25451426? ago

I filed. It was easy using the express link. Thanks for the instructions!

25449938? ago

The FCC is totally corrupt and won’t do shit about anything! Meanwhile, everyone who uselessly tells them they support Trump, gives the black hats ammunition in the form of information. If they know how many and who will be voting for Trump it makes their voter fraud easier.

Don’t respond to polls and don’t give the fucking FCC any info either. Although, you can respond to polls if you want to tell them you’re voting for dipshit Hiden. Inaccurate info like that will fuck them up!

25446617? ago

Put what for "Filters"? Going to share but want to write simple instructions. Thanks and God bless!

25447055? ago

The easiest thing is using the express link: https://www.fcc.gov/ecfs/filings/express

You'll see a box for "Proceedings." In that box type RM-11862

"Filer:" Persons name (you have to hit "enter" after filling in the name. If you fill it in and scroll to next box, it won't let you submit the form.

If people want to upload evidence, like bans for "inappropriate content" they can do it on the main page (which I think is the page you're looking at that has "filters" on it.)

I hope this helps.

Thanks for filing and sharing, and may God bless you too.:

25447348? ago

My apologies.


Okay now before hitting submit I'm just leaving that there for the humor I just got it!!!

My progressive lenses (the only thing democratic I have, I told the clerk when I bought them :) ) sometimes mess the screen up (like most progressive behaviors do), so I thought I was seeing "filters" (with a "T" after the "L").

I was like, "okay, I don't understand proceedings, and now the second field I don't know what filters I'm going to need for them to search through the proceedings, this really doesn't make sense and is a lot of hoops to jump through so let me ask the OP about it."

Then I almost hit submit on the above, and then saw more clearly -- in the Voat font -- that you had written "filers" not "filters". So went back to the original, and now it makes sense.

I've not seen a form with "filer" in it, I guess! Mostly "submitter" or "author" or such. Worldly, but newbie at times. :)

When I started typing the "Okay" above, I had a vision of the "Who's on first?" routine and laughed out loud so wanted to share it.

I get it now, I'm the filer.

"You're the loof!" -- Fez confusing "you're aloof", from That 70s Show

Oh also -- you got a 5 by 5 so you explained it perfectly :)


25447635? ago

No apologies necessary :-)

My progressive lenses (the only thing democratic I have, I told the clerk when I bought them :) ) sometimes mess the screen up (like most progressive behaviors do), so I thought I was seeing "filters"

This is hilarious - thanks for a badly-needed laugh :-)

I've not seen a form with "filer" in it, I guess! Mostly "submitter" or "author" or such. Worldly, but newbie at times. :)

You know the gov - if they can find a way to make forms more confusing, they will :-o

Thanks for the laugh - and for sharing elsewhere. And good luck with lenses :-)

25447826? ago

You are welcome. I at least try to include some humor in my descriptions of trauma; it seems better received. :)

Seriously. Synchronicity EVERYWHERE today. "A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down; in the most delightful way." From Mary Poppins; 4 spoonfuls of sugar are necessary for every one spoonful of turpentine (pure gum spirits), in order to clear out parasites!

The sugar "opens their mouths" and the turpentine takes them apart.

Peed out dead ropeworms a week or two ago.

It's fun sharing.

God bless.

25447900? ago

I think in this case, rather than including humor with trauma, you included trauma (ropeworms) with your humor. :-)

God bless you too.

25447952? ago


You get another dub. This is such a weird day. Got lots of sevens, talking about Se7en, earlier today:


From https://voat.co/v/QRV/4003477/25443777

My response to it (with the above image) also got a 262 palindrome, with a 444 -- "Lord Christ" first result Jewish; "Jesus" first result English/Simple https://www.gematrix.org/?word=444

Then got lots of twos. Most recently I was "not even safe on the throne" -- reading Mark Taylor's book, "The Trump Prophecies" and highlighted a section to make a note -- and while saving the note, added to it that I noticed I was making this note on the book's page 222.

I can't write fast enough, kek!!!

25448054? ago

Wow - I never notice stuff like that.

So what do you think it means, getting repetitive numbers? Do you see them as a positive sign?

25452981? ago

Yes. I have a feeling it's God/Jesus talking to me. Reading something my cousin wrote 17 years ago (yeah, I know, 17...) about the Song of Solomon, and that Jesus is in every heart, that we have a personal relationship with Him. It's a marriage.

My wife is "until death do us part" and Jesus is forever.

Also, it's some weird database-style "one-to-many" relationship -- we each have Jesus all to ourselves; and He has all of us.

I think it's nudging me in a direction. Trying to figure that direction out. I have a brother who keeps coming up and who was estranged for about a year; I called him a few weeks ago as a result of seeing his name/initials everywhere.

After reconnecting it told me only the first born can prophecy, and that he has characteristics of a leader. Looked the first up and haven't found the rule but God told Moses that his eldest brother Aaron would be his prophet. So that fits the rule but doesn't prove it; need to look further.

What a wild ride though. Another result from something personal -- "settling in to my new reality". So wild. Want to share it with everyone, but I understand that not everyone can be firstborn. Weird that royalty descends the way it does, seems (if the above is true) that it would intentionally cause conflict since the first born has far vision, but the second born may be a better leader of men.

