25377551? ago

what the fuck are you saying, he is clearly right. This kid was clearly an agent sent in by the DS. He just travels into the city with a gun to get in an altercation and blast them and then it immediately becomes an intensely covered MSM story immediately? are you dumb? how do you guys not understand their playbook by now.... this was very blatantly just orchestrated to further the racial divides so they could use him as a poster child to say "See?!?!?!?! THEY DIDNT ARREST THE WHITE KID EVEN THOUGH HE HAD A GUN AND KILLED PEOPLE!!!!". the police LITERALLY LET HIM WALK AWAY AND GO HOME. DO YOU REALLY THINK THEY WEREN'T ORDERED TO DO THAT??? THERE WASN'T EVEN A single COP WHO WOULD SAY "WAIT WE SHOULD ARREST HIM"????

25383526? ago

He was doing God's work.

25374670? ago

We don’t all agree is all. Nothing happened.

25374018? ago

Yes. It is true. QRV has been infiltrated.

25373938? ago

Infiltration instead of invasion

25373688? ago

There's a bit of vote brigade going on. Why not sticky a post for a while that has six hundred plus downvotes to keep it from being censored by DS shills and bots? Kyle's face looks super familiar to me, I'm still trying to remember where I saw him before...

25373309? ago

Why are you so OBSESSED with the sticky? Get over it and move on already. Damn ..

25372599? ago

Don't forget those of us that can't down-vote who think that post sucks.

25372089? ago

Apparently “our community” is represented by collectivist pieces of shit who are obsessed with race and Jews.

Each one of you knuckle dragging racist faggots deserve a bullet in the head.

I can’t wait for the boomers to die off.

All of the shit we are dealing with happened on their watch. They supported and elected the swamp at every turn and they raised one of the biggest piece of shit generations in our history. They’re a bunch of self involved faggots who got fat and watched tv while the country burned around them.

Fuck all of you

25383482? ago

Nope. The JEWS are responsible. Do your own research.

You are either brainwashed by Jews or you are one.

25383691? ago

You’re a fucking idiot.

I’ve been “doing my own research” for 30 years now.

I do think there is a cabal of controllers. Many, but not all (Catholic Church), of them claim to be Jewish but I don’t think they are. I think they worship the gods of the Canaanites/Phoenicians as well as Lucifer.

Now here’s the part that you’re apparently to fucking dumb to understand:

Not all Jewish people are a part of the cabal, any more than every Italian is in the mafia or every Catholic is a human trafficking banker.

I’m either brainwashed by the Jews or I am one?

Again, you’re a fucking idiot. You think you figured something out that others haven’t and it makes you feel smart. You’re not. You’re a collectivist, just like all the communists you despise. The fact you don’t even identify that irony is a testament to how ducking retarded you are.

And no, I’m not Jewish. I was raised Catholic but haven’t practiced for some time.

You sound like a miserable piece of shit. You’ll stay that way until you learn to take more responsibility for your life and stop blaming all your problems on others. That’s funny; another way you’re just like the liberal pieces of shit you hate.

Fuck off, faggot.

25383766? ago

When we get to the part where we gas the kikes (for real this time), I'll let you know!

25371832? ago

Mod is a Jew

25371816? ago

Do daily reminders here every day that QRV sides with Antifa/BLM. There's no fixing this. The movement is tainted forever. When yo uside with leftist terrorists you can never be trusted again.

25374019? ago

Fuck off, rabbi.

25373535? ago

Fuck off, rabbi.

25371422? ago

-587 for me right now

25371418? ago

This post should be stickied too.

When do we hold the mod elections?

25371128? ago

How did it become the mod?

25371012? ago

Nice try shill.

25371010? ago

please lock it, it's at 666 comments. that's the perfect number for that post

25371007? ago

He’s also making a rational point.

Kyle put himself unnecessarily in a dangerous situation with a gun.

25383531? ago

Because he has balls the size of a Buick. Unlike you.

25386527? ago

Balls the size of a Buick or the brain the size of a peanut?

He just ruined his own life.

What a smart dude.

25370807? ago


25370796? ago

That thread would have even more 👇 voats but for the 10 karma or whatever its called. Fuck them. They're screaming amongst themselves, we can't hear them scream.

25370739? ago

Fuck, you cant even downvote clear lies and deviancy anymore.

VOAT has proven to be yet another MEDIA SHILLL.

So many have left the last 3 months and have been replaced with diluted facebook bots and God haters.

25370672? ago

(((They're))) here...

25370734? ago

(((They've))) been here from the beginning...

25370659? ago

The mod isn't wrong to disavow the guy. He may have had self defense for murder 2 and 3 but the first was questionable. And once he got up and could flee he fired several more shots into the crowd that werent self defense. He's a sinking ship.

