25357437? ago

There is no mod.

25357474? ago

Kinda hard to explain the two owners and a mod listed for QRV, then. And the power trip fastjack is currently on, dictating who is and isn't part of this whole thing, and how Q can disavow QRV if he doesn't like fastjack dictating terms to everyone.

And stickying jewfag shit that pisses everyone off, while pretending everyone that opposes him is just astroturfing.

25357105? ago

^^^ @heygeorge @gabara front page

25356981? ago


25357002? ago


25356842? ago

OP thinks he gets to decide who is and isn't part of the movement.

OP thinks he gets to decide what actions we are and aren't allowed to take.

OP thinks he speaks for all of us.

GTFO pussy, you just described yourself.

25357886? ago

OP is digital Antifa.

25360831? ago

I agree

25356534? ago

Cool story kike.

25356727? ago

25356785? ago

Your astroturfing campaign was called out and you're (predictably) buttmad?

25356914? ago

What the actual fuck are you bleating about, Rabbi?