25371547? ago

They can't stop the porn but they can post a sticky. Faggots.

25370960? ago


25369984? ago

Jews. Holocaust needs to happen

25369232? ago

I kindly ask for the mod who did this to die and suffocate in his own excrements.

25368714? ago

Simple, qrv mods compromised ever since 8bit left

25368501? ago

Proof Voat is controlled.

25368453? ago


25367467? ago

Until Trump and Q show clear support to Kyle, or Q openly disavow QRV mods, I am going to presume that Q and Trump are (((their))) puppets.

25367386? ago

I blame all those tighty-whitey and white-gym-socks-only, all-boy , finger-sandwich-and-punch parties they have after work every day....

25366931? ago

Shills come here and post slide all the time. Don’t worry I’m sure they’ll be flat earthing or transvestite posting again in no time.

25366905? ago

kike mods dont know how incredibly glow in the dark that sticky is, even as we tell them.

25366759? ago

All of you should walk away. QRV has openly sided with Antifa pedophiles. You do not want to be associated with that now do ya?

25366567? ago

Faggots love sticky shit..

25368365? ago

So do yo mama.

25366521? ago

Consider that any conflict can be used to stoke the flames of internal division, justified or not.

It's interesting that this wasn't white cops killing blacks this time.

25366391? ago

QRV is kiked.

25366335? ago

This is the last straw for me. So long guys. Kyle Rittenburg is a hero.

25366236? ago

QRV and Qresearch mods were comprimized after 8bit left. Fastjack/breadb0x are one in the same as are MOST of the "bakers" sitting on 8kun gatekeeping the notables preventing any information critical of the jews getting in.

Since one White, Adamic 17 year old child smoked three jewish terrorists and a cuck in self defense, without getting as much as a scratch on him, they are freaking the fuck out.

Jews will not survive a war against Gods children. They are in fear. All assets activated

25368670? ago

Q is just information you look it up yourself you learn yourself education is what is done to you learning is what you do for yourself learn don't be educated

25366541? ago

Who was 8bit, when did he leave? I’ve been on QRV since day one, but don’t know anything about the mods.

25367117? ago

Ultimately just another anon. Who knows who he really was or if he had good intentions. When he left a while back he handed the reins over to some tel aviv cl0wn calling himself fastjack and the board went to shit within weeks of him taking over. In particular the baking situation and notables got kiked almost immediately. Without a decent lead moderator, mossad (living off reparations and not having to work) can camp out 24/7 and hand the bread off to other clown bakers and effectively gatekeep.

If i step in and bake a bunch of jew truth into the bread, kikes flood in, spam the bread, create duplicates and fastjack/breadb0x does nothing to stop the breadjacking. Basically he doesnt moderate, he simply enables his jew underlings to gatekeep and fuck shit up.

You can tell when noses are baking just by looking at the bread titles alone. A jew cannot avoid sounding like a fake homosexual nigger no matter how hard it tries.

At any rate, it is what it is. If anons would get their shit together, we could storm the board and fuck shit up lol but there seems to be a loss of determination in that regard.

Notice what a failure mossad is. The goyim have been awakening en masse no matter what they do.

In a way, its kind of funny. These jews are camping out 24 hours a day getting carpal tunnel syndrome, desparately trying to avoid the truth getting out. And it didnt work. At all.

If anything many of us bakers left for other battlegrounds like twitter FB voat and in person

Stupid jews wouldve been better off keeping us on 8ch. Alas they always overplay their hand. Nigger genes.

25368327? ago

You would have to believe waking up the goyim was their actual goal from the amount of KNOWING going on here kek

25366157? ago

I had to go look. I can't say that I am shocked. These faggot jews are always trying to control the narrative here, and in the unlikely chance that it is not a slimy jew, it seems that the misguided are often the ones that are most set in their beliefs and the most vocal about spewing their bullshit.

25365679? ago

This was The Plan we were supposed to trust. Be passive bystanders who do nothing and wait for some magic Deus ex Machina to swoop in and magically fix everything for us.

(((They))) don't want us angry.

(((They))) don't want us mobilized.

(((They))) don't want us engaged.

(((They))) know we don't succumb to (((their))) MSM/TV/radio/newspaper/internet mind control, so they needed some other way of controlling us.

(((They))) know we're the 3% that would stand up to (((them))) when push came to shove, and they needed to neutralize us.

Here you have it: the proof of the lie. Don't act. Don't support those who do. Just sit by, passively consume information, and wait for the magic to happen.

25366463? ago

I'll take what is controlled opposition, hegelian dialectic, and limited hangout psychological operations for 666, Alex.

25366268? ago

No, THEY want civil war on the streets and chaos.

This kid...was very orderly. THEY would have hoped he would unleash and wipe out everyone in the vicinity. But he was too smart for THEM.

We defend our towns. That's very different from attacking, from civil war. Antifa actually tends to run away when towns defend themselves, so...no war there!

25366227? ago

Q team doesnt moderate these forums niggerling.

