25391099? ago

25387726? ago

I actually felt pleasure and joy when I saw him shoot, protect himself and then get back on his feet.

25386709? ago

Yeah but he was a little gung-ho. You gotta know when to get in to the fray.

25387734? ago

He avoided conflict the best he could. He had every right to be out there like he was

25392240? ago

Was he in his own town?

25424167? ago

No. But his job was in the town where the incident took place

25393307? ago

Wow there really are paid shills here.

He was in the town where he worked.

25395678? ago

Hmmm, i thought the sticky about him said he went to another city

25398980? ago

He lived in one city, and worked in another a few minutes away across state lines.

As far as I know, he was guarding the auto dealership where he worked.

25386553? ago

How is he a hero?

They’re now calling Qanon a dangerous militia and trying to create a connection to Kyle.

You make that easier, you dumb fuck

25386016? ago

Would he be less of a hero without fucking?

25385836? ago

Wow I didn't know 70 year olds used voat.

25384898? ago

Cringe. Yes he acted in self defense, but he never should have been there in the first place. Stop cheerleading for children to go to other people's neighborhoods with guns and ruin their lives. If your home or business is in danger, of course defend yourself, but stop encouraging people to go actively looking to play bang bang.

25387752? ago

More bang bang and you will see less burn burn. Unless you using a condom.....

25385833? ago

His community was being burned, and had the moral fortitude and the balls to stand up and defend it. No moral man stands back and does nothing while their community burns. The fact you can't see that means you likely don't have any.

25390227? ago

1) Not his community, he had to cross state lines to get there, actively chose to put himself in the situation

2) If it WAS his community, and he was defending his own business or property, fucking go for it, full endorsement

3) I'm ex military, what have you actually done for your country?

25392789? ago

A) He worked as a lifeguard, right in that area. But that doesn't matter one iota. Every able bodied man far and wide should be there to defend communities under attack.

B) Ex-military... AKA dogs for the NWO.... What have I done? Sure as hell didn't kill for the bankers.

C) If you are WWII veteran, respect to you. Since then, all wars you might have found yourself in were for the bankers, and not defending America from any legit threat. And if you didn't realize that, blame it on your boot-camp brainwashing... but karma doesn't care about your brainwashing.... you pay it regardless.

25384533? ago

Keep putting pressure on the jeows

25383773? ago

Rittenhouse is a Austrian aka German origin name.

25383747? ago


BOYCOTT Wisconsin Cheese

25385840? ago

Michael Graveley, DA, aka Soros puppet, traitor, remember his name.

25384254? ago

Noooo Wisconsin Loves Kyle!!!!!! We are proud!

25384456? ago

You may want to inform the Sheriff of that consensus.

25383701? ago

This boy did what we all wish we could do. And you know it.

T R U T H .

25387715? ago

He defended himself honorably against enemies of our country. He should be proud of his actions. God bless him

25389337? ago

Now he’ll hopefully be anally and orally raped for what he did.

25383550? ago

I'd rather have a million more Tarrants and Breiviks.

25383389? ago

No sauce, no fucking noodles............

Just a dickbat shill spouting dribble...

You guys are supposed to think with more than one brain cell.

Sheep still following a fake ass carrot...

25384862? ago

What you're referring to is whites reforging our identity and aligning our allegiances.

Repent from your loxist ways oh chosen ones

25383792? ago

Found the Jew

25383674? ago

OP is a faggot, correct..

25383313? ago

Ok bandwagon it dumbasses, a jew kike kicckin back laughing his ass off. Ill stir up that race war yet....

25383831? ago

You're a jew kike? Why are you announcing that, what does that have to do with anything?

25382769? ago

Every step he took was in self defense.

We are out here.

We are ready.

Fuck Around

FInd Out

26480664? ago

Remember the fake one armed kike medic with gun, wearing a baphomet kerchief https://voat.co/v/QRV/4126386/26480574

25382225? ago

Pounce this hatefull shit.

25383566? ago

kikeposting hard

25381740? ago

The QRV mods side with antifa terrorists. We side with a hero. The line has been drawn. all jews are pedophile terrorists.

25383865? ago

Can you speak English? You're not making any sense. Are you saying that you are a Jewish pedophile? Your religion doesn't matter, but the pedophilia activity might be a problem for you.

25383959? ago

He makes perfect sense, kike. Gas yourself.

25381675? ago

We HAVE millions more just like him.

25388203? ago

Kyle Rittenhouse vid webms Anon https://voat.co/v/QRV/3996409/25377444

25387044? ago

came here to say this, kek!

25382129? ago

We need more heros like McVeigh and Roof

25387695? ago

Wtf is wrong with you?

25383782? ago

No killing kids no no.

25381418? ago


25381342? ago

We have millions more like him, we're waiting to see the whites of their eyes first, keeping the powder dry.

25381341? ago

We need millions of panicking children with firearms?

25382261? ago

The "Fuck you" sticky was right on:

they're running amok in here, trying to start a shooting war.

25381723? ago

Four terrorists attacked him - three of them tried to actually KILL him. He didn't spray everyone in range with bullets.

THAT would have been totally understandable panic, given the threat.

25381374? ago

the FAKE MEDIC kike panicked and got his arm blowt the fuck off!

Israel was not pleased.

25383946? ago

What is a fake kike?

25389195? ago

One kike is a fake kike. Two kike is a waste of ammo. Three kike is enough fuel to burn for an hour.