25370324? ago

Of course they're real. Where there's kvetching, there's fire...

25370071? ago

Of course they're real. I've read them.

And they're TRUE. Much of what they describe has taken place.

25368897? ago

Even if they were fake, they're not NEW and they somehow managed to accurately sum up the world as we know it today. It would have helped if it were labelled "Satanist". Because they ARE.

25368789? ago

What protocol are we on?

25368585? ago

Considering that it is almost 100 years old: "Predicting" the future that accurately - what does it matter if it is fake or not?

25367936? ago

Its completely real, and someone working for the fbi wanted the world to know that during this time frame. We have been spreading the truth about these fucking Jewish demonic fucks for years. Its time to rise against them, escalate study and expose with memes. We don't need Q we need to stand and unite.

25367317? ago

QRV is fucking retarded. They don’t see reality

25367387? ago

They're fucked now. Can't wait to see their damage control tomorrow.

Oy vey, we was hacked. all you goyims calm down and trust the plan

25366174? ago

Yes it is, it was only condemned by Jew seniors

25365929? ago

there's nothing most likely about it. The proof is all around us. Henry Ford spent a chunk of his own fortune.

25365632? ago

so I've clicked on two posts, and both are complaining about the 'mods'.

can't you (((guys))) be subtle?

25365528? ago

Yes, the the Protocols are real. Only they were written by the Illuminati with the intention of revealing their plans but putting the blame on the Jews. Meaning the protocols were deliberately allowed to fall into the hands of the authorities. This is just a perfect example as to how the Illuminati uses divide and conquer tactics via false flags. While the Jews get targeted, the Illuminati relish at how loyal they are to Lucifer.

Lucifer was a liar from the beginning. He was jealous of what God had prepared for mankind. Lucifer felt jilted for not being put in that "Father-Son" relationship. So he sabotaged God's sovereignty and tricked mankind into becoming his slaves. Today, Lucifer continues his deceit. The Nazis that continue to infiltrate and try to convince us to hate Jews are being manipulated for that same Luciferian spirit. It's no coincidence that loyal Trump and Q supporters are daily being bombarded with their propaganda. We are on the frontlines of this spiritual battle.

Ephesians 6:12

As Q says, "we are the news!!"


25366861? ago

Here's another israeli jew shill trying to deflect the blame away from jews. You dog fuckers are low IQ retards. White men have taken the wheel. Sit the fuck down.

25366996? ago

You're the shill spamming the Q sub. Just a reminder in case you're lost.

Btw,. I'm white with an IQ higher than 135 and not Jewish. But I know God and his truth. You don't!

25367021? ago

stop fucking dogs and raping children you ANTIFA jew.

25367069? ago

You're projecting shill.

25365705? ago

The Illuminati are the jews. Your god is a fraud...and so is the boogieman, lucifer. And so is "Q", for that matter.

25367046? ago

You're confused. That comes from being filled with resentment against God.

Btw, why are you spamming QRV?

25367191? ago

There is no christian god to be resentful towards...gods - all gods - are created by men.

25371734? ago

You have no argument. I'm a passerby. Why are you afraid of what he says?

25396543? ago

He? Who? The OP? Q?

Did you go to the 8kun link?

25364803? ago

This sub is modded?

25365572? ago

Not meaningfully. Jew shills are trying to scare people away from the endless times.

25364709? ago


25364739? ago

Kyle would've tried to save the USS Liberty had he been born.

25364703? ago

And yet the mods of QRV let you guys post some of the most insane conspiracy theories I’ve ever seen. You guys getting it yet? I’ve been telling you for a year, there are plants here posting wild, false information constantly. You guys need to start checking sources on things that get posted here because you’re embarrassing yourselves by falling for every single trick. I say this stuff and you think I’m the enemy, I’m not. I am observant.

You fancy yourself as an independent investigator but don’t think like one. Skepticism isn’t weakness, it’s methodology.

25365003? ago

Watch the evening news on any network for actual conspiracies. What's a bigger conspiracy than a blatant 180° lie on any and every news story.

25364818? ago

conspiracy theories

Stopped reading right there you dirty dog fucking israeli garbage. Kyle for president!

