25386905? ago

Shills everywhere! People like to troll on anonymous boards, but a majority of us are Patriots are only trying to get information ton Redpill our asleep friends. Thank you for joining! WWG1WGA!!!

25386087? ago

Welcome my fren, many have shared some sound advice here. If you seek real time news curated from the 8kun board itself, take a look at wearethene.ws- it's very very good (obv not perfect- but the best news source I've found)

25386064? ago

In this sub, yes.

25385965? ago

Welcome to freedom, friend! Please don't get offended by the free speech here. Don't get triggered by the insults. Expect the worst but look for the best. I'll leave you with this informative page that was helpful to me once, best of luck and I'll see you around: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2852847

25385494? ago

This is the only place I hang out online. Everything is here.

25385425? ago

Yeah. This is called freedom. Get the fuck used to it.

25385363? ago

Welcome, to the frontline.

Things are always crazy. It may come across as a jungle at times.... and you will probably notice long toes, thin skin, ego, shills, triggered responses, shooters from the hip, but also a lot of nice people with differing degrees of views, interest and understanding.

So, make good use of searchvoat, up your digital skills, and cut out your own space.


25385210? ago

Welcome. We have our good days and bad days but it's been really crazy lately. Just know we/Q do NOT promote violence or division. Patriots have no skin color.

25384986? ago

I wish I found something like this years ago. Digital training ground - to help you shed your PC programming. You can't even pay for this kind of training.

25384678? ago

Best board you will find, barr the Trolls and Shills... Conspiracy on Reddit has some good stuff, too, but that entire site is censored into near uselessness, and NOT necessarily by the MoDs... Welcome, come back often, and Godspeed Patriot!!

25384537? ago

Voat reminds me somewhat of what using the internet was like before the big censorship we have now. Moderation is necessary, but you will always have the problem of it being left to those with the time to do it - which lends itself to infiltration. On other sites, like Reddit, you would have seen pages of deleted comments - the fact that you are seeing the craziness is an indication that the site has preserved it's freedom of speech - though we're always just a few turns away from losing it.

25384548? ago

Best response. Wish I could vote you to the top there.

25384222? ago

I started in 2017 welcome to the club it's nice to not be the crazy person trying to wake people up by myself anymore

25383711? ago

No, only since you got here, you must have caused it.

Please leave.

25383351? ago

Welcome fren! Yes, shills come on, start crap (fag/Jew/nignog hate talk) to slide the discussions from meaningful research and thinking!

Just eat the meat and spit out the bones.

Also check out wearethene.ws if you haven't already.

25383022? ago

Yep, there's a bunch of leftist's here that spew anti Jew and black bullshit to make us all look like bigots and racist's

25382728? ago

It tone varies as fear of indictment rises. When it looks like the shit is about to hit the fan, gay porn, anti-semites, race baiters, and paedophiles try to discredit and disrupt the conversations and Qanon. BTW, Lindsey Graham is traitor.

25382663? ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#129317) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

25382617? ago

We are actually the front line war zone and the Chinese, C_A, Antifa, BLM, and other clowns of other flavors wearing the same garb are all here. Yea, it's a bit crazy and they are losing it on all fronts. You can feel the terror they have of truth and coming justice. Nothing can stop what is coming, especially multiple BoZo the Clowns In America.

25382544? ago

from: doglegwarrior

hello friend i am the dlw.. you will know its me when you see this.

circumcision is an evil jewish religious ceremony with absolutely zero medical benefits

i hope Qanon is real and support pretty much all they do. i have a problem with the noname thing because it allows jews to hide to easily.. Qanon people have told me to kys or kill my self and have said I will be hunted down and hung after Q wins.. i hope Q wins id happily be hung if I knew ameirica had a jew free future.

anyways welcome to the war of words.

25389802? ago

Maybe you should consider that surgery to grow your foreskin back, it might help you with your resentment.

Though you might need to grow your balls back first.

25412956? ago

from: doglegwarrior

easier solutiin kill the jews who are mutilating defenseless babies? its happed 109 times ae just need a really good 110th time

25384110? ago

"circumcision is an evil jewish religious ceremony with absolutely zero medical benefits"

You won't be hunted down, no one gives a shit about your obsession with "circumcision", that's your own personal problem, as is the notion that Jews need to hide from you.

Believe me, neither Jews nor anyone else gives a shit about what you think.

25384349? ago

from: doglegwarrior

if you are a Qanon and cant see that mutilating defenless babies is wrong your movment is as satanic as the deepnatate you stupid fucking idiot

25389841? ago

Memo: Qanon movement is to stop the abuse of children worldwide.

If you think it starts and stops with ‘The Jews’ you know nothing about the world an other cultures.