25370610? ago

We are in an echo chamber controlled by the deep state radical left sleeper comun1sts!

25370542? ago

There is a vid on you tube where the kid who shot states he is pro black lives matter and there to protect them. He said black lives matter not blue lives matter, am I wrong on this ? I was sure I watched that info ..?

25370776? ago

Go get the video and put it in your post.

25370515? ago

The "uBlock Origin" desktop browser plug-in let me hide that sticky.

1. Install uBlock Origin

2. Right click the new uBlock Origin icon

3. Select "Block Element"

4. Select the sticky post

5. Click on "Create"

6. Enjoy Voat without that sticky

25370782? ago

"Ignore jews while they continuing jewing"

No thanks.

25370492? ago

I think the point is, they are trying to show you what happens when you post something entirely stupid. It has brought the rest of us together in our disdain for the post and the thought patterns of the left.

As the evidence emerges in this saga, we know that they tried to execute him, before he did what any able bodied young man would do, defend himself.

25370367? ago

My downboat made it -444

25371781? ago

Mine 549 negative

25370363? ago

Can't change the mods due to subverse creation being disabled. I think it's time to find a Voat alternative.

25371765? ago




have dramatically less Jew kiking and jewing, and mods not assholes

An off-site alternative was created recently by thedonald.win people, so it will not allow the JQ I bet, but exists :


NO RAISING of the JQ ever on greatawakening.win?!

Current topic can rules verbatim are vague and currently words written from sidebar now :

Civil Discussion ONLY

They want you divided.

They want you labeled by race, religion, class, sex, etc.

Divided you are weak [no collective power].

Divided you attack each other and miss the true target [them].

The jews, if any, that run the new https://greatawakening.win/ seemingly do NOT want discussions of George Soros, as that might divide by race or religion. Or maybe they want to keep it Q related and rarely brings up the JQ.

As far as I know @crensch has not upset people in nearly 24 months, and keeps loli-porn anti-Q attacks to a minimum and maintains order. and I am not crensch.

TL/DR : Mods are not so bad at v/theawakening or v/greatawakening based on prior 12 months of proven product

25370932? ago




have dramatically less Jew kiking and jewing, and mods not assholes

An off-site alternative was created recently by thedonald.win people, so it will not allow the JQ I bet, but exists :


NO RAISING of the JQ ever on greatawakening.win?!

Current topic can rules verbatim are vague and currently words written from sidebar now :

Civil Discussion ONLY

They want you divided.

They want you labeled by race, religion, class, sex, etc.

Divided you are weak [no collective power].

Divided you attack each other and miss the true target [them].

The jews, if any, that run the new https://greatawakening.win/ so NOT want discussions of George Soros, as that might divide by race or religion.

As far as I know @crensch has not upset people in nearly 24 months, and keeps loli-porn anti-Q attacks to a minimum and maintains order. and I am not crensch.

TL/DR : Mods are not so bad at v/theawakening or v/greatawakening based on prior 12 months of proven product

25371740? ago

Oy vey! Migrate to v/GreatAwakening so I can censor you, goy!

25371521? ago

Fuck off with your bullshit subversions.

25371534? ago

I think you did not read the words written. It is anti-subversion, Rabbi.

25371798? ago

Liar. Time to find a new job, dear.

25371143? ago

If you want to believe me, I have been to greatawakening.win and seen a discussion with a mod about the JQ. Apparently their position is pretty JQ neutral - as in if it's relevant and fact based it's fine, but if that's your single issue axe to grind, or you just want to say how much you hate Jews all the time - probably not.

I think they're trying to fill a different niche to here - bridging the gap between TD normies and... Whatever the fuck we are.

25371309? ago

FYI those sidebar rules you mentioned are actually from Q himself (most recently in 4397),

thanks for informing me, i did not know. But a site that BANS mentioning George Soros or the JQ is not a free speech site.

25371423? ago

Like I said, not banned just more tactfully introduced. If this movement is going to continue to expand, those who have been conditioned to be afraid of the JQ need to be reached somehow. There's plenty of different ways to get the cannibals and the pedophiles, and we shouldn't let the JQ hold us back from reaching as many people as possible.

25374004? ago

Black pilling only helps our enemies.

25370697? ago




have dramatically less Jew kiking and jewing, and mods not assholes

An off-site alternative was created recently by thedonald.win people, so it will not allow the JQ I bet, but exists :


NO RAISING of the JQ ever !

Current topic can rules verbatim are vague and currently words written from sidebar now :

Civil Discussion ONLY

They want you divided.

They want you labeled by race, religion, class, sex, etc.

Divided you are weak [no collective power].

Divided you attack each other and miss the true target [them].

