25446377? ago

TY for a lot of good info.

25440818? ago

That Sarpi Guy is interesting ........

It does jive with the ideas of Hugo Grotius in Mare Librum, and " alliances with none, trade with everyone" policy .....

This makes clear a lot of confusion in the discourse: approaching it from a angle of liberty vs tyranny, many people consider the discussion between a frame of mind which type of tyranny they prefer.

Personally, it made much clearer why the (this pertains to Dutch history as of 1450) Oranganistas were so vehemently opposed against the De Witt brothers and Van Oldenbarneveldt, vomenting extremism that sets regular people up against each other, serving those seeking to subjugate in a perpetual mode of being milked.

At this point I would also refer the video on youtube: Call to the people of Europe by Dr Rath, explaining in much detail the pharma-chemcial complex, although I should allow the following caveat: He has to say appear to be a proponent of coloring certain people very very very bad because of the Holocaust religion laws in the Federal Republic of Germany.

The threads are very interesting and great piecing together, though much needs further elaboration. Within this context, of course falls the 1815 post Napoleonic peace framework, consisting of financial instruments, military occupation and social control to quell any resistance to the Venetian system.

Thanks for sharing.

25439691? ago

I always ask people what they think happened to the aristocrats who ran the politicians after the American Revolution.

Like okay guys we lost, let's just move on back to England? Lol no, they're Democrats.

25439112? ago

Bloodlines of the Illuminati is not a "CIA Document" and sorry to say I don't really trust FS

P is going to be bigger than just one family.

It's a direction in a fork in the road, Q being the other one.

There is a reason why Pope President Prince Power and Phonecia all start with letter P.

25437649? ago

its the Rothschilds, dummy

25436260? ago

Digits confirm damn

25436093? ago

When Do we start seeing the Pain…

25436069? ago

it's the rothschilds and the jews. nice try

25436023? ago

I posted about Lincoln's love for jews. Easy to find. He was a fag too. His biographer was his long time BF according to a relative. Grant wanted jews banished back north after the war. He thought they were basicslly given choice assignments behind battle lines. Lincoln stopped it.

25437335? ago

I thought I was the only one posting about that gay crypto kike Lincoln.

25435989? ago

Rockefeller put his main mansion in the Pocantico Hills up for sale in Sept 2017 for $22M. Maybe he was thinning his assets. DOT is . https://www.lohudDOTcom/story/news/local/westchester/2017/09/08/rockefeller-estate-pocantico-hills-up-sale-22-m/646871001/

25435698? ago

“This guy said so in this book” is not a source. Especially when his sources are bunk. Sorry but this has been dissected 50 million times. There is some thing to his writings but a lot of it is the rantings of a brain damaged syphilis carrier.

25434987? ago

Great work

25434914? ago




25436155? ago

@tallestski is this you again? Told ya already, stop sucking off your jew masters

25435620? ago

Not quite.


25435701? ago




25434988? ago

[_X_] Arrests

[___] GTFO

I disagree

Cleaning Court & 182,000+ sealed indictments

The Trump's administration successfully replaced 200 Federal judges. Allegedly in preparation for the Storm. There are over 182,000+ sealed indictments ready to go. Compare to 1,000 a year before the Trump's administration.

Trump's Administration Successful Accomplishments 2017-2020 at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3538236/

Nothing Can Stop Justice

According to ZQ WARRIOR, the Trump's executive orders seals the DeepState fate. Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing.



Your Vote Matters


25439682? ago

I disagree.

The glaring problem with your copy pasted bullshit post is this:

(((They))) want YOU divided.

As in , YOU not (((them))).

Starting to make sense?

25441894? ago

Different anon here. Holy shit dude, your comment has opened my eyes even more. Capitalizing "YOU" did it. It's all about energy. When your energy is split there are doubts, fears, and you have no power. Going back and forth with every breeze, uncertain. Weak.

When a person is not divided within himself, when he is sure and unmoveable...nothing can stop him.

Idk if your comment was intended for that meaning, but it went straight through me and gave me exactly what I needed right now.

25441950? ago

glad to hear it anon.

"Conan, what is best in life?"

'right' or 'wrong' it's a driven and focused answer.

25437829? ago

Well done Anon. That is how you destroy a shill rjfj there.

25435846? ago

That shit about the WaR onTerRrOr and executive orders reads like a Sonichu comic. Wild eyed, unhinged, no grasp on reality. People who think in movie logic.

25440375? ago

People who think in movie logic.


25435741? ago

Oh, well, ZQ Warrior said so?!??!?! That’s all the assurance I need, you guys!!!

25439140? ago

Did you read what he wrote? Looks like your IQ is too low to make a point. Is it you Rabbi?

25435713? ago

So much brain power wasted. Gullible. Just gullible.

25435035? ago


25435547? ago

Nobody has caplock on faggot. Go back to sleep.

25435503? ago

^^^ Self promotion ^^^

25435134? ago

Treasure trove of declassified documents coming

Speaking of one of many courageous gay Patriot like Brandon Straka, "Rick Grenell told Hannity there's a treasure trove of declassified documents coming."



25435119? ago


Do not be afraid, I will not try to divide you by your orientation. How about you, are you going to try to divide other people by their orientation? I disagree with Evil behaviors. Such as dividing people by their skin color, or faith, or orientation, or gender. I agree with Good behaviors though.

One Of Many Gay Patriots Is Brandon Straka :)

• He supports Trump

• 176,000+ subscribers with Brandon's WalkAway Campaign channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDb4InP9mRZR9oogD1b2dOQ/videos

• Video by Mark Levin Fox News March 3, 2019 with Walk Away Founder Brandon Straka https://www.bitchute.com/video/BssInd94TiiD/

• "The #WalkAway Campaign is a true grassroots movement, founded by former liberal, Brandon Straka, dedicated to providing a place to share #WalkAway testimonials and personal journeys to freedom. It is inspiring, exciting, heart-wrenching, and extraordinary to watch and read the stories of the individuals who no longer accept the current ideology of the Democratic Party, what it has become, and are now bravely sharing their stories with the world." A LBGT and straight safe & friendly community.

• Twitter at https://twitter.com/RealWalkAway

• Website 1 at https://www.walkawayfoundation.org

• Website 2 at https://www.walkawaycampaign.com

• Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/RealWalkAway/

• Wikipedia article at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WalkAway_campaign

• Support WalkAway at http://give.classy.org/walkaway



They want you DIVIDED.






UNITED or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Atheists, Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love ♥


25437312? ago

In other words, you're a jew or a dumb goy who sucks jew cock. Only kikes and their useful idiot disciples promote multiculturalism aka globalism, you fucking traitor.