25412945? ago

from: doglegwarrior

i am 100 percent with Qanons basic principles and what the goals are especially child trafficing... but if you want to ignore international jew banking and their disgusting role in the middle east them Qanon is a controlled oppositiin force that will turn bad when the time is right. you cant ignore what jews are doing to the world

25413737? ago

What are you talking about? International CENTRAL Banking is the literal heart of the evil cabal - dark and visible money flows are the circulatory system. We are all watching Trump manipulate this to his advantage and expect a Global Reset of currency and a bankrupt Fed, BIS, IMF - you can’t possibly be following this movement and not realize the centrality of international banking elite schemes.

25388132? ago

You're certainly free to believe whatever you want to believe, but circumcision itself, and Jews as a people, have ...


25412964? ago

from: doglegwarrior

well ignoring the jew mr Q is a terrible fucking idea who do you think flooded Europe with muslim invaders?

25382333? ago


Shills threw a 24 hour long bitch-fit because one of the post stickied a post that we all disagreed with.

Shills seriously thought this was their opportunity to prove that all the mods are nigger Jews, but nobody really cares.

That mod's opinion was wrong and now the sicky is gone... and the shills are still throwing a fit.

Just laugh at the shills. At least one of them is just a lonely looser who does this for attention.

25382343? ago

So I'm confused. You're saying the shills agree with everyone else and they're still making trouble?

25389873? ago

It’s called “Sophistry,” the mixing of Truth with untruth, the poisoning of the well.

What they claim to believe is irrelevant; their tactics are evil.

25382326? ago

The revelation that the board owners are completely compromised is new. But yes it ya crazy. 8kun is even more fun. Come and take a look at raw information and opinion.

25382237? ago

If you think this is crazy, try 8kun.net

25382211? ago

No they ain't and no you didn't har

25382195? ago

It's not crazy, it's music to quiet the soul.

25382160? ago

yes the 12 users in here are this crazy!

25382175? ago

13 now.

25382019? ago

How could you have just got here and been able to post? It took me tree months to get enough points....

25382027? ago

I've been here about two days... it wasn't hard.

25382130? ago

Really? I had to comment on topics, up vote topics that I agreed with and accumulate enough points to be able to start a thread.

25383673? ago

I did it that way also. get into discussions on the not anonymous boards and you rack up points quickly.

25382006? ago

Heya. Yes always crazy, especially if anything newsworthy happens. Welcome to QRV.

25382001? ago

Its a bit like the wild west for sure.

25381989? ago

HERE is a bit like a saloon in a 1880's mining town.

It is very wild and woolly,

There are LOTS of folks saying stuff which would be highly offensive in public. A few of them are really that way, but still somehow believe in what Q and Q+ (DJT) are doing for the most part.

Some of the most offensive speech comes from SHILLS here to make honest American patriots seem like racist pigs. From watching them lately now out in public, their speech (and thus their mindset) is entirely RACIST and consistently HATEFUL and VIOLENT (the speech in this case) on the street as it is here.

Ignore the shitty remarks.

Frankly, the GreatAwakening channel is much more useful and not as edgy as QRV, here.

Either way, PATRIOT...


Observe, Question, Research.

Take nothing for granted. Most real things come with plenty of documentation.


25389355? ago

We aren't scared of (((your))) labels.

If we were, you'd be effectively controlling us. We reject that bondage, so we call a spade a nigger and we call a jew a kike.

That language also helps to filter out people who would argue with emotion instead of logic.

It's pretty simple

25390426? ago

Yeah. Very, very simple, indeed.

25390505? ago

Glad you understand. Have a wonderful day.

25390542? ago

Wow. Simpler then I thought.

All I had to do was raise my fist and say Breanna...

And you THOUGHT I was agreeing with you.

Like I said... SIMPLE


25390554? ago

Dance puppet.

Have a wonderful day.

25381970? ago

Well howdy, idgematated trollin hermit at yer svc.

Uhh dont pay attn ta me, im vieing for QRV batshitcrazy-anon title, im in the running with flat earth retards nnnnnn some lunatic concave IQ guy.

Id.like ta show ya roun the place but its a shambles, n the retards pretty much work hard at wreckin it.

There good people out there. Nut up, put the latex gloves on and dive right in. If you dare to venture outside of QrV id highly recommend a heavier glove, or double up at the very least or is that the other way around..... Hmmmm, its alotta nazi racist fucks that think cuz alotta people are fucked up all of em are.

Let me introduce you to a game i call Pepe. Its all about the digits bro. Casino up on some numbers ads a lil flavor to what your sayin...

Have fun enjoy the circus

25381996? ago

Hi Pepe. What are the best subs?

25382501? ago


Buhahaha Pepe likes you already. Welcome aboard.

25381814? ago

It does get hard to tell the who are the inmates from the Wardens here at time. Logic will tell you which is which.

Peace Y

25381598? ago

This sub is not really the best sometimes. Lots of troublemakers like to come in here and cause problems. Try Great Awakening or theawakening subs for better reading. They have shills there too, but it is less "vulgar".

25381635? ago

Oh no.

25381432? ago


where have you been?

I found Q on day 5,

and I'm still kicking myself for being late!

and yep, QRV is quite dramatic,

but you'll learn a lot,

and it will make you a better person.