The jews, if any, that run the new https://greatawakening.win/ so NOT want discussions of George Soros, as that might divide by race or religion.

As far as I know @crensch has not upset people in nearly 24 months, and keeps kiddie porn attacks to a minimum and maintains order. and I am not crensch.

TL/DR : Mods are not so bad at v/theawakening or v/greatawakening based on prior 12 months of proven product

25370808? ago

The jewish question is the only reason anyone comes to this shit site. If youre not allowed to discuss the jq you may as well just use reddit.

25371790? ago

Nah I’m here for QRV. I love my country and don’t hate Jews.

Trump 2020

25376878? ago

Me too. These low-iq shills are annoying as hell.

Those who set up this forum have very little wisdom, or are compromised.

25373513? ago

No one is asking you to hate. Misleading it as such implies you're jewish or a shill.

Exposing facts is not hate. Facts are not hateful or racist.

You need to let go of your jewish indoctrination.

Since the JQ is confirmed everywhere you look, one cannot be a patriot without accepting the core problem. Otherwise you oppose all solutions. None of which requires hate.

25373491? ago

If you dont hate jews you dont know very much about them.

Youre either a) ignorant b) naive or c) shilling. Pick one.

25370585? ago

Yes goyim, divide the user base

25370516? ago




have dramatically less Jew kiking and jewing, and mods not assholes

An off-site alternative was created recently by thedonald.win people, so it will not allow the JQ I bet, but exists :


NO RAISING of the JQ ever !

Current topic can rules verbatim are vague and currently words written from sidebar now :

They want you divided.

They want you labeled by race, religion, class, sex, etc.

Divided you are weak [no collective power].

Divided you attack each other and miss the true target [them].

The jews, if any, that run the new https://greatawakening.win/ so NOT want discussions of George Soros, as that might divide by race or religion.

TL/DR : Mods are not so bad at v/theawakening or v/greatawakening based on prior 12 months of proven product

25370656? ago

Oy vey! Migrate to v/GreatAwakening so I can censor you, goy!

25370640? ago

Migrate to v/GreatAwakening so I can censor you.

25370598? ago

👆 hi crensch

25370240? ago

Sticky these downvoats. lol

25370213? ago

Whatever move on. The board works the same

25370108? ago

Mod has got to be either Kike or Chi-Com scum. It's gotta be sad for them though. I mean. They spend their life and time coming into board trying to slide it, and to what end? We move, they follow. Being one of these sad underling fucks has got to be the worst existence ever. LOL - this shit probably has them wondering if their slave masters will ever let them share in the wealth and power they obtain by using them they way they have. - Fucking parasites. - Like, - being told that you'll be rich and powerful and have access to anything you want, but you're forced to drink a gallon of dog jizz every day just to partake. That's what it must be like to be one of these sick deluded fucks. LMAO Being a Kike or Commie really is its own punishment.

25370042? ago

That mod is going to get a visit from military spooks if they haven't already.

Remember this is the official Q forum. Q+ is not going to permit this forum to become compromised.

25370027? ago

Celebrate the fact that they blew their load so early and outed themselves.

25370019? ago

I hope you all realize that the superior attitude, familiar attempted insults along the same "white trash" and "retard" lines, and writing style point to what is most likely the same mod. Certain commenters (IP) here get under their skin and they attempt to attack them from what they think is their high position only to have it fall flat because they are triggered by their Emotions and posters here just laugh it off. I recognize the pattern every time, whether it be me or someone else. How clever can you be if you are easily identified.

25371504? ago

Yep. Everyone please remember that the mods of QRV are the Mods of Qresearch on 8kun. Torch was passed to them by 8bit. When 8bit was in control they were just BVs (board volunteers) and could be seen harassing anons in META and defending israel. Only difference was 8bit kept them in check and they couldnt fuck with the bakers.

Once 8bit left and moved one of them to BO, our notables got deleted initially (Revolt happened, Q responded with a drop asking them to be put back) and they then switched to CONTROLLING the notables by having the same bakers camp out all day and hold the slot/harass any non controlled baker with full support from Mods who let them gatekeep with no intervention.

It seems to be the same handful of guys with many sock accounts or personas. Typically very glowing, repetitive typing styles. Just dumb jews with mod support basically. I used to go into META and cockslap them- made their narrative really stand out undeniably. Arguing with a jew in front of others is often the easiest way to expose them. Remember: jew is a nigger with slightly higher IQ but many of the same tendencies.


25371785? ago

When did this happen? Endlessly read that are greatawakening mods. I've been repeating that today.

25371468? ago

I let my patterns ID me sometimes, but I'm not a mod so I'm like fuuuuuckitttt.

Let free speech ring! Warts and all!