25364669? ago

It’s basically summary of Talmud you niggers

25364539? ago

What fresh insanity is this?

25364685? ago

oy vey a bunch of Nazis made it all up, goy. Those terrorist pedo jews that got Kyled dindu nuffins. shalom

25364479? ago

Why would this trigger the mods??

25364498? ago

Look at QRV's new sticky. QRV mods are jews who side with terrorist jews. This place has been compromised for a while now. It has been known.

25364532? ago

I see it, thanks. Weird, what's going on??

25364732? ago

Jewish take-over. They are panicking. We are over the target. Put on the armor of God and know that Kyle is a hero.

25371689? ago

Classic backpedal, incite the riot but when shit gets real... hey everybody calm down and redirect your attention....HERE!

25372484? ago

Defending the nation against jewish terrorism is not "inciting riots" you stupid jewish garbage.

25381192? ago

I was agreeing with you dude.

25364422? ago

If you’ve read them it’s pretty obvious they’re real and close to achieving its goals.

25364409? ago

Trump mentions 1917 ALOT...with respect to the Spanish Flu.

What ELSE happened in 1917?

October Revolution - Bolshevik establishment of the Soviet Union

"The Errors" of Russia predicted in the Message of Fatima May 1917, ending Oct 1917

2nd World War predicted

Every other social ill predicted as well...

25364162? ago

They are real, no most likely about it. When something written years ago describes the exact state your currently in... it wasn't an accident or a joke.

25364191? ago

We must disavow all jews because none of them can be trusted now.

25364209? ago

Anyone that follows their religion cannot be trusted. Period. They are taught from babies everything they believe and its sickening. The Talmud needs to be thrown into the depths of a volcano and eradicated from the face of the planet. Vaccines for judaism! lol..

25364274? ago

hahaha, sign me up!

25364139? ago

most likely

Strange way to say, "100% factual truth."

25364081? ago


25364351? ago

REAR ISRael, and the chosen ones, they want us gone

25364063? ago

QRV has become fucked. Fully infiltrated. Fucking battlestations anons

25364109? ago


25363986? ago


25363690? ago

even if it wasnt, someone has clearly adopted it.

25363643? ago

from: doglegwarrior

does it matter if they are real or fake or forged? They are fucking spot on accurate with whats going on in the world it really doesnt matter if they are fake who ever fucking wrote that knew exactly what was gonna be happening if they are fake the guy who faked them was a god damn genius in his own right

25364363? ago

It is impossible for Goyim to think in this manner

25363634? ago

Fuck them it's the world we live in

25363485? ago

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - should be a sticky

25364279? ago

FBI did

25363506? ago

KeK the QRV mods are jews who sided with the terrorists who tried to murder Kyle. They would never sticky anything like this but once we get control of this sub we will sticky it then. QRV is done.

25363541? ago

Who/what is QRV?

25363639? ago

Its what a jew rubs on his duck before he molests a child.

25371642? ago

poor duck

25363469? ago

How are you posting if you're not a mod, I can't post.

25363464? ago

Uuuuh..yeah. It’s playing out right now. It’s designed to ‘hasten’ the arrival of the Jewish ‘mosiach’ which you know as the antichrist.

25363476? ago

This is why we must disavow all jews.

25363496? ago

I’m onboard. They’re the Synagogue of Satan...they’re the sons of belial.

25363573? ago

If that's the case, then why do christians keep letting them into their countries...over and over and over and over again?

25363612? ago

Shall I introduce you to the Rosicrucians, Freemasons, and other deep state establishments that masquerade as ‘Christians’? Or do you already know them?

25363797? ago

Yes, the christian church is completely infiltrated...and has been since the beginning. That being the case, then, why aren't the "real" christians doing anything to root them out and prevent infiltration in the future? The "real" christians are not innocent...they are culpable for the bad actions of their fellows.

25366892? ago

I just learned of Dispensationalism. Placing the Antichrist in the future or past, taking the blame off the present and the Papacy/Christianity based religious leaders for their role in Antichrist activities...going on right now. An Antichrist is more relevant than THE Antichrist. If you’re interested I can point you to a video, but it’s about 1 hour long, but incredibly detailed on the subject. No one tries to sell you anything ideologically it’s just one persons opinion. Subtle changes to the Bible are pointed out and deceivers exploit that, and perpetuate that, through seminary. It’s a good video, sucks I only discovered the channel recently.