25381315? ago

You got here at a bizarre time. The overt racist shit and shilling is off the charts. So you know, most ano s are not racist. We use language like faggot, kike, cracker, and nigger in defiance and opposition to political correctness.

Actual Q discussion on this thread has been reduced to nil recently

25381618? ago


25381312? ago

If you want freedom of speech you gotta take the good with douchbags

25381202? ago

Thanks for the post! So fun reading all the shit comments. I’ve had a good laugh.

25381085? ago

Yep. Only place worse is q research on 8kun.

25381079? ago

it's a constant slap fest here because the shills are buzzing around like flies, but you get hardened to it

25381062? ago

Only when we are #winning!

25381009? ago

It is Anonymous so yes it is always this insane, remember you have many actors here, Patriots, Communist both Chinese and homegrown, Fascists, Racists, LARPers, Christians and Muslims, Jew-haters of all stripes, State Actors (CIA, et al), Centrist who've read to many Wikileaks and a whole host of others who have their own personal reasons and all vying for these things...to sway you whichever way they can, to be the face of the movement or to paint/portrait the movement in a positive or negative light depending on agenda and to win in a struggle we all acknowledge is for keeps. Believe the facts make your own opinions of those facts and never believe anyone who makes an argument devoid of facts. All the best WWG1WGA

25389384? ago

Like you are attempting to sway us.

Your bias is showing. You didn't mention jidf, jdl, shareblue, etc.

Your omission is telling

25390344? ago

Lol, we are all here to sway, but I'm on shariablues list, trust me not a Communist, I will see the Marxist crushed, the culture changed and I fervently support Trump because of it. That said am I a sheep or sycophant, nope.

25381651? ago

Im offended you left out trolls.....

Flim flam flarlin flam, no disrespect... No disrespect, whats a troll gotta to do get some annoyance aroun ere.... Dammn.

Trolls Lives Matter.... Toooooo... Reeeeeee...


25383141? ago

You caught me, I'm a bigoted racist after all, trolls, I just don't understand them and in large feral packs I fear them.

25383515? ago

Dont fear, just me, errr uhh i was kicked out for being to krusty that nnnnn i have grown rather fond of shilllllllll ummmyummmummm y mmoumoumoomuy. Err uhhhh ooo yeahhh uhh sorry distracted fer a sec.... ShiiiLlLlss..


25380966? ago

this is the world without the facade.

crazy, wild place, where using your discernment is a requirement.

some folks still hide from what I consider greater truths, but hey, it is the best we got right now.

some wonder why God says some things to others, and seemingly contradicting things to others..

i see now that it is what each group can hear, and what is right for them to evolve.

once you see yourself as an evolving being, you can actively participate.

the messages become clearly, the lines drawn more easily, the conflict drops to nil.

it is really easy to pick out the bad, they disdain life, the harm others, the remove freedoms.. their pleasure is other's pain.

25380946? ago

Welcome. Won't take long to navigate. Remember, half the idiots here are probably foreign governments or some proxy of one. Here,if you stick around, you will learn who you are and who they are. True.

25382251? ago

In anonymity, truth stands on its own.

25380809? ago

Don’t search by new and don’t open image files.

25380779? ago

I suppose you haven't been out of your home, lately.

25380773? ago

You really sure you want to do this?

25380719? ago

Lol yes. Enjoy your stay. You can never leave

25381546? ago

you can logout anytime you like... but....

25380667? ago

Welcome newfag

25380637? ago

Yes, and just a forewarning that it can take months/years to develop a mental fortitude to visit here daily. So take breaks as needed. But in time, the truth will set you free. So free you’ll sometime wonder if you were happier being oblivious to truth. But the truth is, humans can be nasty, and the nastiest ones have been calling the shots for a long time. We are here to turn the tide.

25380585? ago

Information war.
Fighting for the free world.

So yeah.

Buckle up and pray.

BTW. Welcome. wwg1wga

25380512? ago

An account was comped. It’s no coincidence that this occurs during the RNC. All assets deployed.

25380523? ago

If that's the case, why haven't they addressed the issue?

25380549? ago

Where do you think you are? Applebee’s?

Use at your own risk.

25380577? ago

I'm more partial to Shoney's.

25380611? ago

I was sure you’d say a Kosher Bagel Deli.

25380484? ago

This year? Yes. Previous years we were a bit calmer.

25380422? ago

Welcome Patriot!!!

This is nothing. Wait until there's action, and you'll be checking in all the time to see latest status update.

Over time, you'll see that you can see the truth, and when you watch something fake, you'll be able to smell it.

THose around you will have a hard time understanding you, but they will wake up sooner or later, no need to force them as everybody wakes up in their own time.

25380417? ago

No Fear. Pinocchio and Geppetto will soon be dancing in the Eternal Fires. Time is close and they know it..

25380406? ago

Ah ..... the early days of Q discovery. Welcome aboard.

25380381? ago

You’re lucky. Those of us that were in from the beginning still have blue balls. Not that I’m totally into it. It has been fun to follow, better than sports.

