25413164? ago

I didnt even know this happened.


I am free.

25413144? ago

Trump showed us the way... bring back the arias! Bring back classical music! Bring back God's music! So no to satanic tramps.

25412826? ago

Wait. I missed another awards show?

25412703? ago

Dude tries to look like a lady.

25412643? ago

Waiting for the rating to come out and hoping they show lowest ever viewership.

25412362? ago

What was with the "California roll" comment?

25412327? ago

They love masks to cover the big nose.

25412176? ago

Another fuck pig

25412163? ago

I'm sick of Hollywood.

25412027? ago

Yes she is yet the MsM wants to deny this existes

25411873? ago

If this don make you hard then you a fagget.

25411869? ago


25411508? ago

Those outfits looked positively demonic/satanic ewww

25412635? ago

This is not even the most demonic thing she wore last night, believe it or not.

25411452? ago

Funny how she picked a similar colour of dress at flotus.

It's almost like a symbolic reply to a symbolic message of some kind?!

25411493? ago

My first thought was exactly this^

25411116? ago

HOW does a singing whore get to think SO MUCH of herself? Satan.

25411019? ago

May interest some of you to know Apollo (Satan iteration) and the moon (goddess Ashtaroth/Lilith/Isis iteration) was an extremely clever way to get millions of people to worship false idols.

25411119? ago

Yes this.

25411009? ago

Thanks for that. Forgot MTV was still a thing.

25410731? ago

Looks and sounds like a horse that's been dunked in a boiling wet market vat.

Is it sacha baron Cohen in drag?

25410506? ago

NO ONE watches this shit any more... I remember in the 80s-90s if you weren't watching this you were missing out... now... no one gives a fuck... their little spells and magic mesmerizing has ZERO affect on the population... the only people watching this shit are the ones already under their influence. Even sports is starting to loose is mind control grasp on society. Eyes are opening... the man behind the curtain has been exposed.

25413241? ago

TBH, the 80s-90s didnt always have a lot on to watch until late days. I do remember when those awards were a bit of a big deal but never ever ever to working males. Never. I remember.

25414857? ago

I hear you... I didnt graduate high school/get my first job until the late 90s... after that I never had time and never watched that shit again. But in grade school and high school I did watch. Hell they used to re-play those award shows almost daily for weeks after they originally aired.

25410442? ago

Synagogue of satan. Donmeh.

25410422? ago

Remember when they were trying to sell that loathsome prick Shia LaBoeuf as the new James Dean?

25410248? ago

That ugly jew trash is fucking disgusting!

25410175? ago

satanist tranny

25410115? ago

the demons are showing out while they have a brief window to satanically revel in their Hellish culture - knowing that time is short

25410092? ago

Is this bitch a tranny? I thought it was joke back in the day, now what I know about these sick fucks and their weird obsession with transgenderism makes me think

25409987? ago

The :Left are :Lucifer Worshiping Pedophiles and their monstrous minions. Nothing more.

25409953? ago

Symbolism will be their downfall.

25409931? ago

Gas her.

25409753? ago

Didn’t the MSM just rip FLOTUS for the same dress?

25411124? ago

Didn't you just swallow jew jizz?

25413482? ago

No that was you.

25409752? ago

Hell kindling

25409696? ago

I remember when that thot cancelled her tour in early 2018 due to “health concerns” after she heard Q ‘nem were coming for her. Trick was scared then and she’s scared now, the only difference is that her master will make her double and triple down or get suicided.

25409611? ago

I thought the horns went on its head?

25409601? ago

They must believe they still have bombs planted in buildings or something to be this fearless.

25409595? ago

A nobody jew-bitch.

25410188? ago

Internet says 75% Italian 25% French-Canadian/French, English, German, Scottish, and remote Swedish, Irish and Dutch.

25410558? ago

Maybe a list of countries her ancestors got thrown out of.

25413224? ago

thats pretty funny.

25409593? ago

She’s a huge Satanic whore like anybody who’s famous in the music industry or Hollywood.

25409545? ago




25411127? ago




25409508? ago

What a poser that guy is!!! Makes it blatantly obvious that we need to eradicate him and his kind! At some point soon, it will not be safe 4 it to walk the streets! #GODWINS

25409384? ago

loser bitch came out of nowhere, had gigantic funding..

clearly a pet project

she literally stands for nothing..

her name means 'nonsense'

25417200? ago

No, Gaga refers to Pluto and entity assigned:

“Coming in past Neptune and Uranus, Nibiru/Marduk was drawn even more into the midst of the planetary system as it reached the immense gravitational pulls of Saturn (AN.SHAR, “Foremost of the Heavens”) and Jupiter (KI.SHAR, “Foremost of the Firm Lands”). As Nibiru/Marduk “approached and stood as thought in combat” near Anshar/Saturn, the two planets “kissed their lips”. It was then that the “destiny”, the orbital path, of Nibiru/Marduk was changed forever. It was also then that the chief satellite of Saturn, GA.GA (the eventual Pluto), was pulled away in the direction of Mars and Venus–a direction possible only by the retrograde force of Nibiru/Marduk. Making a vast elliptical orbit, Gaga eventually returned to the outermost reaches of the Solar System. There is “addressed” Neptune and Uranus as it passed their orbits on the swing back. It was the beginning of the process by which Gaga was to become your Pluto, with its inclined and peculiar orbit that sometimes takes it between Neptune and Uranus.”