25366288? ago

and what exactly is a 'real Christian'?

25367245? ago

That's what I've been trying to figure out! The idiots on this site always claim that every other christian is fake...implying that they are the real christians.

25363424? ago


25366296? ago


25363369? ago

Of course they are real.

When a kike cries out in pain, as he strikes you - you know you're on the right track

25363350? ago

zso triggered that they let the post stay up and never ever ever delete anything, even your kike porn spam?

25363326? ago

It was never up for debate until it became popular.

Also I recall it being called the priority of the learned elders of zion ie. the minutes of a meeting of elders. When did it become protocols?

25380034? ago

Never priority as far as I can see.

25363300? ago

It sure does. Fucking Christcucks desperately want to believe that their branch of Judaism isn't an offshoot from a rotten trunk.

25363287? ago

I like the part where the dual-citizenry in our Congress debunked it.

25363356? ago

Those are the same type of jews that got Kyled in Wisconsin.

25363281? ago

I have it on my desktop ready to read but not got to it yet

25363106? ago

Even if it were a fake or a forgery or a fictionalized account its still perfectly describes what the Jews have been doing to the world for the past 150 years.

The Jews never deny that they doing what the Protocols describe. They can only discredit anyone that brings it up as "anti-Semtic". Well its not "anti-Semitic". Its counter-Jewish!

25364761? ago

It can't be a forgery if there is not an original. I had a similar question on the context that justifies the contents.

25364206? ago

We all know anti-Semitic means the truth, its a trick

25363389? ago

Really well said. If it wasn't real before, it sure as hell is now, thus the document is real.

PS. I think it was real anyway, obviously, but just making the argument for those non-believers

25363061? ago

Funny how the mason infested FBI are using it to claim others are cabal and not them!?

Looks like we are in the late stages of the game and the normie Jews are getting scapegoated by the satanists now.

You all need to properly understand the hierarchy of those playing this game.

1) pedo satanist Jews (top elites)

2)pedo satanist goy (masons)

3)Jews (human shields)

4)goy (slaves)

This action shows that they are trying to save the foot soldiers of the pedo satanists and are willing to start slaughter 110 to do it.

This means they are in a defensive position and their mason control of law enforcement, judges, doctors, journalists and politicians are under serious threat.

That's why we should be targeting the masons. They are the foundation that this pedo gang are built on. When the masons fall it's all over. So stop waisting your time with targeting normie Jews. They aren't the power of the cabal. That's why they can be sacrificed every time the goy wake up and we never end this constant struggle.

Let's take out the masons this time and end this bullshit.

25363704? ago

I LMFAO!! You are just barely treading water in an ocean of millions upon millions of people who want to see you dead and this is what you've come up with? Let's take out the Masons...the 23 of us!! XD

25363267? ago

Right. They only support the pedojews through donations to Jewish orgs run by pedojews.

25364394? ago

Until they realize they are supporting the people that got them slaughtered 109 times!

Why do you think they are protesting in Israel and being countered with antifa there too?

Once the Jews wake up they will butcher their pedo elites. Ending the cabal stronghold and the whole nwo plan.

Waking up the normie Jews should be one of our priorities.

25363094? ago

"Normie jews"

KYS, kike trash

25363104? ago

Kys, mason pedo!

25363162? ago

Dirty jew

25364345? ago

Atheist scot!

Bottom feeder useful idiot.

25364453? ago

What a little kike turd.

25364482? ago

Morons like you will make this war for our rights last much longer.

No proper discussion with facts. Just name calling.

Why not just vote for pedo joe and be done with it you useful idiot.

25364639? ago

Shut the hell up, rat faced jew bastard.

25364768? ago

You debate like a liberal arts major!

Now fuck off back to reddit!!!

25370223? ago

I'm not debating you, I'm insulting you. lol

25363043? ago

The Zionist "messiah" is the world despot (as the protocols call him) and will enslave the globe and murder Christians.