Any day now right?.................

25381015? ago

A guy i work with recently told me about how a sports person online that usually posts stuff abt sports started posting abt Q related stuff since the wasn’t anything goin on in the sportsworld

And now hes all into it, then a couple days ago a couple other coworkers and him were all talkin abt Q stuff, interesting how this stuff is starting to bubble to the surface, after following this since the beginning

25380363? ago

This place is nuts. But full of info and alternative points of view that are priceless. Use your discernment like a sieve and filter out the madness of the haters and shills to find the true gems of knowledge scattered about these pages.

25380349? ago

Fuck the shills man, they are just trying to beat the invincible, but the funny things is they don't even manage to delay it one bit

25380339? ago

yes.. some are just to agitate some are shills most are like you wanting to know more about what is going on....

25380307? ago

As Bruce Willis said in Die Hard, "Welcome to the party Pal!"

25380279? ago

No. Lots of shilling though.

25380107? ago

Go back to Reddit, nigger faggot.

25380145? ago


25382269? ago

Don’t listen. This is way better than reddit.

25382271? ago

Oh... ok.

25380102? ago

You ain't seen nothing yet

25380090? ago

Yes. Voat is a White supremacist website that allows free speech. Q decided it was a "safe" place to congregate after being booted from Reddit. I guess it's safe in the since your account or subverse won't be deleted. But the down vote rules will censor many topics that the old goats don't like.

Yeah, getting use to wanting to promote Trump's "we bleed red white and blue" sentiments while trapped behind enemy lines takes a while getting used to. Best to just ignore the voat goat nazis and stick to discussing the bigger picture.

25390003? ago

Voat is a free speech zone that is regularly shelled with ‘white supremacist’ missiles as part of a larger strategy to destroy free speech territory. Fixed it 4 ya.

25380087? ago

What do you mean, "crazy?"

25380037? ago

It's a battle with the shills at first...but since you made it this far you will soon be able to easily spot them.

25380025? ago


This is Charlie Freak! This video explains POTUS first year in office and ties in with Qdrops. Really helpful to innerstand big picture.

25379972? ago

welcome aboard! They most definitely are crazy and we haven’t even begun the real craziness, in my opinion!

some words of advice:

- do not put unreasonable expectations on events and dates. i have done it myself and it can be very deflating. Q team works on their own timeline and undoubtedly have to shift tactics at times.

  • question everything.

  • backup as much as you can offline. also, see something on a site that seems important or related to what Q is fighting? archive it. archive.is is a good place to do this. there are others.

  • if anyone claims to be Q, they are not. Austin Steinbart has claimed to be part of Q for a long time. straight up deep state bitch. Q only communicates thru then 8ch and now the new and improved 8ch, 8kun. I can’t think of the Q drop at the moment that spells this out so if any patriots can jump in, please do.

  • if you have any questions, ask. be patient. if you find yourself being impatient and saying “arrests or GTFO” you are doing it wrong.

  • read all of the previous Q drops. look at Q proofs. connect the dots.

25379936? ago

Yes, it is an unfiltered and un-censored site so there is a good deal of crap to wade through. But there are good people and good patriots here and our thoughts are also allowed with interference. Free speech abounds here.

25379910? ago

^^ Shill post forum slide.

25379978? ago


25379841? ago

LOL... actually, believe it or not, they used to be FAR crazier... you should've seen the shit that would go down in the Pizzagate arena.

Welcome aboard. You saved your soul for the end of the Storm. Wise! But lots of catching up to do.

25380810? ago

Lol...did Soros clean house?

25379833? ago

Yes. Even shills have free speech. Learn to recognize them fast.

25379777? ago

Welcome fren!

Yes it's normally a riot on here.

If you're bored just say Hitler was a Rothschild. Grandson of Ms. Shecklegrubber and Baron Rothschild.

25383032? ago

Just between you an me. Pepe is all over this post.

25379768? ago

Welcome to the party.

25379652? ago

Skip Q and go straight to the Jewish Question already. Save yourself a whole hell of a lot of time wasted on rabbit holes.

25379932? ago

^ tactic to keep you from seeking the 40,000 foot view

25384691? ago

Lol. You are retarded. Jews own the banking institutions and media. The two most important corners to a nations sovereignty.

25385037? ago

There’s just that pesky Rockefeller that screws up the narrative.

25385152? ago

Warburgs, hapsburgs, schiffs, Rothschilds, loebs, sachs and many others are of kike blood.

Now fuck off shill

25385204? ago

the banking cartel. and your point is? the globalist cabal is much bigger than banking. controlling material resources is downstream of what they control in mind and 'spirit' realms. and YOU believes it's only Jews, and all Jews at that. you'd prioritize removing the bagel maker over sending Hillary to Gitmo. oh, but I guess she's a Jew too? if you hate them, they're Jews!

you slide the board back down to the first red pill any of us swallowed as if that's the entire Matrix. but maybe that's it, you just woke up, you've been awake for like day, opened the door to the Satanic Jew room and think you hit the jackpot, discovered cold-fusion, unearthed the missing link. when you're done patting yourself on the back spend a little more time going back over just the last 4 years of digging and see where your "Jews" fit in to the bigger picture.