Gaga often wears outfits with rings surrounding her.

25411828? ago

When did Baphomet worship become the new normal at Record Companies, Tv broadcasts and MTV? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3885855

25412000? ago

hard to say, the murder of good (uncontrollable) talent has been going on for a long time.

25410220? ago

She is very talented. It is only a recent requirement that singers must "stand" for something. They used to just sing.

25412010? ago

nah, she just picked up a facade that was pre-made for her.

stop by the vigiliantcitizen for a rundown of her occult behavior.

literally she is nothing but a puppet of the occult.

25409324? ago

The lip sinking has reached a whole new level

25409303? ago

Bring back the witch trials!

25412404? ago

Notice POTUS has been calling this the greatest witch hunt ever.

25412480? ago

Think mirror!

25411858? ago

...and Madonna at Eurovision?...Rituals, initiation into the Occult ...before it was kind fringe, underground but Everywhere you watch, the cremony, the music teens & kids go to, its everywhere now... In the movies in the Tv shows? https://pic8.co/sh/RGr6x6.jpeg Occult is now mainstream!? Some say All of this shit is based of the "Egyptian Book of the Dead," and the original Babylonian Talmud...3 House of Saud, Rothschild and Soros ... Jahbulon or Jabulon or Yahb'elon ... the Queen is the head of many major Freemasonry bodies through the Order of the Garter. There is some Rainbow Girls sisterhood in America and those Jester clowns are creepy as hell.

25409850? ago

Oh, we could have such fun if we did!

25409227? ago


25409067? ago

The meat dress looked better.

25411112? ago

She did a show where she was completely naked. I shit you not.

25409053? ago

  1. Cum in her show.

  2. Let the flies do the rest.

25409299? ago


25412001? ago

FuQ. Listen to the science.

25409043? ago

Mtv doing music awards when they abandoned music decades ago.

25412015? ago

If this don make you hard then you a fagget.

25410004? ago

Just your typical desperately-needy whore of an evil and soulless cunt.

A shame too because this fucking slag has the kind of talent that should mean she doesn’t have to do all of this extra-curricular devil shit.

I don’t think she came into the game a satanist, her pathetic ass did it for fame.

Since this bitch has quite the thirst, her fall should be entertaining.

25411132? ago

She went to the same "elite" privateCatholic high school as Madonna and Siri Cruise.


25410148? ago

Gonna make for a good "Where are they now" vid several years after she's tossed aside by her handlers.

25413181? ago

bitcoin pool?

I got 0.005 on overdose while pregnant with interracial baby, double pay on 27th birthday.

25413675? ago

She'll end up a crazy old has-been attention whore like Madonna.

25409311? ago

Almost like Pro Sports has always been rigging games.

25409406? ago

Mtv was the hottest thing going on TV way back in the 80s. If it's still on TV somewhere now, I don't know who would be interested in the porta-potty that it is today.

25410497? ago

Teenagers who hate themselves and are obsessed with being Kylie Jenner. The ultimate programming station to turn good little goyim into mindless consumerist slaves who measure their self worth by what kind of car, house, and clothes they have, and how hot of a partner they can land.

25410890? ago

Only old people watch tv.

25411809? ago

People of all ages watch TV. Its just that the idea of what "TV" is today is different. Watching cuckflix, HBOGo, and jewtube is "watching TV."

Teenagers definitely watch shit like MTV and long for things they can't have. It programs there highly susceptible minds into believing that they are not or will never be good enough if their lives aren't like what they see in the shows and videos they're watching. Puberty is a confusing time naturally, especially the struggle with gaining confidence and figuring yourself out, so its no surprise that people come out of it with depression and anxiety after being taught that they need to be what is unattainable. Its done on purpose to keep the chattel weak consumerists.

25409773? ago

It was great in the early 80's when it was music videos and martha quinn.

25409784? ago

Nina Blackwood did it for me. lol

25409553? ago

I play the guitar on my MTV!!!!!!

25409767? ago

get ur chicks for free

25410562? ago

That little faggot he's a millionaire.

25409024? ago

Notice this mask stuff isn’t about safety. They want it to be accepted so bad they choose to wear this shit.

25411105? ago

That's the reason we are seeing Moms putting this crap on the faces of children. I had to hold my tongue. Disgusting cutting off the oxygen to your own child to virtue signal.

25409556? ago

What masks

25409317? ago

Most certainly has nothing to do with safety.

25409092? ago

It’s now some fashion stunt. Seeing dumbasses at work going the extra mile to buy multiple masks so it matches with their clothes. The stupidity is on another level

25413205? ago

professional sheep and their professional masters.

see how they dance together.

25408952? ago

That some sort of shackle on his forearm?