25363021? ago

...most likely? You fucking jackass. https://files.catbox.moe/ljlksu.png

25363107? ago

QRV was taken over by marxist jewish scum. Look at their sticky

25363155? ago

Sorry to repost this but I dont know how else to direct you to it. Anyway, this is speculation but I bet I am right. Something to toss in the back of your mind.

https://files.catbox.moe/ljlksu.png Real Anons know that all the anti-jew stuff is posted by Q. There are far too many well sourced and regularly posted things to just be a few nazi larpers in their basements. I have been back tracking sources on Qresearch anti jew posts since the begenning. There are 2 different sources for them. Many of them are extremely well sourced from historical documents and writings and recordings. These are the anti-jew white hats. There is raw red text hate spewed against jews. This is JDIF/MOSSAD trying to run cover and make a nazi boogyman. It is speculated that @jack from Twatter is Fastjack who runs QRV and Qresearch after it being given to him by 8Bit a while back.

When you really grasp that the enemy forces are putting time and energy and money into managing the board that is destroying them because they want control so bad... When that clicks in your head you will start to see a different world on that board and here. Great Awakening is jews ofcourse.

25363173? ago

Look at QRV mods new sticky. They are dirty fucking kikes.

25363244? ago

Oh, I am sure they are... What are they going to do though? Jump up and down? If they start deleting shit then Anons will just move somewhere else. We saw this happen on Qresearch about 13 months ago now with the Great Battle of Captcha Hill and Notable Creek. 8bit (real anon) burned out of running the board and stupidly gave it to Fapjack/flapjack/fastjack/@jack. Then the jackass made a Captcha required for every post and banned notables requiring Anons to compile everything. It was a massive clusterfuck until Q came in and smashed the whole thing. It was funny as fuck. I got responses from them both here and on 8ch. So funny it hurt. Sometimes I still post my stuff to remind them that they are faggots.

I am not new at this. Again, they MUST do Q/anons bidding now because if they dont then guess what... Everyone just leaves and they have no power. They have been coopted and enslaved by the movement. Not a lot of people understand this. They take it all at face value but it need not be taken that way.

25371670? ago

Workers can leave, Drones can fly away

The queen is their slave.

25363304? ago

Informative comment. Thank you.

25363669? ago

Yeah man. I am an old school Anon from back in the day. I have the uncommon opportunity to spend vast quantities of time on this shit. Far more than other people can do so I have a head full of it and can answer questions/sort stuff pretty well. I dont know for sure ofcourse but that is what I think is going on. It is highly probable and likely true.

25362975? ago

I like how they always call it a forgery. What is a forgery? Its an unauthorized copy of an authentic original.

25364217? ago


25363331? ago

Yeah. I noticed the word play too. I noticed that they NEVER say it's incorrect.

25362952? ago

Zionism = Evil

25362972? ago

All jews are scheming snakes.

25363070? ago

Indeed. The west has forgotten its history so much that the reason for the angels celebrating in Handel's Messiah is the destruction of jerusalem and its inhabitants.

25366177? ago

didn't know that,

but sounds like a perfect copyright free song for my slideshow.

read somewhere that some of the great composers consider Handel to be even greater...

25362910? ago

Even if the origins are not true. They are being used now, and the evidence is overwhelming.

25362937? ago

Evidence. Exactly. The trials for expulsion hearings will have loads of evidence, I suspect.

25362836? ago

The original was almost certainly not what we read now. It's been shifted from an Illuminized Freemasonry based document to "the conspiring Jew's playbook", which was a clever psy op that first worked to stoke widespread violence against Jews at the time. Which then worked in historical dialectic to prop up the narrative of the persistently perscuted Jew. And the long term effect was the blame-the-Jew vs pity-the-Jew dualistic narrative informed most 20th century geopolitics.

Meanwhile the actual notions in the book - which were really held by a collective of bloodlines not restricted to Khazar Jews -- continues to move forward.

25363074? ago

Freemasonry is Judaism for gentiles. All of the rites and occult symbolism is straight out of the Jewish Kabbalah.