I support people saying all manner of unpopular things, vehemently and without concern for the feels of the audience.

25370017? ago

I know it is satisfying to see those commie fuckfaces get what is coming to them.

But that is the bait of the trap.

We don't win the war against the left by winning street fights.

Patriots running around the riots with AR15s is precisely what the riots are trying to accomplish.

What would happen if patriots completely won the street fight, and Antifa/BLM left the city completely, leaving behind 25 dead commies and a few dead deplorables?

What would happen to the vote count of blacks and white suburban women?

Take the bait and lose the war. If Trump loses, the murderer-governors win.

25369977? ago

^^ Thinks downvotes proves anything


25370003? ago

People who browse v/all don't see QRV stickies. Only people who specifically browse v/qrv see it.

Yes, it proves that QAnons massively disagreed with this post, you fucking dense glownigger

25371132? ago

It actually proves this site is heavily influenced by bots and about half the usual participants didn't approve of the message.

25371222? ago

38 upvotes, 546 downvotes (7% upvoted it)

93% bots?

and about half the usual participants didn't approve of the message.

The message of the mod is "don't defend yourself. Don't defend the homes and businesses of other people". Fuck that message. That's not how our ancestors lived. We aren't the children of cowards who weren't willing to fight for their survival.

25371306? ago

The message of the mod is "don't defend yourself. Don't defend the homes and businesses of other people".

I think it says don't go out looking for trouble with an illegal weapon and expect QRV to support you.

25371344? ago

Very arrogant of you to speak in the name of this community while obviously going against majority. Pride is a sin.

And he went there to defend businesses. I want to live in a country where people defend each other and people who oppose that should be shot dead.

25372778? ago

Very arrogant of you to speak in the name of this community while obviously going against majority.

Oh no, the mob is offended, whatever will I do?

25373009? ago

That is your choice. I'm simply pointing out that pretending to speak for people who largely disagree with you is arrogant.

That, and that I desire to live in a country were people who prevent others from defending each other get shot.

25373131? ago

We fight an information war, when you IRL effort post you get disavowed regardless of circumstance.

That, and that I desire to live in a country were people who prevent others from defending each other get shot.

Same, but I don't want another Civil War over it when we can get the same results by winning the information war.

25373177? ago

Stop arguing that people shouldn't defend each other and in the Country I'd like to live in you wouldn't end up getting shot.

25373254? ago

There's two ways to get to the Country we'd like to live in. One, winning the information war. Two, winning a Civil War.

25373331? ago

You better hope things don't escalate. Because I think at this point I made it clear enough: Anyone whom I perceive to not tolerate my right to defend myself and others (including their property) I'd like to end up dead.

And I don't give a fuck about your strategy. If you argue against self-defense I consider you my enemy and wish you nothing but harm.

25373594? ago

And I don't give a fuck about your strategy. If you argue against self-defense I consider you my enemy and wish you nothing but harm.

I wish you well, and hope we win the Information War so you don't have to engage in the bloodshed of your brainwashed fellow Americans.

25373700? ago

The 'fellow americans' kyle killed apparently all had a criminal history including sexual assault of a minor. If this is true and a common trend among brainwashed 'fellow americans' then I wouldn't lose sleep over their bloodshed.

Furthermore if BLM burns cities down for a drug addict who threatened a pregnant woman then let's see what happens if they mistreat this brave boy.

25373749? ago

The people in the streets now aren't the ones you'll be fighting if we lose the information war. Enjoy your fantasies.

25373821? ago

The more I converse with you, the more I wish for things to escalate. I'm 100% convinced that if they give kyle trouble there will be riots by white people.

And I believe that in the end, might makes right. That's why muslims can commit terrorism and mistreat gays and women. Might makes right. No one wants to offend them. The moment whites become violent, they'll be treated like kings.

25373848? ago

The more I converse with you, the more I wish for things to escalate

That's so weird, I want nothing but the best for you and yours the more I converse with you.

25369970? ago

Maybe it was some kind of reverse psychology thing to get people to speak up?

25370250? ago

Nope. Q anyways said there would eventually be only one place. Which is now 8kun.

25369931? ago

Triggered by 3 Traitorous Jewish Convict Bolshevik Communist getting what they deserved for attempted insurrection by a very young baby faced Patriot. : D

25384319? ago

Triggered by 3 Traitorous Jewish

Are you going to try to divide people by their faith? I disagree with Evil behaviors. Such as dividing people by their skin color, or faith, or orientation, or gender. I agree with Good behaviors though.

Hundreds of Patriot Orthodox Jews Chant “USA”, “Four More Years” at Trump Rally in New York City

Organized by philanthropist Lazer “Louis” Scheiner, the audience cheered “Four More Years” and “USA” as Trump took the podium.

