25442501? ago

Need them released Now.

The election is fast approaching and it takes significant amount of time to fight through the MSM's propaganda to the contrary.

25435075? ago

WATCH: Richard Grenell’s full speech at the Republican National Convention | 2020 RNC Night 3


25433509? ago

Don't tell Hannity.


25431878? ago

All hat, no cattle.

25432034? ago

Most of what's being "revealed" in the last few months was known to attentive observers three years ago.

The delay is obviously intentional. What the intent is is less obvious. Is it awakening the populous?

What has happened to the Constitution in the meanwhile?

Has it survived? Will it survive?

Has the rule of law survived?

Justice for all?

What are Barr and Trump doing?

Have they moved with deliberate speed and without regard for political expediency?

25430372? ago


25430088? ago

They'd better fucking hurry it up if that's the case.

25429526? ago


25429430? ago

... Soon. :(

25429192? ago

Arrests or go to hell.

25430744? ago

Why do you want them set free??

25429155? ago

coming coming coming cumming

25428996? ago

Everything is being methodically released to sway the court of public opinion through October. To think it’s good optics for Trump to round up, arrest, and hang his political opposition is fucking retarded - political suicide - especially for those on the fence.

This isn’t rocket science, it’s common sense and general situational awareness.

25428676? ago

I'd be cool with time travel and aliens, or free energy and aliens. With a little sprinkling of justice.

25432899? ago

... and aliens.

25428431? ago

Op you triggered all the trash people on QRV. Over the top. Can't wait to see the new info. Grenell ROCKS!

25428190? ago

And again... nothing will come of it, just like that last one hundred times or so.

25427960? ago

More documents for the American public to never see because the corrupt media controls what everyone pays attention to. We need to kick the MSM to the curb, end interest on money, get rid of Hollywood, kick out the dual-citizens, and imprison all these traitors!

25431474? ago

Absolutely correct.

EXPOSE the MSM for what it is ... leftist bullshit!

25427798? ago

How is this even still considered interesting?

Hundreds of pages of documents have been declassified since 2018

Quite a few had redactions that enterprising readers were able to overcome by copying the text

And yet, nothing has happened as a result of any of them, in over 2 years





25427725? ago

Wow is it ever getting shilly here in the comments.

25430714? ago

Ya, the rabbis are shitting their pants. Spam and shills cranked to eleven.

25428443? ago

That's what the comments section is for, it's always shilly in here.

25430724? ago

They've started another surge. They do that when they get scared because of recent events.

25427707? ago

More documents that will be a snoozefest for 90% of people who aren't paying attention. Even if they're a bombshell the left will be perplexed about what's going on and it will fuel the riots even more. We have events on the streets outpacing the events unfolding with all these declassified documents that no one is held accountable for.

This is a major problem that is getting worse. Meanwhile General Flynn continues to get spit in the face daily.

25427689? ago

Ok cool but the chances of anything actually happening to the swamp are about as likely as niggers not chimping out on a given day.

25427620? ago

More hopeium. Hannity is tainted.

25427267? ago


Grenell didn't say "treasure trove", Hannity did. Grenell didn't really acknowledge it either, but rather talked about the recent dem whining about changing to written-only briefings.

25427223? ago

I'm over it. All the BS that's come from Hannity and the rest, for over three years regarding so called justice. I don't know what's going on, but it isn't anything resembling justice.

25427175? ago

Big fucking deal.

Barr is such a disappointment.

25430734? ago

Based on what? A dick in you mouth doesn't tell you anything useful.

How did you obtain access to the DOJ and Bar?

25428478? ago

He may not be kicking any ass, but has severely wagged his finger at few people.

25428183? ago

I don't know why we thought any different. Barr has been deep state since before Ruby Ridge. He was Bush's AG.

25427174? ago

Stringing people along like always. Let me know when the headline is "SoandSo in the government confirms traitors were executed last night."

25427149? ago

Kinda sick of it actually. Q drops have been useless. What happens in August Q? Labor day weekend is around the corner. Still want me to trust the plan? Well, u talked the talk but when the fk u gona walk thr walk.

25428116? ago

You don't think anything happened in August? How about all of the children saved through various raids, people arrested for child trafficking, democrat-run cities on fire? Seems like a hot August to me, pun intended.

25427700? ago

You need to re-review the placeholder drop.

25427538? ago

You should take a break, anon. It looks like you follow too much fake news.

25427315? ago

First indictment happened. Soon other will follow.

25431576? ago

I'm fairly certain there will be another arrest sometime in April, next year.

25427090? ago

We've had plenty of declassified documents. In fact, we've had just about nothing BUT declassified documents. Where's the JUSTICE?

25430699? ago

Why do you want them to go free? Why do you want civil war?

25428424? ago

Don't stop to ask questions, citizen, just trust the plan harder. As long as we have enough people trusting the plan with all their might, the arrests will start! SOON! ANY DAY NOW!!!

25428936? ago

Go to Portland, make a difference.

25427009? ago

I'll believe it when I see it, but so far nothing has has convinced me that anybody, including Trump, has done or will do the right thing.

25427748? ago

Tick Tock or GTFO!

25427714? ago

It's getting silly in here....

25426988? ago

Hannity said "There's a treasure trove of documents coming" Rick deflected and talked about leaks from in person briefings being switched to written briefings and how DNI Ratcliff was doing a great job.

Peace Y

25427296? ago


You're right. Nice CIA pin on Hannity again...

25426954? ago

Treasure trove of arrests and incictments would be more useful.

25430687? ago

You're not wrong, but your low IQ is showing. Clearly the awakening and public disclosure process must continue before we reach that point. Clearly more need to learn about the lying MSM.

So crying about what we all want but obviously can't have right now only proves you're a fucking idiot.

25437330? ago

And just how many people need to learn more about the lying MSM in order to reach that magical point in time? Got a #?

25431237? ago

He says, while talking like an idiot.

25426935? ago

yeah. I have been hearing this for 3 years. Hoping it comes true.

25426791? ago

Soon ⏰