25377964? ago

QRV is compromised.

25369408? ago

Reveal thyself ;)

25368513? ago

Infiltrated, yes. Fully? No. The few enemies are trapped here with us, we're not trapped with them. Good luck in the mosh pit, commie faggots.

25367809? ago

The top sticky currently has a score of -365 to +32. I'd say the Patriots are winning.

25367546? ago

QRV was taken over by jewish Antifa.

25367536? ago

now this is what needs to be stickied

25367255? ago

Looks like it's time to migrate to ruqqus.

25366176? ago

Lets take it back

25366103? ago

Fuck niggers

Fuck Kikes

Fuck camel fuckers

And fuck jannies.

25369632? ago


25366040? ago

At least its getting down voted.

25366038? ago

Someone explain what’s wrong with it

25366022? ago

It’s ok. They’ve always been here.

25365879? ago

from: doglegwarrior

always remember the way to name the jew is circumcision

circumcision is an evil jewish religious ceremony with absolutely zero medical benefits

now I hope Qanon is real but look how easy it is for jews to abuse the noname number name system! I like what yall are trying to do but the jew going to ruin it like they ruin everything.

25365822? ago

Hey! Just like the christian church!

25365821? ago

You were never "breached", it's been this way from day one.

25365731? ago

I came in here thinking OP was one of the voat OG "muhjoo" retards. Came away agreeing with him.

WTF mods? Kyle's a hero.

25365707? ago

QRV has been comp'ed for some time. Nothing new.

25365616? ago

QRV has always been infiltrated.

It's never represented strictly Qanons

It's always had minority haters and "accelerationists" here despite the "WE STAND FOR EQUALITY" notice in the right column.

Accelerationist faggots believe that we should have a civil war so they can hop in an armored dunebuggy and ride up and down highways shooting minorities in a mad max themed apocalypse.

I admire what Kyle has done but we're not called to be vigilantes. He should have never been there to begin with. It's unfortunate for him to unnecessarily have murder charges against him now when he could have just stayed at home.

Trump will take care of this with the national guard after democrat hellholes have proven themselves unable to protect citizens. People who live in democrat hellholes need to see what they have voted for clearly. This is the destruction of the democrat party.

There is no option that prevents all bloodshed. War is hell. Qanons shouldn't promote vigilantism.

I feel bad for Kyle and what he has to go through now, facing murder charges. His life will never be the same. I hope he's cleared of all wrongdoing and goes free. He could have just as easily been the one killed. There's no need for a 17-year-old to pay that price. Others shouldn't be encouraged to follow in his footsteps.

25367583? ago


25365809? ago

I'm not promoting vigilantism. Kyle was defending his place of work from lawless rioters, as every American is fully entitled to. It's not as though he shot up a gathering of liberals, his entire reason for being out there was defensive, as was his use of force in the moment. A+, I want to see more AR15s in the hands of small business owners. THAT is how you stop the loss of life. Antifaggots won't even turn out, they never do when they know the target will be fighting back. They're inadequate in the face of competition, which is why they're communists to begin with.

25365448? ago

It has been for a while. As always, communists want you frightened, and divided from your principles, and fellow Americans.

We have nothing to fear but fear itself.

Freedom is always the solution!

25365239? ago


25365208? ago

QRV is not supposed to be a palace of shining light. QRV is at best a bunker if 8kun goes down. Mostly QRV serves to distract shills so that they waste their time here, not at 8kun. QRV is doing its job just fine.

25365401? ago

Can you top this 8kun, filled with jerk offs.

25365968? ago

Why would the same jerkoffs be around for 3 years.

Logical thinking.

25365038? ago

I took it as satire...

25365458? ago

No, not at all.

They've been pushing this non-violence at all costs narrative in here for awhile. To the point of encouraging total pacifism even when under full attack by the enemy.

25367649? ago

Using appropriate FORCE in defense against an enemy isn't VIOLENCE.


25365751? ago



I don't think Q is calling for a civil war, but I also don't think he's calling for us to be completely passive. Jesus brought out the whip now and then too.

25365990? ago

Christians have been known to defend their lands for 1600 years. Since Constantine.

25364989? ago

Time to just go home to 8kun. This place is trash anymore. 8kun has a lot of shit posts, but at least they don’t sticky bullshit.

25365347? ago

I think you can handle one sticky

25364868? ago

Oh no does that mean we're getting an interruption in the daily "BREAKING BOOM BTFO: someone's lawyer's intern hinted they might announce that a later announcement might request a small detail to a decade old crime and may lead to a further announcement next year that there are still no arrests"

25365544? ago

yes, thank god.

25365006? ago

lol good one

25364748? ago

The Boy was 17 with an AR.. just think about that.... Remember LV?

Remember ALL the School shootings that three years?

How hard will it to tie this kid to Qanon?

How hard is it for the DS to put that kid there ( under false pretense of course)

Give him an AR

Set him up to be attacked?

Were they blanks? or Live ammo?

I think this is a FF ( shooting real reason wrong )

25365576? ago

shouldn't you be out on a ledge somewhere?

25366451? ago

there is something that isn't right here.. my combat instincts are screaming this smells

25364828? ago

chill. shill.

Calming breaths.

Read: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3995030

25364807? ago

kikes are grasping at straws

It's a FF when jews end up dead at a black protest.


25364402? ago

Let's go circle jerk about twitter polls elsewhere

25364457? ago

Good idea.

Hurry up and go so we can free up a slot for a real patriot.

25364301? ago


You mean your filthy smelly taped up recliners? Battle station, what fucking laugh. Just like Q and you imbeciles in QRV.


25364985? ago

Does it hurt to have such a big nose?

25364577? ago

kvetch harder faggot

25364483? ago

Spotted the worried pedophile.

25364388? ago

^^ Panicking Chinabot


25364721? ago

Kikebot, you kikes created modern communist China

25364144? ago

always was full of degenerate kikes

25369746? ago

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25365277? ago

^^ Found the nazitard and his sock-puppets.

25367558? ago

You fucking Antifa kikes can pack your shit and leave Voat. QRV is done here.

25365336? ago

Did the Nazi sock puppet put the sticky up?

25365343? ago

No, but they sure as hell down-voted the shit out of it.


25365312? ago

Found the rabbi!

25364122? ago

Shills are here in full force with their armies of sock-puppets.