That may explain why you don't notice? Also it takes practice, NMBRFG was sharing a lot here and getting heavily downvoted but I saw that he saw something, and then I started doing my own searches in https://www.gematrix.org/

God bless.

25456827? ago

My wife is "until death do us part" and Jesus is forever.


25445899? ago

constructive feedback for the future.. many people do not care about your opinion on something pretty clear cut like this issue or are already informed. For this reason you should put the actual ask, like the link first. I just wasted time reading your monologue of nothing. I'll click the link and do this, but i would have appreciated you putting the link first.

25446579? ago

Good point about putting the link first.

As far as my "monologue of nothing," I'm sorry you feel that way. What do you know about the groups I mentioned that are opposing Trump's EO? What do you know about the connection to Lawfare and Yahoo? They are important in the larger scheme of things, and you'll be hearing much about them.

Thank you.

25445543? ago

Those niggers already made up their mind

25445207? ago

I'd rather not cross post on something that has my legal name; it would be too easy to find me.

Rest assured I spoke not only of censorship but of blatant narrative promotion, phony hashtags, bot networks to adjust visibility on narrative items.

It's not censorship alone which makes them publishers. It's censorship of ideas they don't like combined with promotion of ideas they do like.

Regardless, social media corporations should have no legal authority to remove legal content, or to promote the content they favor. It should expose them to lawsuits.

Make the whole internet like oldschool 4chan.

25445807? ago

I understand,

Regardless, social media corporations should have no legal authority to remove legal content, or to promote the content they favor. It should expose them to lawsuits.

I agree, and that's part of what Trump's EO addresses.

25444192? ago

i did it

25444442? ago

Thank you, Patriot.

25444112? ago

Done and done. Good info.

25444225? ago

It's amazing how many Pats have stepped up on this this. Thank you.

25443820? ago

I had the same problem with my phone...it wouldn't accept my comment...Sorry...

25443834? ago

We can only do what we can do. Thanks for trying.

25443908? ago

Thanks! #WWG1WGA

25443921? ago



25443735? ago

Mods too busy tellis what to do and what think and not doing thier fucking jobs.

25443772? ago

What do you mean, not doing their jobs?

25443722? ago

... Like. The FCC IS EVEN CONSTITUTIONAL let alone gives a fuck what people think. Give me a break.

25443795? ago

Well, the POTUS who you are allegedly supporting by being present in this forum, seemed to think it was important enough to write an EO about it.

25444483? ago

I blindly follow NO MAN.

25444555? ago

Great way to be.

25446650? ago



Nicely done. It can be two things, as Mayor Quimby taught us.

25447151? ago


25447241? ago

Thanks! This showed up the other day and I don't think it was referring (strictly) to me (I mean yeah, we all gotta go sometime, as that anon on Dark Side of the Moon quipped):

I Will Find You I Will Kill You 3334 1974 329 82

Written Heavenly Law 3334 1422 237 82

God bless.

25447666? ago

I'll opt for Written Heavenly Law :-)

25447864? ago



Woody Allen quipped, "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve immortality through not dying."

I thought nanotech was the way, back in the 90s. Now know differently. :)

God bless.

25443350? ago

I couldn't get the FCC form to accept my name using my phone keyboard. I guess next is not the same as enter. I was able to submit a comment using my laptop. I used the express tab to submit the following pithy comment:

I object to online providers using Section 230 to censor posted content and then claiming legal immunity. Censorship should not be allowed.

All are welcome to cut and paste the comment. Best to tweak it a little to make it your own.

25443386? ago

Thanks for the info - wouldn't have thought about the phone problem.

I'm sure many will be using your comment or versions of it. Thank you.

25442865? ago

I dropped a truth bomb on their ass last night!

25442893? ago

Haha! What did you say? Link? I'd love to know.

Thanks, Patriot!

25442984? ago

Funny they make you submit it as a document, no option to just type text in, but good thing, since I had a copy then.

For years, social media has been censoring. I have screen captures of maybe 500 times my comments have not violated any terms of service, and yet were censored, because they did not fit the mainstream narrative. I guess on a private site, someone can do what they want, to an extent.

But these are not private sites. The are huge monopolies, owned by just a handful at the top, and they are attempting, and doing so effectively, controlling public discourse. Our 1st Amendment rights are violated.

They do not act just as “posting grounds” they act as publishers, and they should be held to account when they censor, especially when it is a clearly coordinated censorship and it is against the public interest.

This is beyond clearcut. Your actions shall be appreciated if correct. Never forgotten if false.

25447404? ago

There is a tab at the top of the (laptop) web page that allows you to send an express comment without uploading any document.

25447808? ago

yeah, found that now, TY anon

25446010? ago

hey i know its probable nbd.. but consider some small edits to the comment above so your name cant be connected

25446162? ago

good idea

25443069? ago

The express option doesn't require a document: https://www.fcc.gov/ecfs/filings/express (

This confused me, too, at first.

You KILLED it sending in PROOF. Excellent!

They do not act just as “posting grounds” they act as publishers, and they should be held to account when they censor, especially when it is a clearly coordinated censorship and it is against the public interest.

THIS 100% ^^^^^

It's remarkable how many Pats have stepped up to the plate. And, as the reaction to your comment shows, the Globalists do NOT like it. Too bad!!


25442815? ago

We're obviously touching a nerve here, Pats: https://voat.co/v/rant/4003928

Keep going!