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25400763? ago

They do, many don't know who they actually serve cause your not let in on that knowledge until you get higher on the totem pole but they do. My husband was a mason till they wanted to make him 3rd degree and they wanted him to do some shit he refused to do and he got out. He was also at one point a rosicrucian and he spent a whole lot of time in their libraries which is how he found out they serve satan and he got out of that - this was after the mason crap.

25401820? ago

Rosicrucianism is crypto lucifer worship disguised as explicit christianity.

25401910? ago

No, they don't identify as Christian at all, but they don't deny the religion either. They are more gnosticism as their most valued attribute is to be at a higher level of knowledge than all others. From my understanding of it anyway, thats how he explained it to me. A large part of his life was in rosicrucianism and he went into things like astro-projection and what not. A lot of learning, gaining knowledge etc, especially stuff from old times.

Edited: But yes, they are satan worshipers (quietly) one would not know this unless they delve into their books.

25401997? ago

To an outsider, they could easily present as christian. Even much of their writings are apparently Christian. It’s camoflage :)

But yes, scratch the surface and it’s all reincarnation and other middle eastern mysticism including devil worship.

25411776? ago

25413942? ago

But our resident freemason says he knows a freemason who is a great guy.