25359881? ago

My oh my grandpa, what a big nose you have!

25359267? ago

I bet it does. Being a real antifa might get your arm blown half off, or a bullet in the head. Stay safe out there little kike buddy. Keep putting those useful idiot cannon fodder on the streets.

But just remember, one day they might even wake up and come for you, and you aren't going to know they are coming.

25358543? ago

You're a clown and have no future. You will probably windup still working at starbucks in your 40s or be shot dead in some alley. The last thing you will hear is "someone call the police"

25358575? ago

That was hurtful, try again.

25358730? ago

The truth often hurts. The ppl you are working for don't give a shit what happens to you and being a protesters isn't a career. Do yourself a favor and forget this insanity and start planning for your future. Being constantly angry and full of spite is no way to live your life. I saw a vid recently where some antifa guy was shot in the head then later died only to be forgotten. Don't throw your life away for ppl who only see you as a pawn.

25358804? ago

Good advice. I'm not angered by the trolls though.

25358442? ago

That's likely a more honest self-appraisal than anything else you've claimed here.

25358604? ago

I'm not a mod PERIOD

25360578? ago


Mods haven't been a thing since 1960's London.

On top of everything else, I'd hate to have to think of you as some Limey Boomer.

25357971? ago

Nice try, Rabbi fastjackoff.

You might want to stop using the term "astroturf". It's a stylometric that gives you away every time.

You stupid nigger-loving jewfag. Go fellate the business end of a shotgun and do the world a favor.

25358069? ago

You might want to stop using the term "astroturf". It's a stylometric that gives you away every time.

It is what it is, astroturf.

You stupid nigger-loving jewfag. Go fellate the business end of a shotgun and do the world a favor.

You pussy hat, I don't plan on necking myself. You, however, should take your own advice.

25358097? ago

Go shit up a rope, you derriere chapeau. (((You))) don't get to define what this movement is, who's in it, or how we behave.

Go cower behind your wife's boyfriend's skirt and beg to suck his black cock again, you miserable jew. You're barely worth the match to burn.

25358202? ago


Try harder rabbi.

25358211? ago

burn faster, jewboy.

25358297? ago

burn faster, jewboy.


Have you tried forum slide again?

25358303? ago

Have you diddled your little sister again today?

25358333? ago

Have you diddled your little sister again today?


Projection of radical left.

25358341? ago

I don't care what you call that thing in your pants. Keep it away from the kids, Red Sea pedestrian.

25358406? ago

Good advice rabbi, listen to yourself. So long shlomo.

25358420? ago

You fuck your mom with that mouth?

25358508? ago

You fuck your mom with that mouth?

Your projection is off the chart, A+.

25358530? ago

Whatever you want to believe, Satan-worshipping kiddy-diddler.