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25357162? ago

Imagine crossing state lines to go to work, and having to defend yourself and some rabbi trying to make you out to be a criminal, sticky note and all,

25369664? ago

The Q anon clown migration, it has led to absolute days of hilarity on voat. Many people suspected this movement was been controlled, kiked, kebabed by anti-American interests, slowly corrupted from the inside. I can at least give the old bommers a high five, give them credit, they took the spam attacks, the abuse without ever throwing hissy fits, But the mods of this place are behaving like jihadi communist sharia law bitches. When Q anon first arried, Not all of us consider you welcome on Voat but now I think they are welcome but the mods can FUCK OFF !! I must congratulate the mods here, this might become one of the most down voted posts of all time and with the virus attacks by Indian street shitters, dumb jihad posts down voted and jewish porn merchants spamming up this place and getting down voted, becoming a down vote winner in that shitshow takes some doing! incredible nose, win a prize!

25369801? ago

q anon mods are horrible people