25380550? ago

Its a scam. Kyle didnt kill that dude ... go look at the footage at the end.

Nobody has a head if was shot with a rifle at close range ... dont even start with the no blood part ... or his feet being crossed ... or his face being covered up

People need to learn to know they are actors playing to make everybody fight each other instead of the pedos

25378777? ago

Yeah stop broadcasting operations with advertisements fkn morons

25376891? ago

Bump. Get rid of it

25376650? ago

No, you authoritarian faggot.

25375914? ago

Leave it up, it let's people know the type of person that is modding this limited hangout

25375061? ago

Trust the plan

25374558? ago

They are trying to set you up

Act fast

They are acting in desperation and hastily

They have to have something to try to discredit you

Do you not see their ways

If they can make it seem like you did it

If they can find a way to cause chaos and confusion

They will

If they can blind the masses who are awakening into the light

They will

Know your task

God is guiding

25374541? ago

Insanity as well as

Shilling is occuring right now

I tried to spread some hippy positivity shit in that thread talking about how Q is being infiltrated

Of course it is, of course be on your toes

This is about god, this is why you have to saturate yourself with prayer and stay righteous

I knew from the start that they would try to use this issue

They are probably doing some weird satanic shit

The energy

Rebuke it in the name of christ

Power of god power of christ I banish thee in the name of the holy spirit

Our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name

Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespass

As we forgive those who trespass against us

Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil


Jesus help

God show the way

25374437? ago

They picked Biden so Trump would win.It's a show. A Reboot.They haven't addressed any domestic issues because their energy and time has spent on the implementation of the NWO.But yea squabble over

A internet Anon' s participation in a Chat Room.

25373957? ago

Like Q said Infiltration instead of invasion

25373935? ago

You're right but it's good for the fake chosens behind the Q pacification psy-op to show themselves in their full - undeniable - glory.

25373876? ago

Removed. I wrote the three Mods this morning and said among them one of them ought to be able to remove it. I'm guessing they were getting lots of private messages.

25373617? ago

Who is the FAKE JEW FUCK who created that post?

25373576? ago

Lol they pulled it. Thats right kikes. You have no power here.

25373425? ago

No. it should stay as a reminder of what the (((Movement))) is really about : a pacification psyop

25375948? ago

Which is cool, it's either that or just listen to the mainstream media and think the wheels of justice are not turning. It's a hope psyop.

25373388? ago

Q is officially the gayest letter on earth.

25373382? ago

it's a scapegoat for the MSM to make accusations that the stickies don't represent the opinions of users what-so-ever

25373409? ago

when they start up the accusations of radicalization and risk to public safety that is, expect more persecution to come! Stand strong and Die Preaching the Word!

25373220? ago

I would hope the Cuckery of /v/QRV is obvious enough that Q will call it out....

25373185? ago

Kyle did more for the country than Q. Fuck off.

25375963? ago

Cool, don't make Q a target for your actions.

25373080? ago

Yes it should be removed Mods! Very unlike this forum to have that sticky up there, and the fact that the person who wrote it can Moderate this board is frightening.

25373007? ago

I hope it stays. It glows in the dark like the motherfucking radioactive nigger jew pile of shit that wrote it.

25372827? ago

If he was a Q follower he would have trusted the plan and been in a coma right now

25375976? ago

No, he would have trusted the plan and stayed home.

25372545? ago

It is supposed to cause division. The mods should be removed.

25372514? ago


25372460? ago

Fuck that its waking up every single person on this board to the fact that the mods are kiked. In 23 hours it garnered -650 votes. Meanwhile the 1.8 year old sticky with the highest vote count in voat history is at +1000. Its proof that this community will not be cuckolded by Q mods or Q or anyone else. If Q will not save our society from this hell we will do it ourselves.

25374391? ago

Eh, I think its just a case of Q-believers and Q-haters agreeing on something.

25376864? ago

yeah. agreeing that we wont be cuckolds who decry legitimate self defense as an issue.

25373191? ago

Hear, hear!

25372131? ago

He is WHITE.

25371989? ago

Agree. It shouldn't be a sticky. It makes the board look ignorant at least and criminally anarchic at most.

25372504? ago

leave it. It shows that we wont be kiked by anyone.

25371919? ago

This is a Q Research Verse. Not a "Sticky: I don't like peoples opinions" Verse.

I agree! Remove the Sticky!

25371851? ago

No. IT IS a daily reminder that QRV is run by leftist jews who side with Antifa/BLM and if you still follow then you are as bad as they are.

25373344? ago

The sticky should be unstickied but OP is wrong about Q not not being linked to Kyle Rittenhouse.

The QAnon attorney who represented the Covington Catholic student yesterday announced he's defending Kyle Rittenhouse. The attorney openly declares his ties to QAnon in his online biographies and social media posts. Of all the high-profile QAnon figures, he's the most ground-breaking.





25374819? ago

So if a Jew represents him, then you would say he was a jew?

25373318? ago

You're right it needs to go. That being said.... It is the biggest forum slide I've seen... And EVERYONE fell for it. What else happened yesterday, because from reading the new and hot lists NOTHING else happened except some stupid mod did something stupid.

25373501? ago

Bad take. Rittenhouse was the biggest issue of the day. Mod tried to defame him and received backlash. That's not a slide.

25373559? ago

It was just another psy-op and again, this board fell for it and spent days arguing about it.

Rittenhouse is a transgender. Proof of psy-op.

25375508? ago

Oh fuck off, kike

25373499? ago

And EVERYONE fell for it.

The funniest part is this is very true, even the shills did.

25373381? ago

oy vey lets just move on

Nope! QRV is done.

25375990? ago

So that was obviously the mods reason for the sticky. Sorry, you're not going to win that way either.