Source http://shorenewsnetwork.com/2019/11/18/hundreds-of-orthodox-jews-chant-usa-four-more-years-at-trump-rally-in-new-york-city/


"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video 1Video 2

WebsiteTwitterFacebookInstagramAll Videos

25371408? ago


25370220? ago

Worth noting that in one of the videos he seems to yell, “I work here.” He may have technically lived in another state but if so had a reason for being there.

25370204? ago

Add to that he was rightfully defending himself from certain deadly assault. Is the mod more upset over the jew shooting victims or that that their black justice scam has been revealed as a cover for commie subversion of our country by jews..

25369919? ago

I don't like how the sticky called us Retards, but he/she is making a good point.

The whole purpose behind the Antifa/BLM riots and the ordering of Police to stand down is draw deplorables into street fights.

There is no gain to the left when the burn a business down or hurt innocent people. None of that helps them achieve their political goals. The destruction is not the goal of Antifa/BLM/Democrats. The goal is to lure deplorables into a shooting war. Then the Mockingbirds can jump into action and portray us as redneck white supremacist murderers. This is what they want. They want the black vote back. They want the votes of the white suburban women.

Riots w/ no Police protection --> Deplorables fight back --> Trump supporters are violent white supremacist murderers --> election win.

It is the responsibility of the Governors/Mayors do use Law Enforcement to stop riots. They are refusing to do so, because they want to get to step 2. Why do you think the Police wouldn't help Kyle?

If they (the cops) were not present to prevent people killing each other, what was their reason for even being there?

25370696? ago

The entire point of the movement is to get you to stop being a sheep. and The riot's intensity and the number is directly related to the fact that people stand by and do nothing. The rioters are emboldened and face no consequences for their actions so they keep on.

I often refer to life in these terms. One Vietnam veteran, an old retired colonel, once said this to me and wrote a book that is a good read. “Most of the people in our society are sheep. They are kind, gentle, productive creatures who can only hurt one another by accident.” I mean nothing negative by calling them sheep. “Then there are the wolves,”. They feed on the flock without mercy. You better believe it. There are evil men in this world and they are capable of evil deeds. The moment you forget that or pretend it is not so, you become a sheep. There is no safety in denial.

Then there are sheepdogs, and I’m a sheepdog. I live to protect the flock and confront the wolf. Large cities run by wolves have made the streets into a war zone, and no one wants to live in a war zone. No one wants his or her children and grandchildren to live in a war zone. No one wants to own and run a business in a war zone.

If you have no capacity for violence then you are a healthy productive citizen: a sheep. If you have a capacity for violence and no empathy for your fellow citizens, then you have defined an aggressive sociopath--a wolf. But what if you have a capacity for violence and a deep love for your fellow citizens? Then you are a sheepdog, a warrior, someone who is walking the hero’s path. Someone who can walk into the heart of darkness, into the universal human phobia, and walk out unscathed.

In extraordinary times some people come to realize they were sheepdogs all along and no longer wanting to be sheep. It is time to search for your soul. "What goes on around you... compares little with what goes on inside you." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

25371488? ago

The enemy is counting on you to use this logic in order to manipulate you into doing what they want.

Their rioting has no other purpose.

When the Federal Government is strong and ready, and relatively popular, riots are completely ineffective as far as taking control of the country. The only reason the riots are going on is because they have the blessing of the Democrat murderer-governors and the mayors. So they are not going to accomplish anything direct with the riots.

The leaders behind the riots aren't doing this because they wanted burned businesses and a few Christians dead or in the hospital. Those are of no value to them.

Their objective is political in nature. While they can't accomplish anything by fighting with police, or with simple destruction, they can achieve their political objective by luring patriots into street fights.

Why do you think the murderer-Governors and Mayor are holding their police forces back? Do you think they believe they will achieve some goal by having their cities burned down? No. They are standing down to manipulate patriots into getting in the fight.

You can call me a sheep all day if you want to. I don't care. I want to win the war. You don't win with emotion-based reaction. You don't win the war against Soros and his ilk by doing exactly what they want you to do. You don't win the war by winning street fights with commie assholes. You accomplish nothing but risk everything.

Suppose you and your buddies grab your weaponry, and go clean out a city. You kill maybe 25 Antifa commie bastards, and you maim 50 more, and because you know what you are doing you take very little casualties on your side. Have you won? No, you will be hated and reviled as having committed a massacre. You will have make Trump lose the election, and in January, the commies have 100% control over the Federal Government. Suddenly, your choice is now complete tyranny and subjugation or all out civil war with millions of dead. All because you didn't want to be a 'sheep'. Nice job, fuckwit.