25362853? ago

oy vey it wasn't the jews, goyim

25362834? ago

Very Real. The proof is in the pudding and the pudding is old and moldy.

25362716? ago

Of course its real. The jew says its fake. Ergo real

25363841? ago

That's really all you need to know.

25362396? ago

No it doesn't. We all believe the Zionists are the enemy, it's the muh joo idiots who have been brainwashed by Soros to obfuscate this fact.

It doesn't matter, the truth will prevail.

25362450? ago

Panic you dirty heeb

25362437? ago

The truth is a lion; set it free and it will defend itself...unless it's in the circus.

25362365? ago

If a jew says they are fake then they are very real

25363087? ago

Always do the opposite of what Jews say.

25364175? ago

Zero Days without Jewish Tricks.

25362328? ago

WTF do you mean most likely? You are on a Q sub and this fucking slow? I bet you wear a mask and can't wait to get your kids back in public school

25362349? ago

QRV mods are dirty heebs and triggered.

25364115? ago

QRV != Q

....No outside sources........

25369620? ago

Q predicted 2 years ago that Mark Zuckerberg and Jack will be forced to step down.


Twitter is still showing negative comments under Trumps Tweets first, despite Q threatening Twitter for years.

Yet Q hasn't mentioned Tik Tok once, which WAS banned.

25364164? ago

Look at their new sticky, Patriot. You telling me that isn't compromised? QRV openly sided with jewish pedophile terrorists. If you still hang here after today then there's no hope for any of you. QRV is tainted

25363549? ago

Triggered yes, jews? Probably not even..maybe wish they were...a lil jew envy

25363298? ago

I dont get it, whats wrong with mods? Are you a shill?

25363328? ago

People who throw out shill are usually fucking retards who don't even know what it means

25363383? ago

I found the word Shill is often substituted for logical rebuttal to the questioning of established dogma.

25362286? ago

It predicted the world wars and nearly everything in it has come true or is coming true. Only a fool would consider it fiction.

25379292? ago

Albert Pike predicted the World Wars including number III

25368500? ago

They are real, and things are coming true, but the question is who wrote them? Who leaked them? The Jews? The Jesuits? The whole theme of the protocols is accomplishing their motives through subversion...why not blame another group of people in order to remain in the shadows while you orchestrate the plan? Just thinking outside the box.

25366635? ago

Have a summary for me? /s

25366679? ago

I have an audio version of the book if you want it.

25364911? ago

Only a fool would think it predicted the future, rather than was made to look like it did.

25365486? ago

Writing down the plan isn't predicting the future.

Same with Orwell's 1984.

25365020? ago

Change your way Rabbi. Change your ways before it's too late.

25363068? ago

It also described how the French Jacobin Revolution, Russian Revolution, and others were all designed to remove the monarchy rulers so that the Zionists could take over rule of those countries.

25365485? ago

The Protocols were written after the french revolution though.

25365298? ago

Read 'from aristocracy to monarchy to democracy ' . Its eye opening. Maybe a hr long read

25362392? ago

It was a prediction, it was a plan. One they followed to its end, and a warning to us as to what they are looking to do next

25369595? ago

Trust the Plan. WWG1WGA

25367289? ago

and a warning to us as to what they are looking to do next

Kill and slaughter us all?

25365435? ago

So, what's next then.

25364138? ago

It was possibly a warning. Either way it was true and still is true and it speaks to all secret/occult power and all groups who use it. That is simply the dynamic of nature. That is why the light of truth and transparency is so important. Truth is God's disinfectant.

25363013? ago

Satanic morality is it is fine if your victim knows it is coming.

25365591? ago

You mean jewish, jewish morality.

25364969? ago

Is anything satanic considered moral? Is it not the inversion of morality?

25365007? ago

They have their own morality. Their own right/wrong. How it relates to you is immaterial since you can't convince the person in the mirror that they are backwards.

25365135? ago

I guess I always equate morality with goodness, I am surely naive about a lot, even being exposed to a lot of evil.

25363710? ago

I think your comment is being interpreted as an endorsement [and not an explanation] due to your punctuation. Please correct this clarification if wrong.