25386212? ago

Cope more kike.

Read “A Culture of Critique” by Kevin MacDonald

25389691? ago

It’s not that your bosses don’t realize they sent you on an already failed mission - no matter how much your cut and paste shitposts spam space on the boards - you are not influencing minds, changing hearts, or discouraging spirits; your bosses just don’t care about you.

They don’t believe in salvation. They dole out material rewards and social status with empty promises of future fortune to get you to do their dirty work. Peddling sophistry doesn’t hurt them as they’ve already ‘sold their souls’ (in reality, rejected Him and His Salvation) so they don’t feel the pain of unrighteousness. You do.

That is why you need so much to identify the ‘source of evil’ as a way to ameliorate your pain. ‘The Jew’ gives you temporary relief as you believe your pain will go away once ‘The Jew’ is removed. But the Evil doesn’t originate in them. The Luciferian cult is like a virus infecting the mind and spirit. It is the Evil controlling the cabal - be it directly through Satanists, and also indirectly through the many confused Zionists, Globalists, Jesuits, Marxists, Atheists, New Age Pagans - the Evil is the perversion of Selfhood over Godhood.

Sincere people tolerate these assaults from inorganic, inauthentic, manipulated programmers as a living Parable of the Wheat and the Tares (Weeds): we grow together, side-by-side, until the harvest; the wheat will be gathered and saved and the weeds will be bound up an burned.

25398312? ago

Jews are the enemy of all mankind. (1 Thessalonians 2:14-15)

Fuck off kike shill

25379541? ago

There is also a new site: greatawakening.win

Mostly people from the_donald.win for now.

25379499? ago

no, its normally worse and more crazy here. Try out the rest of voat, whatever sub, technology sub, /v/scienceanon , v/NiggersAnonymous , , calmbeforethestorm, anontalk, greatawakening, etc sbbh is your enemy btw .... how does he keep getting away with it? https://voat.co/v/milliondollarextreme/3995473/25368305

25379468? ago

Short answer: No. But there are periods of time where shills outnumber Anons.

25379577? ago

Oh, I already have over 200 CCP. Just took a couple days.

25379342? ago


25379327? ago

Usually it's worse. Nigger.

25379316? ago

Whalecum...if someone calls you a fag, that's a badge of honor. If someone calls you a faggot, they're probably projecting. Carry on :)

25379332? ago

It's the other way around you cum guzzler.

25379597? ago

Eat a bag of dicks shill faggot

25379633? ago

Go suck a sleeping homeless dick you faggot faggot

25379322? ago

Okay nigger.

25379277? ago

You're coming long after the battle of engagement has started. We are obviously on a phase where the cabal is getting more and more desperate, thus the false flags and attacks and whatnot are multiplying and the insanity will come faster, stronger and more frequently.

It's like the Qtubers. Many started with in depth research videos, then videos to comment on the news of the week. Nowadays, many decide to make live videos to analyze and comment of news because things change and break everyday, you can't follow and can just make do with a live streaming.

That's how things are with the forum. Things are accelerating. We can feel the moment is coming closer and closer when something has to give in a good way for the white hats. Those who know the chans are used to the Cointel maneuvers. At QRV, it's a less abrasive taste of what's going on at the chans. We are constantly reminded there are shills, infiltrated agents, enemies, but also sincere newcomers and allies.

25379230? ago

Your here for the JQ.

25379258? ago

What's the JQ?

25380210? ago

the Jewish Question

25379340? ago

The J Question.

25379345? ago

What are you talking about?

25379378? ago

The JQ keep up faggot

25379388? ago

Is that a clothing store?

25379408? ago

Jewggle is your friend around here. Don't expect to be spoon-fed. Go look.

25379220? ago

The satanic shills always paint this movement as anti joo, but that is just their father Satan who hates muh jooos. We respect all people here. It’s good vs evil.

25379268? ago

Well, you don't sound insane at all.

25389404? ago

We love all people, but we don't respect all people.

And people who say muh joos have issues with truth.

25380047? ago

Upvote fren. This excellent example.

25379240? ago

Except for jews so fuck you

25379353? ago

He said all people. Where's your disagreement?

25379382? ago

We don't respect Jews. Nor should we. We respect all except jews

QRV retards still don't get it.

You guys are the blowins. Voat is mainly kike hate. Rightfully so.

25387963? ago

"Voat is mainly kike hate."?

My God, what a bunch of incredibly ignorant assholes.

What sewer did you guys crawl out of?

25392924? ago


^^^what we we supposed to do in the face of this^^^

Wash their feet?

25392908? ago

You don't being here


Here you blind ignorant cunt.

They do it on fucking Twitter. Openly. It's encouraged to bag us out.

We have to cove to this tiny dark corner of the internet and you're still crying like a fucking faggot.