25376059? ago

You still do not get it! Who do you trust for your safety? I have seen insurgency up close and in person and know its fruits. Most Americans are good people and try to forget the wolf. They are like a grasshopper placed in a jar that it can jump out of. Put a lid on it and he will continue to try to jump out banging his head on the lid. One day he stops and he becomes a slave. I have seen the eyes of the people when they stopped jumping. You never want to see people with no hope.

This is not a game……. of politics that is being played. They want you either dead or the grasshopper. Nobody is talking about clearing out a town yet. There are people planning on what happens if President Trump is not successful and you should as well. Would you be ready if the lights went out for a month? How would you survive, eat and keep shelter over your head when the wolves come to take the little food you have left?

25376100? ago

No, you don't get it. Fuck this up and we lose everything.

Doing what Soros wants you to do is a surefire way to fuck it up.

25370103? ago

Sure rabbi. The goyim shalt sit in heating water until it's boiling and far too late to jump out

25370022? ago

At a time were everyone has a smartphone and mobile internet?

If there is any truth to this claim it will backfire

25370076? ago

That is assuming a person can get the message out to the normies. You can expect Facebook/Twitter/YouTube to not allow any truth which conflicts with the white supremacist Trump support narrative. Censorship can and will get much worse.

Fighting them in the streets does not win the war against the left.

They are desperately trying to lure us into these fights for a reason. The cops are ordered to stand down and passively watch gun fights for a reason. What are they even there for?

Although it is immensely satisfying to see commie asshole criminals get what they deserve, it is bait for their trap.

Emotion vs. logic.

25370121? ago

I've heard Tucker Carlson defended this child. That one mainstream outlet.

And if their iron courtain was that good to begin with, Trump would've never been elected.

Also if we don't fight back, they will only get bolder. Communists have a history of violent takeovers.

25370831? ago

Your gay buddies trump and tucker are both rich jewish controlled jesuits who dont give two fucks about you or your country. Why do you insist on this blue team red team bullshit?

25370843? ago

They reach normies and that's what you were talking about before moving the goalpost.

25370900? ago

I like how you assume Im the OP.

Keep licking the dried kosher cum off tucker and trump's faces. Its really helping "the right."

25370927? ago

I'm talking about fighting back instead of trusting the plan and that the media trying to censor things isn't a good reason not to fight back.

Trump reaching normies is part of this argument.

I don't get what point you're trying to make, seems as if you're looking for an argument for the sake an argument. But frankly I don't care cause it's not related to my argument of "fight back against antifa".

Go fuck neck yourself nigger.

25370973? ago

Who is "they?" Why do you refuse to name the jew? Why does Trump refuse to name the jew? These are questions that you ignore, proving your kikery.

25371113? ago

I think you replied to the wrong comment, since it's not related to mine.

25369999? ago

but he/she is making a good point.

No, the mod isn't making a good point and the vast majority of Voat users disagree with them.

The mod has called Kyle Rittenhouse and Voat users retards for refusing to be executed by Antifa in the streets.

25370047? ago

No, the mod isn't making a good point and the vast majority of Voat users disagree with them.

Whether a point is valid or not does not depend on what other people think of it. The point stands on its own.

It is popular because of emotion, not logic.

It is immensely satisfying that somebody finally fought back and won against the commie criminals. That doesn't mean it is helping us win the war that we are in.

We will not win the war against the left by winning street fights.

We will not win the war against the left by winning street fights.

We will not win the war against the left by winning street fights.

25383509? ago

Your downvotes would seem to indicate otherwise.

25370160? ago

We are fighting jews, not the left.

25383519? ago

Amen! Most of the left either are Jews or are brainwashed by Jews.

25369956? ago

Yes, but you can't expect patriots not to defend their communities... and just bend over to be raped by niggers.

The problem with your logic is that you are pretending that our multicultural experiment hasn't failed.

Diversity is NOT out strength and niggers will continue looting and burning every city for any excuse... because you can take the nigger out of the jungle but you can't take the jungle out of the nigger.

Niggers ruin everything.

25369972? ago

Moron. I'm glad you are buried in this little forum, because people like you are exactly what BLM/Antifa want.

25376914? ago

yep, low-iq morons.

25370254? ago

Oh sure, like the rest of voat would have any of your dumb nigger shit. lol

25370029? ago

Your enemies want you to defend yourself goy, so be a pushover for the optics.


25369994? ago

This was the color of crime BEFORE the niggers started nigging at 100% and looting and burning every city.

The only reason Q and Trump pretend to tolerate these zoo animals is because they need the votes.

There's a reason you can't name a single successful Congoid community or nation that isn't totally dependent on white cash or charity, anywhere in the world... and that's because niggers ruin everything.

