong in you. May the (((psyop))) protect you.

25448592? ago

I doubt they give those babies that much dignity. Imagine the value of a kid that doesn't exist to these sick pedophiles. God save us.

25451669? ago

Why would your god save you when he won't even save these kids

25467196? ago

The children are saved, in general.

Dual meanings exist. Kingdom of Heaven is not for the wicked.

25448442? ago

Even black ones?

25448693? ago

The black ones make the best adrenochrome because the blood is thicker.

25447567? ago

This Sept 23 through Nov 1:


588 cities worldwide!

25451661? ago

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say praying isn't doing a fucking thing to end abortion. But hey, at least you'll feel a bit better, right?

25453596? ago

Research seems to show many women cancel their appointment if they see even one person praying

They see it as a sign from God

25451992? ago

The 18, 19, and 20 year old girls in Hi Viz vests, the volunteer and paid interns, standing exactly at the entrances, stop every visiting car and speak to the girls inside, re-directing them, many of them, to turn around and leave PP, referred to pregnancy help centers and mobile medical units. Each 'turn around' denys PP about 20k to 30k $$$. Yes, PP is the front-end of a living human body collection and distribution system to big pharma. The remainder of us pray and accompany the girls who are doing the real work, nobodys going to directly hassel them. Table computers and body cams for documentation and evidence.

25453680? ago

I hope they only convince the white girls to turn around.