We can't respond to the tweets against us or we are suspended.

So here we are. And you're still wanting us silenced even further.

Go fuck yourself you traitorous cunt.

Don't reply until you've at least read a couple of pages of the document I just posted.

Try be genuine for once in your life..

25389426? ago

We crawled it is the sewer the you believe Jesus is boiling in in hell.

The Talmud is evil, and the Protocols are the practical plans resulting from the Talmud

25389914? ago

^thinks “all Jews” are instructed in the Talmud.

That’s like saying all Christians are Catholics.

25392984? ago

Every single one of them will try destroy your life if you deny the holocaust..

That's the fucking litmus test and they all fail.

25390024? ago

They are instructed by Satan. The books are just the written form.

25391294? ago

Are all Christians instructed by Satan because the Pope is? Are all the misguided globalist enablers in the UN instructed by Satan because they pursue goals outlined from the Lucis Trust?

Do you even know any average Jews? The ones I know don’t attend Synagogue except for bar mitzvahs. The majority are not Orthodox.

25391391? ago

If they don't get IT from Yahweh, it comes from Satan.

There are many so called Christians who don't know or follow the word of God.

I know some Jews: they are liars and they beat women and they hate Christianity.

25379418? ago

He said we respect all people - what don't you understand?

25379476? ago

Who the fuck is he to claim voat respects all people.

That is literally the opposite of what voat is.

At voat nobody is respected unless they earn it.

You people are faggots

25379445? ago

I disagree as we don't respect Jews.

We don't respect all people.

Are you retarded or something?

25379503? ago

Are you saying Jews are people? WTF are you stupid or something?

25379579? ago

Ahhhahahaha touché.

In my defence it's only 8.30am Saturday morning.

25379645? ago

Damn it man Sabbath morning is when we are doubly anti-semetic

25379202? ago

get woke to jews then we'll talk

25384018? ago

Since when does Q have anything to with Jews. That's YOUR hangup.

25384146? ago

being woke to jews is a prerequisite on this site no matter the sub. if you still believe jews are good then you will not help in the movement. the true great awakening is us goyim waking to the real problem of the world.

25388043? ago

Q has absolutely NOTHING to do with your "jew hate", and neither does Voat.


If it's a "movement", it's a bowel movement. Do you shit heads actually get together and "plan" your ignorant Jew hating activities?,

It actually sounds like your PROUD of your stupidity.

25389414? ago

if you believe jews are good then you're either a jew or moron. given how many goyim are woke now, my money's on you being a jew.

25389607? ago

That's because you're not very bright.

25390332? ago

ok to prove you're right and i'm wrong how about you prove you're not a jew by replying to this comment with the word -GOD- just like i have it spelled there.. if you don't then you're a jew and i'm right

25391156? ago


Is there some reason you have for believing a Jew would not respond to this exactly as I just did? Not that it matters, I'm just curious.

25394724? ago

yes there is. but it appears i was wrong about you. all i can say now is jews are the source of all our woes. you may not believe it now but stay awhile.

25389319? ago

We don't plan. It's completely organic.

Have a good day kike.

25389786? ago

Thanks, kike hater.

I'll likely have a better day than you will, since I'm not burdened with hatred for other groups of people that I don't even know.

I can see that it's "organic", no brains behind it, at all. No thought, you just automatically call me a kike because you don't like what I said, doesn't matter if I'm Jewish or not.

I'm not, but that's irrelevant.

25389812? ago

Hate is a waste of energy.

But I will call out evil. The Bible instructs is to do just that, but my rational mind understands why we are undetected to do that.

Kikes hate Jesus: that's how they got the name.

They operate to destroy our civilization. They are liars and they are scum

25391643? ago

Good to hear that you don't "hate" anyone, that's a good quality, whatever your reason.

But, "kikes" don't hate Jesus, that's a very ignorant thing to believe and has no basis in fact. They just don't believe what the Christians believe about Jesus.

And, your last paragraph about "destroying our civilization", and that "kikes" are liars and "scum", is pure horseshit, and a very stupid belief that YOU have somehow accepted.

Of course there may some Jews somewhere, and some non-Jews as well, who believe that, but they just ignorant jackasses.

You should do a little work to get rid of that nonsense. It makes you sound "hateful", not to mention "stupid", and I'm guessing Jesus would want you to do a little better than that.

25391687? ago

Muslims hold Jesus in higher esteem than jews. Muslims believe hesitate was a prophet: jews believe Jesus is boiling in shit in hell. Of course the atheists don't believe that, but they hate Christianity almost exclusively.

You seriously do not know what you are talking about.

Jews have always been parasitical to their host nation, always working to subvert.

25390102? ago

Jews were the first follower of Jesus. They were a sect with Judaism for hundreds of years. It’s not until around the 4th Century that the Christian “Church” emerged.

25390452? ago

Very wrong.