25369898? ago

Jews are everywhere and a final solution must be made. Confining them to a country hasn’t

25372120? ago

The fact that 4 of the top 5 comments on this thread has descended into anti antisemitism tells me all I need to know about the Q movement on voat. I know what the responses will be, "kike" "faggot" etc, but really, Q on voat is done.

25377287? ago

Their brainwashing is working well on you such a good slave little goy. Please go back to reddit with maxwell and friends controlling your information flow. It’s clear free speech is too much for your feeble mind

25373983? ago

Sure rabbi.

25374076? ago

Mod tells the truth, you don't want to hear it, therefore everyone is jewish. You have issues dude.

25375362? ago

Twisting facts to fit an agenda is not truth.

25371752? ago

You want to kill your fellow Americans because of some religion?

People, THIS fucker above me is what a shill looks like. People promoting violence within the movement.

25371809? ago

Lol they have a country they can go to and promote refugees and fags but they don’t. They are trying to destroy America they are not Americans

25371849? ago

Jews fighting the actions of Israel’s current corrupt government proves that the corrupt zionists don’t represent our community.

25373342? ago

Doesn't matter. Until all people understand the threat of Jews, Zionism, and Jeudo-Socialism-Communism, we can never be safe. We have no way of knowing who you are. Which is why so many rationalize extreme solutions to the problem.

The problem is you guys camouflage and change colors to defend each other and collectively serve each other while destroying whites who do the same; including outside of Zionism. In doing so, defending the most evil on the planet and destroying those who would fight to end evil. Even your righteous acts become satanic perversions. It cannot stand.

This is why you guys were forced to wear the Star of Remphan. As it prevented your ability to camouflage in plain sight and illuminated much history.

If you were us, what options can you offer? Seriously. Think about it. This is hard.

For the record, I'm commonly called jew because I don't support extremist solutions.

Personally, I believe if the world knows of the evil of Jews, national policies will naturally develop to force you guys to your own country, exiled until you can change your ways. But then, how would we know you've changed?

Hell, Jews owe the world dozens of trillions of dollars from theft. How will you make restitution? What about the hundreds of millions murdered by jews? But we're supposed to care about a couple hundred thousand Jews killed in wars you created...

Please answer, while staying on topic.

25384030? ago

What a great post.

25377419? ago

Not who you’re replying to, but I wanted to say good job and well written.

I also wanted to point out that you answered your on question. ‘How would we know you’ve changed?’

They have never and they won’t.

That’s why the Lord said to slay every man woman and child of theirs.

25369881? ago

That’s because the mod is a kike

25384312? ago

That’s because the mod is a kike

Do not be afraid, I will not try to divide you by your orientation. How about you, are you going to try to divide other people by their orientation? I disagree with Evil behaviors. Such as dividing people by their skin color, or faith, or orientation, or gender. I agree with Good behaviors though.

One Of Many Gay Patriots Is Brandon Straka :)

• He supports Trump

• 176,000+ subscribers with Brandon's WalkAway Campaign channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDb4InP9mRZR9oogD1b2dOQ/videos

• Video by Mark Levin Fox News March 3, 2019 with Walk Away Founder Brandon Straka https://www.bitchute.com/video/BssInd94TiiD/

• "The #WalkAway Campaign is a true grassroots movement, founded by former liberal, Brandon Straka, dedicated to providing a place to share #WalkAway testimonials and personal journeys to freedom. It is inspiring, exciting, heart-wrenching, and extraordinary to watch and read the stories of the individuals who no longer accept the current ideology of the Democratic Party, what it has become, and are now bravely sharing their stories with the world." A LBGT and straight safe & friendly community.

• Twitter at https://twitter.com/RealWalkAway

• Website 1 at https://www.walkawayfoundation.org

• Website 2 at https://www.walkawaycampaign.com

• Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/RealWalkAway/

• Wikipedia article at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WalkAway_campaign

• Support WalkAway at http://give.classy.org/walkaway



They want you DIVIDED.






UNITED or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Atheists, Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love ♥


25386657? ago

The Jews have single handedly tried to destroy western civilization. Fuck off, boomer

25372926? ago

Fuck you and all the collectivist white trash that upvoated this piece of shit comment

25370885? ago

Kikes set up this subverse. Why do you think they wanted out to be anonymous? Because the new Q guys weren't keen to their jewposting and are more susceptible to subversion. Whereas if their usernames could be seen they would have been pinned down by old fags relativity quickly. Lurkmoar q fags

25383455? ago

The old goats hate Jews more than anyone.

25375791? ago

v/GreatAwakening is a censorship hellhole.


25372908? ago

Fuck you, collectivist trash

25374194? ago

25372040? ago

Q said to make it anonymous.

25374285? ago

For what purpose?

