25356309? ago

Curious if the post on q/research made "notables." My guess is "no." Hope I'm wrong.

25355674? ago

OP, if this is your work, I'd love to talk with you. If not your work, thank you for recognizing its importance and bringing attention to it. This is part of a group that I've been researching for nearly five years.

Note the anon originally posting this writes:

We've tracked it down and gotten shrugs and silence from the authorities and the press, so it's up to us to get the word out. (emphasis mine)

This has been my experience EXACTLY - In fact, you'd be surprised how many have been sent this info and have said NOTHING about it.

A major player - someone's who's tie to nearly every thread topic we see here, is ignored - and I believe, intentionally ignored. We are preparing to release this info and much more that's connected to it. Clinton's a puppet - nothing more.

Here's the entirety of the post that OP's referencing:

Anonymous 08/26/20 (Wed) 22:03:198bcfbd (1) No.10433193>>10433276 >>10433762

File (hide): e848524b47f6a13⋯.jpg (36.08 KB, 600x560, 15:14, internetcop.jpg) (h) (u)

Underrated wikileak

Hillary Clinton personally hired Kathy Calvin. She was part of Richard Branson's B Team, and she was on the board of the UN Foundation with Russia's Igor Ivanov.




B Team is also known as Avaaz, and Purpose, and SumOfUs, and MoveOn.org, and dozens of other names. They were NATO's go-to force for the war against Syria.



Importance: Most of this forced social engineering bullshit came from the UN through Rightscon, APC, and the B Team. We've tracked it down and gotten shrugs and silence from the authorities and the press, so it's up to us to get the word out.

For example, somebody recruited Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka out of South Africa to run UN Women. She said she was headhunted, and someone else said "There are vested interests in how UN-Women operates". Within a short time UN Women had turned the UN into "a feminist missionary organization" obsessed with "gender mainstreaming" by forcing all of the UN to support the most wacky forms of feminism.

Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka was part of the McKinsey Social Initiative with the chair of Saudi British Bank and a co-founder of Purpose.




Also: Saudi Arabia founded the UN Counter-Terrorism Centre. For $10 million they got to call themselves the world's foremost authorities on counter-terrorism. Cheap. The UN then ran "Tech Against Terrorism" with Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Twitter, the UK Home Secretary, and the USA's Department of Homeland Security, and ICT4Peace which gives them a direct line through Linton Wells to the Pentagon's Highlands Forum. Like other UN operations, their PR would include Kathy Calvin's B Team.





Here's the kicker. Avaaz / Purpose / B Team started out as a money laundering ring for Hamas. They are "advised" (led) by al-Shabaka and al-Haq which are fronts for Electronic Intifada, the BDS Movement, and the PFLP.




That's your secret government, the deep state, Big Tech's internet police: the Kill The Jews movement. Endorsed by the Rothschilds and their World Jewish Congress, ironically enough.





25356581? ago

Get in touch with @Arrvee, @Blacksmith21, @defrockeddavidbrock, @jhartz39, @kestrel9, @MikiSayaka33, @MolochHunter, @RayoGundead. They might be into whatever you've found.

25358803? ago

Thanks - am now working with someone to get it out.