Jews began to break away from the religion that would be called Christianity during the Babylonian captivity. It was called Christianity after Christ, after the Greeks named him Christos anyway. Judaism was the oral tradition of the Pharisees later written down 3 centuries after Christ. The fourth century was the time when the whore of Babylon began it's time in power.

Prior to Jesus, it was Yahweh and the laws of Moses and various accounts of those tribes.

Those tribes were white, as was Jesus. The Jews, but they children of Israel, got their start by race-mixing. That's a big part of the old testament. There is a reason Christendom was the entire white world.

They populated Europe at various times after eqypt. Troy was founded by the children of Israel she left founded Wales.

The word Jew wasn't created until the 1600s and it was used to confuse Christians into thinking it meant from Judea.

Abraham, Moses, Noah, Isaac and Jacob were never jews. They were white people. God made promises to Jacob's seed, the children of Jacob/Israel. Look up those promises and see what group fulfills those promises.

Why are there geneologies in the Bible? Because family, tribe, and nation were important parts of what the Bible teaches.

You don't know the word of God or the history around it. You have listened to the Edomites, but you haven't found the truth.

25379177? ago

Welcome. No, things are not always this crazy. The Kyle sticky by one of the mods has created an unusual amount of drama. That doesn't usually happen in v/QRV. It used to happen in v/GreatAwakening all the time, but even that subverse eventually mostly ironed that stuff out. There's also a sub called v/theawakening . That one gets fewer views so fewer posts, but the quality there is pretty good.

Also, if you haven't familiarized yourself with v/pizzagate, you really should. A lot of excellent research there. And some of the early researchers from v/pizzagate have literally paid with their lives for some of what they found and shared or tried to bring to light.

Don't let the drama scare you off. And don't let the racist trash-talk run you off either. Leave what doesn't resonate with you and use your discernment. This is a good place to sharpen that discernment tool. Also, one more thing: don't feed the trolls. Waste of energy and time. Just ignore them. They hate that.

All that said: Welcome, Patriot! WWG1WGA!!

25378971? ago

You just come out of a cave, or something.....Things are getting crazy every where.

25378966? ago

Yes. Welcome to the movement

25378915? ago

V/GreatAwakening is a better Q board. Here, if you don't hate dark skin or big noses you will be piled on and called names = no conversation. Of course, it's justified by calling it "free speech." Joo's live rent free in their heads. LOL.

25380392? ago

QRV is the official Q board.

Move along, Buckwheat.

25381800? ago

Yes, it is the official Q board for voat. I've been here since the beginning. But is has degenerated into a cesspool with occasional nuggets. Q says "They want you divided by race, religion, collor," etc. This board is full of haters, porn posters and clowns. Makes the Q movement look like everything the MSM says it is.

What a shame.

Buckwheat over and out.

25388706? ago

You're the occasional nugget. lol

25378997? ago

/v/GreatAwakening is run by lunatics.

25378908? ago

When Q drops, the mods will put a sticky up to discuss it. You can search Q discussions by searching http://searchvoat.co

25385156? ago

On searchvoat.co you have to select "include NSFW" or no posts from this board (QRV) will show up on your search.

25379017? ago

Thanks man.

25380791? ago

Whatever the current events are, its good to have a mandatory waiting period to see how things play out before drawing any conclusions

Alot of things aren’t what they seem at first

25380756? ago

Don't forget to sign up for your Frequent Q'er Rewards.

25379713? ago

It will be listed as the date. It eont be stickied at first

25378907? ago


25378902? ago

It's a downhill progression here. The shit-posters are getting more prolific, dumber, and (hard to believe, I know, but) even more mindlessly antisemitic. I'm coming closer to walking away.

25380725? ago


25379606? ago

hi jew! you won't be missed! your tribe is the lowest most pathetic group of inbred wastes of life on the planet! it won't be long til mass awakening, then you'll be praying someone as good as Hitler was will be in charge.

25379707? ago

↑ see what I mean! Also easily triggered to spout off with Jew-hate.

25380089? ago

🔼🔼🔼🔼Stop living the lie Jew🔼🔼🔼🔼

25379226? ago

Don't lump in anti semitism with the rest.

Origins of voat is the expose the kike so kindly go fuck yourself with your low level kikery

25379688? ago

Lumping away. mindlessly antisemitic   Antisemitic antisemitism   dumber antisemitic mindlessly antisemitic prolific Antisemitism   mindlessly prolific Antisemitism   dumber Antisemitic prolific antisemitic * antisemitism *•• dumber antisemitism   antisemitic-antisemitism • dumber   mindlessly antisemitic prolific   mindlessly antisemitic • Antisemitic   dumber mindlessly antisemitic   mindlessly antisemitic prolific Antisemitic antisemitism & dumber prolific Antisemitism mindlessly antisemitic, and largely God-offending Jew-haters.

25378897? ago

We're in the sane season right now.

25378868? ago

Dont use New. Use hot. Those posts have more or less been filtered out and you wont see shill posts.

25378918? ago

oy vey be a shame if the goy seen some truth amirite chaim

25378787? ago

Not generally, but from time to time the kikes will arrive to try and control our conversations.