He's saying: Satanic morality STATES, "It is perfectly justified [to take just about any action] as long as your victim is told about it beforehand".

25364417? ago

It ties perfectly into the idea of consent. That is why they care so much about MeToo. That is why they make a big fuss about neoliberalism (specifically the idea that settling for a slavery wage is consensual).

25363916? ago

That is indeed what that commenter seems to be trying to convey.

The fact that they(the Satanists) actually believe it to be true is what makes it hillarious.

25364287? ago

It’s a guide not a prediction, it gets rewritten as necessary to accomplish the goal...

The Russian translation got leaked...

The goyim were never supposed to know

25362332? ago

Only (((QRV mods))) deny its real.

25365190? ago

I've never seen a sticky down voted so much

25366989? ago

Oh I have. Its what most people think of jews.

25364988? ago

QRV removed a comment with a German word.

25390696? ago


25364105? ago


25371618? ago

10 / 0 <-- good luck

25364133? ago

Tell the truth and watch jews and their shabbos goys run from it! When jewish terrorist pedophiles get KYLED do babies get their foreskins back?

25362510? ago

Are you confusing QRV and GreatAwakening?

GA mods are verifiable kike faggot gatekeeper subversives.

What have QRV mods done? Genuinely curious.

25365520? ago

I don't see the Great awakening mods stickying shit like their last one. In fact, it's safe to say everyone over at GA defend this kid's rights and use of his firearm in self defense.

They haven't chucked out to [their] narratives yet.

Can't say the same for QRV any longer.

25365900? ago

It's not what they sticky, it's what they censor, and who/why they ban posters. Very pro jew bunch they are.

25363081? ago

https://files.catbox.moe/ljlksu.png Real Anons know that all the anti-jew stuff is posted by Q. There are far too many well sourced and regularly posted things to just be a few nazi larpers in their basements. I have been back tracking sources on Qresearch anti jew posts since the begenning. There are 2 different sources for them. Many of them are extremely well sourced from historical documents and writings and recordings. These are the anti-jew white hats. There is raw red text hate spewed against jews. This is JDIF/MOSSAD trying to run cover and make a nazi boogyman. It is speculated that @jack from Twatter is Fastjack who runs QRV and Qresearch after it being given to him by 8Bit a while back.

When you really grasp that the enemy forces are putting time and energy and money into managing the board that is destroying them because they want control so bad... When that clicks in your head you will start to see a different world on that board and here. Great Awakening is jews ofcourse.

25371604? ago

Q sent us to voat.

Tells me all I need to (((know)))

Q knows what type of forum this is.

25363767? ago

The other thing to remember, too, is Jew wasn't in the Bible until a very late translation. Goyim is not in the Bible. We are literally dealing with Satan and his offspring vs those of God's creation. DNA is more important than anyone knows. Even the beginning of the Bible is intentionally mistranslated. If you have the faintest curiosity it becomes easy to look at the double meanings using a Hebrew dictionary.

In the beginning, God placed Adam and Eve before two trees, tree of life and the tree of knowledge. Except, tree is the same word for woods, or forest. And knowledge also means intimate or carnal knowledge. Satan had already been cast out of heaven by the time Adam and Eve were created. God told them there was a forest that was good for them, forest of life, meaning it contained all they needed to survive. He told them not to go into, or partake in, the forest of carnal knowledge. Satan tempted Eve, and Eve told Adam what she saw and he also partook. Fruit also can mean offspring. There is very specific verse saying that Eve begot Cain with the help of God. But God comes from the word Elohim and Elohim refers to also the beings besides God and human in the garden. When she has Able, it doesn't speak of being helped by God, but by Adam. God despises Cain for a reason. He's not of God. He is corrupted by the devil and the other fallen angels. There's indication in other ancient texts that Lilith may have had offspring with Adam at the same time that Eve had Cain. It makes sense even if it's not specifically referred to in the Bible, because the Bible is following God's creation and desire to keep his people pure, it's not Satan's story but God's.

Another note on translation: enemy is also translated to opponent and fiend. And if you look specifically at the word fiend, you find the revelation of succubus and incubus. Both of those are demons who sexually seduce you.