25365463? ago

We condone self defense

25368325? ago

We hold these Truths to be self evident!

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness!

Amen! God Bless America!

25368656? ago

To protect from all enemies foreign and domestic

25367811? ago

under all circumstances, but there should be bonus points (like a $5000 check from the govt. when taking out a commie)

25366377? ago

I condone the execution of all rioters.

25368343? ago

Theres video of some democrat politician from th 60s saying exactly that. Saw on Nick di Paolo

25366226? ago

If you see the video, see the photos...there is absolutely no way around it - this was self defense.

I do not trust anyone who could see the evidence with their own eyes and say otherwise.

I for one trust the evidence of MY eyes.

When you think on how Antifa are the ones with the Molotov cocktails (it WAS lit, by the way - see the photos); Antifa are the ones attacking with skateboards; we know who they are. The kick to the head? More of a BLM move. The handgun....based on what happened in Seattle that's Antifa too.

25365355? ago

We don't condone violence, dip-shit.

25373193? ago

Who the fuck is “we”? The concept of non violence is some kike propaganda. The answer to subversives in your society is violence- they know that and push you to be passive faggots. Violence is what will end this deep state bullshit- nothing else. Thinking anything else is just naive as hell.

25367328? ago

Yeah, thats getting long in the tooth. This director needed to tighenup the storyline bit. Now we have a 17 year old who took out some hardend pantifags and breaking the seal.

You think patriots are gonna wait any longer? Kyle's only mistake was turning himself in, he fully got away with it, OUT IN THE OPEN.

25365826? ago

Self defense requires a measure violence. A measure beyond that of the criminal.

25365959? ago

It was a false flag. Don't be a stooge.

25366016? ago

Wake up retard.

25365492? ago

Jews cause WWI and WWI to create Israel and the New World Order "We don't condone violence" Comon Mannn!

25365505? ago

Comon Mannn!

OK Joe.

25365426? ago

Don't condone self-defense. Cuckery.

25365449? ago

It wasn't self-defense, stooge.

It was obviously a false flag and we will eventually learn all about it. Your bullshit is the typical false narrative push right after such a false flag.

Let me repeat myself: you are a stooge.

25367004? ago

even if it is a false flag its still obvious self defense and now this "false flag" has you arguing against your own right to defend yourself against domestic terrorists.

25365594? ago

Highly unlikely theory.

25365768? ago

Truth hurts, I know.

It won't be long now, sleep well.

25366225? ago

So weird, my upvotes aren't counting on voat. Your posts are great.

25365573? ago


Dead kikes.


25365304? ago

Infiltration. We were warned.

25369818? ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#129087) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

25365250? ago

A kike mistakenly thought it could control the QRV narrative and got gassed in the comments.

25369431? ago

It's controlled opposition anyway.

Q predicted 2 years ago that Mark Zuckerberg and Jack (Twitter) would be forced to leave their platforms. https://qmap.pub/read/1014

Yet not a single mention or prediction of Tik Tok being banned by Q.

Enjoy your kike mods!

25368896? ago

QRV Mod said this to us all:

"Stickied because fuck you, I can see what you retards are doing."

What kind of mod talks like this to his own sub?

And we dont even know which mod wrote it. He can attack the users like that, but doesnt even identify himself?


And if Mods here feel the need to medle, than FIX THE BROKEN PAGE 2 ISSUE which has been broken forever.

25367202? ago

^^^ Likes to make shit up.

25366794? ago

He got KYLED

25366122? ago

You would think they would take it down out of embarrassment

25369293? ago

An embarrassed jew? jews mutilate and suck infants penises as a celebrational ritual.

25366094? ago

The top sticky post is up there because it has been hacked with NEGATIVE 208 votes.

25366274? ago

Hacked? The post was hacked? Did you really just type that? Are you really that retarded?

25366332? ago

The OP had a negative attitude from mine, but the return comments are quite good.

25366305? ago

You know what I mean, Shill. Have you seen any post before on Voat, ever, get day-slammed down neg 208?

25366937? ago

ive never seen such an obvious kike ass post on QRV because its horse shit. Them stickying that post is absolutely radioactive, thats how much its glowing.

25366780? ago

gtfo and dont ever come back here, jew

25373101? ago


Comment of an ignorant asshole.

25373136? ago

Let me ask you a question, jew. Are you a convicted pedophile too?

25367156? ago

It's the commies who are trying to sink the anti-commie comment stream. The voat board op stickied the thread so that we could keep commenting against the subterfuge of the ones that you don't want to come back here. I agree with you mostly.

25368905? ago


Your post makes no sense

25366363? ago

Yes I have. Usually happens to especially retarded kike-posts. Take a fucking hint.

25366397? ago

The OP is a dick. The return comments are good, and likely Commies tried to drown this comment rally under water.

25365708? ago

bless this comment

25365271? ago


25365249? ago

WTF is up with this gay ass post, OP?

25365276? ago

Take a wild fucking guess. Seriously. Take a random fucking guess.