25388607? ago

What do you mean "your" conversations?

It's "Q"RV, not "WE HATE JEWS"RV.

25389033? ago

Hate is a waste of energy.

If the word kike triggers you, then you just understand that they are kikes because they hate Jesus.

At Ellis island, when the filthy liars had to sign papers, instead of an "x" (which to them was too much like a crucifix) they would sign with a circle, or "kikel" in Yiddish.

So don't give me shit about hate. I have no there's except those who set themselves against me and mine.

So fuck off, bignose

25389767? ago

Except for those Jews who waited for years for the legal process of immigration, arrived at regular piers in NYC, with all their documents signed and processed.

When you take an incident and blow up a whole narrative around that you end up with BLM.

25389842? ago


The children in Israel use a modified addition symbol to avoid using a cross.

It's not ine incident: it's in every fiber if their being.

25390172? ago

Just like BLM. They have ACAB, you have AJAB.

25390280? ago

Yep. But I'm right and it's plain to see

25378780? ago


You need to wade through a lot of shill post and disgusting bullshit put here by the FBI to get to the good information.

This is all done to make this board as frustrating and unusable as possible.

25378926? ago

oy vey we here at QRV side with antifa and blm. Kyle is the terrorist amirite goys

25378776? ago

Welcome! And yes...you must fight thru the shills.

25382219? ago

Hi-jacking here..... Gotta ask the OP if he just got here....... HOW DOES HE GET TO POST? Something smells about this post.

25381672? ago

Separating the wheat from the chaff. Lots of work. But the beard could be tasty. Find the wins of the day guy. That's inspiring.

25380636? ago

Panicking pedophiles

25380485? ago

Shill = anyone you don't like.

25380564? ago

Niggars Did 911!

25382245? ago

Nah dawg, Marxo-Fascist fake jew luciferian freemartins done dat sheet

25380680? ago

Israeli sand niggers, yes

25380064? ago

And the SHILLS are all PEDOS. They're scared shitless that their doors will be kicked in next... (as they should be)

25381915? ago

Aka Jews

25380036? ago

Absolutely welcome. This is the best discernment training ground you're gonna find. Enjoy!

25380555? ago

Who wants to suck my tiny little girl penis?

25380645? ago

Sorry this one is retarded please dispose of it before it festers

25380724? ago

Girl dicks are real. Have you ever seen Melania’s? She always covered it up in her nude pics.

25381007? ago

And when you say Melania your mean Michelle right? Thought so.

25382081? ago

Has Melania shown her penis? We know she was desperate and got naked for money, but never showed her cock.

25380590? ago

You're late.

25380608? ago

Still early enough to trigger tammys like you.

25379674? ago

The Q anon sub was hijacked btw https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/3994975

25379726? ago

When don't they do this shit?

25378773? ago

yep. its the cabal muckling up the works to try to discourage you. If you give it a chance you will be able to easily ignore the chaff and focus on the wheat in no time. Don't let them discourage you

25378781? ago

So far this place just looks like a riot, there's no chance I'm leaving either way. It's insane and amazing.

25385170? ago

how did you get to q and to voat

25381056? ago

Don’t get offended by the shills and be prepared to give ’em hell.

25380825? ago

Welcome Patriot. Yeah. It's very interesting.

25380726? ago

Lol...yea atleast its free speech here

25380500? ago

First place I check for current events! Some good an be helpful Anons bring over stuff from 8kun, which saves new folks a lot of headaches. Though 8kun is VERY interesting

25380044? ago

Fun, innit?

25379826? ago

WelQome to the team!

25379383? ago

Welcome to the QFan Club! You are watching a movie!

25379354? ago

So would you like to have a conversation about the jews?

25379357? ago

You mean the kikes?

25379393? ago

:) that is exactly who I mean...

25379591? ago

My grandpa taught me all about the kikes.

25380848? ago

My first time hearing the word was American History X. Lol

25379723? ago

Good man. That's a good man right there. I'm teaching my kids. And I will teach THEIR kids.

25380219? ago

Do you think they will be too dumb to learn the truth on their own? Or, do you just want to indoctrinate them before hand?

25389281? ago

There is only truth. It belongs to nobody

25380812? ago

You're looking sleepy, shill. You should fuck off to bed now.

25379192? ago

Best place left on the net. If you're here you found us for a reason.

25378822? ago

It’s fuckin’ awesome here, welcome aboard faggot

25378806? ago

welcome to VOAT QRV anon

25379038? ago

I think I'm going to like it here. What's this SBBH thing everyone's talking about?

25380135? ago

They got me too. Best to stay away. They are the old school resident shitposters for voat. Not positive and you can waste a lot of time with them being entertained by a lot of worthless crap.

25379208? ago

Ok now you just gave yourself away.

You just got here. You're in QRV. Nobody is talking about SBBH. You are SBBH. Carry on.

25379281? ago

You guys are weird.

25379430? ago

Sure sure "newbie"

Out recruiting for your shitty subverse I see.