I would not have been able to make these connections if I had not studied so much of what the Jews have done through the centuries to mislead us all. They love their word and number games, they do not think we deserve to know the truth because we are lesser than them, however they are somehow required to tell us what they are doing.

I hope this is helpful to someone. I have been seeking understanding of life for so long, it has been nice to find some answers.

25367694? ago

I saved your comments.

I am not much of a biblical scholar but the Irish say that McCain means the son of Cain. Thing is I am of the impression that Enoch was one of Cain's sons? Well, I read the book of Enoch and I read it as what we would call as an Alien (ayylmao) abduction story. It will really put things in perspective if you read the book of Enoch in that way. Well, a the end of the book of Enoch, Noah was born (with blue eyes of course) Anyway, I think about that stuff and It brings me to the conclusion that things may be simpler than we think.

I like to float this idea. It is baseless shit but it seems to fit the Sherlock Holmes definition that when you ruleout the impossible what ever left is what happened. This world was created in space by a being that can create such things. Some assholes came in and fucked it all up (enoch/giants) This is what made the megaliths and such on this world that were obviously not made by us humans. God (The world creater) destroyed them all with a flood and the few survivors continued but the asshole Ayylmaos were still here. They are the issue we are dealing with today. The reason we are in this state is because there are rules and one of them is that if the evil assholes are here then the world is quarantined. The knowledge of this is lost so we have these somewhat strange stories and have to piece it together. Thing is no one can just fix it for us because of 'rules' so we have to fix it.

That is what is happening now. We are fixing it. That will wrap up the biblical stories and release our quarantine. Roughly this is 'modern' version of what is happening and what happened. Could be wrong but it seems to fit. God has a time machine or can somehow control/see all times at the same time. So how do you fight that? You can't. Small stuff was simply done in the past (jesus arriving) and that cascaded through time til now which lead to the destruction of the evil plan. Its like the butterfly effect.

Tiny adjustment at the right time has HUGE consequences.

We are at a pivot-point like that again. NOW. My guess is that the stuff we write and the stuff we fight for will become history. What we are doing here is going to cascade through time for thousands of years. Like this shit is not going to be saved for all time. We are writing a future 'bible' right now. We are the stories from the past of the future people. Thats a cool thought huh? It makes me feel that it is very important that I shitpost and meme my ass off. That stuff will be a future bible or whatever.

Have a good future Anon.

25367847? ago

The giants are the nephilim which are the offspring, or fruits, of angels and humans. I would like to propose the idea without having gone into any research that giants come from succubus (fallen angel that seduces man) and man, as a giant born from a woman would surely kill the woman before it was formed enough to be live birthed.

There are places on earth that were too tall and allowed survivors during the great flood. Also, the fallen angels don't die. They walk among dimensions at will.

You have a good future too, Anon. Wish you the best.

25367933? ago

Yes. Giants=Nephilim. Ever listen to L.A. Marzulli?

25368035? ago

No I haven't, but I'm willing to watch if you have a favorite.

25368348? ago

I catch him on Caravan To Midnight (subscription and worth every penny) but he has a website with his documentaries. It is his name. Com or. Net I think. Vids are called on the trail of the nephalim? If you can't find it hit me back and I will re-listen to the CTM vid and get it.

25366068? ago

yes, I find this helpful,

I've also been trying to figure out what happened with Eve and why some people are so different.

the more I read, the more it seems like there are multiple types of people in this world.

so scary to think about, but also explains a lot!

like why doe some people instantly hate each other, etc.

25364398? ago

Plausible theory fren. We are all searching for actual truth. All I know for sure is Jesus Christ is my lord and savior and the current DRat party is pure evil along with many Republicans.

25367715? ago

The devil will use anyone that is blind or willing.

25364340? ago

So, then one of the hidden spiritual laws to mastering life is to not fall prey to sexually seductive demons. That . . . really puts some things into perspective.

Already the idea has been raised to me that a man's best interest is to have sex the least amount of times through life, while a woman's is to have sex the most throughout life, with one partner. If what you're saying is true, complete balance of one's sex life might unlock more knowledge or understanding of one's inner universe.

25367705? ago

Why do you say the woman should have as much as possible? That is new to me.

