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25400303? ago

What do you think Lucifer means to them?

25400409? ago

Some werido masons seem to link Satanism Luciferian Babylon star crap as some kind of fallen angel, they mixed up a bunch of other stupidity and crap history from pedo cults in Egypt, India, Greece and Babylon. There is a Phosphorus morning star, Venus also said to be a 'star' not a planet, some faggot name from Greek times is also used Heosphorus, meaning "Dawn-Bringer". Some like the kike Albert Pike 33° would pray to Sirius the dog star, at one time they tried to use the dog star to track the movement of the Nile in Ancient Egypt the symbol of star Sirius glitters in some mason lodges and some weirdos pray to it. It should be noted that today scienists have a much better understanding of stars and planets and galaxies today than people hundreds of years ago did. Not all Masons are criminal weirdos but many perverted Mason weirdos have also been arrested in recent times do very strange stuff.

25400465? ago

I think you're overcomplicating things.

Think gnosticsm.

They think the world was made imperfect by an imperfect being and through their organization and math and science that they bring down through their intellect they will correct the imperfections of the world an transcend mortality. Think rough ashlar. The Lodge of Perfection. They think they are gods. They don't sit around and "worship Lucifer" like Christians worship God.

25402650? ago

They always claim to travel east however, seeking the light of lucifer. What a messed up crock of shit these people are involved in.

25411781? ago