25376119? ago

I already won. Now I want my cake.

25377382? ago

Cake is bad for you, makes you fatter.

25372073? ago

Sure thing Rabbi.

25372478? ago

fuck off kike. We know. The goyim know and we will not be shut down any longer. How did you like Rosenbaum the pedophile convulsing in the streets as his brains leaked onto the pavement? Does it scare you that bullets dont care if you call them antisemitic? Obviously it does.

25372219? ago

QRV sub is definitely ran by jews

25371646? ago

Everyone please remember that the mods of QRV are the Mods of Qresearch on 8kun. Torch was passed to them by 8bit. When 8bit was in control they were just BVs (board volunteers) and could be seen harassing anons in META and defending israel. Only difference was 8bit kept them in check and they couldnt fuck with the bakers.

Once 8bit left and moved one of them to BO, our notables got deleted initially (Revolt happened, Q responded with a drop asking them to be put back) and they then switched to CONTROLLING the notables by having the same bakers camp out all day and hold the slot/harass any non controlled baker with full support from Mods who let them gatekeep with no intervention.

It seems to be the same handful of guys with many sock accounts or personas. Typically very glowing, repetitive typing styles. Just dumb jews with mod support basically. I used to go into META and cockslap them- made their narrative really stand out undeniably. Arguing with a jew in front of others is often the easiest way to expose them. Remember: jew is a nigger with slightly higher IQ but many of the same tendencies.


25373954? ago

This place crawls with (((them))); it has for a long time. Welcome to Voat.co. They find you guys to be really juicy to bite on.

They are vile things, they tend to wax vulgar AF if you power them up. You'll get a deluge of it. I pissed one off and he nutthugged me with the same old dog shit. They have no real game other than kikery.


25374011? ago


25374095? ago

"Seen Kyle?"

"He's this tall!"

25373170? ago

i m only thanful to God and the constitution. If Q don't remove the pos (((mods))) or Trump doesn't show open support to Kyle, i m going to assume that they both work for Israel. Period

25373653? ago

Q cant remove the mods and Qteam is not an intelligence agency assigned to moderating forums. I would imagine they have more important tasks at hand. They CAN (and have in the past) however direct us to a new forum IF NECCESARY. We are in uncharted waters right now.

I know its frustrating. Imagine being me when I first discovered Q and 8(chan) the first thing I did was go and clash with the moderators to get an idea if who I was dealing with. Like you, I also thought they were actually a part of Q somehow.

This is a grave misunderstanding. Qresearch was set up, and Q decided to start posting there (remember it was originally pol) effectively dropping a massive army of concerned citizens into their lap and saying "good luck, gatekeep and control these patriots if you can"

They never could. So multiple times they "shut it down" and we migrated elsewhere.

No one can fucking control us.

The fact that you are willing to question Q and Trump only means youre exactly the kind of patriot we need to stick around. I wont speak for Q, but from what I have experienced, i believe that they value that characteristic.

Hang in there man. Not all is as it seems. Real anons here from day one despise Israel. We know the history. We are with you

25386830? ago

Top MI cant remove a mod. lol. GTFO.

25373520? ago

Get in line

25372054? ago

I do discredit QRV because of their "save israel for last" policy.

25374356? ago

25373485? ago

That's Q's policy.

25373567? ago

And you are Qanon. So.....

25372497? ago

What do you mean? I dont understand what you are saying exactly and i think i want to.

25372008? ago

Thanks for taking the time to give the history.

25372874? ago

Youre welcome

25371239? ago

It's not your sub, faggot. Till it is, nobody gives a shit what you think

25371873? ago

Its ours now. There will never be any peace here again.

25371519? ago

Who the fuck are you to speak for anyone but you you fucking retarded mexican sasquatch?

25372225? ago

Still not your sub faggot. Cope

25371194? ago

It is a motivator.

25371708? ago

You're saying that like it's a bad thing

25371628? ago



581 DOWNVOTES by ENRAGED voaters!

World record for v/QRV

World record for any post.

581 DOWNVOTES of a stickied post, indicated new mods needed

v/QRV is provably kike subverted by (((someone)))

25374737? ago

indicated new mods needed

There are three moderators. Based on their limited comment histories, I'd bet the stickied post was made by msdia80_dll. Runner up is FastJack with no comment history. It doesn't seem like it would be written by badg0y1m.

Another comment in this thread mentions that the mods are the same mods as on 8kun Qresearch: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3995881/25371646/

25375189? ago


2% chance...

The mod that crafted and stickied is actually trolling to out the other two mods, the ACTUAL deep state subversive kike mods.

What if there is a whole other side to this infamous post, to shake up the old order and wake up the subverses users to the real unseen hidden hand?

What if its not so simple?

25371545? ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#129146) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

25371111? ago

Not wrong.

25371044? ago

Kyle Rittenhouse and Q are inextricably linked.

The QAnon attorney who represented the Covington Catholic student yesterday announced he's defending Kyle Rittenhouse.

25371833? ago

Fuck off mossad. JIDF piece of shit. We see you.

25371076? ago

What makes him a Qanon attorney?

25371173? ago

He openly declares it in his online biographies and social media posts. Of all the high-profile QAnon figures, he's the most ground-breaking.

25371524? ago

So you're saying if I openly declare you a Faggot, that makes it so? 10/10 reasoning.

25371744? ago

I think Anon is saying if you openly declare yourself a faggot, it makes it so.

25371033? ago

I kinda dont mind the post now that everyone has jumped right up his ass about it.

I dont think he should be censored, but he should hear the screams of his detractors.

Take it offa sticky tho and let it find its natural place at the bottom.

25370993? ago