I think sex with one partner as often as pleases you both is ideal. I do not think that a man becomes perverted by this type of sex. I think the constant attack on his senses by the satanic presence in our world in the forms of printed advertisement, television, music, and provocatively dressed women make him weakened to resisting without full knowledge as to why it is a bad thing. And that goes back to the importance of understanding the true translation of the Bible.

25366080? ago

wondering why women should have more sex?

25363823? ago


25362546? ago

Look at QRV;s sticky. Their mods openly sided with the pedo jews who tried to kill Kyle. QRV IS FUCKING DONE

and yes, Great Awakening is ran by the jews Crensch and Srayzie

25363947? ago

Why did they sticky that?

25364011? ago

Because QRV was taken over by jews recently and they side with their jewish terrorist brethren no matter what. QRV is done. They're mad because a bunch of terrorist pedophile jew rapists got KYLED.

25363973? ago

i mean, seeing as the left is purposefully trying to paint QANON as a radical, extremist group, it makes every bit of sense why the mods would denounce an act of violence... ??

25365878? ago

Pacifism is NOT the basis of Q. The rule of law is. Law says we can defend ourselves.

25366615? ago

self-defense falls within the domain of what i was referring to

25364182? ago

If Qanons remain or turn into pacifists were all fucked

25364383? ago

hardly dude. the entire message is about unity. have you never read the posts about "THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED..." ???

the military side of the operation isn't pacifist obviously... but the public relations side must squarely remain neutral/nonradical

if "QANON" supporters start arming themselves en mass, guess what, the CNN slander about it being an extremist, violent movement, gets proven correct

25364440? ago

I guess what I was thinking was just us sitting around doing nothing and not fighting when the time comes that we must either fight or bow down completely. We must fight. Just because we arm ourselves doesn't make us violent or extremist, it makes us smart and ready to defend. These people we are fighting are completely off their rocker. Ain't no talking to that will make them see the light. Anons need to be ready to fight. We can't back down all the time.

I get what your saying but I was imaging it as them all just bowing to the devil basically and not fighting at all.

25364464? ago

oh hell nah dude, this shit comes to my neighborhood and they are catching all 30 rounds

25363231? ago

Dude, I'm trying to go to /v/QRV right now, won't load!

All other subverses load!

/QRV loads to a blank white page.

I think you might have shook em!

25364142? ago

Same here on an iphone

25363311? ago

ah ah ah

Its working for me

25363456? ago

Yeah I made a post about it in /whatever.

It was down for over 4 minutes where all other subverses loaded FINE.

25363515? ago

We will destroy QERV very soon komrad

25363676? ago

I ain't no commie!

But if they're compromised, they gotta go!

25362576? ago

Look at QRV;s sticky. Their mods openly sided with the pedo jews who tried to kill Kyle.

Oooohhh, did not see that, thanks.

25371590? ago

yea its a new day around here.

25365668? ago

different anon, and I didn't see it either, was also wondering why people are complaining about the 'mods'...

25368710? ago

Yet another anon here... so far, the moderation seems fair in terms of removed submissions and removed comments being few and far between, apparently removed for legit reasons.

The recent stickied post is a dumb woke take on recent events. And somewhat concerning. But as long as they're not gatekeeping like GA does, I'm not going to get too alarmed about it. Of course, the possibility of there being manipulation with multiple accounts with up/down votes and comments is a concern too, but it's hard to know exactly to what extent that happens (or whether or not mods engage in it, but generally I give the benefit of the doubt).

25365861? ago

(((Mods))) FTFY

25366691? ago

yeah that could be,

I'll have to go back and the find the sticky that people are complaining about.

25366769? ago

Its very paniced kikey. They REALLY didnt like how effective kyle was. I think the convulsing jewish pedophile with a headshot upset them.

25362206? ago

post your nose sizes, Mods

25366131? ago

crazy picture, was there an explanation for what they were doing?

25368619? ago

Possibly from 3rd reich "Ahnenerbe", expedition to collect antropologic data.

Check Bruno Beger


25362737? ago


25364137? ago

Pepe would be displeased with you

25362283? ago

goo goo goo joob