25365044? ago

Oh no does that mean we're getting an interruption in the daily "BREAKING BOOM BTFO: someone's lawyer's intern hinted they might announce that a later announcement might request a small detail to a decade old crime and may lead to a further announcement next year that there are still no arrests"

25363616? ago

Kyle did the heavy lifting, tough shit Q, can't wait forever for a key arrest It was inevitable.

25363599? ago

Wow, that looks like it was made by an actual edgy 14 year old. A step up from the rest of voat for sure.

You can say anything and post anything here, mods don’t mod...you just kick and scream like a little bitch because you can’t get stickied. I LOVE this level of cope. So delicious.

25365735? ago

my guess is you find other questionable things "so delicious" too, faggot.

25366798? ago

Sick burn...not gonna lie.

25363342? ago

literally no. kill yourself kike

25363321? ago

WTF happened with the mods???

25364094? ago

I was shocked as well.

"Stickied because fuck you"

...well I never....

25368138? ago

"Stickied because fuck you, I can see what you retards are doing."

What kind of mod talks like this about his sub?

And we dont even know who wrote it. Why hasnt he identified himself?

25363228? ago

Looool fantastic. The kikes think they can subvert voat. Even QRV is still voat you dirty rat jews.

25362980? ago

This is GREAT! You morons are like a bunch of moddle school girls! The ugly ones with braces.

Tou stupid, smelly fat dumb boomers actually think the web and QRV is IMPORTANT! Voat is the 18,000 some ranked site.....................

which means NOBODY FUCKING READS this.

Nobody that is, except you stinky dirty boomer burnout rural dunces ( in between fucking your daughters and sheep) that are so insane you play DIGITAL WARRIOR ! what a laugh. All you do is type and watch Youtube. WHAT BRAVE WARRIORS YOU ARE!

So fat dumb morons, drink your beer, fire up Windows 7 on your Compaq's and PRETEND your lives are ridiculous and utterly meaningless, that anybody actually cares one bit about you. Your deaths will go unnoticed, there is NO Q and TRUMP DOESN'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT you, you stupid niave, gullible hicks!

25363336? ago

We get it. You are a worried Pedo.

25363600? ago


Yes I'm so worried. LOL same stupid replies! PAMIC! OVER THE TARGET!! REEE!

THIS is why I come here, to lAUGH at you imbeciles. you KNOW it's true! Eberyone LAUGHS AT YOU DON'T THEY?

Your friends LAUGH!

Your kids LAUGH!

Your family LAUGHS!

IQ's of 70. It's the funnies thing on the web! LOL

25365832? ago

Enrish in't yer first lengagge?

25363240? ago

james are you at it AGAIN?? Did it upset you to see kike pedophiles dying in the street. I bet it did you piece of shit. More to come.

25363618? ago

LOL you scare me. WAIT! Cno you don't, you are nothing, absolutely nothing. A stupid Jesus FUCKING hick. A total failure.

LO< bye Jethro! GO FUCK A SHEEP!

25365452? ago

Rofl. God damn you hate when i spot you. You child fucking monster. Theres a whole country of kyles just waiting. Fuck around and find out. We will defend ourselves against your little communist child fucker insurrection. We are coming for you sick fucks james

25362640? ago

All Assets Deployed

25362740? ago

All Tiny Hats Deployed

25362750? ago


25362624? ago

Push hard ery day brother. QRV is done at Voat

25362582? ago

So ... what's up with the moderators? Fill me in. I've been incognito for a spell.

25362612? ago

Look at their sticky. They sided with the jewish pedo terrorists who tried to kill Kyle.

25362664? ago

Ah ... I see now. Hmmmm??? Fuck the pussy mods. Q has brainwashed them into passive cunts