25374632? ago

The rabbi brigades would attack people and rabidly downvote content they didn't approve. Frequently causing new users to go point negative. In turn preventing their ability to post or vote. Further skewing their control of the narrative.

They were also using the movement to create brands for themselves so they could profiteer off of Qanon. Example, neonrevolt. In turn providing more weight to one voice over another. Encouraging celebrity worship and ingroup collective thinking (mind control) .

Making it anonymous protects people better and encourages discussion with less fear of censorship and punishment. Each man is an island. Each comment in a sea of comments. Merit tends to win.

Only the shills are trying to scare people away from the anonymous format.

25371757? ago


25374226? ago

25371108? ago

I don't understand why there are any anonymous subs here. I'd like to see all of them deleted.

25376843? ago

It allows the cabal to send its low-iq shills to undermine and divide this movement.

25373429? ago

Because the Jews here want to stalk and intimidate and brigade people.

25371284? ago

It stops v/GreatAwakening mods censoring and down-vote brigading users who they disagree with. Anonymous subverses won't be deleted. Eat shit and die.

25371440? ago

I like anon posting, but I'm from the old internet.

25371755? ago

This is all anon posting, with the username or not. Make a new user if you don't like your trash stats.

25371786? ago

lol @ stats.

25371895? ago

Of course they are tied. The problem here is we are obscuring who is posting what with these 'anon' forms.

Tying an email to your username is asking for trouble.

The argument is if using this anon username is more beneficial on a site where we are unknown to each other is beneficial.

25372027? ago

and a fine argument it is, from that perspective I most certainly agree, almost appended that to my own post.

So then, does a community benefit from not knowing who is speaking during meetings? Surely the poster is allowed more freedom to speak, knowing they cannot be persecuted for their words. Does this outwiegh the possibility of bad actors enjoying the same freedom? A good question. I guess we'll find out.

25378240? ago

Given we can always make new accounts to post, I'd argue that the appeal to authority argument is almost valid here. Wherein a user who has a high ranking due to continual positive contributions, would have more weight applied to an argument vs someone who is making a new account to post garbage.

We value other's opinions here, generally, so speaking against the grain isn't such a big deal that one should need to hide which account they are using primarily to post.

Here's a sanity check:


This doesn't make my argument less valid here.

PS they can all die.

25370701? ago

Or the shills outnumber the legit Q movement supporters

25376851? ago

They obviously do

25370573? ago

It's crensch and/or kevdude. Fake putt steals all the popular subs and hands them to the DHS approved curators to manipulate the up/down vote system

25370994? ago

Mention crensch's name on here and someone (likely, crencsh) will quickly answer he hasn't seen him/her in a long time at


25371828? ago

Crensch and his little jewish friends gate keep pizzagate here

25375780? ago

Its almost like v/GreatAwakening is trying to hide something.


25375851? ago

GA was created by a degenerate jewish woman who sent nude pics to incel users here. I exposed that shithole the week they formed here at Voat and exposed jewish sleeper cells here, like crensch and molochhnter

25370252? ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#129102) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

25369862? ago

That thread is a good read.

The (((lies))) are wearing thinner every day.

25369758? ago


25369728? ago

The theory is they are preparing this site to be smeared with a false flag.

25373548? ago

Nothing changed. It is as it has been for a long time.

25370040? ago

Agree. It is likely, and what is more amusing than those who like to portray sophistication forced to play obvious children's games.

25369784? ago

Bullshit. Mainstream right-wingers like Tucker Carlson,James Woods, Mark Dice and the Covington Catholic attorney have come out in full support of Kyle Rittenhouse's actions and are lauding him as a heroic patriot.

You expect us to accept that the standard of free speech on Voat has to be lesser than the MSM and social media?

There's no excuse for what mod posted.

25370215? ago

Jumped the shark mod. Self defense is not murder, and who ever thought of being deputized at a riot? Moronic.

25371713? ago

Kyle has no affiliation with Q, so it was very telling the jew mod had to make a sticky. Typical jew MO, jew paranoia at work. Reminds me of when the FBI vaults released Protocols of the Elders of Zion recently and how triggered all the jews were.

25373003? ago


25369769? ago

By stickying a post like this the mod is linking this board to an event that had nothing to do with us. Our support for Kyle has nothing to do with Q or our support for Q. The 2 can be mutually exclusive, but mod just gave the msm ammo. Dumb move.

25370868? ago

Calculated move.

25369893? ago

Kyle Rittenhouse and Q are inextricably linked.

The QAnon attorney who represented the Covington Catholic student yesterday announced he'll defend Kyle Rittenhouse for free.

25369950? ago

The Qanon attorney.. lol

Genuinely chuckling here

25369846? ago

Mod is controlled opposition.